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唐鲁  姜安丽 《解放军护理杂志》2010,27(23):1793-1795
为规范护理行为、保证护士队伍的执业素质,许多国家都把通过护士执业资格考试作为护士执业的必备条件。护士执业资格考试作为护理行业的准入考试,在各国的护理教育中发挥着越来越重要的质量监控作用,对保证护理服务质量有着举足轻重的作用。本文以日本、美国、英国为代表,介绍了国外护士执业资格考试的概况,同时回顾我国护士执业资格考试的发展历程,并分析了护士执业资格考试的特点和发展趋势,以期为完善和发展我国护士执业资格考试制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:探讨提高护理专科生护士执业资格考试通过率的方法。方法采取提高护生对执业资格考试重要性的认识;修订教学大纲,使之与护考大纲双纲并轨;课程教学及考试与执业资格考试对接;改革教学方法,提高护生综合运用知识的能力;实习期间通过Q群指导学生复习备考等综合措施,分析实施后护理专科生护士执业资格考试通过率。结果广州医学院从化学院连续3年护理专科毕业生参加全国护士执业资格考试一次性通过率达100%,远远高于全国大专生的平均通过率。结论采取综合教学方法有利于提高护理专科生护士执业资格考试一次性通过率,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过介绍国外护士执业准入管理现状,以及国内护士执业准入管理的基本情况,分析得出我国护士执业准入管理中存在的问题:护士执业资格考试内容与院校护理教学改革方向相脱离,缺乏护士执业准入标准等,并提出制定我国护士执业准入标准、建立新的护士执业资格考试模式等解决办法。  相似文献   

目的通过对应届护理中专毕业生护士执业资格考试的成绩分析,为中职卫生学校提高护士执业资格考试合格率提供参考依据。方法以实证研究法对南充市2009年参加护士执业资格考试的应届护理毕业生的成绩进行统计,并对中专考生考证成绩及其影响因素进行分析。结果应届中专护生考试成绩绝对值低于应届专科生和本科生(P〈0.01,不合格科目主要是基础知识和相关专业知识。影响考试成绩的主要因素是中专护生的课程设置和现行使用教材编写体例与中专护生认知规律欠匹配、学校和考生应考的快速反应机制建立迟缓以及考试培训平台薄弱等。结论学校必须构建符合中专护生认知程度的人才培养目标体系并优化课程模块设置,加强教材建设和教学内容的整合、改进教学方法及手段,教学过程要全程注重学生临床综合能力的培养,构建中专护士执业资格考试培训平台,以有效提高应届护理中专毕业生护士执业资格考试合格率。  相似文献   

根据2010年卫生部、人力资源社会保障部第74号令《护士执业资格考试办法》精神,自2011年起,护士执业资格考试由原来的四个科目改变为专业实务和实践能力两个科目,一次通过两个科目为考试成绩合格。在新的形势下怎样改进护理教学方法,重组考试模式,与新的护士执业资格考试接轨,提高护生参加护士执业资格考试的通过率和就业率。  相似文献   

<正>为了更好地发挥《中华护理教育》杂志的学术交流平台的作用,丰富杂志的内容,2016年本刊将继续组织专题报道。专题报道方向和征文内容如下。(1)护士执业资格考试专题。征文内容:1护士执业资格考试的试题变化与分析;2护士执业资格考试辅导经验分享;3护士执业资格考试准备经验分享。(2)护理硕士专业学位建设专题。征文内容:1护理硕士专业学位的培养目标和培养模式;2护理硕士专业学位的课程设置;3护理学专业研究生指导教师的  相似文献   

护士执业考试制度是我国护理管理工作步入法制轨道,逐步与国际接轨的必要途径[1].获得护士执业资格证书是护士从事护理工作具有合法性的重要标志,是护士具备执业基本资格的重要保障.然而,实习护生参加护士执业资格考试对院校、实习、就业和病人都造成了一定程度的影响.因此,在实习期间应处理好护士执业资格考试和实习之间的关系,通过实习更好地完成执业考试的复习和巩固,以顺利通过护士执业资格考试,从而获得更好的就业机会,合法地从事护理工作.  相似文献   

<正>为了更好地发挥《中华护理教育》杂志的学术交流平台的作用,丰富杂志的内容,2016年本刊将继续组织专题报道。专题报道方向和征文内容如下。(1)护士执业资格考试专题。征文内容:1护士执业资格考试的试题变化与分析;2护士执业资格考试辅导经验分享;3护士执业资格考试准备经验分享。(2)护理硕士专业学位建设专题。征文内容:1护理硕士专业学位的培养目标和培养模式;2护理硕士专业学位的课程设置;3护理学专业研究生指导教师的  相似文献   

<正>为了更好地发挥《中华护理教育》杂志的学术交流平台的作用,丰富杂志的内容,2016年本刊将继续组织专题报道。专题报道方向和征文内容如下。(1)护士执业资格考试专题。征文内容:1护士执业资格考试的试题变化与分析;2护士执业资格考试辅导经验分享;3护士执业资格考试准备经验分享。(2)护理硕士专业学位建设专题。征文内容:1护理硕士专业学位的培养目标和培养模式;2护理硕士专业学位的课程设置;3护理学专业研究生指导教师的  相似文献   

为保证护士执业的基本质量,许多国家实行护士执业资格考试制度.护士执业资格考试既是对护理人才培养结果的检验,又是对人才培养具有极强的导向作用。文章重点分析了中、美两国注册护士考试在考试的形式、内容、评价策略等方面的研究与进展,以期为完善和发展我国护士执业资格考试制度提供借鉴,从而更好地发挥其行业准人的功能.  相似文献   

目的探讨神经系统疾病患者护理费用的影响因素,初步建立神经系统疾病患者的护理收费模型,并验证预测模型的准确性与可行性。方法便利抽样法选取兰州市某三级甲等医院653例神经系统疾病住院患者进行问卷调查,其中58%(379例)患者为建模样本,42%(274例)患者为预测样本,参考国外资源利用分组(resource utilization group,RUG),以护理费用为目标变量,通过单因素分析及多因素分析得出护理费用的影响因素,即资源利用程度的影响因素;通过CHAID法确定影响因素的重要程度并建立分组模型,实现新数据的预测,将预测费用与实际费用比对。结果日常生活活动能力情况、认知障碍情况及年龄被纳人决策树分组模型。共有22例患者护理费用超过上限,占总费用的5.8%。预测模型预测准确率达到95.71%,预测效果理想。结论通过单因素多因素分析及CHAID分析得出影响神经系统疾病患者护理费用的主要因素并根据其重要程度进行分组与建立的模型对新数据预测的效果良好,建立的分组方案及护理费用收费标准可为费用控制和护理费用支付方式改革提供参考。  相似文献   

The combination of increasing student enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs and the faculty shortage has contributed to larger class sizes that may affect both student satisfaction and learning. The purpose of this study was to identify baccalaureate nursing students' satisfaction with enrollment in small and large nursing courses. The authors also sought to determine whether a significant difference existed between test scores of students enrolled in small and large nursing courses. A survey was completed by 110 students, and test scores were compared between students in a small and a large nursing class using analysis of variance. The findings indicated that perceived satisfaction of students was significantly higher for those enrolled in the small nursing course versus the large course; however, no significant difference was found between test scores. To improve student satisfaction that can positively affect student retention, further research is needed on class size in the nursing discipline.  相似文献   

There is a continuing tension between training and education in vocational higher education courses. The debate in nursing has been heightened by the transfer of courses into higher education and staffing problems in the NHS. Comparisons with other occupations can help prevent introspection in analysis of policy issues in nursing. Teacher training is a particularly useful comparator because it entered higher education before nursing, and teachers have failed to maintain a level of autonomy that nurses would once have envied. This paper compares nursing and teacher training with particular reference to quality assurance. The UK government has adopted a centralized quality assurance and funding system for teacher training. Nursing is included in higher education quality assurance systems but funding is devolved. The tensions between training and education within nursing and teacher training are examined, and implications for the development of nursing considered.  相似文献   

The questions studied were whether a) cognitive style might predict differential success in nursing courses having a different specialty content focus and b) whether after the inclusion of aptitude measures and previous achievement measures FDI cognitive style would significantly increase the prediction of academic achievement in nursing courses of differing specialty content. Senior baccalaureate nursing students completed the Group Embedded Figures Test as a measure of field-dependence-independence (FDI) cognitive style. Aptitude and achievement scores were obtained from students' files and instructors' grade sheets. The findings were that FDI cognitive style is not a predictor of differential academic success. The junior nursing grade point average was the best predictor of achievement in senior level nursing courses. The prediction of academic achievement of nursing students has received researchers' attention over the years in an attempt to identify data that might aid in the establishment of selection criteria, in program and curriculum planning, and in the establishment of remediation or supportive programs for enrolled students who have been identified as high risk. In most studies, affective factors alone, such as personality characteristics and vocational interests, have not been found to be predictors of academic achievement. Most researchers have found that previous achievement or aptitude measures are the best predictors of nursing course achievement (Schwirian, 1976; Grant, 1986). While previous achievement and aptitude measures may be used in the selection process, they are not helpful in giving direction for planning teaching-learning experiences. Cognitive style might serve this purpose if it was found to be predictive of academic achievement.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Title.  Index of sources of stress in nursing students: a confirmatory factor analysis.
Aim.  This paper is a report of a study to test the proposed factor structure of the Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students.
Background.  Research across many countries has identified a number of sources of distress in nursing students but little attempt has been made to understand and measure sources of eustress or those stressors likely to enhance performance and well-being. The Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students was developed to do this. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a three-factor structure, the factors being labelled: learning and teaching; placement-related and course organization. It is important, however, to subject the instrument to confirmatory factor analysis as a further test of construct validity.
Method.  A convenience sample of final year nursing students ( n  = 176) was surveyed in one university in Northern Ireland in 2007. The Index of Sources of Stress in Nursing Students, which measures sources of stress likely to contribute to distress and eustress, was completed electronically. The lisrel programme was used to carry out the confirmatory factor analysis and test the factor structure suggested in the exploratory analysis.
Findings.  The proposed factor structure for the items measuring 'Uplifts' proved to be a good fit to the data and the proposed factor structure for the items measuring 'Hassles' showed adequate fit.
Conclusion.  In nursing programmes adopting the academic model and combining university-based learning with placement experience, this instrument can be used to help identify the sources of stress or course demands that students rate as distressing and those that help them to achieve. The validity of the ISSN could be further evaluated in other education settings.  相似文献   

目的探讨专业承诺在本科护生领悟社会支持与学习投入间的中介作用。方法采用方便抽样法,于2019年4月选取安徽省4所医学院校本科护生768名为研究对象。采用一般资料调查表、领悟社会支持量表、大学生专业承诺量表、大学生学习投入问卷对其进行调查。采用SPSS 23.0和AMOS 24.0软件进行数据分析,单因素分析采用t检验、方差分析及Pearson相关分析,变量间关系模型采用结构方程模型进行验证。结果本研究共发放问卷768份,回收有效问卷720份,有效回收率为93.75%。720名本科护生学习投入问卷总分(3.31±0.49)分。不同性别(t=-2.210)、年级(F=6.822)、是否为学生干部(t=3.595)、就读意愿(F=3.243)的本科护生学习投入总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。领悟社会支持对专业承诺(β=0.40,P<0.01)和学习投入(β=0.13,P<0.01)均具有正向预测作用;专业承诺对学习投入有正向预测作用(β=0.71,P<0.01),专业承诺在领悟社会支持与学习投入间有部分中介作用。结论本科护生领悟社会支持可以通过专业承诺间接影响学习投入,护理教育工作者应采取多种方式加强护生社会支持,提高专业承诺水平,促进护生学习投入。  相似文献   

护士职业倦怠与工作领域心理社会因素的相关研究   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
目的探讨护士职业倦怠与工作领域心理社会因素的关系.方法对425名护士进行问卷调查,问卷包括了解护士的职业倦怠水平以及工作控制体验(控制感和控制需求)、角色压力(角色冲突和角色模糊)、工作负荷以及领导支持自我评价.结果调查中,护士职业紧张感(48.7%)、负荷感(55.1%)较高,职业倦怠各因子与工作领域社会心理因素均显著相关(r=0.122~0.491).回归分析提示,工作负荷、工作控制感以及角色冲突是3个主要的预测因素.结论工作领域心理社会因素与护士职业倦怠水平密切相关.  相似文献   

The attrition of admitted students from nursing programs has been attributed to the perceived stress of nursing school. Students who possess the characteristics of self-efficacy and resilience may be persistent and therefore academically successful as demonstrated by test scores over the course of their education. In this article, the authors report on a study that explored self efficacy and resilience in relation to test scores among 136 baccalaureate nursing students in multiple courses during one, 16 week semester. No statistically significant differences were found in perceived self-efficacy or resilience total scores between early semester and late semester measurements. Significant differences were found on the Resilience Scale subscales of Perseverence and Existential Aloneness. Test scores were weakly correlated with resilience and self-efficacy scores.  相似文献   

中美护理本科专业课程设置的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
陈燕华  朱丹 《护理研究》2005,19(5):452-455
[目的 ]通过对我国与美国护理本科专业课程设置的共同性和差异性的比较研究 ,为我国护理本科专业课程改革提供可以借鉴的资料和科学依据。 [方法 ]采用内容分析法、文献研究法等对美国和中国各 2 0所护理院校的全日制 (四、五年制 )护理本科课程进行横向比较研究。 [结果 ]美国护理专业课程名称变化多样 ,突出了护理特色 ;中国护理专业课程名称统一 ,按照临床医疗专科分设专科护理 ,护理特色体现不足。 [结论 ]护理教育与护理专业的发展相辅相成 ,我国护理教育需建立独立的护理专业课程体系 ,突出我国护理的特色 ,促进护理的发展  相似文献   

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