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正临床资料患者,女,80岁。主因面部皮疹伴瘙痒5年,于2013年11月23日就诊。5年前,无明显诱因患者面部出现红斑,自觉瘙痒,曾按脂溢性皮炎给予蓝科肤宁湿敷,两周后鼻背部逐渐出现红斑、脱屑;之后又按脂溢性角化病、脂溢性皮炎等持续外用尿素软膏及硅霜,皮损时有反复,鼻背部皮损逐渐变硬、颜色变暗,瘙痒明显。系统查体无异常。皮肤科查体:鼻背及右颊部各见一3 cm×4 cm、5 cm×  相似文献   

目的探讨5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(ALA-PDT)治疗日光性角化病的疗效。方法对16例日光性角化病患者进行ALA-PDT治疗,观察其疗效。结果 16例日光性角化病患者中14例治愈,2例复发。结论运用ALAPDT治疗日光性角化病疗效确切,无明显痛苦,患者乐于接受,复发率低,特别适合皮损位于面部等特殊部位或年龄较大不能耐受手术的患者,适合临床推广使用。  相似文献   

报告1例巨大脂溢性角化病。患者女,59岁。因右臀部皮肤逐渐增大的褐色斑块30余年就诊。皮损约20 cm×15 cm,表面粗糙,无浸润。皮损组织病理检查示表皮角化过度伴角化不全,棘层肥厚,乳头瘤样增生,以基底样细胞为主,见假性角囊肿形成。诊断为脂溢性角化病。  相似文献   

目的分析手术联合5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(ALA-PDT)治疗日光性角化病(AK)的疗效。方法将29例患者随机分为治疗组(13例)和对照组(16例),治疗组采取手术切除皮损,于术后第2天开始ALAPDT治疗,对照组皮损予ALA-PDT治疗,均1次/周,共3~7次,随访15~36个月。结果治疗组完全反应率(100%)显著优于对照组(68.75%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论手术联合ALA-PDT是治疗AK的一种有效、安全的方法。  相似文献   

患者女,68岁,维吾尔族.因头部长肿物2年,于2010年3月10日就诊于我院.患者2年前右侧颞部头皮出现一黑褐色扁平斑块,渐增大,并突起,偶有瘙痒,无破溃及出血.  相似文献   

患者男,37岁.因外阴黑褐色疣状斑块16年于2009年9月就诊.患者16年前无明显诱因发现阴阜部有一粟粒大黑褐色丘疹,无自觉症状,未就诊.此后皮损逐渐增大、增厚形成一蚕豆大斑块.大约13年前患者发现阴茎根部有两颗粟粒大黑褐色丘疹,此后上述3处皮损逐渐发展,患者仍未诊治.近1年来,阴阜部皮损增生至鸽蛋大,阴茎根部皮损逐渐突出表面呈鸡冠样,遂来我院就诊.既往无特殊疾病史,家族中无类似疾病患者及遗传病史.  相似文献   

患者男,78岁。因左耳窝褐色肿物6年余于2004年2月15日来我所就诊。患者6年前发现左耳窝褐色肿物,约黄豆大小。无明显痛痒。肿物随时间增长逐渐增大,近1年来增长速度较前加快,突出耳廓,表面凸凹不平,有时肿物出现部分破溃,流血水且有臭味。患者曾外用多种糖皮质激素、癣药膏等治疗,无明显缓解。此外,近年来患者面额部、头皮、颈部、躯干及双上肢出现散在深褐色斑块和褐色赘生物,无痛痒。近几个月来,因左  相似文献   

患者女,65岁,背部多数褐黄色丘疹3年。皮损位于背部,呈圆形、椭圆形、梭形及彗星形,直径1mm~2cm,腰背部皮损沿皮肤切线分布,呈流线型排列。组织病理示角化过度,棘层肥厚与乳头瘤样增生,主要为鳞状细胞和基底样细胞  相似文献   

YAG激光治疗脂溢性角化病38例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脂溢性角化病又称老年疣,笔者用YAG激光先后治疗38例,效果满意,现报告如下。1病例资料38例病人,男性8例,女性30例,年龄30~73岁,病程2~24年。采用的YAG激光治疗仪,激光波长为1064nm能量密度为0.5~13J/cm2及波长532nm能量密度为0.4~6.0J/cm2,脉宽10ns,工作频率1Hz、2Hz、5Hz、10Hz或单次,光斑尺寸为2~3mm。治疗方法:常规消毒患处,因仅有轻微疼痛均未用局部麻醉。笔者选择波长1064nm,其能量为6.0~8.2J/cm2,波长532nm能量为2.5~3.3J/cm2,光…  相似文献   

目的观察冷冻联合维A酸乳膏治疗脂溢性角化病的临床疗效。方法将患者随机分为冷冻组、维A酸乳膏组和联合组。冷冻组单纯行皮损处冷冻治疗;维A酸乳膏组皮损处单用0.1%维A酸乳膏每晚涂擦1次;联合组在皮损处先行冷冻治疗,2周左右待痂皮脱落后,部分残留皮损处再行0.1%维A酸乳膏每晚涂擦1次。3组疗程均为3个月。结果冷冻组、维A酸乳膏组和联合组的有效率分别为82.9%,75.3%,100.0%。联合组分别与冷冻组和维A酸乳膏组比较差异有极显著性意义(P均<0.01)。结论冷冻联合0.1%维A酸乳膏治疗脂溢性角化病安全有效,且价格低廉。  相似文献   

生长在甲周或甲下的寻常疣称为甲周疣或甲下疣,可使指甲、甲床破坏、指甲变形,其治疗目前多使用冷冻或CO2激光。冷冻常有治疗时疼痛、治疗周期长、且对甲沟部和甲缘部疣体的疗效差、复发率高等缺点;CO2激光治疗术后创面愈合时间长,易引起继发感染,且愈后易引起局部瘢痕形成或新甲变形[1]。  相似文献   

A thirty-six-year-old woman with an unusual benign pigmented tumor of the ankle is presented. Histopathology of the tumor showed combined features of a seborrheic keratosis and a compound nevus. Combined pigmented tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions.  相似文献   

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, recurring, and disabling inflammatory condition of the skin. There is no cure for hidradenitis suppurativa and treatment must be adapted to each individual patient. Several studies have been published since 2004 on the use of photodynamic therapy to treat hidradenitis suppurativa. The use of superficial or interstitial illumination with 5-amino-levulinic acid (5-ALA) or methylene blue (MB) have been proposed. Injecting 5-ALA or MB followed by illumination with a fiber optic sensor placed inside the lesion appears to be a better method of treating these thick lesions.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 60-year-old woman with a 4-year history of an asymptomatic plaque on her left cheek. The lesion was composed of two distinct adjacent and continuous parts comprising a lateral yellowish flat portion and a medial reddish nodular portion. Histologic examination revealed that the plaque was composed of two different adjacent tumors. The lateral portion of the plaque had the aspect of a seborrheic keratosis (SK) with hyperkeratosis and acanthosis with irregular proliferation of apparently benign basaloid and squamous keratinocytes and small horn pseudocysts. The medial portion showed a dermal tumor made up of differently sized lobules composed of immature sebocytes mixed with single or clustered mature sebaceous cells. Sebaceous ductal differentiation was visible. We made the diagnosis of SK associated with sebaceoma. The association of an SK with a benign neoplasm with sebaceous differentiation is rare. It may only be a coincidence, but a role for the preexisting SK cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

目的:比较液氮冷冻与Q开关激光治疗脂溢性角化病的临床疗效.方法:选取2017年6月至2020年2月间我科就诊的脂溢性角化病患者,随机分为液氮冷冻组和Q开关激光治疗组.结果:共治疗170例患者,其中液氮冷冻组85例245枚皮损痊愈238枚(97.14%),显效7枚(2.86%),总有效率为100%,治疗后6个月继发性色素...  相似文献   

临床资料患者,男,68岁。主因全身黑色斑丘疹30余年、左眼内眦下方浅溃疡4个月,于2007年7月2日就诊我院。患者30余年前无明显诱因全身出现散在黑  相似文献   

Aims:  Seborrheic keratoses are the most common benign cutaneous neoplasms in adult and middle-age patients. There are six distinctive histopathologic variants of seborrheic keratosis, namely, acanthotic or solid, reticulated or adenoid, hyperkeratotic or papillomatous, clonal or nested, irritated and inflamed.
Methods:  We report two additional histopathologic variants of seborrheic keratosis.
Results:  One lesion showed abundant intercellular mucin, closely resembling to adamantinoma, and therefore was named adamantinoid seborrheic keratosis. The other one exhibited a peculiar distribution of the basaloid keratinocytes, which were arranged radially around small central spaces, resulting in pseudorosette formation.
Discussion:  To our knowledge, these two histopathologic variants of seborrheic keratosis have been not previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

金双  黄丹  陈崑 《中华皮肤科杂志》2021,54(11):1023-1027
【摘要】 光线性角化病(AK)是与长期光暴露有关的一种皮肤癌前期损害,光动力疗法是其主要治疗方法之一。与传统光动力疗法相比,以日光作为光源的日光光动力疗法操作方便,疼痛感低,患者接受度高,但易受到天气等因素的影响,适用于头面部Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级光线性角化病的治疗,预处理、光敏剂、光照等均可能影响其疗效。本文主要阐述日光光动力疗法的优势,并介绍其操作方法,以帮助临床工作者选择最佳治疗方案。  相似文献   

Summary The efficacy and suitability of photodynamic therapy (PDT) was compared with that of cryotherapy in the treatment of 40 lesions of Bowen's disease. Lesions were randomized to receive either cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, or PDT using a portable desktop lamp incorporating a 300 W xenon short arc discharge source. A porphyrin precursor, 5-aminolaevulinic acid (5-ALA), was applied topically 4 h before irradiation in the PDT group. Each lesion received 125J/cm2 at a fluence rate of 70mW/cm2. All patients were reviewed at 2-monthly intervals and treatments repeated if required. Cryotherapy produced clearance in 10 of 20 lesions after one treatment, the remaining 10 lesions requiring two or three treatment applications. PDT resulted in clearance of 15 of 20 lesions after one treatment and of the remaining five lesions after a second treatment. The probability that a lesion cleared after one treatment was greater with PDT than cryotherapy (P < 0.01). Cryotherapy was associated with ulceration (five of 20), infection (two of 20) and recurrent disease (two of 20): no such complications occured following PDT. PDT using a non-laser light source and topical 5-ALA appears to be at least as effective as cryotherapy in the treatment of Bowen's disease with fewer adverse effects.  相似文献   

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