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2019年10月11日-14日,第一届中国心理咨询师职业发展大会(以下简称青岛会议)在青岛星河湾酒店举行。2001年,在中国科学院心理研究所郭念锋研究员,中国心理卫生协会蔡焯基、陈学儒等领导的倡导和推动下,原劳动部颁布《心理咨询师国家职业标准》(试行),心理咨询师进入国家职业资格目录。2002年劳动部开始培训和鉴定工作试点.  相似文献   

新世纪的临床医学教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面向新世纪临床医学教育如何发展,医学院校培养的毕业生应具备怎样的能力和素质,才能够适应新世纪医学发展的需求、成为新世纪医学人才、成为新世纪医学创新者,这是医学教育工作者必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

During the past 50 years, physicians have become increasingly dissatisfied with certain aspects of their profession. Dissatisfaction has intensified with the advent of managed care in the late 20th century, the medical liability crisis, and the growing divergence between the professional and personal expectations placed upon physicians and their practical ability to meet these expectations. These and other factors have encroached on physician autonomy, the formerly ascendant professional value within medicine. As the underlying values and practical realities of the broader American health care system have changed, the professional values and practices of physicians have failed to adapt correspondingly, resulting in a "professionalism gap" that contributes to physician dissatisfaction. To improve the outlook and efficacy of modern American physicians, the profession must adopt a new values framework that conforms to today's health care system. This means foregoing the 20th century's preferred "independent physician" model in favor of a new professional structure based on teamwork and collaboration. Convincing established physicians to embrace such a model will be difficult, but opportunities exist for significant progress among a new generation of physicians accustomed to the realities of managed care, flexible practice models, and health information technology. The teaching of clinical anatomy, given its incorporation of student collaboration at the earliest stages of medical education, offers a prime opportunity to introduce this generation to a reinvigorated code of professionalism that should reduce physician dissatisfaction and benefit society.  相似文献   

Once the elaboration of CIE-10 Gastroenterology we used two indicators (Health and Management) as quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors in the specialty. HEALTH INDICATORS: MORBIDITY: 13,21% of main medical complains in primary care concern to Gastroenterology. Four of them rank among the first 25 ("Diarrhea", "Abdominal pain", "Helmintiasis" and "Other Esophagus, Stomach and Bowel diseases"). At the specialty care, Acid-peptic disease ranked as the first main complain according with 56-73.3% of the gastroenterologist consulted (Public and Private care) followed by Gastrointestinal reflux, Irritable bowel, Constipation, Lithiasis, Diverticular disease, Hemorrhages, Jaundice, Cirrhosis, Amibiasis, Pancreatitis, Colon cancer, Polyps, Hepatitis and Colopathy. MORTALITY: 11,4% of the total deaths among Venezuelans are by gastrointestinal causes and five of them count among the first 25, with wide regional variability. Trujillo reports major mortality by liver disease (3%) followed by Vargas, District Federal, Tachira (2.8%). Cirrhosis and Fibrosis are more frequent in Táchira (2.3%) Trujillo, Vargas (2,1%) Some regions report mainly infections and diarrheas. Major cancer mortality is in Táchira (6,73% of deaths in the State) followed by Merida and Trujillo. MANAGEMENT INDICATORS: Services Demand. 2,86 consult/habitant/year in internal medicine and 0.77 en specialties. Services Offer. 793 Gastroenterologists (3.4/10.000 habitants). 44.5% concentrated in D.Federal, followed by Táchira (3.9%) Carabobo, Zulia y Mérida. Human Resources Formation. 16 Post-graduated Programs graduate 70 gastroenterologists annually. The Gastroenterology Education Agreement 2006 unified the Venezuelan Gastroenterologist profile and the graduation requirements. The Venezuelan Gastroenterology Society, age 60, has extraordinary national and international projection through its scientific publication (GEN Magazine). This analysis of the present of Gastroenterology in Venezuela allows us the strategically planning of its future, in order to satisfy the population needs in the specialty in a rational and effective way.  相似文献   

新世纪学术发展的主趋势和病理学家的责任   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
多年议论的生命科学世纪-21世纪已经来临。科学家们不负众望,在20世纪的最后一年,献给人类自己一份厚礼,那就是完成了人类基因组计划(human genome project,HGP)的基因组工作杠架图,不维期待,两年内全序列图将问世。认识人类自身DNA序列是一项伟大的科学工程。即将迎来的标志着生命科学新世纪的后基因组学时代,科学家们将面临仍然艰巨或更为艰巨的使命。人类基因组包含人类遗传物质的所有基因序列和非基因序列。基因是一个完整的遗传住处功能单位,是一段表现生理功能的序列。在新世纪里,要识别、分离、鉴定和克隆所有基因;要研究基因组结构和功能的关系;在细胞水平上破译基因和细胞生命活动的奥秘;阐明基因和人类健康与疾病发生的关系;有人类基因和环境相互作用;基因和药物的设计、制作和应用等。在学科领域将涌现出功能基因组学、医学或疾病基因组学、环境基因组学、药物基因组学等。  相似文献   

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