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通过研究人体指端光电容积脉搏波(PPG)的物理特性,以朗伯比尔定律为基本原理,通过设计硬件电路,实现对人体PPG的无创采集。对采集到的PPG信号进行滤波和放大处理,通过特征选择和提取等方式识别出比较完整的脉搏波信号;将得到的脉搏波信号进行经验模态分解,选择具有适当频率的本征模函数重构出待测的呼吸波信号,并在显示屏上显示出来。在采集脉搏波的同时利用迈瑞公司的PM-9000 Express病人监护仪对人体的呼吸信号进行采集。本系统采集了10例志愿者数据。将本系统得到的呼吸波信号与病人监护仪测得呼吸波进行频谱分析,并对相关参数进行比较,发现两种呼吸波具有较好的相关性。本文最终结果表明利用经验模态分解方法提取人体PPG中包含的呼吸信号具有较好的准确性和可行性。实验结果表明这种方法可以从PPG中提取呼吸信号。  相似文献   

目的:基于光电容积脉搏波可以实现血氧饱和度等人体生理参数的无创检测。基于光电容积脉搏波测量时,由于信号采集过程中存在人体呼吸和仪器本身热噪声等干扰,脉搏波信号中存在着呼吸基线漂移和高频噪声,影响最终的人体生理参数测量精度。方法:因此提出一种在经验模式分解的过程中结合小波变换的方法,来同时消除呼吸基线漂移和高频噪声的影响。首先通过经验模态分解将脉搏波信号分解为若干内在模式分量,并分别判断出含有呼吸基线漂移和代表高频噪声的分量,对于代表高频噪声的分量采用类似小波变换的方法进行滤波,利用小波变换将含有呼吸基线漂移的分量分解,将代表呼吸基线漂移的小波细节置零,信号重构后就达到了同时消除呼吸基线和高频噪声的目的。利用自行研制的测量装置采集的脉搏波信号进行实验验证,并采用信号交直流比R和信号的频谱进行效果评价。结果:有效地同时消除了呼吸基线漂移和高频噪声。结论:该方法将有利于血氧饱和度等人体生理参数无创检测精度的提高。  相似文献   

容积脉搏波的检测方法及其在评价心血管功能方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前利用光电容积脉搏波分析获取血流参数的方法没有广泛应用,但其简单易用的特点已引起人们更多关注.光电容积脉搏波法是根据外周微血管的血液容积随心脏搏动而产生的脉动性变化,再通过光电容积描记法(photoplethysmography,PPG)获得的容积脉搏波信号.本文介绍了PPG的测量原理、光电传感器、脉搏波的特征信息提取方法,并概述了光电容积脉搏波法在评价心血管功能方面的研究.  相似文献   

从光电容积脉搏波描记法(PPG)信号中提取呼吸率是一种简便、高效、成本低的呼吸检测方法。本文用多道生理记录仪同时采集由温度传感器和透射式光电脉搏传感器获得的人体呼吸波和PPG信号,应用小波变换对PPG信号进行9层分解,将第9层细节信号和第8层细节信号分解得到的近似信号重建后相加得到呼吸波,然后用改进的快速傅里叶变换频率估计方法从该呼吸波信号中提取呼吸率。用该法从30个PPG样本中提取呼吸率,并将所提取的呼吸率与温度传感器获得的呼吸率用Bland-Altman法进行对比,得到了两者具有良好一致性的结论。  相似文献   

本研究通过人体指端的光电容积脉搏波,提取呼吸波信号。同时采用小波分析和经验模态分解方法对脉搏波信号进行分解并重构呼吸信号,然后与采集的呼吸波信号做相关性分析。通过对5名志愿者的实验,结果显示采用经验模式分解方法所提取的呼吸波具有更好的相关性。通过分析数据显示,其波形相关系数在0.5左右,AR频谱相关系数在0.8以上。由此可以证明,经验模式分解法可有效提取人体指端光电容积脉搏波中所包含的呼吸波成分。  相似文献   

目的:探讨对脑电时间序列进行邻域比较的数字滤波方法的实用价值。方法:对10例实测脑电信号用邻域比较数字滤波的方法和中值滤波的方法进行处理,观察比较两种方法滤波效果。结果:邻域比较滤波法对叠加有单个噪声脉冲及连续噪声脉冲的脑电信号有很好的去噪效果,对尖波和棘波几乎没有影响,EEG信号无失真。中值滤波法对叠加单个噪声脉冲的脑电信号有效,而对叠加有连续噪声脉冲的脑电信号则失效,并使EEG中尖波,棘波及高频信号失真。结论:在脑电信号处理中,邻域比较数字滤波方法在消除干扰脉冲,保持脑电信号不失真两方面均优于中值滤波法,是一种有实用价值的滤波方法,。  相似文献   

目的 针对精神疲劳难于定量评估的问题,本文探索一种非侵入式可穿戴检测方法获取人体生理参数,从而实现对人体精神疲劳的定量评估。方法 搭建光电容积脉搏波(photoplethysmography,PPG)采集平台,采集20名健康在校生的PPG信号,对PPG信号进行预处理和特征提取,获取时域、频域共143维特征。使用机器学习算法建立分类模型,对于Pearson相关系数法、F检验和relief-F得到的特征权值,选择最优的特征子集,使用降维后的特征子集训练模型,减少复杂度和过拟合概率。结果 与实际状态对比,基于该方法的单个体疲劳检测平均准确率为92.48%,多个体疲劳检测准确率最大值为92.2%,可以有效地识别精神疲劳。结论 光电容积脉搏波信号经过时域和频域分析构建的特征能够使用机器学习算法进行准确的精神疲劳状态分类评估。  相似文献   

目的:随着穿戴医疗设备普遍被接受,在利用光电容积脉搏波描记法(PPG)测量血氧、心率等生理参数时,运动干扰与脉搏信号频率混叠问题尤为突出,为了在日常活动状态下得到准确的生理参数,消除运动干扰是最为重要的手段。方法:提出了一种基于双树复小波变换(DTCWT)和约束独立成分分析(cICA)的组合算法消除运动干扰。首先用DTCWT将含有运动干扰的两路(红光和红外)PPG信号分解为若干不同频带的分量;然后通过cICA方法,提取感兴趣的脉搏成分;最后通过最小均方误差自适应滤波器实现两路PPG信号重建。结果:由DTCWT+cICA恢复的PPG波形得到的心率值与无运动干扰时基本一致,而血氧饱和度值也与无运动干扰时最接近。结论:与DTCWT和cICA相比,DTCWT和cICA组合算法能更有效地消除PPG中的运动干扰。实验结果验证了方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

脉搏波可作为检测人体心血管系统生理病理状态的重要依据。为了验证用超声波测量脉搏波的可能、解决脉搏波的测量部位受限的问题,本研究提出一种从超声回波信号中提取脉搏波的方法。设计一种跟随式超声传感器,用数据采集系统采集指端超声回波信号,经过滤波、选点及小波去噪等处理后得到较为纯净的脉搏波信号;同时采集心电信号以及光电容积脉搏波信号作为参考信号。结果表明,可以从提取的指端脉搏波中准确地获取心率;与同步测得的光电容积脉搏波数据相关系数大部分在0.8以上;波形中的重搏前波、重搏波等细节部分也能明显地表现出来。本研究提出的方法实现了从指端超声回波信号中获取完整可靠的脉搏波信号,为日后获取不同部位的脉搏信号提供了基础。  相似文献   

一种基于提升小波和中值滤波的心电去噪方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小波变换在心电去噪中有非常好的效果,但传统的小波变换计算量大,不利于实时处理和嵌入式系统的实现,提升小波是一种快速有效的小波变换的实现方法,本文提出了一种运用提升小波和中值滤波去除心电信号工频干扰、肌电干扰和基线漂移三种噪声的方法。该方法运用提升小波对含噪声的心电信号做三层分解,并根据小波基的特性在不同层次采用不同的小波基,去除心电信号的工频干扰和肌电干扰;对第三层分解后得到的数据做中值滤波,去除心电信号的基线漂移。将以上方法与传统的小波方法相比,去噪结果表明两者去噪效果相当,但提升方法运算速度有很大的提升。结果证实将提升小波与中值滤波方法结合可以有效地去除心电信号的工频干扰、肌电干扰和基线漂移,而且可以较大地提高运算速度,便于进行实时处理和嵌入式系统的实现。  相似文献   

Singular value decomposition (SVD) based electrocardiogram (ECG) morphology analysis is a novel method in the assessment of subtle abnormalities in the T wave morphology of 12-lead ECG. As various types of noise contaminate the ECG signal and create a bias for the morphological analyses, this study was designed to estimate the effects of noise on the SVD method in an experimental setup. Ideal signals were generated by filtering real ECG signals several times with the Savitzky-Golay filter. Random and real noise samples were superimposed on the ideal signals. The noisy signals were filtered with a power line interference filter combined with the Savitzky-Golay or the wavelet filter. Results show that noise increased both the dipolar and non-dipolar components significantly unless filtering was applied. R-TWR (relative T wave residuum) and A-TWR (absolute T wave residuum) were four to eight times higher in noisy signals. The experiments with patient data demonstrated that certain types of noise may even lead to erroneous classification of patients. Filtering brings the median values closer to the correct ones and decreases significantly the variance of the values of parameters.  相似文献   

Singular value decomposition (SVD) based electrocardiogram (ECG) morphology analysis is a novel method in the assessment of subtle abnormalities in the T wave morphology of 12-lead ECG. As various types of noise contaminate the ECG signal and create a bias for the morphological analyses, this study was designed to estimate the effects of noise on the SVD method in an experimental setup. Ideal signals were generated by filtering real ECG signals several times with the Savitzky-Golay filter. Random and real noise samples were superimposed on the ideal signals. The noisy signals were filtered with a power line interference filter combined with the Savitzky-Golay or the wavelet filter. Results show that noise increased both the dipolar and non-dipolar components significantly unless filtering was applied. R-TWR (relative T wave residuum) and A-TWR (absolute T wave residuum) were four to eight times higher in noisy signals. The experiments with patient data demonstrated that certain types of noise may even lead to erroneous classification of patients. Filtering brings the median values closer to the correct ones and decreases significantly the variance of the values of parameters.  相似文献   

We have developed an effective technique for extracting and classifying motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) for electromyography (EMG) signal decomposition. This technique is based on single-channel and short periodȁ9s real recordings from normal subjects and artificially generated recordings. This EMG signal decomposition technique has several distinctive characteristics compared with the former decomposition methods: (1) it bandpass filters the EMG signal through wavelet filter and utilizes threshold estimation calculated in wavelet transform for noise reduction in EMG signals to detect MUAPs before amplitude single threshold filtering; (2) it removes the power interference component from EMG recordings by combining independent component analysis (ICA) and wavelet filtering method together; (3) the similarity measure for MUAP clustering is based on the variance of the error normalized with the sum of RMS values for segments; (4) it finally uses ICA method to subtract all accurately classified MUAP spikes from original EMG signals. The technique of our EMG signal decomposition is fast and robust, which has been evaluated through synthetic EMG signals and real EMG signals.  相似文献   

The mixed noise in the acquisition process of pulse wave signals will affect the signal analysis, how to effectively eliminate the noise and complete the pulse wave analysis has important practical significance. In this paper, empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and ensemble empirical mode decomposition(EEMD) were used to realize scale decomposition of pulse wave signals to obtain intrinsic mode function(IMF). A band-pass filter was implemented according to the characteristic time scale parameters of the IMF. After filtering and reconstruction, the pulse wave denoising was completed. The denoising effects of EMD, EEMD and wavelet transform were compared in terms of mean square error and signal-to-noise ratio. The result shows that EMD and EEMD are better than wavelet transform, and the effects are similar. Further comparing the Hilbert-Huang spectrum of EMD and EEMD, it can be seen that EEMD can not only avoid mode mixing, but also facilitate the analysis of pulse wave signals.  相似文献   

Spatial filtering of surface electromyography (EMG) signal can be used to enhance single motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). Traditional spatial filters for surface EMG do not take into consideration that some electrodes could have poor skin contact. In contrast to the traditional a priori defined filters, this study introduces an adaptive spatial filtering method that adapts to the signal characteristics. The adaptive filter, the maximum kurtosis filter (MKF), was obtained by using the linear combination of surrounding channels that maximises kurtosis. The MKF and conventional filters were applied to simulated EMG signals and to real EMG signals recorded with an electrode grid to evaluate their performance in detecting single motor units. The MKF was compared with conventional spatial filtering methods. Simulated signals, with different levels of spatially correlated noise, were used for comparison. The influence of one electrode with poor skin contact was also investigated. The MKF was found to be considerably better at enhancing a single MUAP than conventional methods for all levels of spatial correlation of the noise. For a spatial correlation of 0.97 of the noise, the improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio, where a MUAP could be detected, was at least 6 dB. With a simulated poor skin contact for one electrode, the improvement over the other methods was at least 19 dB.  相似文献   

An automatic filtering algorithm is proposed for the accurate estimation of the second derivatives of kinematic signals with impacts. The impacts considered here occur when a moving object hits a rigid surface. The algorithm performs time-frequency filtering in the Wigner representation, to deal efficiently with the non-stationarities caused by such impacts, and adjusts the parameters of its time-frequency filtering function so that the filtering process adapts to the individual characteristics of the signal in hand. Performance analysis and comparative evaluation with experimentally acquired kinematic impact signals demonstrated a higher accuracy, with performance advantages over two widely used conventional automatic methods: linear phase autoregressive model-based derivative assessment (LAMBDA) and generalised cross-validation using quintic splines (GCVQS). For high impacts, the average absolute relative error in estimating the peak acceleration was 5.7% with the proposed method, 17.2% with a Butterworth low-pass filter optimised to yield minimum overall acceleration RMS error (best-case result), 18.3% with the LAMBDA method, and 37.2% with the GCVQS method. For signals with low impacts, the average absolute relative error was 19.4%, 6.9%, 8.3% and 19.1%, respectively, in each case, which indicates that, for signals with a low-frequency content, there is no need for such time-frequency filtering.  相似文献   

本文针对基于经验模态分解(EMD)的时空滤波器存在的固有模态函数分量中频率混叠交叉,导致有用信号与噪声一起被滤除的问题,结合小波在时间、尺度两域表征信号局部特征的特性,提出了一种基于能量估计实现EMD分解层数确定,小波变换阈值处理与EMD相结合的时空滤波方法。该方法既利用小波变换多分辨率的特性,又结合EMD的自适应分解与希尔伯特(Hilbert)谱分析中瞬时频率与能量意义的关系,从而解决了有用信号在滤波时被削弱的问题。以MIT/BIH标准心电数据库数据为对象的实验结果表明,该方法对于生理信号这一类强噪声下的微弱信号是一种有效的数据处理方法。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an effective technique for the denoising of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals corrupted by nonstationary noises. The technique is based on a second generation wavelet transform and level-dependent threshold estimator. Here, wavelet coefficients of ECG signals were obtained with lifting-based wavelet filters. A lifting scheme is used to construct second-generation wavelets and is an alternative and faster algorithm for a classical wavelet transform. The overall denoising performance of our proposed method is considered in relation to several measuring parameters, including types of wavelet filters (Haar, Daubechies 4 (DB4), Daubechies 6 (DB6), Filter(9-7), and Cubic B-splines), thresholding method, and decomposition depth. Three different kinds of noise were considered in this work: muscle artifact noise, electrode motion artifact noise, and white noise. Global performance is evaluated by means of the signal-to-noise ratio and visual inspection. Numerical results comparing the performance of the proposed method with that of nonlinear filtering techniques (median filter) are given. The results demonstrate consistently superior denoising performance of the proposed method over median filtering.  相似文献   

Adaptive filtering in biological signal processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high dependence of conventional optimal filtering methods on the a priori knowledge of the signal and noise statistics render them ineffective in dealing with signals whose statistics cannot be predetermined accurately. Adaptive filtering methods offer a better alternative, since the a priori knowledge of statistics is less critical, real time processing is possible, and the computations are less expensive for this approach. Adaptive filtering methods compute the filter coefficients "on-line", converging to the optimal values in the least-mean square (LMS) error sense. Adaptive filtering is therefore apt for dealing with the "unknown" statistics situation and has been applied extensively in areas like communication, speech, radar, sonar, seismology, and biological signal processing and analysis for channel equalization, interference and echo canceling, line enhancement, signal detection, system identification, spectral analysis, beamforming, modeling, control, etc. In this review article adaptive filtering in the context of biological signals is reviewed. An intuitive approach to the underlying theory of adaptive filters and its applicability are presented. Applications of the principles in biological signal processing are discussed in a manner that brings out the key ideas involved. Current and potential future directions in adaptive biological signal processing are also discussed.  相似文献   

目的针对超声多普勒血流检测中,传统的高通滤波法在滤除管壁搏动信号的同时也会滤除低频血流信号的问题,本研究提出一种以心电信号(electrocardiography,ECG)作为参考信号的自适应滤波的方法消除管壁干扰。方法包括两方面:其一,采用心电信号作为参考信号对超声多普勒信号进行自适应滤波;其二,采用多级自适应滤波并选择不同的参考信号的滤波方案。分别使用上述方法和高通滤波法对仿真的超声多普勒信号进行处理,并将结果进行比较。结果与传统的高通滤波法相比,该方法在有效抑制管壁搏动信号的同时保留一部分低频血流信号成分。结论该方法能较准确地提取出完整的血流超声多普勒信号,具有一定的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

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