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基因重组α干扰素治疗48例慢性粒细胞白血病的临床观察   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
为观察干扰素的疗效,应用基因重组α干扰素(IFN-α)治疗48例慢性粒细胞白血病(CML),其中慢性期(CP)45例(2例完全缓解病例),加速期(AP)3例。剂量大多为隔日300万U,4例为每日600万U,平均疗程为8.6个月(3~39个月)。单用IFN-α治疗CMLCP7例,其中3例有效;联用甲异靛治疗17例,联用羟基脲治疗9例,有效率分别为94.1%和55.6%,与单用甲异靛或羟基脲治疗者相比无显著差异;IFN-α同时与甲异靛和羟基脲合用10例,7例有效。IFN-α能明显减少联用药物的剂量,减轻其毒副作用。缓解后12例单用IFN-α维持治疗,平均持续缓解时间为6.5个月。复查Ph+CML29例,治疗后均未达到完全转阴,其中1例Ph染色体阳性率由100%降至8%,9例由100%降至70%~90%,总有效率为34.5%。细胞遗传学好转的患者平均用药剂量和用药时间明显高于细胞遗传学未好转者。结果提示IFN-α可用于CMLCP和缓解后维持治疗,若加大剂量和延长用药时间,有可能进一步提高疗效。IFN-α对CMLAP无效。  相似文献   

功能独立测量的临床运用分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
目的:通过分析功能独立测量(FIM)在临床运用的情况,探讨其作为康复科常规残疾测量的价值。方法:用FIM对157例康复科住院患者进行测量,并对不同病种入出院FIM值进行配对分析,计算康复效益。结果:脑卒中、脊髓损伤、脑外伤及其他疾病患者的FIM运动分、认知分及总分均有明显改变(P<0.01);颈椎病、腰腿痛患者运动分有改变(P<0.01),其康复效益较高;周围神经损伤患者出入院FIM运动分、认知分、总分均无明显变化(P>0.05),其康复效益低。结论:FIM能反应康复过程中患者功能独立情况的变化,且与不同病种的功能独立情况相符合,可作为康复科常规测量方法  相似文献   

功能独立性评测的信度与效度的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的在本国的文化背景下,研究功能独立性评测(functionalindependencemeasure,FIM)的重测信度与构想效度。方法使用FIM、Barthelindex(BI)、PULSESADL功能评定量表(PULSES)、运动评估量表(motorasesmentscale,MAS)、残疾分级量表(disabilityratingscale,DRS),对68例患者(脑卒中33例、脑外伤30例、脊髓损伤5例)的残疾进行评定,对18例患者(脑卒中6例、脑外伤7例、脊髓损伤5例)使用FIM作了重复测定,同时收集相关资料如年龄、合并症、性别等。结果FIM的重测信度高(r>0.96,P<0.05)。FIM与BI、MAS、PULSES高度相关(P<0.05),与DRS无关(P>0.05)。结论在我国的文化背景下FIM的重测信度与构想效度高,可以在我国推广使用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血浆β-血小板球蛋白(β-TG)、血小板4因子(PF4)在急性脑梗死(ACI)和多灶性脑梗死病人中的动恋变化。方法:采用酶标免疫测定法测定40例ACI患者6~72h、7天和33例多灶性脑梗死患者及30例对照组血浆β-TG、PF4的变化。结果:发现ACI组6~72h、β-TG和PF4、7天后PF4及多灶性脑梗死组PF均高于对照组(P〈0.01),且ACI组7天后PF4较6~72h显著下降(  相似文献   

目的研究老年人糖尿病(DM)易漏诊的原因,以提高对老年人DM的正确诊断率。方法口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),分析不同年龄组不同空腹血糖(FBG)水平DM及糖耐量减低(IGT)的检出率。结果FBG正常(≤6.11mmol/L),中年组255人中DM32人(12.5%),DM及IGT84人(32.9%),老年组299人中DM87人(29.1%),DM及IGT173人(57.9%),两组间有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论对FBG正常的老年人,若有肥胖、高血压病、高脂血症或DM家族史等高危因素,做OGTT有利于早期检出DM。  相似文献   

多发性骨髓瘤患者骨髓细胞IL-6分泌机制的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者骨髓细胞中白细胞介素6(IL-6)分泌机制。方法:应用双标记免疫荧光技术检测了16例MM患者和19例对照者新鲜分离的骨髓单个核细胞中IL-6表达情况。结果:MM患者骨髓单个核细胞IL-6表达阳性率为15.4%±6.5%,骨髓瘤细胞IL-6表达阳性率达7.9%±2.9%,基质细胞IL-6表达阳性率达4.5%±1.2%;对照组骨髓单个核细胞IL-6表达阳性率为4.6%±2.3%,基质细胞IL-6表达阳性率为2.6%±1.1%,浆细胞IL-6表达阳性率为0.7%±0.1%。MM患者均较对照组显著升高(P均<0.001)。另外MM组骨髓单个核细胞中基质细胞所占比率为6.9%±1.4%,也较对照组的4.7%±1.8%明显升高(P<0.001)。结论:MM患者升高的IL-6既可由瘤细胞分泌,又可由基质细胞分泌,自分泌和旁分泌机制可能都参与了MM的发病。  相似文献   

目的了解白细胞介素4(IL-4)、γ干扰素(IFNγ)对哮喘患儿IgE生成的调节作用。方法应用酶联免疫吸附试验,检测了22例过敏性哮喘患儿外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)培养上清液中IL-4和IFNγ的含量以及血清中IL-4、IFNγ和IgE的水平,并进行了相关性研究。结果哮喘组患儿PBMC培养上清液中IL-4与IFNγ含量分别为267.0±188.7ng/L和0.97±0.51μg/L,与对照组(92.7±14.7ng/L和1.75±0.88μg/L)比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.001,P<0.01)。哮喘组血清中IL-4和IgE含量分别为90.5±52.6ng/L和916.0±523.2kU/L,而对照组分别为32.2±23.0ng/L和186.6±127.7kU/L(P<0.01,P<0.001)。哮喘患儿血清中IL-4与IgE浓度呈正相关(r=0.61),而IFNγ与IgE呈负相关(r=-0.49)。结论提示IL-4在哮喘患儿IgE的产生中起促进作用,而IFNγ则起抑制作用。  相似文献   

护理日常生活活动能力量表的效度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 检测护理日常生活活动能力(ADL)量表的效度。方法 回顾分析了25例住院康复患,中风18例,脑外伤7例,记录入院、出院时护理ADL量表左、右侧ADL分(LADL、RADL),偏瘫侧ADL分(HEMIADL)、非偏瘫侧ADL分(NHEMIADL),并记录其功能独立测量(FIM)、巴塞尔指数(BI)、Fugl-Meyer脑卒中运动功能评分9FUGL)、简易精神状态检查分(MMSE)、住院时间(  相似文献   

抗IFNα测定与重组α—2a干扰素治疗病毒性肝炎疗效的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解抗IFNα在慢性生肝炎患者用常规护肝、胸腺肽或干扰素治疗时的检出情况及其与IFNα-2a治疗效果的关系,用酶免疫法测定抗IFNα。结果显示或干扰素治疗的患者抗IFNα阳性率显著高于正常人和常规护肝治疗组(P〈0.01),其中乙肝患者抗IFNα阳性率(66.7%)高于丙肝患者(14.3%),干扰素治疗前、后出现抗IFNα与干扰素治疗效果有一定联系。提示慢性肝炎患者干扰素治疗前后抗IFNα检测有  相似文献   

严重创伤并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征的临床特点   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:探讨严重创伤并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的临床特点。方法:对162例严重创伤、创伤严重度评分(ISS)≥16分者进行回顾性分析,46例并发ARDS,均发生了全身炎症反应综合征,其中31例发生多脏器衰竭(MOF)。并对46例ARDS发生率为71.8%,显著高于ISS16~25分者(28.2%)。发生MOF患者血浆ET-1、ADM、TMF-α显著增高,且死亡组高于存活组。结论:创伤严重程度  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between functional disability assessed with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and burden of care in hemiplegic stroke patients living at home. METHOD: The population is constituted of stroke survivors, initially treated in an academic inpatient Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation unit. Assessments included an evaluation of impairments (aphasia, negligence, cognitive impairment, motor impairment : Fugl-Meyer (FM) scale), disability (Functional Independence Measure (FIM) ), and burden of care (physical assistance and supervision). RESULTS: Forty-five subjects and their caregiver completed the assessments. Time spent on physical assistance and supervision were significantly correlated with FM and FIM scores. Cognitive deficits correlated with supervision time but not with physical assistance time. DISCUSSION-CONCLUSION: These results confirm the predictive value of functional independence measure relative to burden of care in a population of stroke patients with hemiplegia living at home. These results show that cognitive impairments are more specifically correlated with supervision time. This must be confirmed by studies taking into account functional and cognitive conditions of the patient, functional and psychological conditions of life of caregiver and also economical and environmental conditions of life.  相似文献   

Purpose. To evaluate the chronic consequences of stroke in terms of activity limitations, restricted participation and dissatisfaction from life, and the relationship between these variables, in stroke survivors living in the community one-year post onset.

Method. A total of 56 stroke patients (mean age: 57.7) who completed an in-patient rehabilitation programme, were evaluated one-year post onset in their homes, using the following instruments: Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (IADLq), Activity Card Sort (ACS), a work questionnaire, Life-Satisfaction Questionnaire (Li-Sat 9) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).

Results. One year post stroke onset the mean FIM motor score was 75.88 (max score: 91), yet more than 50% of the sample still required assistance (usually mild to moderate) in dressing, bathing and use of stairs. The majority of the sample required full assistance in some IADL domains, notably meal preparation (77%), housekeeping (70%) and laundry (82%). Only one subject returned to paid employment and the mean activity level (ACS), representing the percentage of leisure and IADL activities retained from before stroke, was 42.8%. Satisfaction ratings were generally low but varied between domains. Only 39% were satisfied from 'life as a whole'. The lowest satisfaction rates were noted for 'vocational situation' (14%), 'leisure situation' (34%) and 'ability in self-care' (43%), whereas the satisfaction rate from family life was high (84%). Significant correlations were found between overall life satisfaction scores and the overall FIM motor, IADLq, and ACS scores (Pearson r values: 0.32, 0.48 and 0.57, respectively). Activity level was found to be a significant predictor of satisfaction (p = 0.007) beyond that accounted for by demographic variables and depression.

Conclusions. Stroke survivors dwelling in the community demonstrate long-standing dissatisfaction one-year post onset, correlating with activity limitation and restricted participation. The findings present a compelling need for rehabilitation services with a focus on participation in IADL and leisure activities, in order to improve the satisfaction of this population.  相似文献   

脑卒中残损评价表评定急性脑卒中患者的有效性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 初步探讨脑卒中残损评价表(SIAS)评估急性脑卒中患者的有效性。方法 对42例急性脑卒中患者用SIAS,Brunnstrom运动功能评定,Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定以及功能独立性测量(FIM)4种量表进行评定,将SIAS运动项目部分与Brunnstrom运动功能评定和Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定结果。SIAS总分与FIM总分进行相关和回归分析。结果 SIAS运动项目部分得分与Brunnstrom运动功能评定分级,Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定得分之间显著相关(r=0.7440-0.9426)。SIAS总分与Fugl-Meyer运动功能得分间,SIAS总分与FIM总分间可建立回归方程。结论 SIAS评定急性脑卒中患者显示出良好的效度,可在临床推广应用。  相似文献   


Purpose: To present our experience in measuring rehabilitation achievements of post-acute hip fractured patients with the FIM instrument; assess its appropriateness as to the patients’ various disability levels and describe our experience with other measuring tools in patients less sensitive to changes in the FIM instrument. Methods: A retrospective study performed in a post-acute geriatric rehabilitation center. Three hundred and eighty-seven hip fractured patients admitted from January 2010 to May 2012 were included in this study. Patients were evaluated by the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), the Timed Get Up and Go (TUG) test and “bed to chair” transfer FIM parameter. The study population was divided into three disability groups according to their admission disability level: high (admission FIM score <40), moderate (FIM 40–79) and low (FIM?≥?80). The Mann–Whitney U, ANOVA and Chi square tests analyzed the data. Results: The FIM instrument was found most sensitive in identifying functional change in patients with moderate disability. Low disability patients received more physio- and occupational-therapy treatment time, yet achieved a lower mean FIM score change compared to moderately disabled patients. The smallest real difference (SRD?=?13) for the FIM score was achieved by 60% of patients with moderate disability. When assessed by the TUG test, most patients (94%) improved their score. The SRD% of 31% was achieved by 71.7% of the patients. Nineteen patients (35.9%) achieved a discharge score of <20?s. The high disability group achieved the lowest mean FIM score change. On admission, 52/64 (81%) patients required considerable help in transferring from bed to chair (FIM 1–2), however, upon discharge, the majority (69.2%) improved to the level of a one man transfer (FIM?≥?3). Forty-one (64.1%) patients were discharged home. Conclusion: Post-acute hip fracture patients exhibit variable functional ability. Assessing rehabilitation achievements with a disability measure is limited; therefore, it is advisable to use an instrument most suitable to the patients’ disability level.
  • Implication for Rehabilitation
  • Post-acute hip fracture patients exhibit variable functional ability.

  • Assessing rehabilitation achievements with a disability measure is limited.

  • It is advisable to use an instrument most suitable to the patients’ disability level.


OBJECTIVE: To compare demographics and functional outcomes in stroke rehabilitation in Japan and the United States. DESIGN: In Japan, 464 consecutive patients with first stroke were enrolled. The United States data were collected from the ninth annual report on patients discharged from medical rehabilitation hospital programs in the United States that subscribe to the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation. RESULTS: There are many differences between the two countries. Japanese survivors were 10 yr younger, were admitted to the rehabilitation hospital after a markedly longer period of time after the onset of the stroke, had comparably severe impairment on admission, had markedly longer lengths of stay, and had relatively severe disability at discharge. The mean or median admission FIM total score was comparable between Japan and the United States. The mean or median discharge FIM total score of Japanese patients was similar to that of the United States. CONCLUSIONS: This may account for the lower rehabilitation efficiency for the Japanese patients. Mean admission FIM total scores in Japan were approximately the same as the discharge FIM scores in the United States data. Rate of discharge to the community was higher in Japan than in the United States.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore racial/ethnic differences in FIM data from admission to discharge in underinsured patients undergoing inpatient stroke rehabilitation. DESIGN: This is a retrospective analysis of the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR) database of an inpatient rehabilitation unit of a county hospital in a large urban city. Data included 171 adult patients admitted to the stroke rehabilitation unit between January 2000 and October 2003. Main outcome measures included admission and discharge total FIM score, FIM gain, FIM efficiency, and length of stay (LOS). Data were analyzed using chi analyses, t tests, univariate analysis of variance, binary logistic regression, and hierarchical multiple regression. RESULTS: Data from 68 Hispanic, 83 black, and 20 white patients were included in the study. Univariate tests revealed that race/ethnicity groups differed significantly on admission FIM score (F=5.38, P<0.005), FIM gain (F=4.35, P<0.014), and FIM efficiency (F=3.42, P<0.035). Post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed that Hispanics had lower admission FIM scores than blacks (58.9 vs. 68.9). However, Hispanics had higher FIM gain scores than blacks (26.8 vs. 21.5). Race/ethnicity was not significantly related to age, gender, side of stroke, type of stroke, time from onset of stroke to rehabilitation admission, discharge FIM score, or LOS. Multiple regression analyses revealed that after controlling for all other available factors, race/ethnicity accounted for a significant amount of additional variance in admission FIM score (5.8%) and FIM efficiency (4.6%), but not in discharge FIM score, FIM gain, or LOS. Race/ethnicity was not predictive of discharge disposition. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in functional independence at admission to poststroke rehabilitation and the average daily improvement in function are related, in part, to patients' race/ethnicity. Differences in change in functional independence from admission to discharge (FIM gain) are not related to race/ethnicity once other factors, particularly admission FIM score, are taken into account. Future studies should identify reasons why Hispanics have lower admission FIM scores because demographic and stroke-related variables were not related to ethnicity yet have outcomes similar to blacks and whites at discharge.  相似文献   

Results of stroke rehabilitation in Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BackgroundClean intermittent catheterization (CIC) is the reference treatment of urinary retention in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS). Predicting which patients could use this treatment, based on their motor and cognitive abilities, is crucial.ObjectivesTo determine whether the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), used to assess degree of disability, can predict the outcome of CIC training in pwMS.MethodsAll pwMS attending a tertiary neuro-urology department between 2011 and 2019 and eligible for CIC were included in this retrospective study. Level of disability was assessed with the FIM by an occupational therapist. Success for learning CIC, defined as the ability to perform at least 2 trials of the technique, was recorded at the end of the session by a continence nurse and a physiatrist. The association between the FIM and success for learning CIC was assessed by multivariable analysis.ResultsWe included 395 patients (mean [SD] age 49.8 [12.0] years; 70% women). More than half of patients had relapsing-remitting disease, and the Expanded Disability Status Scale score was  6. Mean FIM total, motor and cognitive scores were 108.0 (14.2), 75.9 (12.3) and 32.1 (3.7), respectively (maximal scores: 126, 91 and 35). At the end of the session, 87% of patients were successful in learning CIC. After adjustment of potential confounding variables including age, sex, obesity and EDSS score, FIM total, motor and cognitive subscores were significantly associated with success (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 1.06 [1.03–1.08], 1.05 [1.03–1.08], 1.21 [1.12–1.32], respectively).ConclusionsFIM was an independent predictor of successful CIC training in pwMS. A 1-point increase in FIM was associated with 6% increased odds of successfully mastering the CIC technique. A widespread use of the FIM could help determine the different cognitive and/or motor objectives that need to be improved before CIC teaching.  相似文献   


Purpose: Few studies have investigated the ability of treatment teams to predict functional improvement and whether an association between predicted goals and discharge function in patients with stroke exists. This study investigated goal prediction during stroke rehabilitation delivered in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF) and the factors associated with goal prediction. Methods: A serial, cross-sectional design analyzing the Medicare IRF Patient Assessment Instrument dataset. The sample included 179?479 admissions for stroke aged over 65 years in 968 IRFs. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) controlled for facility cluster effects were used for analysis of time trends for length of stay (LOS), predicted Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores, discharge FIM scores and predicted-discharge difference FIM scores (goal FIM scores minus discharge FIM scores). GEE models were employed to determine the correlation between predicted FIM and discharge FIM scores and factors associated with goal achievement. Results: Mean LOS, predicted FIM scores and discharge FIM scores decreased 1.8?d, 2.2 points and 3.6 points, respectively, while predicted-discharge difference FIM scores increased 1.3 points. Discharge goals were not met 78.9% of the time. After controlling for patient characteristics, each predicted FIM point was associated with 0.6 discharge FIM points (p?<?0.0001). Factors associated with not meeting or exceeding goals were: age (odds ratio; OR?=?0.997), African Americans (OR?=?0.905), number of comorbidities (OR?=?0.970), number of complications (OR?=?0.932) and right brain stroke (OR?=?0.869). Factors associated with meeting or exceeding goals were: LOS (OR?=?1.03), admission FIM score (OR?=?1.02) and females (OR?=?1.05). Conclusions: Trends for lower goals and lower discharge function occurred over time. A correlation existed between predicted FIM scores and discharge FIM scores. Patient factors were associated with goal achievement.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Using the Functional Independence Measure, rehabilitation teams set lower goals for stroke rehabilitation in inpatient rehabilitation facilities during first 5.5 years of the IRF-PAI dataset.

  • Discharge FIM scores also trended lower and fell at faster rate than goal FIM scores.

  • Teams’ goal FIM scores averaged nearly 12 points higher than discharge FIM scores, and over 75% of patients did not reach goals for the rehabilitation stay.

  • Factors associated with meeting or exceeding goals were: length of stay, admission FIM scores and being a female. Factors associated with not meeting or exceeding goals were: age, number of comorbidities and complications, having a right-brain stroke and being African American.


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the admission functional score influences the functional change after stroke rehabilitation. DESIGN: Two hundred forty-three patients who had received the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) assessment at admission and at discharge were enrolled in the study. The patients were stratified into three groups according to their FIM total scores at admission, i.e., < or =36, 37 to 72, and > or =73. RESULTS: The Scheffé's multiple comparison test showed that patients with FIM total scores of > or =73 at admission were significantly younger (58 +/- 11 [SD] yr) than those who had scores of 37 to 72 (64 +/- 11 yr) or < or =36 (66 +/- 12 yr). Patients with FIM total scores of 37 to 72 at admission showed significantly higher FIM gain (37 +/- 15) compared with those patients who had scores of > or =73 (20 +/- 10) or < or =36 (29 +/- 23). CONCLUSION: The functional levels of affected patients at admission stratified by the FIM scale roughly predict the degree of functional gain after rehabilitation in survivors with a first episode of ischemic stroke. Moderately affected patients will benefit from intensive rehabilitation. These findings may be useful for rehabilitation triage.  相似文献   

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