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In biomedical magnetic induction tomography (MIT), measurement precision may be improved by incorporating some form of primary field compensation/cancellation scheme. Schemes which have been described previously include gradiometric approaches and the use of 'back-off' coils. In each of these methods, however, the primary field cancellation was achieved only for a single transmitter/receiver combination. For the purpose of imaging, it would be desirable for a fully electronically scanned MIT system to provide a complete set of measurements, all with the primary field cancelled. A single channel suitable for incorporation into an MIT system with planar-array geometry is described. The transmitter is a 6-turn coil of wire 5 cm in diameter. The receiver is a surface mount inductor, of inductance 10 microH, mounted such that, in principle, no net primary field flux threads it. The results of measurements carried out with the single channel system suggest that the signal due to the primary excitation field can be reduced on average by a factor of 298 by the sensor geometry over the operating frequency range 1-10 MHz. The standard deviation and drift of the signal with the system adjusted for maximum primary field cancellation, expressed as a percentage of the signal when the receiver coil was rotated until its axis of sensitivity lay along the primary field, were 0.0009% and 0.009%, respectively. The filter time constant used was 30 ms.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) has been proposed for the detection of cerebral oedema and haemorrhagic stroke. Achieving the required phase measurement precision for these applications is however a major technical challenge. A critical component within an MIT system is the detector amplifier and for this role an ultra-phase-stable, low noise instrumentation amplifier has been developed. The design of the amplifier is described and (i) the results of simulations and measurements of the amplifiers phase stability versus temperature and (ii) measurements of the phase noise and drift performance of the amplifier within a single-channel magnetic induction spectroscopy system are provided and discussed. For a 10 MHz signal the amplifier, with a gain of 21, displayed an average change in the measured phase of its output of just -0.1 ± 0.6 m° °C(-1) as the ambient temperature was varied between 35 and 50 °C, demonstrating a level of phase stability approaching that required for potential biomedical applications such as the detection of cerebral haemorrhage.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is a technique for imaging the internal conductivity distribution of an object. In MIT current-carrying coils are used to induce eddy currents in the object and the induced voltages are sensed with other coils. From these measurements, the internal conductivity distribution of the object can be reconstructed. In this paper, we introduce a 16-channel MIT measurement system that is capable of parallel readout of 16 receiver channels. The parallel measurements are carried out using high-quality audio sampling devices. Furthermore, approaches for reconstructing MIT images developed for the 16-channel MIT system are introduced. We consider low conductivity applications, conductivity less than 5 S m(-1), and we use a frequency of 10 MHz. In the image reconstruction, we use time-harmonic Maxwell's equation for the electric field. This equation is solved with the finite element method using edge elements and the images are reconstructed using a generalized Tikhonov regularization approach. Both difference and static image reconstruction approaches are considered. Results from simulations and real measurements collected with the Philips 16-channel MIT system are shown.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is a low-resolution imaging modality which aims at the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the electrical conductivity in objects from alternating magnetic fields. In MIT systems the magnetic field perturbations to be detected are very small when compared to the excitation field (ppm range). The voltage which is induced by the excitation field in the receiver coils must be suppressed for providing sufficient dynamic range. In the past, two very efficient strategies were proposed: adjusted planar gradiometers (PGRAD) and the orientation of a receiver coil with respect to the excitation coil such that the net magnetic flow is zero (zero flow coil, ZFC). In contrast to the PGRAD no voltage is induced in the ZFC by the main field. This is advantageous because two comparatively high voltages in the two gradiometer coils can never be subtracted perfectly, thus leaving a residual voltage which is prone to drift. However, a disadvantage of the ZFC is the higher susceptibility to interferences from far RF sources. In contrast, in the gradiometer such interferences are cancelled to a high degree. We developed a new type of gradiometer (zero flow gradiometer, ZFGRAD) which combines the advantages of ZFC and PGRAD. All three systems were compared with respect to sensitivity and perturbation to signal ratio (PSR) defined as the ratio of the signal change due to a magnetic perturbation field at the carrier frequency and the signal change due to shifting a metallic sphere between two test points. The spatial sensitivity of the three systems was found to be very similar. The PSR of the ZFGRAD was more than 12 times lower than that of the ZFC. Finally, the feasibility of image reconstruction with two arrays of eight excitation coils and eight ZFGRAD, respectively, was shown with a single-step Gauss-Newton reconstructor and simulated measurement data generated for a cylindrical tank with a spherical perturbation. The resulting images show a clear, bright feature at the correct position of the sphere and are comparable to those with PGRAD arrays.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is a contactless method for mapping the electrical conductivity of tissue by measuring the perturbation of an alternating magnetic field with appropriate receiver coils. Reconstruction algorithms so far suggested for biomedical applications are based on weighted backprojection, hence requiring tube-shaped zones of sensitivity between excitation coils and receiving coils, the sensitivity being essentially zero outside this 'projection beam'. This condition is met for conducting perturbations in empty space and for some special configurations of insulators in saline. In biological structures, however, perturbations with low conductivity contrast are embedded into a bulk conductor. The respective sensitivity distribution was investigated and quantified theoretically and experimentally by displacing a conducting (agar, 8 S m(-1)) and an insulating sphere within a saline tank (4 S m(-1)). In contrast to the case in the empty space the sensitivity is not confined to a tube but even increases outside the 'projection beam'. The difference can be explained by the interaction of bulk currents with the perturbing object. This effect invalidates backprojection and hence the solution of the complete inverse eddy-current problem is suggested.  相似文献   

In an ideal magnetic induction tomography (MIT) system, the coupling between the coils and the sample is entirely by the magnetic field. In a practical system, unwanted electric-field (capacitive) coupling can also exist and cause large errors in the MIT measurements unless the hardware is designed carefully. A series of tests was carried out to assess the magnitude of capacitive coupling present in a 10 MHz MIT system designed for biomedical use and other applications involving low-conductivity samples (相似文献   

Solution of the inverse problem of magnetic induction tomography (MIT)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) of biological tissue is used to reconstruct the changes in the complex conductivity distribution inside an object under investigation. The measurement principle is based on determining the perturbation DeltaB of a primary alternating magnetic field B0, which is coupled from an array of excitation coils to the object under investigation. The corresponding voltages DeltaV and V0 induced in a receiver coil carry the information about the passive electrical properties (i.e. conductivity, permittivity and permeability). The reconstruction of the conductivity distribution requires the solution of a 3D inverse eddy current problem. As in EIT the inverse problem is ill-posed and on this account some regularization scheme has to be applied. We developed an inverse solver based on the Gauss-Newton-one-step method for differential imaging, and we implemented and tested four different regularization schemes: the first and second approaches employ a classical smoothness criterion using the unit matrix and a differential matrix of first order as the regularization matrix. The third method is based on variance uniformization, and the fourth method is based on the truncated singular value decomposition. Reconstructions were carried out with synthetic measurement data generated with a spherical perturbation at different locations within a conducting cylinder. Data were generated on a different mesh and 1% random noise was added. The model contained 16 excitation coils and 32 receiver coils which could be combined pairwise to give 16 planar gradiometers. With 32 receiver coils all regularization methods yield fairly good 3D-images of the modelled changes of the conductivity distribution, and prove the feasibility of difference imaging with MIT. The reconstructed perturbations appear at the right location, and their size is in the expected range. With 16 planar gradiometers an additional spurious feature appears mirrored with respect to the median plane with negative sign. This demonstrates that a symmetrical arrangement with one ring of planar gradiometers cannot distinguish between a positive conductivity change at the true location and a negative conductivity change at the mirrored location.  相似文献   

We evaluated analytically and experimentally the performance of a planar gradiometer as a sensing element in a system for magnetic induction tomography. A system using an excitation coil and a planar gradiometer was compared against a system with two coils. We constructed one excitation coil, two different sensing elements and a high-resolution phase detector. The first sensor was a PCB square spiral coil with seven turns. The second sensor was a PCB planar gradiometer with two opposite square spirals of seven turns, with a distance between centres of 8 cm. Theoretical sensitivity maps were derived from basic equations and compared with experimental data obtained at 150 kHz. The experimental sensitivity maps were obtained measuring the perturbation produced by a brass sphere of 12 mm in empty space. The advantage of using a gradiometer is that it can be adjusted to give a minimum signal for homogeneous objects, while increasing the sensitivity to local perturbations of the conductivity. Results show that a system using a planar gradiometer as detector has less demanding requirements for the electronic system than a system using simple coils.  相似文献   

We developed a 14-channel multifrequency magnetic induction tomography system (MF-MIT) for biomedical applications. The excitation field is produced by a single coil and 14 planar gradiometers are used for signal detection. The object under measurement was rotated (16 steps per turn) to obtain a full data set for image reconstruction. We make measurements at frequencies from 50 kHz to 1 MHz using a single frequency excitation signal or a multifrequency signal containing several frequencies in this range. We used two acquisition boards giving a total of eight synchronous channels at a sample rate of 5 MS s(-1) per channel. The real and imaginary parts of DeltaB/B(0) were calculated using coherent demodulation at all injected frequencies. Calibration, averaging and drift cancellation techniques were used before image reconstruction. A plastic tank filled with saline (D = 19 cm) and with conductive and/or paramagnetic perturbations was measured for calibration and test purposes. We used a FEM model and an eddy current solver to evaluate the experimental results and to reconstruct the images. Measured equivalent input noise voltage for each channel was 2 nV Hz(-1/2). Using coherent demodulation, with an integration time of 20 ms, the measured STD for the magnitude was 7 nV(rms) (close to the theoretical value only taking into account the amplifier's thermal noise). For long acquisition times the drift in the signal produced a bigger effect than the input noise (typical STD was 10 nV with a maximum of 35 nV at one channel) but this effect was reduced using a drift cancellation technique based on averaging. We were able to image a 2 S m(-1) agar sphere (D = 4 cm) inside the tank filled with saline of 1 S m(-1).  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) of biological tissue is used for the reconstruction of the complex conductivity distribution kappa inside the object under investigation. It is based on the perturbation of an alternating magnetic field caused by the object and can be used in all applications of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) such as functional lung monitoring and assessment of tissue fluids. In contrast to EIT, MIT does not require electrodes and magnetic fields can also penetrate non-conducting barriers such as the skull. As in EIT, the reconstruction of absolute conductivity values is very difficult because of the method's sensitivity to numerical errors and noise. To overcome this problem, image reconstruction in EIT is often done differentially. Analogously, this concept has been adopted for MIT. Two different methods for differential imaging are applicable. The first one is state-differential, for example when the conductivity change between inspiration and expiration in the lung regions is being detected. The second one is frequency-differential, which is of high interest in motionless organs like the brain, where a state-differential method cannot be applied. An equation for frequency-differential MIT was derived taking into consideration the frequency dependence of the sensitivity matrix. This formula is valid if we can assume that only small conductivity changes occur. In this way, the non-linear inverse problem of MIT can be approximated by a linear one (depending only on the frequency), similar to in EIT. Keeping this limitation in mind, the conductivity changes between one or more reference frequencies and several measurement frequencies were reconstructed, yielding normalized conductivity spectra. Due to the differential character of the method, these spectra do not provide absolute conductivities but preserve the shape of the spectrum. The validity of the method was tested with artificial data generated with a spherical perturbation within a conducting cylinder as well as for real measurement data. The measurement data were obtained from a potato immersed in saline. The resulting spectra were compared with reference measurements and the preservation of the shape of the spectra was analyzed.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) has been suggested by several groups for the contact-less mapping of the passive electrical properties of tissues via AC magnetic fields in the frequency range between several tens of kHz and several tens of MHz. Multifrequency MIT as an analog to multifrequency EIT has been tried and first image reconstructions have been demonstrated with phantoms. MIT appears to yield comparable images to EIT but offers the advantage of being non-contacting. In the beta-dispersion range of most tissues the method is challenging because the signals are very small and buried in noise. In order to minimize drifts and systematic errors fast data acquisition is therefore pivotal. This paper presents a method for single-shot MIT which allows us to acquire the data for a multifrequency image with an analog bandwidth of 50 kHz-1.5 MHz which covers a good part of the beta-dispersion of many tissues. The transmit (TX) coils are simultaneously driven by individual power amplifiers with a multisinus pattern with up to 3 A(pp). The amplifiers are configured as current sources so as not to perturb the excitation fields by inappropriately terminated coils. The separation of the different TX channels after reception is achieved by splitting up the carrier frequencies into individual subcarriers with a narrow spacing of at most 300 Hz. In this way every TX coil is identifiable by its own subcarrier but the whole excitation band is contained within a few kHz. The real and imaginary parts of the received signals are extracted efficiently with FFT. The system noise and the sources for low-frequency perturbations are analyzed and characterized.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is used for reconstructing the changes of the conductivity in a target object using alternating magnetic fields. Applications include, for example, the non-invasive monitoring of oedema in the human brain. A powerful software package has been developed which makes it possible to generate a finite element (FE) model of complex structures and to calculate the eddy currents in the object under investigation. To validate our software a model of a previously published experimental arrangement was generated. The model consists of a coaxial coil system and a conducting sphere which is moved perpendicular to the coil axis (a) in an empty space and (b) in a saline-filled cylindrical tank. The agreement of the measured and simulated data is very good when taking into consideration the systematic measurement errors in case (b). Thus the applicability of the simulation algorithm for two-compartment systems has been demonstrated even in the case of low conductivities and weak contrast. This can be considered an important step towards the solution of the inverse problem of MIT.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography is used to image the electrical properties inside a region of interest. The systems differ in the construction of the receiver channels which can be composed of coils or gradiometers. We will compare and discuss the image quality subject to two different types of receivers, different arrangements for the exciters and receivers and different signal-to-noise ratios. In order to evaluate the image quality, the point-spread function (PSF) was determined which is used for the calculation of the resolution and the correctness of the location of a perturbation. The results show that the PSF depends on (a) the location inside the object, (b) the type of receivers and (c) the configuration used, especially the location of the receiving and excitation channels. According to this, the local resolution is changed and has the maximum near the border of the object and decreases towards the centre of the object. In addition, the evaluation of the PSF shows a dislocation with respect to the underlying point-source position.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is a new and emerging type of tomography technique that is able to map the passive electromagnetic properties (in particular conductivity) of an object. Excitation coils are used to induce eddy currents in the medium, and the magnetic field produced by the induced eddy current is then sensed by the receiver coils. Because of its non-invasive and contactless feature, it becomes an attractive technique for many applications (especially in biomedical area) compared to traditional contact electrode-based electrical impedance tomography. Due to the low contrast in conductivity between biological tissues, an accurate and stable hardware system is necessary. Most MIT systems in the literature employ external signal generators, power amplifiers and highly stable down-conversion electronics to obtain a satisfactory phase measurement. However, this would increase design complexity substantially. In this paper, a National Instrument-based MIT system is developed at the University of Bath, aiming for biomedical applications. The system utilizes National Instrument products to accomplish all signal driving, switching and data acquisition tasks, which ease the system design whilst providing satisfactory performance. This paper presents a full-scaled medical MIT system, from the sensor and system hardware design, eddy current model verification to the image reconstruction software: the performance of this MIT instrumentation system is characterized in detail, including the system accuracy and system stability. The methods of solving eddy current problem are presented. The reconstructed images of detecting the presence of saline solutions are also included in this paper, which show the capability of national instrument products to be developed into a full-scaled biomedical MIT system, by demonstrating the practical experimental results.  相似文献   

A finite-difference model has been developed for simulating measurements in magnetic induction tomography (MIT) for biological tissues. The model has three stages: (1) computation of the distribution of current induced in a volume of dielectric due to the magnetic field from an excitation coil; both the electrical conductivity and permittivity of the dielectric are taken into account: (2) computation of the e.m.f. induced in the sensing coil directly from the excitation coil; (3) computation of the e.m.f. induced in a sensing coil due to the current distribution in the dielectric. From the results of stages (2) and (3), the change in signal in the sensing coil due to the dielectric can be obtained, in magnitude and phase, as a fraction of the signal received in the absence of the dielectric. The peak values in the modelled curves agreed to within 14% of practical measurements at 10 MHz on volumes of saline solution with conductivities in the range 0.7 to 6 S m(-1).  相似文献   

There has been massive investment in the development of clinical terminologies for use in electronic patient records. However, there has been little published evidence for the added value for primary care that implementation of such a terminology would offer. This paper outlines a methodology that has been used to compare two existing coding schemes (Read codes 5 byte set and Clinical Terms Version 3-CTV3) and demonstrates their relative performance using a certainty-agreement diagram. In the study described, CTV3 offers improved accuracy and consistency with improved usability. The potential advantages of the recently released terminology, SNOMED Clinical Terms, are briefly considered in this context.  相似文献   

Magnetic induction tomography of biological tissue is used to reconstruct the changes in the complex conductivity distribution by measuring the perturbation of an alternating primary magnetic field. To facilitate the sensitivity analysis and the solution of the inverse problem a fast calculation of the sensitivity matrix, i.e. the Jacobian matrix, which maps the changes of the conductivity distribution onto the changes of the voltage induced in a receiver coil, is needed. The use of finite differences to determine the entries of the sensitivity matrix does not represent a feasible solution because of the high computational costs of the basic eddy current problem. Therefore, the reciprocity theorem was exploited. The basic eddy current problem was simulated by the finite element method using symmetric tetrahedral edge elements of second order. To test the method various simulations were carried out and discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated two calibration techniques commonly used with eye movement signals pertaining to the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Eye movement signals were recorded electro-oculographically as usual and calibrated using both static and dynamic calibration techniques. The calibration values of normals and patients were computed and compared to each other. Also gain parameters of vestibulo-ocular reflex which depend on the calibration were computed. We found that both techniques are chiefly equally valid, and there are no considerable differences in results computed with either one.  相似文献   

Planar gradiometers (PGRAD) have particular advantages compared to solenoid receiver coils in magnetic induction tomography (MIT) for biological objects. A careful analysis of the sensitivity maps has to be carried out for perturbations within conducting objects in order to understand the performance of a PGRAD system and the corresponding implications for the inverse problem of MIT. We calculated and measured sensitivity maps for a single MIT-channel and a cylindrical tank (diameter 200 mm) with a spherical perturbation (diameter 50 mm) and with conductivities in the physiological range (0.4-0.8 S m(-1)). The excitation coil (EXC) was a solenoid (diameter 100 mm) with its axis perpendicular to the cylinder axis. As receiver a PGRAD was used. Calculations were carried out with a finite element model comparing the PGRAD and a solenoid receiver coil with its axis perpendicular to the excitation coil axis (SC90). The measured and simulated sensitivity maps agree satisfactorily within the limits of unavoidable systematic errors. In PGRAD the sensitivity is zero on the coil axis, exhibiting two local extrema near the receiver and a strong increase of the sensitivity with the distance from the coil axis. In SC90 the sensitivity map is morphologically very similar to that of the PGRAD. The maps are completely different from those known in EIT and may thus cause different implications for the inverse problem. The SC90 can, in principle, replace the mechanically and electrically more complicated PGRAD, however, the immunity to far sources of electromagnetic interference is worse, thus requiring magnetic shielding of the system.  相似文献   

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