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王成义 《中国性科学》2004,13(10):45-46
1 中国性学会将能办成最大的一种学会 1.1 基因好、得天独厚;因此要珍惜、要实干、要把中国性学会办大 "食色性也",是说饮食和情色是人的天性.民以食为天,种以性为本.  相似文献   

目的:色情业与性犯罪的关系的研究已经进行有年,本文针对进入数码时代的社会背景,就日本在新时代中的色情文化的相关问题进行阐述。方法:本文从社会学、文化学、伦理学以及性学等学科领域对此问题进行简要的梳理。结果:日本社会和文化中,长期存在色情文化的泛滥,由于日本文化和社会对于“性”的宽容,当前日本社会所存在的各种性犯罪日益严重,特别是网络上的性犯罪已经触及到社会的安全。结论:由于目前中国国内也出现网络性犯罪等问题,笔者认为读者可以从此文引起思考,以为借鉴。  相似文献   

中医性医学几个临床问题的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国性学会中医性专业委员会于1995年10月在北京的成立,标志着中医性学已作为一个独立的综合学科确立了相应的社会和学术地位。中医性学所涉及的范围较广,简而言之,应包含理论、临床、社会、心理、伦理、教育等不同方面。其中的中医性医学是其核心之所在,无论是古代的性学、养生学,还是现代的中医性学,其研究的先导和最活跃的部分就是性医学。现代中医性医学的范畴已远远超过古代的中医性医  相似文献   

中国性学会成立十周年了,据悉学会将表彰对中国性学做出贡献的当代性学专家学者.我们在对这些中国当代长辈或同仁表示祝贺的同时,自然会引发我们对我国现代性学先驱者的缅怀.所以,在这期杂志的封面上,我们刊登了鲁迅、胡适、张竞生、潘光旦等几位现代性学先驱者的照片,借以表达对他们以及其他先驱者的的纪念.  相似文献   

根据国际间同行们的兴趣和要求,经国科外审字(95)1299文批准的第二届中国国际性学学术交流会,定于1996年10月10—16日在中国航天城西昌和人类母系社会的最后领地泸沽湖召开。征文内容:东方性科学与性文化、性教育、性心理、饮食文化与性、人口与计划生育、性与疾病、艾滋病与性病防治、性功能障碍、中医性学、养生与性保健、易经与性哲学、母系家庭与人类文明、走婚与健康、性生活方式、性行为研究、性的男女平等、民俗与性社会学及性学其它方面的研究。邀请国内外著名性学专家讲座。举办性保健品、药物、器具展销与技术交流。寄全文一份及500字内打印的英、中文摘要各二份(英文占上1/2,中文占下1/2,每行38字,标题4号黑体,正文5号宋体,附上英文题、拼音姓名及单位英文名称,勿写入"摘要"和"关键词")以便审录后编入论文集,供国际交流及联系,并颁发证书。未录用者概不退稿。1996年6月30日载稿。大会用语:  相似文献   

各位领导、来宾,各位理事:我代表中国性学会筹委会的发起人向大家讲几句话:自1987年起,八年来我们团结全国性学界同仁,先后在重庆(87)、广州(88)、九江(89)、桂林(90)、济南(91)、南京(92)、成都(93)等地召开了七届全国性学学术会议,并举办了每年一届的性健康教育、性咨询与性治疗学习班,培养了一千多名性教育与性治疗技术干部。中国性学会筹委会在筹建之初,一无经费,二无人员编制,挂靠在江西南方性学研究所,艰难筹办了几届全国性学术研讨会,自1991年起,考虑北京是我国的首都是政  相似文献   

雷敬 《中国性科学》2020,(2):158-160
"金赛性学"理论曾经影响过世界性学研究。随着我国社会多元化转型,人们对"性取向多元化"的认知与思索逐步加深。本文试图从"金赛量表"理论为基础,通过对"性向"、"性向度"及"性向多级"等知识的分析与思考,阐述其在社会生活中的甄别与适用价值,提示相关从业者在职业选择、道德操守等诸方面引起重视,从而对社会产生积极影响(其中"性向度"概念的提出在国内性学理论界尚属首次)。  相似文献   

皮肤病摄影的回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学知识最早由文字或绘画记载,皮肤病学亦是如此,已知最早被绘画记载的皮肤病是梅毒.很多著名皮肤病学家如Ferdinand Hebra(1816-1880年,Vienna皮肤病学校创立者)、Moritz Kaposi(1837-1902年,最早研究红斑狼疮、扁平苔藓等疾病,并命名Kaposi肉瘤)等都对皮肤病绘画有较高造诣.摄影是用光线凝固历史的艺术.与文字和绘画相比,摄影因“凝聚”真实影像元素而记载人类视觉,是记录医学资料的可靠方式.皮肤病学高度依赖直观表现,是最早应用摄影术的临床学科,并形成“皮肤病摄影”这一特殊领域.皮肤病摄影对临床诊疗、医学文献、专业教育、学术交流意义重大,成为现代皮肤病学发展的重要推动因素之一.  相似文献   

这是《性权宣言》的官方文本。出于合法和专业准确性的目的,必须参照《性权宣言》的英文版作为官方的文本:http://www. worldsexology. org/resources/declaration-of-sexual-rights/(2014-10-28)世界性健康协会(world association for sexual health,WAS)是一个世界范围内多学科的科学协会组织,它是一个促进人生性健康的人类性学(human sexuality)专业领域的非政府组织和专业机构。凭借人类性学专业领域,发展、促进和支持性学(sexology)以及促进所有人的性权。世界性健康协会基于跨学科和合乎科学的性研究、性教育和临床性学,通过倡导行动、沟通、促进信息/观点/体验的交流达此目的。《性权宣言》(DECLARATION OF SEXUAL RIGHTS)于1997年在西班牙的巴伦西亚"第十三届性学大会"首次公告,然后,其修订文本由世界性健康协会理事会于1999年在香港批准,之后又在《世界性健康协会宣言:千年性健康》(2008)再次被确认。本《性权宣言》修订版于2014年3月,由世界性健康协会顾问委员会批准。  相似文献   

性美学是研究性及相关领域美的普遍规律及一切与性相关的审美活动的科学,它是人类审美意识和审美情感的基础和制高点.中国传统性美学是古老与现代的续存和升华.中国人的宇宙观和中国之美、中国之性的基础可以从太极图中全景展示.“一阴一阳之谓道”,世界上一切事物都是由阴阳相依相对、五行相生相克所构成,都是辩证统一与循环和谐的.由道、儒、释、医等三教九流构成的大一统文化,是中国传统性美学的哲学、思想、理论和文化的基础;而诗、书、礼、乐,琴、棋、书、画,太极武功,梳妆服饰,房事养生,男女婚嫁,家私床笫,陶瓷器皿则是其至高至美的丰富多彩的表现.“乾刚坤柔”是世间万物男与女、雄与雌的最为本质和均一的唯美至高表现和境界.孔子说“饮食、男女,人之大欲存焉.”孟子曰“食色,性也.”“阴平阳秘,精神乃治.”是太极之美,是大圆之美,更是性学之美.中医性美学就象美学和性学一样是自古存在,自发创造和运用,自发完善和审悦,却又未自觉运用和研究的跨学科的分支综合学科.它的提出和研究必将丰富和完善中医学、美学、性学特别是中医性科学的体系,也将完善中医美学的体系.  相似文献   

12 cases of occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by decorative plants were diagnosed in a 14-year period. The patients were middle-aged, and their average exposure time was 13 years. The plant families and plants causing occupational contact dermatitis were Compositae (5 patients: chrysanthemum, elecampane, gerbera, feverfew), Alstroemeriaceae (5 patients, Alstroemeria ), Liliaceae (4 patients; tulip, hyacinth). Amaryllidaceae (2 patients: narcissus) and Caryophyllaceae (2 patients; carnation, cauzeflower). The known chemical allergens causing dermatitis were tuliposide-A and sesquiterepene lactones, such as alantolactones and parthenolide, in the Liliaceae and Compositae families. 7 of the 12 patients were able to continue their work; 5 were not because of severe relapses of skin symptoms. The plant allergen and extract series currently available are of great help in the diagnosis.  相似文献   



Cutaneous metastases are a rare event compared with other metastases. Their incidence is estimated between 0.7% and 9% of patients with cancer. Their presence always indicates a disseminated malignant disease and could also be the first manifestation of a tumor, appearing simultaneously or after a diagnosis of cancer.


To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of cutaneous metastases in our hospital.

Material and method

We performed an observational retrospective study. We included all patients with cutaneous metastases diagnosed in the Dermatology Service of our hospital during a 7-year period. Patients with metastases from sarcomas, melanomas and hematologic malignances were excluded.


We studied 102 patients with cutaneous metastases. The primary tumor was identified in 87 patients (85%). The most frequent tumors were breast cancer in women (48%) and lung cancer in men (11%). Cutaneous metastases were the first sign of malignancy in 12 patients (11%). The predominant clinical form was the nodular form. The most common localization of the metastases was the thoracic region. The most common histologic diagnosis was adenocarcinoma. The mean survival after the development of metastases was 22.1 months.


There is an association between the frequency of cutaneous metastases and the most frequent malignancies in each sex.Our results were similar to those of other studies regarding age, sex distribution, the predominant clinical form, location, and histological diagnosis of cutaneous metastases.  相似文献   

Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), the sebaceous gland and follicular keratinocytes are considered the three actors involved in the development of acne. This exploratory study investigated the characteristics of the skin microbiota in subjects with acne and determined microbiota changes after 28 days of application of erythromycin 4% or a dermocosmetic. Skin microbiota were collected under axenic conditions from comedones, papulo‐pustular lesions and non‐lesional skin areas from subjects with mild to moderate acne according to the GEA grading using swabs. Samples were characterized using a high‐throughput sequencing approach that targets a portion of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Overall, microbiota samples from 26 subjects showed an overabundance of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and an under‐representation of Actinobacteria. Staphylococci were more abundant on the surface of comedones, papules and pustules (P=.004 and P=.003 respectively) than on non‐lesional skin. Their proportions increased significantly with acne severity (P<.05 between GEA‐2 and GEA‐3). Propionibacteria represented less than 2% of the bacteria on the skin surface. At Day 28, only the number of Actinobacteria had decreased with erythromycin while the dermocosmetic decreased also the number of Staphylococci. A significant reduction (P<.05) from Day 0 of comedones, papules and pustules with no significant difference between the products was observed. The bacterial diversity on all sampling areas was similar. The dermocosmetic decreased the number of Actinobacteria and Staphylococcus spp. after 28 days. Staphylococcus remained the predominant genus of the superficial skin microbiota. No significant reduction in Staphylococcus spp. was observed with the topical antibiotic.  相似文献   

Summary: Onychomycosis is a common disease all over the world. Epidemiological surveys estimate the share of nail fungi at 30 % in superficial mycoses. Patients regard this disease as annoying and restrictive with regard to daily activities and social contacts. Since the beginning of the 1990ies modern treatment strategies have been developed. Among oral drugs topical lacquers like ciclopirox 8 % nail lacquer – which is approved in 45 countries of the world – play an important role in the treatment of onychomycosis. Ciclopirox nail lacquer is approved for the treatment of all types of onychomycosis. Its mode of action is fungicidal and sporocidal. The efficacy has been proven in numerous studies including all potential fungi responsible for the infection of the nail plate and in different patient populations. Due to the different mode of action compared to the azoles – ciclopirox does not impact the ergosterole synthesis – ciclopirox is an ideal combination partner for oral antimycotics. Ciclopirox nail lacquer is applied with a brush. This makes it easy to use. Adverse events were rarely reported and are of local nature.  相似文献   

For tumours of the ear that are suspected to involve auricular cartilage, precise definition of the extent of involved deep margin can be difficult. As large resections of cartilage can be cosmetically disfiguring with limited repair options, we propose a simple and effective technique to facilitate a targeted deep margin resection using a curette and a surgical marking pen.  相似文献   

A method for measuring skin elasticity in vivo based on repeated applications of suction to a circular skin area with a diameter of 10 mm and measurement of tensile distensibility (TD), hysteresis (H), and resilient distension (RD) by the principle of electrical capacitance calibrated to elevation of the skin surface in mm is introduced. Measurements in 14 patients of 51 lesions of localized scleroderma (morphoea) and regional controls revealed a characteristic rheological pattern in the sclerotic state representing structural alterations with reduced TD and H; H became temporarily increased during remission. Measurements in control regions showed significant correlations between TD and H (r=0.382), and between H and RD (r=0.420). Regional differences between extremities, abdomen, and back were significant and “inversely” correlated to skin thickness as measured by ultrasound (r=0.451). The method was highly reproducible according to studies on silicone rubber membrane (SD of TD different sites, 0.023 mm; SD of H, 0.010 mm; SD of TD same sites repeated, 0.010 mm). The biological, day-to-day variation in different regions of a healthy individual was considerably higher (SD of TD, 0.048–0.087 mm), in particular with respect to H (SD, 0.122–0.277 mm). TD was very variable. Experiments on abdominal skin showed that previous mechanical stress resulted in a characteristic pattern with an increase in TD and a decrease in H. Acute edema (histamine weal) resulted in a characteristic pattern with increased TD and H. Both experiments illustrated functional aspects of skin rheology overlying the structure and explaining part of the biological variation.  相似文献   

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