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近年来,笔者先后咨询了有迷恋、偷窃女性贴身用品(如内裤、乳罩等)行为(以下简称为"恋物行为")的男大学生10名(以下简称为"恋物者"),其中8名因偷窃时当场抓获而前来鉴别、咨询、治疗;有2人已是第二次被抓(但系第一次咨询);10人中一年级学生3名,二年级4名,三年级2名,四年级1名。以往学术界和临床上对恋物癖的心理行为特点分析比较少或过于简单、笼统,尤其是未作性变态性质的"恋物癖"与正常心理范围内的"恋物倾向"的区别。为了更为准确地把握恋物行为的特点及恋物者的心理过程,提高心理咨询的治疗的针对性和有效性,笔者对10例恋物行为作了较详细的调查分析。  相似文献   

朱琪 《中国性科学》2000,9(2):44-44
心理学和性科学界长期以来,对于一直沿用的异性恋、双性恋、同性恋、童恋(恋童癖、恋童症)、物恋(恋物癖、恋物症)、兽恋(恋兽癖、恋兽症)、以及尸恋(恋尸癖、恋尸症)等词汇中的“恋”字,从未有过是否用之恰当的讨论。近几年来还有人把同性恋改称同性爱,这一改变又是否恰当。如果仔细推敲上述词汇中的“恋”字可以发现,从心理学的意义上讲,所有这些词汇只是为表明一种特定的正常或异常性欲取向,是欲望,而并不应该具有情感色彩。既然如此,那么用“恋”或者“爱”是否能确切地表达性欲取向的学术定义。为此有必要对“恋”、“爱”、“欲”三个汉字的含义作探本求源的考证。现将《辞源》  相似文献   

足菌肿是一种由真菌引起的慢性皮肤和皮下组织病变,常侵及其他组织,尤其是肌肉、筋膜和骨。其特点是有排出含有真菌“颗粒”的浆液脓性渗出物的瘘道形成。这类“颗粒”是致病菌的菌落和菌丝。病原学已知有很多种致病菌能引起足菌肿,主要有两大类:放线菌性足菌肿是由巴西诺卡氏菌、豚鼠诺卡氏菌和星状诺卡氏菌等需氧性放线菌类及足菌肿放线菌、白利梯链霉菌和索马里链霉菌等链霉菌类所引起。真菌性或马杜拉足菌肿是由不同的菌类所引起。常见的有马杜拉足分枝菌,灰色足  相似文献   

布鲁克大学学者Bogaert(2004)发表论文指出1%的人属于无性恋。然而,何为无性恋?一直存在争议。因中国大陆学界对无性恋关注度极低,无性恋者时常被误解甚至自我认同为禁欲者、病态等。本文认为,无性恋是亟待研究的性现象,应得到学界的更多关注。基于国内可供查询的28篇中英文文献,笔者对无性恋的研究总体情况、研究方法、定义等核心内容做了综述性研究,旨在阐述无性恋概念及其一般特征的描述,为国内无性恋研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

论述阴虚恋湿的历史渊源、发病机理、治疗原则,以及此理论运用于临床指导皮肤病的治疗方法.  相似文献   

<正>由高能暴力所致的足部损伤患者比例日趋增高,进而导致中足损伤现已成为一类常见的下肢损伤,其发生率约每年为1/30 000人,占全身骨折的0.4%[1]。中足包括跖骨基底、楔骨、舟骨、骰骨,以及Chopart关节所对应的距骨和跟骨,其解剖结构的稳定依赖诸多的韧带、关节囊,以及足内肌和足外肌。因此,中足损伤治疗不当容易导致中足畸形愈合,以至遗留疼痛、畸形、足功能障碍。多数患者需要手术矫正。根据不同畸形特点选择正确的手术方法,  相似文献   

为了解释麻风性足穿孔的原因,我们一方面将两只雄性大白鼠的两侧坐骨神经切除2cm 后,分别放在1cm 的四方形金属网内及平板上喂养。6个月后,对下肢的血管系统,末梢神经系统、以及腰部、大腿、下肢、足部的皮肤进行病理组织学检查,观察足穿孔形成原因,另一方而,将其与病人足穿孔的溃疡病变部位加以比较。  相似文献   

Macotela-Ruiz曾把足分枝菌病(Mycetoma)分为3类:(1)由需氧放线菌引起的放线菌性足分枝菌病;(2)由真性霉菌引起的足分枝菌病;和(3)由以色列放线菌引起的放线菌病。Zaias等将其简化为2类,即把(1)(3)两类合并为放线菌性足分枝菌病,并把第(2)类称为真菌性足分枝菌  相似文献   

足菌肿是由细菌或真菌引起的一种慢性肉芽肿性疾病、侵犯皮肤、皮下组织,有时侵犯邻近骨骼和器官。可通过镜检和分离致病因子来确诊。放线菌性足菌肿用甲氧苄氨嘧啶、磺胺甲基异(口恶)唑、DDS治疗;治疗抵抗的病人,可加用丁胺卡那霉素,95%的病人可治愈。真菌性足菌肿用二性霉素B、酮康唑、伊曲康唑或结合外科治疗有效。  相似文献   

将得自治疗前和治疗后的LL及BL患者皮损处的细菌接种到Balb/c裸鼠右后足垫,又取裸鼠繁殖菌做亚代按种.18个月后回收菌达1000~2000倍,可见细菌已播散到未接种的足及舌、耳和鼻尖等处.接种一年后出现足垫肿胀。初代和亚代的足垫回收菌,其生长曲线大致相符.二株治疗后的麻风菌接种于裸鼠未见繁殖。从裸鼠组织中回收的抗酸茵经试管内培养和足垫平行对照,初步鉴定为人麻风菌。  相似文献   

根据快乐模型,分析并发现了心理正常的判断标准、心理障碍的判断标准和当前的社会规范之间的关系.分析并发现了在幸福文化中经常使用的标准快乐方法和标准痛苦方法的结构.针对常见的8种性心理障碍:恋物癖、异性装扮癖、易性癖、露阴癖、窥阴癖、摩擦癖、施虐癖、受虐癖,通过分析并且合理分类,分别提出了相应的心理治疗方法.  相似文献   

Several pathogenetic factors such as peripheral neuropathy, vasculopathy and infection are responsible for the development of diabetic foot ulcerations. An important factor contributing to the high infection risk in diabetic patients is a defect in neutrophil granulocytes. Deficiencies in neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity with the decrease of the super- and peroxids are known to be associated with diabetes. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) increases the release of neutrophils from the bone marrow and improves neutrophil function. A 78-year old patient with non-insulin-dependent diabetes presented with ulcerations of both big toes and a malum perforans on the right sole. He also had generalized arteriosclerosis as well as a polyneuropathy with a dry foot and typical foot deformation as well as decreased in sensitivity. Intensive local care for 35 days led to no improvement of the ulcerations. Then G-CSF (Neupogen) was administered in a total dose of 165 million IU over 11 days; the daily dose varied between 15-30 million IU depending on the absolute leucocyte count. In addition 500 mg of oral ciprofloxacin (Ciproxin) was given b.i.d. This treatment led to a significant improvement of the lesions. Within 11 days cost analysis suggests G-CSF may be a cost-effective addition to antimicrobial therapy in diabetic foot infection.  相似文献   

Leg and foot ulcers. An epidemiological survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medical records for leg and foot ulcer patients have been investigated, 1377 patients were found. The median age for women was 76 years and for men 70 years. Totally there was a majority of women, 61%. The age specific frequencies for leg and foot ulcer patients did however not differ between men and women. Thirty percent of all patients had ulcers on the feet only. The ratio between men and women for feet ulcers was 1:1. Men got their feet ulcers 5-10 years earlier than women. Seventeen percent of all patients had ulcers on the medial side of the calf only. Seventy percent of these patients were women. A rough estimate of the prevalence of leg and foot ulcer patients was made to between 0.2-0.4% of the whole population. The involvement of different medical disciplines in the care of leg and foot ulcer patients in Gothenburg is reported.  相似文献   

BackgroundTinea pedis and onychomycosis are among the commonest fungal diseases in the world. Recently, there has been an increase in the numbers of fungal agents implicated in these conditions.ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiology of fungal foot diseases and to identify associated etiological factors in outpatients attending the Department of Dermatology of Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis, Tunisia.Patients and MethodsOne hundred and forty eight patients were assessed for the presence of fungal foot diseases during the period between January and April 2009. The mean age was 41.5 years (range: 2–87 years) and sex ratio was 0.8. A complete dermatological examination was performed on all subjects, and specimens of the feet were taken from patients presenting signs of tinea pedis or onychomycosis for microscopy and fungal culture.ResultsFungal foot infection was suspected in 71 subjects, and the diagnosis was confirmed in 67 cases (45.3%) by positive microscopy or culture. Older age and family history of mycosis were predisposing factors for foot fungal infection. The condition was caused by dermatophytes in 57.1% of cases and Candida species in 35.7%. Trichophyton rubrum and Candida parapsilosis were the predominant dermatophyte and yeast species, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mechanically induced hyperkeratotic lesions (corns and calluses) are among the most common foot problems in older people. However, their aetiology is not well understood. AIM: To compare the magnitude of pressures generated under the foot when walking in older people with and without plantar calluses. METHODS: Peak plantar pressure measurements were obtained from 292 participants (99 men and 193 women) aged 62-96 years (mean +/- SD 77.6 +/- 6.9) recruited from a retirement village and a university health sciences clinic. Comparisons were then made between callused and noncallused regions of the foot. RESULTS: In total, 151 participants (52%) had at least one plantar callus. Those with plantar calluses were more likely to be female, have moderate to severe hallux valgus, and at least one lesser toe deformity. Regional peak plantar pressures were significantly higher in people with calluses under the second metatarsophalangeal joint (2.34 +/- 0.46 vs. 2.12 +/- 0.51 kg/cm(2), P = 0.001), the third to fifth metatarsophalangeal joints (1.71 +/- 0.46 vs. 1.50 +/- 0.51 kg/cm(2), P = 0.009) and the hallux (1.40 +/- 0.34 vs. 1.23 +/- 0.47 kg/cm(2), P = 0.007) compared with people without calluses under these sites. CONCLUSION: Plantar pressures are significantly higher under callused regions of the foot in older people. Raised pressure may play a role in the development of plantar calluses by accelerating the turnover rate of keratinocytes in the epidermis. Future studies should focus on evaluating the efficacy of pressure-relieving interventions in the prevention and treatment of keratotic disorders in older people.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of foot dermatomycosis (tinea pedis and onychomycosis) and other candidate risk factors in the development of acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg. METHODS: A case-control study, including 243 patients (cases) with acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg and 467 controls, 2 per case, individually matched for gender, age (+/-5 years), hospital and admission date (+/-2 months). RESULTS: Overall, mycology-proven foot dermatomycosis was a significant risk factor for acute bacterial cellulitis (odds ratio, OR: 2.4; p < 0.001), as were tinea pedis interdigitalis (OR: 3.2; p < 0.001), tinea pedis plantaris (OR: 1.7; p = 0.005) and onychomycosis (OR: 2.2; p < 0.001) individually. Other risk factors included: disruption of the cutaneous barrier, history of bacterial cellulitis, chronic venous insufficiency and leg oedema. CONCLUSIONS: Tinea pedis and onychomycosis were found to be significant risk factors for acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg that are readily amenable to treatment with effective pharmacological therapy.  相似文献   

From the French Invasion of Russia in 1812, to Glastonbury festival in 2007, trench foot has been reported, yet the exact nature of the condition remains unclear. This review explores the pathogenesis and treatment of trench foot. Trench foot is considered to be a nonfreezing cold injury often complicated by infection, in which exposure to cold temperatures just above freezing, combined with moisture, results in a peripheral vasoneuropathy. The presence of physical trauma, bacterial or fungal infections, malnutrition, venous hypertension and lymphoedema mean that some individuals are at greater risk of trench foot. Trench foot may be prevented by warming the feet, changing socks, staying active, rubbing the skin with oil and regularly inspecting the feet. Avoiding risk factors may help prevent the condition. The management of trench foot is less clear. Vasodilators such as iloprost and nicotinyl tartrate or sympathectomy may help. Trench foot may lead to necrosis, cellulitis, sepsis and amputation. It remains a poorly understood condition.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To provide physicians and nurses with an overview of diabetic foot assessment. TARGET AUDIENCE: This continuing-education activity is intended for physicians and nurses with an interest in learning about proper diabetic foot assessment. OBJECTIVES: After reading the article and taking the test, the participant will be able to: 1. Review the epidemiology of diabetes, diabetic foot ulcers, and lower-extremity amputation related to diabetes. 2. Identify risk factors for foot ulceration in patients with diabetes. 3. Identify normal and abnormal findings in the dermatologic, vascular, neurologic, and musculoskeletal assessment of the foot in patients with diabetes.  相似文献   

The rate of sweating from the feet of children aged 4–14 yr was measured by collecting the sweat produced at rest into weighed socks. Although individual variation was great, sweat production per unit surface area remained fairly constant throughout childhood. Sweat production per foot, however, showed an increase with age and foot size, leveling off in early adolescence. These results that the rate of sweat production from each eccrine gland increases as the foot grows. The rate of sweating from the feet of childen aged 4-14yr was measures by collecting the sweat producer at rest into weighted socks. Although individual variation was great, sweat production per unit surface area remained fairly constant throughout childhood. Sweat production per foot, however, showed an increase with age and foot size, levelling off in early adolescence. These results suggest that the rate of sweat production from each eccrine gland increases as the foot grows.  相似文献   

BackgroundFriction blisters are formed by abrasion from frictional forces on the upper layer of the epidermis and can make physical activity an uncomfortable experience. To our knowledge, no previous studies have considered how these injuries affect the functionality of the foot. For this reason, the main aim of this study was to evaluate foot function in hikers, with or without blisters.Material and methodsThis case-control study examined 298 hikers who walked the Camino de Santiago long-distance trail (in northern Spain); 207 had one or more blistering foot lesions and 91 had no blisters. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected, and the number of blisters and their locations on the foot were recorded. All participants self-completed the Foot Function Index (FFI) questionnaire, in their native language.ResultsPain and disability were significantly greater among the hikers with blisters (pain p=<0.001; disability p = 0.015). However, there were no significant differences in the limitation of physical activity between those with blisters (case group) and the control group (p = 0.144). Neither was there any correlation between the number of blisters and pain, disability or limitation of activity. However, the location of the lesion did influence foot functionality. Blisters on the metatarsal heads were more limiting and caused greater pain (right foot p = 0.009; left foot p = 0.017), greater disability (right foot p = 0.005; left foot p = 0.005), greater limitation of activity (on right foot p = 0.012) and more loss of foot functionality (right foot p = 0.002; left foot p = 0.007).ConclusionThe hikers with blisters experienced reduced foot functionality in terms of pain and disability. The number of blisters was not related to foot functionality. Blisters located on the metatarsal heads caused the greatest increase in pain, disability and limitation of activity.  相似文献   

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