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通过课程设置、师资建设、实验与实践、名师工作室、中医护理协会、科研与竞赛、对外交流、校政校企合作等方面在护理教育体系上进行了一系列的探索,形成了以中医护理为特色的老年护理实训教学体系,为培养高层次的应用型老年护理人才发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

王肇俊 《全科护理》2008,6(35):3280-3281
随着经济的发展和社会的变革,高等职业教育已成为我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分。高职护理教育是为临床输送护理人才的主要途径,为适应素质培养和创新教育为主导特征的高职教育教学改革,作为高等医学护理专科学院,如何完善和建立高等职业护理教育的人才模式,培养优秀的临床应用型护理技术人才,还有许多理论和实践问题需要探索和研究,其中考试方法的改革就是需要探索和研究的问题之一。为此,根据教学目标,结合学生的情况和临床实际工作的特点,将小组合作性考核应用到教学评价中,并对效果进行分析。  相似文献   

综合性大学护理本科人才培养模式的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍在综合性大学培养宽口径、应用型、面向21世纪的护理学专业人才培养模式,构建"以能力为本"的应用型本科护理教学体系,强化多种能力和综合素质的培养。该培养模式的特色:优化课程设置,将培养具有综合素质的护理人才的思想和成果渗透到教学内容中;教学方法改革,通过角色互动、案例讨论、合作学习深化了护理本科生理论知识的内化质量;建立了模拟病房、新型多媒体互动实验室等临床实践基地,更新教学观念,改革教学内容,加强学生实践能力的培养;融合护理教育与人文教育,为实现全面提高护理专业本科生的人文素质,培养高素质、综合型高级护理人才的目标创建了条件。  相似文献   

高职院校护理专业双师结构教学团队建设的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探索和实践高职院校护理双师结构教学团队的建设。方法通过院校合作形式,理解双师结构护理教学团队建设的内涵,建立完善的制度保障体系,落实各项强化专兼职教师队伍建设的措施。结果双师结构的护理教学团队建设取得较好成效,专兼职教师教学和实践能力提高,促进了教学改革和临床护理教学。结论院校合作、产学研结合是双师结构教学团队建设的重要渠道。  相似文献   

高职护理教育考试方法改革探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王肇俊 《护理研究》2007,21(4):1029-1030
随着经济的发展和社会的变革,高等职业教育已成为我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分。高职护理教育是为临床输送护理人才的主要途径,为适应素质培养和创新教育为主导特征的高职教育教学改革,作为高等医学护理专科学院,如何完善和建立高等职业护理教育的人才模式,培养优秀的临床应用型护理技术人才,还有许多理论和实践问题需要探索和研究,其中考试方法的改革就是需要护理教育工作者探索和研究的问题之一。  相似文献   

培养学生的实践技能和创新性思维是现代社会发展对医学检验人才培养提出的新的要求。为此,在医学检验技术专业实施创新实践教学是符合应用型医学检验人才教育办学方针的有效教学途径。该文从实践团队的建设,实践课程体系的建设等方面初步探讨医学检验技术专业创新实践课程建设的具体构思与措施,以及探讨此项课程建设对医学检验技术专业本科生进行创新思维及实践能力培养的可行性。  相似文献   

旨在探索高职高专护理专业内科、外科、儿科、妇产科专科护理实践教学的课程设置、教学内容及教学方法的改革。以能力本位构建专科护理实践教学课程模块:护理评估、护理计划、心理护理、健康教育、专科技能操作、综合运用实训和语言沟通7个教学模块;并以护士职业实践活动为核心实施模块教学,力求探索培养适应临床需求的应用型护士的新方法。  相似文献   

为探索"新医科"背景下地方高校医学检验人才培养改革路径, 分析医学检验技术人才培养现状, 贵州医科大学实际, 在教学模式、教学平台和实践教学等方面进行探索与改革, 构建形成了"区域一体化"育人体系及"三化驱动、四面融通"人才培养模式, 提升了人才培养质量并向贵州基层输送了大量医学检验人才。贵州医科大学的改革实践可为地方高校培养应用型医学检验人才提供参考。  相似文献   

目的构建基于培养途径创新的应用型护理本科人才培养模式。方法依据高等教育应用型本科人才培养基本理论,学习借鉴国内外已有经验,结合本院实际情况通过理论教学、实践教学、护理特色课外活动三种途径,在教育教学实践中运用与推广。结果TPN应用型护理本科人才培养模式的构建与应用,使学生培养质量不断提高,学生就业率保持100%,用人单位对毕业生评价稳步提升。结论TPN人才培养模式符合学院实际情况,具有良好的实用性,为培养应用型护理本科人才提供了适宜的模式。  相似文献   

目的在建构主义教育理论指导下,强化临床护理实践教学,培养实用型护理人才.方法采取院校合作的模式,在教学中创设多种教学情景,并且实施带教导师制和临床考核制.结果促进了学生的自主发展,学生的综合能力和素质得到提高,收到了令人满意的效果.结论临床护理实践教学是护理教学中理论联系实际的重要环节,是提高教学质量,培养合格护理人才的重要途径.  相似文献   

目的探讨分析微视频联合Teach-back教学对呼吸与危重症医学科技能带教效果的影响。方法选择2019年1月—2020年7月院中130名呼吸与危重症医学科实习护士,按照组间基本特征具有可比性的原则分为对照组和观察组,每组65名。对照组接受常规教学,观察组进行微视频联合Teach-back教学,对两组实习护士带教效果进行对照分析。结果观察组实习护士的考核成绩高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组实习护士教学后核心胜任力优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组实习护士教学效果评价高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在呼吸与危重症医学科技能带教之中,采取微视频联合Teach-back教学模式,可以对实习护士的理论成绩、实践操作成绩进行提高,加强实习护士的核心胜任力,并进一步提高实习护士对教学效果的评价。  相似文献   

This paper provides a report of the usage of a phenomenological research methodology to investigate the influence on clinical practice of pre- and post-registration nurse education which makes explicit use of experiential teaching and learning approaches. The primary aim of the research was to explore the use of a phenomenological research methodology to examine the students'understanding of experiential teaching and learning. The claims made for the use of experiential teaching and learning approaches in both pre- and post-registration nurse courses and how clinical practice is influenced by the experiential learning elements of pre- and post-registration nurse education were also examined. The first stage of the enquiry involved focused non-directive interviews with members of BSc Nursing Studies and MSc Mental Health Branch programmes. Both programmes claim to make use of experiential teaching and learning. The data were analysed using a technique developed by Giorgi. Previous experiences of experiential teaching and learning were probed, student interpretations differentiated, and the relationship between course-based learning using experiential approaches and the implications for it's influence on practice were examined. The second stage of the enquiry has followed up the initial findings, exploring the students'experience of experiential approaches on their courses both in the classroom and in work-based learning situations. The findings are presented and discussed in the context of other studies from both nurse and higher education. Throughout the paper methodological concerns arising are discussed. The paper concludes with the identification of methodological problems arising from the research strategy: the implications of the power nexus created when teachers research students, and issues relating to the use of a phenomenological methodology in a longitudinal study.  相似文献   

Collaborating with practitioners in teaching and research: a model for developing the role of the nurse lecturer in practice areas The integration of nurse education with higher education in the United Kingdom, has highlighted an uncertainty over the clinical role of nurse lecturers. Although benefits have been identified from lecturers maintaining strong links with clinical practice, the evidence suggests that nurse lecturer participation in practice areas is limited. This paper reports a strategy for developing the clinical role of the nurse lecturer through collaborating with practitioners in teaching and research. An action research project designed to implement and evaluate a teaching programme for pre-registration nursing students was developed. The research aimed to evaluate the programme and identify the benefits for students, practitioners and the nurse lecturer in collaborating in teaching on the programme. Ethical approval was granted from the local research ethics committee. Data were collected in three ways: questionnaires to 17 students; focused interviews with nine practitioners; and analysis of the reflective diary kept by the lecturer. Findings identified the success of the teaching programme and also revealed substantial benefits for students, practitioners and the lecturer. Selected findings are used to demonstrate how the liaison, teaching, clinical practice and research elements of the nurse lecturer's clinical role could be developed. The project was small scale and grounded within a specific context and thus may not be applicable to other settings. However, it is suggested that collaboration between nurse educationalists and practitioners in this way offers a potential model for developing the clinical role of the nurse lecturer.  相似文献   

Critical thinking is currently a highly valued educational outcome throughout the educational spectrum, but particularly so in relation to higher and professional education. International concerns have focused upon citizen's thinking abilities and thus the nations' abilities to function and compete in complex societies and economies. Educationalists are questioning the wisdom of teaching content as opposed to teaching how to think as a means of dealing with relentless information development and change. Nursing education is also embracing the construct critical thinking as a desirable educational outcome. Some commentators refer to the importance of critical thinking in nursing practice as a central component or in some cases a given. This paper intends to examine the background to the construct and address in detail some of the important questions surrounding critical thinking, and its association with competent nursing practice.  相似文献   

Limited research is available on how best to provide discharge teaching for rehabilitation patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different methods for providing education to increase patient knowledge about discharge medications. Using a convenience sample of patients and family members, a randomized, experimental study design was conducted to compare three methods for teaching about discharge medications (geragogy format plus scheduled time for teaching; geragogy format alone; standard teaching method). No differences were found in knowledge between the three teaching methods, but family members had significantly lower confidence levels before the teaching sessions than patients; patients' confidence levels increased after education (p = .002). Although the teaching method did not affect medication knowledge, family members (though not patients) experienced significant increases in confidence levels for administering discharge medications after the education.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century maternal-child faculty members are now being encouraged to base their teaching practice on sound evidence. Finding that evidence, however, can be challenging. This article discusses not only the current state of research on teaching in nursing, but also how and where educators can access information about teaching that is based on research. It also describes strategies educators can use to develop an evidence-based approach to teaching. Topics included in this discussion include recommended literature resources in nursing and education, bibliographic database search techniques, guides for appraisal of quantitative and qualitative research, and relevant nursing education and general education professional organizations. In addition, an evidence hierarchy from the field of education is introduced to rank educational studies in nursing. If nurse educators are to apply the evidence-based process used in clinical practice to the practice of nursing education, more research is needed in this field.  相似文献   

[目的]分析国内护理教育的热点并探讨相关研究趋势,以期为我国护理教育者提供参考和借鉴。[方法]检索中国知网、万方、维普2013年—2017年发表在护理科技核心期刊上的护理教育文献,使用BICOMB和gCLUTO软件进行词频和图形聚类分析。[结果]共纳入895篇文献,截取高频主题词46个,双向聚类结果显示2013年—2017年护理教育包含灾难护理教育和管理、教学方法改革及评价、护理专业硕士临床实践能力研究、实践教学模式研究、姑息护理和社区护理教学研究7个研究热点、护生认知与行为相关性研究、老年护理教学方法和护生学习能力研究。[结论]本研究总结出的2013年—2017年我国护理教育领域研究热点具有一定代表性,可为今后该领域研究发展提供参考。  相似文献   

ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: ? Service user involvement is an important part of pre-registration nursing programmes, as it can give students the opportunity to learn from users about their experiences of health and illness, but so far there have been limited studies in this area. ? This literature review provides an opportunity to explore how service user involvement in classroom settings can impact on student learning, and describes methods of best practice. ? Further research is needed to understand the influence of service user involvement on student nurses' clinical practice. ABSTRACT: Service user involvement in pre-registration nurse education is now a requirement, yet little is known about how students engage with users in the classroom, how such initiatives are being evaluated, how service users are prepared themselves to teach students, or the potential influence on clinical practice. The aim of this literature review was to bring together published articles on service user involvement in classroom settings in pre-registration mental health nurse education programmes, including their evaluations. A comprehensive review of the literature was carried out via computer search engines and the Internet, as well as a hand search of pertinent journals and references. This produced eight papers that fitted the inclusion criteria, comprising four empirical studies and four review articles, which were then reviewed using a seven-item checklist. The articles revealed a range of teaching and learning strategies had been employed, ranging from exposure to users' personal stories, to students being required to demonstrate awareness of user perspectives in case study presentations, with others involving eLearning and assessment skills initiatives. This review concludes that further longitudinal research is needed to establish the influence of user involvement in the classroom over time.  相似文献   

Translating and integrating scholarship into practice is a difficult concept for students to embrace through a passive education model. Therefore, innovative teaching strategies were integrated into a translational science course for online graduate nursing students. The purpose of this project was to increase understanding of the research process and stimulate interest in translating nursing evidence into practice. The result was an effective educational strategy for teaching and learning about the research process in a virtual environment.  相似文献   

目的 探索大专护生护理研究课程教学的方式、方法、为本科护生的护理研究课程教学积累经验。方法 对32名大专护生进行护理研究知识教学,寓教于实践.学以致用,使学生在具体的护理研究过程中.掌握护理研究的程序、具体的工作方法。结果 16项学生护理研究课题立项.11篇学生论文在护理期刊上发表,同时使学生学会主动学习,提高运用知识的能力,培养创新意识,为今后的工作打下良好的基础。结论 大专护生通过护理研究知识的教学,能够较好地培养大专护生研究的能力,这种边教边实践的教学方式比较适合护理研究知识的教学。  相似文献   

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