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在41侧成人尸体上观测了旋髂深血管的起始和外径。依据旋髂深血管的髂骨支和腹壁肌支的局部解剖学,设计了以旋髂深血管为蒂的髂骨瓣和血管束联合移植治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的新术式,并讨论了该术式的意义及应用解剖学要点。  相似文献   

吻合双血管蒂髂骨瓣移植修复下颌骨巨型缺损的应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文设计了吻合旋髂深血管和髂腰血管髂支的髂骨瓣移植修复下颌骨巨型缺损的新术式,并在41侧成人尸体上对有关血管进行了观测。依据观测结果,对手术操作中有关应用解剖学的要点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

旋髂深动脉终支变异1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旋髂深动脉终支变异1例陈荣生,刘元曦在为1例股骨颈头下型骨折病例,拟行带旋馆深血管蒂髂骨瓣移位术。术中发现旋髂深动脉终支变异,未能向髂骨瓣供区形成良好的供血渠道,后改用吻合髂腰动脉瓣移植术获得成功。因此种变异影响髂骨瓣手术的血管蒂选择,特报告于后。伤...  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种改良带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣的制备方法。方法:利用5具经10%甲醛固定的国人成人标本,模拟临床手术,对髂骨区相关解剖进行观察、摄片;临床应用改良旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣修复下颌骨体部缺损6例。结果:应用改良方法完成5具10侧标本带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣的制备。临床应用6例手术顺利移植骨瓣,全部成活;无1例发生术后并发症。结论:改良法制备带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣的术式安全、可靠,可避免损伤腹壁组织及股外侧皮神经。  相似文献   

在71侧标本上,研究了旋髂深血管及其对髂骨血供的应用解剖学。在此基础上,对2例下颌骨巨大缺损进行了修复。旋髂深动脉外径2.0±0.1mm,静脉外径4.5±0.1mm。受区血管选用了面前静脉和面动脉。髂骨植骨块血供良好、外形满意,可安装义齿,较之肋骨移植有更多优越性。  相似文献   

以旋髂深血管为蒂的髂骨瓣、骨膜瓣、骨皮瓣或血管束是重要的移植材料,临床常用。旋髂深血管的分离是此类手术的重要组成部分,术中费时较多,顺行及逆行分离法均如此。我们于1995~1997年在研究旋髂深血管与股外侧皮神经解剖关系的基础上,在采用旋髂深血管髂骨瓣治疗股骨头缺血性  相似文献   

一侧并行双旋髂深动脉的情况报道较少。我院在为一例“左股骨头缺血性坏死”病例施行带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣转位移植术中遇见一例,现报道如下:患者女性,39岁。因左髋关节疼痛20余年,来我院诊治。诊断“左股骨头缺血性坏死”而施行手术。手术取Smith-Petersen氏切口加一腹股沟平行附加切口,术中解剖发现,在左腹股沟韧带上方3mm处,从髂外动脉发出上、下两支旋髂深动脉,起始部外径均为2.5mm,并见两支旋髂深静脉越过髂外动脉汇入髂外静脉,其外径均为3.5mm。旋髂深动、静脉双支并行沿腹股沟韧带深面走向髂骨。上支  相似文献   

在行带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣治疗股骨颈骨折手术中,遇股深动脉高位分支伴双旋髂深动脉变异1例,现报道如下:患者女,53岁,农民,右股骨颈头下型骨折。行带旋髂深血管蒂骼骨移植三角针内固定术。术中见髂外动脉腹股沟韧带上2cm 处分叉为2支,并行向下伸延,2支动脉粗细相等,  相似文献   

目的 :为带旋股外侧血管升支髂嵴支和髂前下棘支双髂骨膜瓣转位治疗儿童Pethes病提供解剖学依据。方法 :在 3 2例经动脉灌注红色乳胶的下肢标本上 ,对旋股外侧血管升支的髂棘支及髂前下棘支的走行、分支、分布进行观察 ,设计带旋股外侧血管升支髂嵴支和髂前下棘支双骨膜瓣转移治疗儿童Perthes病的手术方法。结果 :旋股外侧血管升支髂前下棘支长度 ( 5 .3± 1.0 )cm ,距离升支起点 ( 2 .9±1.1)cm ,起点外径 ( 1.2± 0 .3 )mm ,可切取髂前下棘 2 .0cm× 2 .0cm带血管蒂的骨膜瓣 ,联合升支髂棘支骨膜瓣转移到儿童股骨头骺板上下病灶区。结论 :该方法简便、有效、实用 ,是一种治疗Perthes病的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 :为带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣转位腰骶段椎体植骨融合术提供应用解剖学基础。方法 :在3 0具共 60侧灌注红色乳胶的成年尸体上 ,解剖观察旋髂深动脉的起始、走行、分支、分布范围及其毗邻结构 ,测量有关数据 ;摹拟转位情况、测量旋髂深动脉的起点至S1椎体中部、L5~S1椎间、L5椎体中部的距离 ,并用量角器测量旋髂深动脉主干向内转位的角度。结果 :旋髂深动脉起于髂外动脉者占 63 .3 % ,起于股动脉者占 3 6.7%。起点外径 ( 2 .6± 0 .4)mm ,腹壁肌支外径 ( 1.4± 0 .4)mm ,旋髂深动脉的主干延续为髂嵴支 ,外径 ( 1.8± 0 .4)mm ,沿途发出许多小的分支进入髂嵴 ,以最后一个分支作为终点测量其蒂长为( 10 .7± 0 .7)cm ,旋髂深动脉起点至L5椎体中部距离为 ( 11.2± 0 .7)cm ,至L5~S1椎间距离为 ( 10 .1±0 .5 )cm ,至S1椎体中部距离为 ( 9.7± 0 .6)cm ,向内旋转角度为 ( 63 .5± 3 .5 )°。结论 :带旋髂深动脉蒂髂骨瓣转位腰骶段椎体植骨融合具有可行性。  相似文献   

A case of an additional right external iliac vein lacking a right common iliac vein was found in an 84-year-old female cadaver during a dissection course at Aichi Medical University in 2014. The findings are reported and discussed from the embryological and clinical viewpoints. The right and left iliac venous systems were macroscopically observed with attention to the homonymous arteries and the inferior vena cava. In this cadaver, a preaortic external iliac vein originated from a right external iliac vein and drained directly into the inferior vena cava. The preaortic and right external iliac veins surrounded the right external iliac artery. In addition, the right internal iliac vein drained into the left common iliac vein, and the right obturator vein drained into the right external iliac vein. Our findings suggested that normal external iliac veins developed from the ventral limb of the iliac venous system in this case. Our case has clinical importance for surgical complications such as hemorrhages in pelvic operations, phlebography, and especially central venous cauterization of the right femoral vein.  相似文献   

We analyzed the adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents for the treatment of iliac venous thromboembolism and investigated their relationships with the anatomical features of the iliac vein, to gain insights into the development of a better iliac vein stent. Reports of adverse events following the use of stents in the iliac vein were retrieved from the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database that contain suspected device-associated complications reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Data from 2006 to 2016 were investigated. The literature analysis was also conducted using PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Web of Science focusing on English articles published up to 4 October 2016. The analysis of 88 adverse events from the MAUDE database and 182 articles from the literature revealed that a higher number of adverse events had been reported following the use of arterial stents in the iliac vein compared to CE-marked iliac vein stents. While stent migration and shortening were reported only for the arterial stents, stent fracture and compression occurred regardless of the stent type, even though a vein does not pulsate. A study of the anatomical features of the iliac vein implies that bending, compression, and kink loads are applied to the iliac vein stents in vivo. For designing, developing, and pre-clinical testing of stents intended for use in the iliac vein, the above mechanical load environments induced by the anatomical features should be considered.  相似文献   

目的 探讨髂静脉狭窄动物模型的建立方法。方法 选用实验用白猪12只,采用数字表法随机分为实验组及对照组,每组6只。实验组采用左髂静脉血管外贴附包绕石英管,在左髂静脉于下腔静脉汇入点下方1~2 cm及3~5 cm处结扎髂静脉,然后抽离石英管的方法,建立左髂静脉狭窄动物模型;对照组不行手术。实验组白猪在手术前及术后第30天行血管腔内超声(IVUS)检测左髂静脉汇入下腔静脉处左髂静脉内径,在术后第30天行髂静脉造影检查观察髂静脉通畅情况。在完成检查后处死两组实验动物,取出右髂静脉近心端2.0 cm、左髂静脉起始端至下腔静脉下段“人”字型血管,观察静脉壁病理组织学改变;应用Image-Pro plus图像处理软件测量实验组左髂静脉缩窄处、对照组相应处血管内膜厚度。实验组以左髂静脉直径狭窄率>30%作为模型制备成功的标准。观察并比较实验组手术前后左髂静脉内径的差异,以及两组动物左髂静脉内膜厚度的差异和组织病理学的改变。结果 实验组动物手术前左髂静脉直径为7.28~8.04(7.53±0.28)mm,术后第30天为3.72~5.02(4.39±0.48)mm,手术前后左髂静脉直径差值为2.32~3.88(3.14±0.57)mm,左髂静脉狭窄率为31.6%~51.1%(41.57%±6.85%),均成功建立了髂静脉狭窄模型;手术前后左髂静脉直径差异有统计学意义(t=13.575,P<0.05)。术后第30天,实验组动物髂静脉造影显示右髂静脉均通畅,左髂静脉可见明显狭窄;静脉壁组织病理学检查显示:对照组未见异常,实验组血管内膜增生狭窄;实验组左髂静脉内膜厚度为(209.82±26.26)μm,大于对照组的(37.67±6.84)μm,差异有统计学意义(t=15.539,P<0.05)。结论 在实验白猪体内,采用左髂静脉血管外贴附包绕石英管、在左髂静脉于下腔静脉汇入点下方1~2 cm及3~5 cm处结扎髂静脉后抽离石英管的方法,可成功建立髂静脉狭窄动物模型。该方法具有简便、建模效果稳定的优点。  相似文献   

目的简化基于临床采集的增强CT图像数据进行人体腹主动脉及髂动脉真实三维解剖结构的过程,提高计算流体力学(CFD)计算结果的可靠性,并对比分析正常髂动脉和髂动脉血栓后血管内血流情况,为阐明动脉粥样硬化血栓的形成机制提供理论依据。方法患者A为40岁男性,腹主动脉及髂动脉正常;患者B为60岁女性,腹主动脉正常,但左髂主动脉部分血栓及左髂内动脉血栓。CT图像为医学数字成像与通信标准(DICOM)格式,层间距为0.5 mm,每片图像的平面分辨率为512×512,像素大小为0.5mm。应用医学后处理软件对通过临床采集的增强CT二维图像数据进行三维重构,然后在通用有限元分析软件ANSYS中转换成可用于数值计算的计算机辅助设计(CAD)模型并直接进行CFD模拟计算。结果通过计算可得到A、B研究对象在心动周期内不同时刻的血流动力学参数。B研究对象左和右髂动脉感兴趣区域的平均壁面切应力(0.576 6±0.009 0,3.260 2±0.032 0)明显区别于A研究对象左和右髂动脉感兴趣区域的平均壁面切应力(1.269 8±0.008 0,1.393 2±0.011 0)。结论通过CFD模拟方法的改进,得到更加接近生理解剖特征的血栓后不规则血管三维立体模型,并通过对比A、B研究对象的计算结果,分析了复杂的血流情况如低流速、低壁面切应力等现象与动脉粥样硬化血栓的形成机制存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

Spontaneous rupture of the left external iliac vein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, we have experienced a case of spontaneous rupture of the left iliac vein in a 62-year-old woman, who had been suffering from hemiparesis and chronic constipation. An urgent laparotomy was performed for massive hemoperitoneum without knowing the bleeding point, and laceration on the left external iliac vein was repaired. Spontaneous rupture of the iliac vein is extremely rare. However, it should be included in differential diagnoses of the patient with massive hemoperitoneum who have no known pathology or any evidence of blunt trauma.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the intra and extra pelvic organs of adults, children and neonates (male and female) is studied in 17 pelvis, in which the vascular system has been injected with colored Altufix p10 and gelatinous india ink. The pelvic region constitute a true vascular crossroad of two anastomotic networks, one arterial, originate from the visceral and parietal branches of iliac internal and external arteries, femoral and abdominal aorta by inferior mesenteric artery; the other one, which morphology is incompletely superposable in diameter. Each organ is tributary of characteristic vascular system from adventitious to mucosa with direct or recurrential manner between striated muscle fibers and mucosal layers. This duality of two systems, vascular and anastomotic provides the anatomic direction of vascular suppliance after troncular iliac artery binding and determines the vitality of the organ.  相似文献   

目的 探讨脊柱骨盆固定术中髂骨钉入钉点、钉长及直径、植钉方向,为其正确植入提供解剖学依据. 方法 选用35侧成人尸体髋骨标本(左16侧,右19侧,男30侧,女5侧),经髂后上、下棘间切迹上缘至坐骨大切迹顶弧做一直线并延续至髋臼缘,定为基线(a),通过坐骨棘和髂前上棘做一直线(b),该线与a线相交于C点上.经过a线和C点在髂骨后部向上做5°、10°、15°、20°、15°、30°、35°的扇形线,之后经过10°~30° 5个角度做髂骨斜截面.观察各斜截面形态,并从截面上面进行相关数据测量.同时观察髂骨后部内外侧唇、中间线的形态和可辨性.确定髂骨钉入钉点、直径、长度及进钉方向后,以2具尸体标本进行验证. 结果 35°扇形线已到达髂窝,髂骨臀盆面间距明显变窄,5°扇形线紧邻坐骨大切迹弧顶,坐骨大切迹弧顶A点到各截面垂直距离变短明显. f线在各截面最为狭窄. 髂骨后部中间线明显可辨,呈一规则弧形,为后部髂嵴最凸出部,在所选实验标本中均可观察到.进钉点至髋臼顶软骨距离(k)测得值最小为109.38mm. 结论 通过基线(a)、C点及10°~30°之间髂骨外侧板能准确、安全植入髂骨钉;钉长以不超过100mm、直径不超过9mm为宜.  相似文献   

We encountered a rare case of the left common iliac artery in a 92-year-old Japanese female cadaver during dissection practice for medical students. The artery entered into the small pelvis without branching to the external iliac artery. There, it went down slightly medially and then turned laterally and passed behind the first sacral nerve. The artery ran anterolaterally further and returned to the greater pelvis and became the external iliac artery, which continued to the femoral artery as usual. During the course in the small pelvis, the artery branched to give rise to each branch of the internal iliac artery. We speculate that in the present case, a communication between the median sacral artery and the superior gluteal artery, passing behind the first sacral nerve, enlarged and compensated the usual common iliac artery.  相似文献   

A palpation reference line coursing between the superior-most aspect of the iliac crests has been reported to cross the L4 spinous process or L4/L5 intervertebral space in approximately 80% of the population. Comparable data have not been defined for the line coursing between the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS). The purpose of this study was to compare the anatomical consistency of the PSIS to the iliac crest as landmarks used for spinal palpation. One hundred computerized tomographic images were reviewed in a three-dimensional setting. Two horizontal lines were constructed on each image: Line 1 representing the superior-most aspect of the iliac crest and Line 2 representing the inferior margin of the PSIS. The vertical distance between each horizontal line and the inferior edge of its respective spinous process were measured. The PSIS corresponded to the S2 spinous process in 81% of subjects and the iliac crest to the L4 spinous process in 59% of subjects. Distance measures suggest that the PSIS was closer to S2 versus the iliac crest to L4 (t = 6.998; P < 0.01). The PSIS crossed S2 more frequently than the iliac crest crossed L4 (chi(2) = 12.719, P < or = 0.01). The study findings support the relationship between the PSIS, and the spinous process of S2 is more consistent when compared to the iliac crest and the spinous process of L4. The PSIS reference line may be used to find S2 as a reference standard in validity and reliability palpation studies in the lower lumbar spine.  相似文献   

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