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The response of invertebrates to silvicultural treatments (including timber harvesting and post-harvest burning) was examined as part of the FORESTCHECK monitoring project in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of south-west Western Australia. Invertebrates were collected twice yearly (spring and autumn) at 48 sample grids in four jarrah forest ecosystems, which included two different vegetation complexes within the same ecosystem. Grids represented examples of unharvested forest (reference) and forest subject to gap release and shelterwood/selective cut treatments. Collection methods included light trapping, pitfall trapping and hand sampling. A total of 56 705 invertebrate specimens comprising 1497 morphospecies were collected. Within each forest ecosystem, species richness did not differ significantly between gap release, shelterwood/selective cut and reference forest. Estimated total richness of macro-invertebrates varied with silvicultural treatment and collection method: 630 species for pitfall trapping and 1095 for light trapping. Estimated richness from light trapping of grids in unharvested forest was 892 species, compared with 780 species in shelterwood/selective cut and 665 species in gap release treatments. Collection method influenced the direction and magnitude of changes in estimated richness following timber harvesting and post-harvest burning, indicating that multiple collection methods are needed to assess invertebrate response to disturbance. Based on combined capture methods, estimated whole bioregional richness of macro-invertebrate morphospecies was highest in reference forest (1783), intermediate in forest subject to shelterwood/selective cut treatment (1652) and lowest in forest subject to gap release (1527 morphospecies). Greater richness estimates in reference forest are attributable to a greater proportion of macro-invertebrate species that occurred in only one grid. However, the robustness of comparisons between treatments of these bioregional estimates of richness is compromised by inadequate sampling. In contrast, for equivalent sampling effort, species accumulation was slightly greater in silviculturally treated forest than in reference forest, implying that silviculturally treated grids had a more homogenous species composition. Data were analysed using non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination and canonical analysis of principal co-ordinates (CAP) analysis. Invertebrate assemblage composition and abundance were strongly influenced by biogeographic pattern, as represented by forest ecosystem/year of collection (these factors were confounded in the design of the monitoring project). No significant effects of silvicultural treatments on morphospecies composition were detected using CAP analysis of morphospecies abundance. Retention of patches of unharvested forest adjacent to harvested forest will assist in maintaining invertebrate biodiversity at the landscape scale. The data suggest that indicator species may be of limited value for monitoring recovery after disturbance in the jarrah forest bioregion because of substantial species turnover between different forest ecosystems and years of sampling. Monitoring of invertebrates should be continued to demonstrate whether harvested coupes are sufficiently heterogeneous, so that their contribution to bioregion species diversity is equivalent to that of unharvested areas.  相似文献   

In the five-year period from 2001 to 2006, 48 monitoring grids comprising the FORESTCHECK initiative were established in open eucalypt (jarrah, Eucalyptus marginata) forest in south-west Western Australia. Since 1985, revised silvicultural objectives have necessitated detailed monitoring of responses by bird species and assemblages to silvicultural treatments (timber harvesting and associated burning). Few marked changes in the avifauna were detected. Species accumulated (in terms of numbers of grids) at similar rates in gap release, shelterwood/selective cut, and reference (either never harvested or harvested more than 40 years previously) forests. In terms of individuals, species accumulated faster in the gap release forests. The number of species represented as singletons was greatest on the never harvested (8), coupe buffer (7) and gap release (6) grids. Dominance-diversity curves also showed only minor differences between silvicultural treatments. Neither nMDS nor CAP ordinations showed any clear separation between the treatments. There was little evidence of any substantial effect of silvicultural treatments on avian community structure or on individual bird species. Community structure was, however, significantly associated with forest ecosystem/year of sampling. The basal area of live trees was not correlated with bird species richness or abundance on each grid. These results are consistent with previous studies, which indicate that most bird species in jarrah forest have a high threshold level of tolerance to disturbance. It is likely that the rapid regeneration of dominant tree species after harvesting and associated fire, the patchiness of treatments at the landscape scale, the high degree of connectivity of harvested and burnt forests with forests not recently harvested or burnt, and the retention of habitat trees in the most heavily—harvested (gap release) forests all conduce to dampen local-scale impacts and conserve the avifauna in relation to the home range and normal movements of its constituent bird species.  相似文献   

The main functions of water in firefighting are outlined in this report and an additive which improves its usefulness is described; the effect of the additive is to reduce the rate of evaporation in normal atmospheric conditions, without materially decreasing evaporation when the water contacts burning material.  相似文献   

Forest understorey vascular plants were monitored across a sequence of time since treatment to assess the effects of silviculture (timber harvesting and regeneration systems) in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest in south-west Western Australia. Species richness, abundance and structure were assessed at 48 sites in four jarrah forest ecosystems. Monitoring grids in reference forest, which was either uncut or had not been harvested for at least 40 y, were compared to grids in forest that had undergone shelterwood/selective cut and gap release silvicultural treatments. A total of 446 plant species was recorded of which 68, 22 and 35 species were recorded on only one grid within the reference, shelterwood/selective cut and gap release treatments respectively. Silvicultural treatments had no significant long-term effect on mean species richness and abundance of understorey plants, but had a distinct influence on plant community composition. Reference forest had more species of small and medium shrubs compared with silvicultural treatments. Xanthorrhoea preisii (a grass tree) was significantly less common in silvicultural treatments compared with reference forest and Allocasuarina fraseriana (a small to medium tree) and Kennedia coccinea (a vine) were more common on harvested grids. The mean number of plant species per grid was not significantly different between treatments or forest ecosystems. There was, however, strong regional variation in plant community composition, especially in the Jarrah Blackwood Plateau and Jarrah South forest ecosystems and which probably reflects the influence of climatic and edaphic factors on jarrah forest species composition. Dominance-diversity curves for each treatment showed that ranking of species with high abundance was similar in all treatments, but varied between treatments for species with very low abundances. There was no significant relationship between species richness and time since last fire because field assessments were carried out at least 3–13 y after disturbance, by which time species assemblages had stabilised.  相似文献   

An accurate measure of the number of capsules in the crowns of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) trees is needed to assess the potential for seedling regeneration prior to silvicultural treatment in jarrah forests. The current method of estimating capsule crops on jarrah trees uses stem diameter and estimates of capsule density in the crown, but has not been fully validated. In this study, we sought to develop an accurate and practical method of assessing capsule crops in the crowns of individual jarrah trees. We did this by measuring a number of tree characteristics prior to felling them. A total of 24 trees were selected, spanning a range of sizes and crown conditions, and the total number of capsules was counted for each tree. Multiple linear regression was used to model capsule number against various combinations of eight different tree/crown variables, with model fit compared using an adjusted coefficient of determination (adjR2). The final model recommended for field use included three easily measured variables (stem diameter, subjective assessment of capsule density, and subjective assessment of capsule clump distribution in the crown) and had a high degree of predictability (adjR2 = 0.83), which was the same as that of the full model. This method substantially improved estimates of crown capsule numbers compared with the method currently used (adjR2 increased from 0.29 to 0.83), which tended to underestimate canopy capsule numbers.  相似文献   

A perspective is offered on rehabilitation engineering educational strategies, with a focus on the bachelor's and master's levels. Ongoing changes in engineering education are summarized, especially as related to the integration of design and computers throughout the curriculum; most positively affect rehabilitation engineering training. The challenge of identifying long-term “niches” for rehabilitation engineers within a changing rehabilitation service delivery process is addressed. Five key training components are identified and developed: core science and engineering knowledge, synthesized open-ended problem-solving skill development, hands-on design experience, rehabilitation breadth exposure, and a clinical internship. Two unique abilities are identified that help demarcate the engineer from other providers: open-ended problem-solving skills that include quantitative analysis when appropriate, and objective quantitative evaluation of human performance. Educational strategies for developing these abilities are addressed. Finally, a case is made for training “hybrid” engineers/therapists, in particular bachelor-level engineers who go directly to graduate school to become certified orthotists/prosthetists or physical/occupational therapists, pass the RESNA-sponsored assistive technology service provision exam along the way, then later in life obtain a professional engineer's license and an engineering master's degree.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to critically assess the clinical efficacy of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in treating motor dysfunction in hemiplegia. Three distinct applications are reviewed in the areas of motor relearning, shoulder dysfunction, and neuroprostheses. Assessment of clinical efficacy and recommendations on clinical implementation are based on the weight of published scientific evidence. With respect to motor relearning, evidence supports the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation to facilitate recovery of muscle strength and coordination in hemiplegia. However, effects on physical disability are uncertain. With respect to shoulder dysfunction, neuromuscular electrical stimulation decreases shoulder subluxation, at least in the short term. However, effects on shoulder pain and disability are also uncertain. With respect to neuroprosthesis systems, clinically deployable upper extremity systems must await the development of more sophisticated control methods and greater fundamental understanding of motor dysfunction in hemiplegia. The evidence for clinical feasibility of lower extremity neuroprostheses is stronger, and investigations on clinical efficacy should be pursued. In summary, the application of neuromuscular electrical stimulation for motor relearning and shoulder dysfunction are ready for more rigorous scientific and clinical assessment via large, multicenter, randomized clinical trials. However, additional investigations are needed to demonstrate the clinical feasibility of neuroprostheses applications.  相似文献   

The author outlines the fifty years history of national professional forestry education in Canberra by the Australian Forestry School and its successor the Australian National University Department of Forestry.  相似文献   

Over a wide range of conditions fine fuel re-accumulation after fire in eucalypt forests is well described by equations of the form Xt = Xss (l-e?kt)

where Xt is the weight (t ha?1) of litter accumulated at time t(yr), Xss is the weight of accumulated litter under steady-state conditions, and k is a decomposition rate constant (yr?1). Decomposition constants ranged from 0.11 to 0.31 yr?1, and steady- state litter accumulations varied between 11.1 and 29.4 t ha?1.

In many types of eucalypt forest, litter re-accumulates to dangerous (from a fire control point of view) weights in 3–6 years, thus severely limiting the period during which prescribed burning provides protection from wildfire. The rapid rate of litter re-accumulation is mostly due to a marked decrease in the total amount of litter decomposing (relative to rates of litter input), rather than to any fire-induced reduction in the rate of decomposition. The implications of these findings for fire management in eucalypt forests are briefly discussed.

More quantitative information on the relationships between fuel mass (and other fuel characteristics) and fire behaviour under high to very high fire danger conditions is required to enable better evaluation of the effectiveness of low intensity prescribed burning for fire control. The ecological impacts of prescribed burning regimes, which also need to be considered when devising burning programs, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of mechanization in the Longford P. radiata nursery of A.P.M. Forests Proprietary Limited are cost reduction, reduction of labour, improved seedling quality, elimination of labour peaks, and greater equipment utilization.

Using the methods and machines outlined, a 50% saving in the cost of seedlings ex nursery has been achieved in 4 years.  相似文献   

Tree hollow development was studied in Eucalyptus pilularis (blackbutt) and Eucalyptus microcorys (tallowwood) in wet sclerophyll forests, and Eucalyptus signata (scribbly gum) in dry sclerophyll forest in south-east Queensland, Australia. In all three tree species hollow development appeared to be primarily initiated by fungal infection entering trees through dead branches and/or branch stubs rather than from fire scars. The process of hollow development appeared to commence when the trees were around 100 years old.

The size and abundance of hollows increased with the size and age of the tree but there were apparent differences between species. Hollows were found in the majority (>50%) of E. pilularis trees above 100 cm dbh. By contrast most E. microcorys and E. signata larger than 80 cm dbh had hollows. There was a similar difference between species in the numbers of hollows present in trees of different size. E. pilularis trees 100–110 cm dbh had two hollows per tree but this number were present in much smaller E. microcorys or E. signata trees. The rate of growth of E. pilularis is faster than either E. microcorys or E. signata and the rate of hollow formation appears to be dependent on the growth rate of the species. This suggests that hollows begin to develop after comparable times in the different species although the time taken for large hollow development differs between the species.

The analyses suggest that the smallest arboreal marsupials and hollow dependent birds could recolonise regrowth E. pilularis trees after about 165 years but hollows suitable for larger animals would not be available for around 210 years. This time frame would be longer for slower growing species of trees. Some of the implications of this work in connection with management practices that aim to ensure the maintenance of hollow-dependent fauna in these forests are discussed.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The thinning guide presented with this paper is a graph of stocking per acre on predominant height, and it indicates what is considered to be the optimum range of stocking within which thinning should maintain P. radiata stands in South Australia, if an optimum compromise between certain factors is to be achieved.

These factors include a commercial first thinning as a pre-requisite, full site use, reasonable rates of diameter growth, and stability to wind.

It is suggested that representation of a thinning guide in terms of stand height and in graphical form gives it a flexibility to individual stand characteristics which is not possible in tabular form, and that such flexibility is necessary if a thinning guide is to be a ready practicable guide to logging officers. A special value of the graphical form is that past and proposed thinning of a stand can be represented diagrammatically, against a background of growth and stability criteria. By indicating long-term possibilities, this should assist with short-term decisions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were established to determine the early nutrient requirements for plantations of Eucalyptus globulus (Nabowla site) and E. nitens (Westfield site) in Tasmania, Australia. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were broadcast together, 2 and 26 months after planting, at cumulative rates of up to 1200 kg N ha?1 600 kg P ha?1. Soil chemistry was characterised at each site in three profiles, and in all plots at the Westfield site. Nabowla has a relatively infertile, poorly structured soil, low in N and P, and receives about 800 mm of rainfall per annum. Growth was very poor without fertiliser, but trees responded rapidly and strongly to added NP. Stem volume increased directly with the rate of applied fertiliser, with no evidence that the response had peaked at the highest rate. Even at the highest rate of NP fertiliser, however, productivity was relatively low (mean annual increment about 15 m ha?1 y?1). Establishment of plantations on such sites is unlikely to be economically viable, with or without fertiliser, but fertile ex-pasture sites that are otherwise similar should be considered. Westfield has a relatively fertile, well-structured soil, and receives 1400–1500 mm of rainfall per annum. Response to NP fertiliser was delayed at this site, with first responses measured 33 months after planting. The response in stem volume was sigmoidal in relation to fertiliser rate, with a plateau at an application rate of 400 kg N ha?1 and 200 kg P ha?1. This rate of fertiliser is expected to increase mean annual increment from 20 (without fertiliser) to 25 m ha?1 y?1. Splitting applications of fertiliser at the highest rate did not alter the growth response.

Although high rates of N and P fertiliser may be required to maximise growth of eucalypt plantations in Tasmania on ex-forest sites, rates required during the first few years might be lower than those reported here if the timing and placement of fertiliser is optimised. Soil chemical analyses were indicative of N and P requirements, and about a third of the variation in growth across the Westfield site was accounted for by natural variability in initial concentrations of total P and exchangeable K in surface soil.  相似文献   

ACUTE AND PROCEDURE PAIN IN INFANTS AND CHILDREN. Edited by G. Allen Finley and Patrick McGrath. Progress in Pain Research and Management, International Association for the Study of Pain Press, Seattle, Washington, 2001. iiplus 173 pages plus index hardbound ISBN 0-931092-39-6, List price $88.00. Reviewed by Tamiko A. Long.

LYMPHOEDEMA. Edited by Robert Twycross, Karen Jenns, and Jacquelyne Todd. Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxan, UK, 2000. 363 pages of text, 2 pages of foreword, one page of preface, eight color plates, plus index, paperbound, ISBN: 1-85775-377-1. List price: £35.00 Approximately $50.00. Reviewed by Patricia H. Berry.

STRICKEN-VOICES FROM THE HIDDEN EPIDEMIC OF CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Edited by Peggy Munson. Binghamton, NY, The Haworth Press, Inc., 2000. 270 pages, softbound, ISBN: 0-7890-0895-5. US $24.95 softbound, $59.95 hardbound. Reviewed by Laura Shane-McWhorter.

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELIEVING CANCER PAIN MODULE. The Relieving Cancer Pain Kit and the above publications can be obtained by contacting your local American Cancer Society Unit or Division through the American Cancer Society's national call center at 1-800-ACS-2345 or online at <http://www.cancer.org>. Kits are loaned to participating organizations free of charge. Reviewed by Jill Jackstien.

FINAL VICTORY: TAKING CHARGE OF THE LAST STAGES OF LIFE, FACING DEATH ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Thomas A. Preston, MD. Prima Publishing, Roseville, CA, 2000. ISBN: 0-7615-2899-7, hardbound, list price $22.95. Reviewed by Martha G. Stockham.

EVIDENCE-BASED PHARMACY. Phil Wiffen. Radcliffe Medical Press, Abbingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2001. ISBN: 1 857753844. 173 pages plus index, paperbound. List Price: £199.95, Approximately $29.00. Reviewed by Arthur G. Lipman.  相似文献   

Water repellent characteristics were noted in a range of soil types in the lower Cotter River Valley of the Australian Capital Territory. The water repellence occurred on areas where the ground cover was dry, and it increased with the amount of ground cover present. Infiltration rates of such areas, determined with an artificial rainfall apparatus, were substantially reduced by the presence of the dry ground cover. The water repellence disappeared after soaking rain and did not occur on bare soil areas. The same quantity of litter from both pine and eucalypt forests imparted approximately the same degree of water repellence to soils.  相似文献   

At the Yallourn and Kiewa undertakings of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, a simple fire danger meter is being used to assist the fire protection staff in their judgment of fire danger conditions in the surrounding forests.

On this meter, the fire danger rating is arrived at by adding a burning index, based on weather conditions on the day, to a season index, based on past weather history for the season.

The formulae for calculating these indices are empirical, and are based on a study of recorded weather conditions in relation to actual bush fire and controlled burning history, mainly for the Yallourn area, during the summer seasons from 1938 to 1949. This method of fire danger rating fits past experience over this period, it has been used with reliable results over the past two seasons, and it seems to offer a valuable means whereby the forester can check his judgment of the degree of fire danger and the extent to which fire fighting preparedness needs to over-ride normal forestry activities.  相似文献   

Counts of birds present in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest on ridges and in yarri (E. patens) forest along streams were made during spring in three consecutive years, 1981–83. Thirty-eight species were recorded in set transects during the study. Six species were restricted to yarri, nine occurred only in jarrah, and eleven tended to be more abundant in yarri. The number of birds of all species was greater in the yarri forest.

Early in 1983, part of the jarrah forest was thinned, reducing canopy cover by about one-half, including removal of all Banksia grandis. The bird community showed few immediate changes. Two species were recorded as significantly more frequent after treatment and no species was recorded as significantly less frequent after treatment. The number of bird species present was similar in unlogged and logged jarrah forest. Two species became significantly more abundant in the yarri forest after the jarrah forest was logged. These findings suggest that most bird species in the jarrah forest may be adaptable to gross disturbance of the forest.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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