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悬浮红细胞与全血在不同时间段溶血率的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察悬浮红细胞与全血在不同时间段、不同内环境保存于(4±2)℃冰箱中,对红细胞溶血情况的比较。方法取400ml全血20份,分成全血200ml20份,悬浮红细胞1U20份,每份分装6小袋,按0、7、14、21、28、35d贮存后检测2.3-DPG含量、血浆游离血红蛋白、pH、K+浓度、Na+浓度、红细胞低渗透脆性指标。结果悬浮红细胞与全血中K+浓度、血浆游离血红蛋白随着贮存时间延长而明显增高,Na+浓度、2.3-DPG随着贮存时间延长而明显降低,红细胞低渗透脆性逐渐增加,pH值呈下降趋势。悬浮红细胞中的K+浓度、血浆游离血红蛋白、红细胞低渗透脆性在不同时间段比全血增高的更明显,悬浮红细胞中的Na+浓度、pH值、2.3-DPG在不同时间段比全血明显降低。结论制备悬浮红细胞过程中,血液经离心分离,其原有的内环境已被改变,对保存不同时间段的悬浮红细胞,质量下降要比全血迅速。  相似文献   

目的观察去白细胞悬浮红细胞和悬浮红细胞在储存期内的溶血率变化,评价储存前白细胞过滤过程对于红细胞溶血率的影响。方法随机抽取120袋200mL全血,将其分为去白1组(悬浮红细胞过滤)、去白2组(全血过滤)和红悬组(未过滤),3组置于(4±2)℃条件下储存35d,对储存第14、21、28、35天取样检测红细胞溶血率。结果去白1组储存期内红细胞溶血率分别为第14天0.15%±0.10%、第21天0.19%±0.14%、第28天0.23%±0.16%、第35天0.41%±0.23%;去白2组储存期内红细胞溶血率分别为第14天0.11%±0.07%、第21天0.20%±0.10%、第28天0.31%±0.17%、第35天0.42%±0.17%;红悬组储存期内红细胞溶血率分别为第14天0.06%±0.05%、第21天0.10%±0.08%、第28天0.14%±0.07%、第35天0.22%±0.10%,3组检测结果均符合欧盟和AABB标准中对于储存期末红细胞溶血率的要求,其中去白1组和去白2组溶血率高于同期未过滤组,去白组与红悬组结果比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论储存前白细胞滤除对储存期内的红细胞溶血率变化有影响,但符合欧盟标准。滤除白细胞的悬浮红细胞应尽快用于临床。  相似文献   

目的观察去白细胞悬浮红细胞和常规制备悬浮红细胞在储存期内的溶血率变化,评价储存前白细胞过滤对于红细胞溶血率的的影响。方法随机采集80袋200 mL全血,将其分为白细胞过滤组和未过滤组,其中过滤组分别用上海输血技术公司、威高和南格尔3家公司的血袋各采20袋,过滤并制成悬浮红细胞;未过滤组用上海输血技术公司普通血袋采20袋,制成悬浮红细胞。2组置于(4±2)℃条件下储存35 d,在储存期14、21、28、35 d取样检测红细胞溶血率。结果 60袋去白细胞悬浮红细胞储存期内平均红细胞溶血率分别为14 d(0.11±0.06)%、21 d(0.20±0.10)%、28 d(0.31±0.13)%、35 d(0.42±0.15)%,20袋未过滤组平均红细胞溶血率分别为14 d(0.07±0.08)%、21 d(0.10±0.06)%、28 d(0.15±0.09)%、35 d(0.22±0.11)%,过滤保存21 d后溶血率有显著升高(P<0.05),但2组结果均符合欧盟和AABB标准中对于储存期末红细胞溶血率的要求。3家公司血袋制备的去白细胞悬浮红细胞保存期末溶血率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论储存前白细胞滤除过程未对35 d储存期的红细胞溶血率产生明显影响,35 d储存期的红细胞符合欧盟标准和AABB标准。  相似文献   

目的:了解过滤白细胞造成红细胞溶血的程度。方法:取4℃保存第5天的40袋2U悬浮红细胞随机分为A、B两组,A组与白细胞滤器连接进行过滤,留取检测样品,分别于过滤后第0、7、14、21天分别采用离子选择电极法测定血浆中钾离子浓度、邻甲联苯胺法测定游离血红蛋白浓度。B组不做过滤处理,其他处理同A组。结果:去白细胞滤器滤过的血液中钾离子浓度、游离血红蛋白浓度随保存时间的延长而增高。结论:过滤后的红细胞悬液最好在7d内用完。  相似文献   

本实验观察5%含量的甲醛溶液是否对实验动物视觉器官有刺激性[1],从而判定甲醛的危害性。1材料与方法1.1材料1.1.1器械微量加样器,笼具4个。1.1.2实验动物吉林大学基础医学院动物实验中心生产家兔4只,雌雄各半,体重2.5 kg左右。1.1.3试剂甲醛,长春市化学试剂厂;0.9%含量的氯化钠,长春豪邦药业有限公司。1.2方法1.2.1药品稀释取甲醛原液1 ml,加蒸馏水,稀释成5%含量的甲醛溶液,作为供试验药品。1.2.2实验动物分组家兔4只,左侧眼为实验组,滴入5%含量的甲醛100μl;右侧眼为对照组滴入0.9%含量的氯化钠溶液100μl。1.2.3将5%含量的甲醛100μl滴入…  相似文献   

目的检测绵羊红细胞(SRBC)和猪红细胞(PRBC)分别经2种程序免疫家兔所制得溶血素的效价,并比较几种溶血素在医学免疫学实验中的应用效果,以寻求制备符合免疫学实验及教学需求的高效价溶血素的较好方法。方法 40只雄性家兔分为4组,分别用SRBC和PRBC,间隔2d经不同程序免疫家兔制备溶血素,再用补体溶血试验检测几种溶血素的效价,比较其在免疫学实验教学中的应用,并探讨高效价溶血素的制备方法。结果经补体溶血试验测得几种溶血素效价,A组兔抗-SRBC血清效价为1∶4 800;B组兔抗-PRBC血清效价为1∶1 200;C组兔抗-SRBC血清效价为1∶1 000,D组兔抗-PRBC血清效价为1∶200。结论用SRBC制备的溶血素效价均高于相同方法下用PRBC制备的溶血素;红细胞抗原相同时,采取先皮内全血注射后耳缘静脉接种的免疫方法制备的溶血素效价也要高于单纯采取耳缘静脉注射的免疫方法制备的溶血素;且PRBC可代替SRBC免疫家兔,制备满足实验教学要求的溶血素。  相似文献   

目的探讨白细胞过滤过程中引起红细胞溶血的原因。方法取60袋400ml采血袋与滤器一体的多联袋全血随机平分为A、B两组,每组30袋。A组离心后用少许血浆浸润滤盘,而后制备成悬浮红细胞,2~6℃静置12h后再过滤。B组为不浸润对照组,制成悬浮红细胞后与A组同时过滤。滤后静置3~6h测定RBCs的游离血红蛋白和K+浓度。结果 B组过滤后的悬浮红细胞游离Hb和K+的浓度明显高于实验组A组(P<0.05)。结论白细胞过滤能引起一定程度的红细胞溶血,先用少许血浆浸润能有效预防或减少过滤引起的溶血。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同程度乳糜血制备的红细胞保存液(MAP)混悬洗涤红细胞在保存期内的溶血率。方法将MAP混悬洗涤红细胞分对照、轻、中、重度乳糜血在2—6℃保存后测定其储存期末溶血率,并分别在储存期的d2、d7、d14、d21、d28、d30、d35取样检测红细胞的溶血率。结果 MAP混悬洗涤红细胞对照组、轻、中、重度乳糜组的储存期末溶血率分别为:(0. 156±0. 027)%、(0. 174±0. 049)%、(0. 271±0. 066)%、(0. 463±0. 127)%。MAP混悬洗涤红细胞乳糜程度不同,不同储存期红细胞溶血率均差异显著(P<0. 05)。结论在保存期内,使用轻中度乳糜血制备的MAP混悬洗涤红细胞质量控制指标符合国家标准要求。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同白细胞滤除方法及血液储存时间对红细胞溶血的影响,选择并建立合适的操作方法,降低溶血率.方法 采用采血袋与滤器一体的多联采血联袋.将采集的全血分2个阶段,分别采用直接混匀过滤和少量血浆浸润滤盘法制备去白细胞悬浮红细胞,观察不同制备方法、24h内的血液与储存24 h后的血液过滤后对红细胞溶血的影响.结果 少量血浆浸润滤盘法制备的去白细胞悬浮红细胞溶血比例明显低子直接混匀过滤法;储存24h以内和24h以后过滤的红细胞溶血率有统计学差异.结论 在24 h内采用少量血浆浸润滤盘法能有效降低去白细胞悬浮红细胞因溶血而造成的血液不合格率.  相似文献   

<正>更昔洛韦原位眼凝胶主要应用于眼科巨细胞病毒性角膜炎、视网膜炎的治疗,由更昔洛韦、卡波姆等组成。本试验通过观察更昔洛韦原位眼凝胶单次给药、多次给药对兔眼的刺激性反应,提示药物临床应用后眼睛可能出现的炎症、组织变性和坏死等不良反应,为临床用药提供参考。  相似文献   

Ong KC  Chong WF  Soh C  Earnest A 《Respiratory care》2004,49(12):1498-1503
INTRODUCTION: Common modalities of clinical exercise testing for outcome measurement after pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) include walk tests, progressive cycle ergometry, and cycle endurance testing. We hypothesized that patients' responses to PR, as measured by those 3 tests, are differentially correlated, and we designed a study to investigate the tests' capacity to detect changes after PR. METHODS: We prospectively tested 37 male patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who completed a comprehensive 6-week PR program that included supervised exercise training that emphasized steady-state lower-limb aerobic exercise. Before and after the PR program the patients underwent 6-minute walk test, progressive cycle ergometry, and cycle endurance testing (at 80% of the peak work rate achieved during progressive cycle ergometry). The exercise performance indices of interest were the peak oxygen uptake (VO2max) and maximum work-rate (Wmax) during progressive cycle ergometry, the cycling endurance time, and the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD). RESULTS: After PR there were statistically significant improvements in 6MWD (16%, p <0.001), VO2max (53%, p=0.004), Wmax (30%, p=0.001), and cycling endurance time (144%, p <0.001). The changes in VO2max and Wmax were significantly correlated (r=0.362, p=0.027), as were the changes in endurance time and Wmax (r=0.406, p=0.013). There was no significant correlation between changes in any other exercise index. CONCLUSIONS: Among the frequently used exercise tests in PR, the most responsive index is the endurance time. The correlation between the post-PR changes in the various exercise indices is poor.  相似文献   

Effect of in vitro hemolysis on 25 common biochemical tests.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Clinical chemists frequently encounter hemolyzed samples. Our study examines the effects of hemolysis on the results of 25 common biochemical tests. We collected 60 15-mL blood samples from inpatients and outpatients and mechanically hemolyzed 10 mL of the samples in a two-step procedure. We classified serum from these samples as being nonhemolyzed, moderately hemolyzed, or severely hemolyzed and then performed 25 common biochemical tests. Statistical analysis of the results showed that hemolysis had the greatest effect on the lactate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, and potassium tests.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preanalytical factors are the main source of variation in clinical chemistry testing and among the major determinants of preanalytical variability, sample hemolysis can exert a strong influence on result reliability. Hemolytic samples are a rather common and unfavorable occurrence in laboratory practice, as they are often considered unsuitable for routine testing due to biological and analytical interference. However, definitive indications on the analytical and clinical management of hemolyzed specimens are currently lacking. Therefore, the present investigation evaluated the influence of in vitro blood cell lysis on routine clinical chemistry testing. METHODS: Nine aliquots, prepared by serial dilutions of homologous hemolyzed samples collected from 12 different subjects and containing a final concentration of serum hemoglobin ranging from 0 to 20.6 g/L, were tested for the most common clinical chemistry analytes. Lysis was achieved by subjecting whole blood to an overnight freeze-thaw cycle. RESULTS: Hemolysis interference appeared to be approximately linearly dependent on the final concentration of blood-cell lysate in the specimen. This generated a consistent trend towards overestimation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), iron, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), lipase, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and urea, whereas mean values of albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), chloride, gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), glucose and sodium were substantially decreased. Clinically meaningful variations of AST, chloride, LDH, potassium and sodium were observed in specimens displaying mild or almost undetectable hemolysis by visual inspection (serum hemoglobin < 0.6 g/L). The rather heterogeneous and unpredictable response to hemolysis observed for several parameters prevented the adoption of reliable statistic corrective measures for results on the basis of the degree of hemolysis. CONCLUSION: If hemolysis and blood cell lysis result from an in vitro cause, we suggest that the most convenient corrective solution might be quantification of free hemoglobin, alerting the clinicians and sample recollection.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of resistance is important to ensure appropriate antimicrobial therapy in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infections. This study was undertaken to evaluate the susceptibility results obtained by disc diffusion, E-test, Phoenix system, and reference agar dilution method and also to evaluate the in vitro activity of various antimicrobial combinations against multidrug-resistant S. maltophilia. Susceptibilities to several antimicrobial agents were determined by agar dilution, disc diffusion, and E-test according to the US Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Results were also evaluated in the in Phoenix system for available agents. Twelve different antibiotic combinations were tested for synergy by the E-test method. Most synergic combinations were confirmed by microdilution checkerboard assay. Tigecycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP–SMX) and doxycycline were the most effective drugs against S. maltophilia. Poorest agreement was determined by disc diffusion and E-test against ticarcillin/clavulanate and ciprofloxacin (κ < 0.4), by disc diffusion against colistin (κ < 0.4), and by the Phoenix system against piperacillin/tazobactam (κ < 0.4). Based on these data, disc diffusion seems to be unreliable for ticarcillin/clavulanate, ciprofloxacin, and colistin; E-test for ticarcillin/clavulanate and ciprofloxacin; and the Phoenix system for piperacillin/tazobactam for S. maltophilia susceptibility testing. Synergistic activity was detected predominantly with TMP–SMX + ticarcillin/clavulanate and TMP–SMX + ceftazidime. TMP–SMX + ceftazidime synergy was also supported by the checkerboard method. However, TMP–SMX + ticarcillin/clavulanate combination revealed indifferent effect by the checkerboard assay. As ticarcillin/clavulanate and ciprofloxacin E-test results were beyond the acceptable correlation limits, synergy testing performed with these agents was considered as unreliable. Further studies are required to standardize susceptibility testing, especially for colistin, ticarcillin/clavulanate, and ciprofloxacin for S. maltophilia. TMP–SMX-containing drug combinations seemed to be more synergistic on multidrug-resistant S. maltophilia; however, these results merit further evaluation.  相似文献   

目的研究CD59抗原与传统的阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症溶血试验之间的关系。方法通过CD59单抗封闭正常红细胞表面CD59抗原的表达,并通过建立不同浓度的CD59单抗封闭红细胞分别进行溶血试验检测。结果溶血试验中溶血程度与有CD59抗原缺陷红细胞的比例呈直线正相关。当CD59抗原缺陷红细胞所占比例小于16%时,CD59抗原缺陷红细胞在蛇毒因子溶血试验中的溶血程度最大,酸溶血试验次之。当CD59单抗封闭红细胞所占比例大于16%时,CD59抗原缺陷红细胞在酸溶血试验中的溶血程度最大,蛇毒因子溶血试验次之。结论溶血试验的发生机制可能与CD59等锚连蛋白的缺陷有关。蛇毒因子溶血试验在检出较小的CD59抗原缺陷方面最为敏感。  相似文献   

不同血凝分析仪的凝血项目校正及比对试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对ACLTOP全自动血凝分析仪进行性能评价,建立适用于本实验室优化的血凝分析系统.并对另一台ACL Futura型全自动血凝分析仪进行校正及比对实验.方法 按照临床和实验室标准协会(CLSI,原名NCCLS)相关文件的要求,选择代表三种方法学的指标常规进行重复性、稳定性实验;对ACLTOP全自动血凝分析仪定期用配套校准物进行校准并绘制标准曲线,每天用定值全血质拉物做室内质控.并以此仪器作参考系统,每半年以ACLTOP对ACL Futura型全自动血凝分析仪进行校正及比对实验,以保证我院凝血分析结果的准确性和一致性.随机选取比对仪器已检测的凝血时间正常和异常的患者的新鲜血浆40份,在校正后的ACL Futura全自动血凝分析仪上检测凝血酶原时间(PT)、国际标准化比率(INR)、活化的部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、纤维蛋白(FIB)项目的 检测.结果 ACL TOP全自动血凝分析仪PT、APTT、TY、Fbg(Clauss法)、D-二聚体(D-D)、抗凝血酶(AT)的批内及日间变异系数(CV%)均小于6%;40份正常和异常标本在ACLTOP全自动血凝分析仪与校正后的ACL Futura全自动血凝分析仪比对,PT、APIT、TT、FIB的比对结果的变异百分率(CV%)值均符合卫生部临床检验中心凝血实间质量评价标准.结论 ACL TOP血凝仪与ACL Fmum血凝仪常规凝血指标比对,具有良好的重复性、稳定性.利用比对仪器测定患者正常和异常标本来校正及比对其他仪器,可以提高不同血凝分析仪之间的PT、INR、FIB、APTT检测结果的可比性.  相似文献   

背景:环孢素A可有效抑制角膜移植后的免疫排斥反应,但因难溶于水,不能配制成水溶性制剂用于眼局部。目的:制备1%环孢素A纳米粒滴眼液,并观察其眼刺激性。方法:采用聚乙二醇-聚乳酸共聚物对环孢素A药物进行包裹,制备浓度为1%的环孢素A纳米粒滴眼液,以透射电镜、激光粒度仪对制备的纳米粒子进行表征;通过家兔单次、多次给药眼刺激性实验观察环孢素A纳米粒滴眼液的眼刺激性。结果与结论:环孢素A纳米粒滴眼液包封率为85.10%,载药量为21.3%;纳米粒子为球形粒子,分散均匀;载药纳米粒子粒径分布较窄,粒径大小为(296.9±32.06)nm:体外释放曲线显示,环孢素A从纳米粒子中缓慢释放,20d左右释放量达总环孢素的91.3%。环孢素A纳米粒滴眼液单次、多次给药期间,家兔双眼结膜、角膜、虹膜的眼刺激性反应分值和综合评分均为0,说明其对眼无刺激性。  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients consulting their general practitioner with eye irritation due to hayfever entered a seven-day open, multiple dose study of a newly formulated Optrex Eye Lotion. Patients self-administered Optrex by irrigation into their left eye three times daily for seven days, with an option to use the same preparation in their right eye if they thought this to be of benefit. Assessment was by means of daily diary cards completed by the patient each evening for the seven-day period. Following the first instillation, the treated eye felt significantly better at 20 seconds and at four minutes when compared with the untreated eye. Differences between the eyes for degree of redness, comfort and clearness of vision were not significant, but 15 patients (63 per cent) optionally used Optrex in their right eye. Seventeen patients (71 per cent) reported that they derived overall benefit from the use of Optrex Eye Lotion during the study period. Two patients reported side effects during the study but, in each case, the investigator did not consider the event to be therapy related. One patient withdrew on Day 7 of the trial due to worsening of their allergic conjunctivitis. It can be concluded that some subjective benefit was gained by the majority of patients in that a considerable number of them chose to treat both eyes for the duration of the study.  相似文献   

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