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目的 探讨先天性心脏病(先心痛)患儿母亲的照顾经验.方法 采用半结构式访谈,访谈患儿母亲16名,采用Colaizzi现象学研究法分析资料.结果 先心病患儿母亲的照顾感受可归纳为5个主题:心理负担过重,照顾任务繁重,应对态度不同,经济负担过重,社会支持需求迫切.结论 了解母亲照顾先天性心脏病患儿的真实经验及内心感受可协助护理人员提供个性化护理,提高母亲的生活质量,促进患儿恢复.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨维吾尔族脑性瘫痪患儿母亲的照顾体验。[方法]采用半结构式访谈,访谈维吾尔族脑瘫患儿母亲12名,采用Colaizzi现象学研究法分析资料。[结果]维吾尔族脑瘫患儿母亲的照顾感受可归纳为4个主题:心理负担过重、承受照顾负荷、家庭照护知识缺乏、社会支持系统薄弱。[结论]了解维吾尔族脑瘫患儿母亲照顾脑瘫患儿的真实体验及内心感受,可协助护理人员提供个性化护理。对其提供专业的居家照护知识和康复指导及心理疏导,以减轻照顾母亲心理负担,提高其母亲的生活质量,促进患儿康复。  相似文献   

何淑凤  肖丽霞  朱彩金  谢英  王艳玲 《全科护理》2020,18(19):2449-2451,2464
[目的]探索婴儿肝炎综合征患儿住院期间母亲照顾患儿的真实体验,为临床护理提供依据。[方法]采用质性研究中的现象学研究法,深度访谈并收集11名患儿母亲照顾体验的资料,应用Colaizzi分析法进行资料分析。[结果]婴儿肝炎综合征患儿母亲的照顾感受可归纳为4个主题:心理负荷过重,疾病不确定感,面对压力的应对方式不同,社会支持需求迫切。[结论]初步了解婴儿肝炎综合征患儿母亲的真实体验及内心感受,有助于医务人员为受影响的患儿及其母亲提供临床护理和支持途径。  相似文献   

马明华 《全科护理》2021,19(9):1288-1291
目的:探讨烫伤患儿母亲在照顾患儿入院治疗期间的体会及内心感受,了解影响其内心感受的相关因素.方法:通过半结构访谈方式访问14名因热液不慎烫伤患儿的母亲,将获得的资料通过Colaizzi现象学研究方法进行分析、整理.结果:通过分析、整理和提炼主题,将烫伤患儿母亲的照顾体验归纳于心理负担重,照顾任务重,经济负担重,需要社会支持4个方面.结论:了解烫伤患儿母亲在照顾患儿过程中内心的真实感受,可以协助护理人员更好地提供个性化护理,促进患儿健康恢复,提高患儿母亲的生活质量,减少护患纠纷.  相似文献   

目的探讨白血病复发患儿照顾者在照顾患儿期间的内心感受及体验。方法采用质性研究中的现象学方法,对15名白血病复发患儿照护者进行半结构式访谈,并采用Nancy分析法进行资料分析。结果白血病复发患儿照顾者的感受可归纳为4个主题:心理体验复杂,建立的新的家庭生活再次打破,疾病相关信息的缺乏,支持系统薄弱。结论白血病复发患儿照顾者在照顾患儿的过程中承担着心理、生理等多方面的负担,应对其提供专业的知识技能指导和心理疏导,帮助他们建立社会支持系统,以减轻其照护负担。  相似文献   

目的探讨白血病患儿照顾者在照顾患儿期间的内心感受及体验。方法采用质性研究中的现象学方法,对14名白血病患儿照护者进行半结构式访谈,并采用Nancy分析法进行资料分析。结果白血病患儿照顾者的照顾感受可归纳为5个主题:心理体验复杂,缺乏相关知识和技能,支持系统薄弱,原有家庭生活受影响,支撑照顾者坚强面对的力量,在照顾过程中实现自我价值。结论白血病患儿照顾者在照顾患儿的过程中承担着心理、社会等方面的负担,应对其提供专业的知识技能指导和心理疏导,并帮助其积极构建照顾者社会支持系统,以减轻其照护负担。  相似文献   

目的深入了解先天性肛门直肠畸形(congenital anorectal malformation,ARM)患儿母亲在照顾期间的体验,以期为制订针对性的干预措施提供参考。方法 2015年11月至2016年2月,采用目的抽样法选择重庆医科大学附属儿童医院胃肠外科收治的11例ARM患儿母亲为研究对象,采用现象学研究方法对其进行半结构式访谈,现场录音,根据Colaizzi的7步分析法对资料进行分析,提炼主题。结果 ARM患儿母亲的照顾体验可归纳为6大主题:沉重的心理负担、巨大的照顾压力、社会角色部分缺失及生活重心转移、担忧孩子未来生活、渴望社会支持、缺乏疾病护理知识。结论护理人员应针对ARM患儿母亲的主要问题采取干预措施,帮助患儿得到更多的社会支持,以提升患儿及其家庭的生活质量。  相似文献   

[目的]了解血液肿瘤患儿初诊入院后其主要照顾者的照护体验,找出现有护理中存在的问题。[方法]采用个人深入访谈法,调查15例初诊入院治疗的血液肿瘤患儿的主要照顾者在陪护过程中的体验和感受,应用内容分析法对访谈资料进行提炼。[结果]照顾者对于其照护体验归纳为3个主题:角色转变后的心理应激、照护的压力、对可及的医疗护理的需求。[结论]关注血液肿瘤患儿照顾者照顾的感受和内心体验,可为后期采取有效措施提供依据,从而达到改善家庭生活质量的目的。  相似文献   

白血病患儿母亲心理历程的质性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的了解白血病患儿的母亲在陪伴子女诊断、治疗、康复过程中的真实心理感受,为临床护理人员对患儿家属进行心理支持提供借鉴.方法通过访谈形式,访问了16位白血病患儿的母亲,将获得的资料进行分析、整理,提出主题.结果患儿的母亲在子女患有恶性肿瘤过程中承受着巨大的心理压力和经济压力,表现过程为初诊时的震惊、困惑、拒绝,逐渐转变成无奈接受,对未来持悲观心理.支持系统主要来自母爱天性、丈夫和家人以及其他白血病患儿家长.结论白血病患儿母亲需要深切人文关怀和情感支持,护理人员应采取个性化的护理措施,帮助、指导患儿及其母亲提高生活质量,度过这一艰辛历程.  相似文献   

目的 :了解EV71型手足口病合并脑炎患儿母亲在照顾患儿期间内心深处的感受,为临床护理提供依据。方法 :采用质性研究中的现象学研究法,深度访谈并收集18名患儿母亲的资料。结果 :运用Co1aizzi法通过阅读、分析、反思、分类和提炼,得出3个主题:过重的心理负荷,沉重的经济负担,渴望疾病相关的知识。结论 :深入了解EV71型手足口病合并脑炎患儿母亲的真实照顾体验,有利于护理人员对其提供专业照护知识指导及心理疏导,促进其身心健康和患儿康复。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in Ireland in the nature and significance of respite care for carers and those for whom they care. The relationship of individual stress with caring full time for a child who is learning disabled is well documented. Provision of respite care is seen as an important means of alleviating individual carer stress. Yet, the apparent benefits of respite care have been called into question. The present study looks at this issue within the context of respite service provision in Ireland for young people with learning disabilities. A phenomenological approach was used to explore the views of two mothers on respite care and, in particular, its personal significance for them within the context of their caring relationship for their children. The authors found that for these two mothers, whilst some of the predicted benefits of respite care were present, for example improved social activity, their use of respite care and the experience of separation initiated feelings of guilt and appeared to engender a degree of emotional stress. It is argued that providers of respite services in Ireland need to consider how they can support parents who use respite care so that they see its use as a mark of caring for their child and thereby alleviate such feelings of guilt.  相似文献   

cheung w.k.h. & lee r.l.t. (2012)?Children and adolescents living with atopic eczema: an interpretive phenomenological study with Chinese mothers. Journal of Advanced Nursing68(10), 2247-2255. ABSTRACT: Aim. This article is a report on a phenomenological study of Chinese mothers' experiences of caring for their children who were living with atopic eczema. Background. A mother's attitude and personality may have a direct influence on her child's adherence to treatment for atopic eczema. Thus, good communication between healthcare professionals and the mother is essential. Treatment and care should also be culturally appropriate. Methods. Using an interpretive phenomenological method, 14 interviews were conducted in Hong Kong, China from September 2007 to August 2008, with nine mothers caring for their children who were living with atopic eczema. Crist and Tanner's circular process of hermeneutic interpretive phenomenology was chosen to guide the data analysis. Findings. Mothers' coping patterns involved persistently dealing with enduring demands and seeking alternative therapies that were aimed at curing the disease. Four themes finally emerged from the data: (1) dealing with extra mothering, (2) giving up their life, (3) becoming an expert and (4) living with blame and worry. Mothers' coping patterns involved persistently finding ways to relieve their children's suffering with the aim of curing the disease and dealing with their own emotions related to the frustration resulting from giving up their life and living with blame and worry. Conclusion. The study findings provide nurses with an empathic insight into mothers' feelings and the enduring demands of caring for children with atopic eczema, and help nurses to develop culturally sensitive interventions, reinforce positive coping strategies, increase family function and improve health outcomes.  相似文献   

目的了解肾移植前进行血液透析过渡的患儿父母照顾在照护患儿时的内心感受,以期为制定有针对性的干预措施提供参考。方法采用目的抽样法,选取2016年1-8月在郑州市某三级甲等医院血液净化中心进行维持性血液透析的患儿父母为研究对象,采用半结构式访谈方法对其进行深度访谈,采用Colaizzi的现象学7步分析法对访谈资料进行分析后整理提炼主题。结果通过对访谈资料进行分析,得出以下5个主题:知识缺乏、心理压力过重、经济压力沉重、迫切需求支持系统、家庭应对无效。结论护理工作者在护理患儿的同时,也应关注患儿父母的感受,对其提供专业的知识指导及心理疏导等支持,以减轻其心理负担,以期促进患儿健康的同时改善患儿父母的生活质量,从而更好地实现优质护理。  相似文献   

目的探讨先天性胆道闭锁患儿母亲的自我感受,以期为护理人员更符合满足患儿母亲身心需求的护理措施提供临床依据。方法 2015年6月,采用目的抽样法选择在解放军第302医院肝纤维化诊疗中心治疗的先天性胆道闭锁患儿的母亲10名为研究对象。采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法对其进行半结构式访谈,并采用Colaizzi 7步分析法对访谈资料进行分析、整理、提炼主题。结果患儿母亲的自我感受可归纳为以下4个主题:心理压力过大,经济负担过重,社会支持薄弱,疾病知识欠缺。结论护士应主动了解患儿母亲的真实感受,帮助其获得更多的理解和支持,并有针对性的提供相关的护理。  相似文献   

It is known that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) visit health care providers (HCPs) more frequently than typically developing peers, and mothers experience barriers in this process. The purpose of this interpretive phenomenological study was to gain a better understanding of a mother's experiences of taking her child with ASD to the HCP. Two themes related to the health care experience of the child surfaced from the study. These themes included feelings that HCPs do not "get" the complexity of caring for the child and marginalization of mothers by the HCP. The need for creation of child-specific profiles emerged from this study.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, there has been a substantial increase in the proportion of women in the workforce with dependent children. However, this trend is not evident for mothers of children with disabilities. Their employment levels are greatly reduced. The present paper examines the nature of the restrictions which affect the employment participation of these mothers and explores the meaning work has for them. The data presented in this paper were derived from qualitative interviews with 18 mothers of children with disabilities aged between 5 and 15 years. These mothers found employment difficult. They encountered unusual time demands, and a lack of adequate and affordable child care. Furthermore, they felt that their employment opportunities were restricted by attitudes prevalent in society concerning appropriate roles for women, especially mothers of children with disabilities. The lack of opportunities to engage in employment led, in varying degrees, to feelings of isolation, a lack of fulfilment and low self‐esteem. The mothers felt that they were on the periphery of society with little release from the pressures of caring. Mothers who had part‐time jobs often did poorly paid work of low status, thereby encountering few opportunities to use their skills and abilities to the full. Those who attempted a full‐time job experienced stress from the dual demands of home and work, and from a fear that they were failing as mothers. The present paper highlights areas which require attention to improve the employment experience of these mothers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to understand the tasks and activities involved in the caring and nurturing work of mothering, a common and important occupation for many women. METHOD: In-depth, semistructured individual interviews were conducted with 40 mothers: 20 mothers of preschool-age children and 20 mothers of young adults. In addition, participants completed a questionnaire describing the tasks and activities that they currently engage in when caring for their children. RESULTS: The activities involved in mothering are different for the mothers at the two stages of mothering examined. The mothers of preschool-age children are very involved in caretaking tasks and meeting the basic needs of the child, whereas the mothers of young adults are involved in emotional and supportive type activities. Mothers at both stages are involved in caring and nurturing work but this work evolves and changes as children mature. CONCLUSION: These findings extend our awareness of mothering and the tasks and activities involved in the occupation of mothering at both the preschool stage and young-adult stage.  相似文献   

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