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目的 测量后外侧角(PLC)股骨止点和前交叉韧带(ACL)解剖重建股骨隧道外口的位置,以获得详细的解剖学资料,并以此为ACL和PLC一期解剖重建提供解剖依据。 方法 采用30例新鲜成人尸体膝关节标本。屈膝120°关节镜下经前内辅助入路解剖重建ACL股骨隧道,并用克氏针标记。在膝关节股骨外髁分离出膝关节外侧副韧带(LCL)和腘肌腱(PT)股骨解剖止点。以股骨外上髁为原点,建立x、y垂直坐标轴,测量LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口在坐标轴的坐标,并测量3点之间的距离。 结果 LCL附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁近端(1.27±3.35)mm,后方(2.99±1.29)mm。PT附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁远端(8.85±3.38)mm、后方(3.83±1.95)mm。ACL股骨隧道外口在股骨外上髁近端(16.12±5.34)mm,后方(6.84±4.17)mm。LCL附丽部中心点与PT附丽部中心点相距(9.67±3.92)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与LCL附丽部中心点相距(13.07±4.93)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与PT附丽部中心点相距(23.37±6.16)mm。 结论 揭示了LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口位置的解剖学特点,为临床一期联合解剖重建提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨前交叉韧带(ACL)个性化解剖重建术中韧带止点足迹精确定位的方法及效果。 方法 ①15侧膝关节尸体标本,标记ACL股骨足迹,观察ACL足迹长轴与股骨干角度、前内束(AM)中心位点距后软骨缘距离、后外束(PL)中心位点距下软骨缘距离。②15例行ACL重建患者,术中采用三入路观察与导航定位方法明确ACL股骨足迹,测量AM与PL连线与股骨干夹角、AM距后软骨缘距离、PL距下软骨缘距离。 结果 15例膝关节尸体标本ACL股骨足迹长轴与股骨干角度为(18.5± 2.5)°、AM与股骨外髁内面后缘距离为(6.1±1.8)mm、PL距离下软骨缘距离为(6.2±2.2)mm,但每个标本均不相同。导航显示,ACL股骨足迹长轴与股骨干夹角为(19.3±3.1)°,AM与股骨外髁内面后缘为(5.8±1.2)mm、PL距离下软骨缘为(5.9±2.5)mm,各数据相差较大。 结论 ①ACL股骨与胫骨解剖足迹变异较大,应根据每例ACL足迹不同进行精确的个性化解剖重建。②以同一个标准进行所有ACL重建难以达到真正的解剖重建。  相似文献   

目的评估大收肌腱转位重建内侧髌股韧带治疗髌骨脱位的术式可行性及可能的风险,探讨转位肌腱固定方法。方法解剖观察30侧尸体标本的大收肌腱及内侧髌股韧带形态及其周围血管神经等毗邻关系;测量收肌结节至内侧髌股韧带股骨止点距离、收肌结节至大收肌腱移行部距离;并在尸体标本上模拟手术。结果大收肌腱长度(收肌结节至收肌裂孔距离)为(105±14)mm(77~129 mm),内侧髌股韧带轴长长度为(46±6)mm(33~57 mm),收肌结节至内侧髌股韧带股骨止点距离为(9±2)mm(6~13 mm),收肌结节至大收肌腱移行部距离为(124±11)mm(102~144 mm)。结论长约55 mm的大收肌腱通过转位固定于髌骨内侧缘重建内侧髌股韧带可行,大收肌腱作为重建内侧髌股韧带的供体是一个良好的选择。  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带断裂是一种常见的运动损伤,损伤后前交叉韧带(ACL)手术重建是膝关节重获稳定性的重要手段,ACL重建是否成功的关键因素之一便是移植物隧道的选择,特别是股骨侧隧道的选择对重建术后膝关节的稳定性及功能康复起到关键作用。目前单束前交叉韧带重建目前逐渐成为主流的韧带重建技术。单束ACL重建时,股骨侧隧道内口定位点的选择是随着ACL的解剖和生物力学研究的深入以及手术技术的提升不断变化的,每种技术都有其产生的背景、优势与不足,最佳的股骨隧道内口位置的选择一直有不同观点。本文就单束ACL重建技术中股骨侧隧道内口定位点的演变及进展做一综述,对临床有一定的指导价值。  相似文献   

目的对比研究喙锁韧带解剖重建与垂直重建的生物力学特性。方法 30具新鲜成年肩关节尸体标本,将肩关节其他附着的软组织切除,仅剩余肩胛骨-喙锁韧带-锁骨的结构,随机平均分为3组,每组10例,组1保留喙锁韧带,组2按经典Steven术式垂直重建锥韧带,组3按原韧带足印区中心点解剖重建锥韧带。分别将3组标本行垂直方向抗拉伸力学生物力学实验,记录造成喙锁韧带断裂或重建失效的拉力。结果组1未出现锁骨及喙突骨折,造成喙锁韧带断裂的拉力为(650.41±35.88)N;组2出现2例锁骨骨折、2例钢板从锁骨骨道脱出,5例钢板从喙突骨道脱出和1例喙突骨折,造成喙锁重建失效的拉力为(725.68±35.37)N;组3出现3例锁骨骨折,1例钢板从锁骨骨道脱出,5例钢板从喙突骨道脱出和1例喙突骨折,造成喙锁重建失效的拉力为(765.15±13.68)N。结论喙锁韧带重建时锥韧带垂直重建与解剖重建的垂直方向抗拉力均优于原喙锁韧带,解剖重建的抗拉效果优于垂直重建。  相似文献   

目的 对人体踝关节外侧副韧带的定量解剖及与周围骨性标志的解剖学测量,为踝关节外侧副韧带的重建手术提供理论参考.方法 选取30具经福尔马林处理好的正常成人踝关节标本,对外侧副韧带进行精细解剖并对其起止点至周围骨性标志的距离进行定量测量,对其测量结果进行统计学分析.结果 本实验30具踝关节标本中,前距腓韧带(ATFL)大致呈两端较宽,中部较窄的扁平四边体.其中18具ATFL (60%)分成双束,其上下两束的走行大致相同,而另12具则为单束(40%).跟腓韧带(CFL)自外踝尖向后下斜行,止于跟骨外侧面,形状前宽后窄.经测量,ATFL腓骨起点距离腓骨前部结节(17.1±1.78)mm;距离腓骨隐匿结节(5.0±1.46)mm;距离腓骨尖(14.0±1.63)mm.ATFL距骨止点距离距骨胫距关节面(11.4±1.28) mm;距离距下关节面(18.0±2.07)mm;距离距骨前外软骨面(4.7±0.76) mm.CFL腓骨起点距离ATFL腓骨起点(6.1±2.04)mm.CFL跟骨止点距离跟骨外侧结节(15.0±2.48) mm;距离跟骨后上缘(14.1±1.44) mm;距离距下关节面(15.1±2.67) mm.计算变异系数(CV)结果:ATFL腓骨起点至腓骨前部结节距离CV(10.41%) <ATFL至腓骨尖距离CV(11.64%) <ATFL至腓骨隐匿结节距离CV(29.20%).CFL跟骨止点至跟骨后上缘距离CV(10.21%) <CFL至跟骨外侧结节距离CV(16.53%) <CFL至距下关节面距离CV (17.68%).结论 踝关节外侧副韧带与周围骨性标志的距离有一定的变异性,认为变异度可能反映外侧副韧带与周围骨性标志的稳定性.比较CV得出ATFL腓骨起点至腓骨前部结节和ATFL至腓骨尖均是稳定性较好的骨性标志;而CFL至其各骨性标志的CV相差不大,但是考虑到距下关节面在关节镜下更加容易被观察到,因此在实际操作中,关节镜下重建CFL时将距下关节面作为定位的标志具有更好的可行性.为踝关节外侧副韧带重建手术提供了一定的数据和理论支持.  相似文献   

背景:研究显示,关节镜下膝关节单束前交叉韧带重建可以恢复膝关节的前向稳定性,但膝关节旋转稳定性及髌股关节匹配程度却受股骨及胫骨隧道中心位置的影响。目的:分析青壮年前交叉韧带重建不同股骨隧道中心点位置与髌股关节软骨情况及髌骨倾斜的关系,同时对患者研究因素进行相关性分析,从而进一步探讨对髌股关节软骨及髌骨位置影响最小的股骨隧道位置的选择。方法:将70例经过术前磁共振检查、查体及术中关节镜探查明确诊断为前交叉韧带断裂的患者,根据随机数字的奇偶将所有患者分为类等长组(使用股骨定位器定位于髁间窝外侧壁过顶点远端7 mm打入克氏针)和类解剖组(于髁间窝外侧壁、原前交叉韧带足印中心方向打入克氏针)。采用标准化网格系统上的近-远-前-后平面对股骨隧道中心坐标进行评估;前-后-内-外平面对胫骨隧道中心坐标进行评估,标记为象限Y%和象限X%。比较两组患者基线数据、髌股外侧角的差值、软骨定量T2值有无差异以及各研究因素之间相关性。研究方案的实施符合安徽医科大学第一附属医院的相关伦理要求,参与试验的患者均签署了"知情同意书"。结果与结论:①类解剖与类等长两组之间基线数据之间无显著性差异;髌股外侧角差值类解剖组(0.57±0.33)°<类等长组(1.55±0.36)°(P<0.001);②类解剖组髌骨内侧、髌骨外侧、滑车软骨T2值均小于类等长对应值;③象限X%与髌股外侧角差值具有显著负相关性(R=-0.664,P<0.01);象限Y%与髌股外侧角差值呈正相关(R=0.804,P<0.01);髌股外侧角差值与滑车及髌骨外软骨T2值明显正相关(R=0.651,0.655,P<0.01);滑车及髌骨外侧软骨T2值与术后Lysholm评分呈负相关(R=-0.505,-0.529,P<0.01);象限Y%与髌骨外侧T2值高度相关(R=0.825,P<0.01),与滑车软骨T2值显著相关(R=0.798,P<0.01);象限X%与髌骨外侧及滑车软骨T2值呈显著负相关(R=-0.639,-0.657,P<0.01);④结果说明,通过对单束前交叉韧带重建术后早期髌股关节改变的研究,发现类解剖重建相对于类等长重建后,髌股关节软骨退变程度和髌骨倾斜角度更小,要求手术者尽可能将股骨隧道中心点位置放置于类解剖位置,从而最大限度的减少髌股关节的退变。  相似文献   

目的 为自体髌骨膜-髌韧带-骨瓣重建踝关节外侧韧带提供解剖学基础。 方法 在6侧经防腐固定的成人下肢标本及6侧新鲜标本上观测踝关节外侧韧带起止点及走行径路、髌韧带的解剖形态与起止点,在新鲜标本上摹拟重建手术。  结果 髌韧带位置恒定,解剖层次表浅,切取方便,髌骨膜-髌韧带-骨瓣的髌韧带长度(4.1±0.4) cm,距腓前韧带长度(2.4±0.5) cm,跟腓韧带长度(3.1±0.4) cm。 结论 (1)髌骨膜-髌韧带-骨瓣的髌韧带具有足够的长度,可形成移植供体;(2)髌骨膜-髌韧带-骨瓣复合体两端分别与骨及软骨创面固定,容易成活和恢复功能;(3)采用自体髌骨膜-髌韧带-骨瓣重建踝外侧韧带具有可行性。  相似文献   

背景:内侧髌股韧带重建是目前治疗髌骨外侧脱位最常用的方法,最终目的是将髌骨调整到正常的解剖位置,恢复髌骨轨迹,目前内侧髌股韧带重建的主要核心问题在于其股骨端固定点的选取上。目的:运用有限元方法分析膝关节不同屈曲角度时重建内侧髌股韧带对髌骨的限制作用,模拟不同股骨端固定点重建内侧髌股韧带对髌骨的限制作用,为内侧髌股韧带重建时股骨端固定点的选取提供帮助。方法:依据提取的膝关节CT与MRI数据建立包含骨骼及软组织的膝关节有限元模型,在模拟膝关节30°与60°屈曲角度时,选取不同的股骨端固定点构建内侧髌股韧带,比较不同点位时髌股关节间接触应力与接触面积,以及对髌骨横向约束力的大小。对不同屈曲角度时相同股骨端固定点所构建的内侧髌股韧带等长性进行验证,以研究各种内侧髌股韧带重建位置的效果。结果与结论:(1)建立了30°与60°屈曲角度时膝关节的三维有限元模型,构建了不同股骨端固定点的内侧髌股韧带,不同屈曲角度时相同股骨端位置构建的内侧髌股韧带具有可用的等长性;(2)对髌骨向外侧施加位移后,在横向方向上,不同股骨端固定点构建的内侧髌股韧带对髌骨产生了不同的横向约束力,在前端10 mm处时横向约束力最...  相似文献   

目的 通过对膝关节前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的解剖测量,找到确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的简单可行的方法,为双束重建前交叉韧带手术中的骨道定位提供理论依据。方法 解剖20例新鲜膝关节标本(25~45岁)。在屈膝90°位,测量前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距股骨髁间窝外侧壁前方、后方和下方软骨缘的距离,再对测量数据进行评估和对比。结果前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距离股骨前方软骨缘(8.74±1.39)mm,距离后方软骨缘(8.69±1.57)mm(P =0.926)。后外束止点中心点距离股骨下方软骨缘(5.06±0.77)mm。结论膝关节屈膝90°位时,前交叉韧带后外束的股骨止点中心点位于股骨髁间窝外侧壁,距离下方软骨缘5mm,距离前方和后方软骨缘的距离相等。在前交叉韧带双束重建的手术中,应用本研究的结果能够简单、快捷地确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨骨道位置。  相似文献   

The aim of this cadaveric study was to compare the transtibial versus the anteromedial portal with respect to the anatomic femoral positioning of the ACL attachment. Ten fresh frozen cadaveric knees were included in our study. A standard arthroscopy was performed and the normal ACL was partially cut through with arthroscopic scissors leaving a small footprint of 2 mm at the anatomical insertion area on the lateral femoral condyle. The femoral tunnel was drilled through the tibial tunnel and subsequently through the anteromedial portal. Using a probe with standard magnification, we measured the distances of the two femoral tunnels from the margin of ACL footprint arthroscopically. The femurs were then dissected and we measured the distances of the two tunnels from the posterior part of the lateral femoral condyle. The median arthroscopically measured distance of the centers of transtibial femoral tunnel and of the femoral tunnel through the anteromedial portal from the margin of the femoral ACL footprint were 6.20 mm and 2.80 mm respectively. The difference was statistically significant. After femoral dissection the median distance of the centers of the transtibial femoral tunnel and the femoral tunnel performed through the anteromedial portal from the border of the articular surface at the lateral femoral condyle was 6.10 mm and 5.25 mm respectively (p<0.001). Both measurements showed that ACL reconstruction technique through the anteromedial portal is more accurate compared to the transtibial technique.  相似文献   

BackgroundAnatomic tunnel formation and remnant preservation are valuable aspects of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. However, anatomic landmarks are difficult to observe during remnant-preserving ACL reconstruction (ACLR). The aims of this study were to evaluate the: 1) femoral tunnel location created with guidance from the apex of the deep cartilage margin (ADC) and footprint compared to anatomical reference; and 2) relationship between femoral tunnel location and outcomes of ACLR.MethodsA total of 109 ACLR patients without revision ACLR, multi-ligament reconstruction, peri-knee fracture, and osteotomy were included. The femoral tunnel was formed at the most proximal corner of the femoral footprint using a posterior trans-septal portal as the viewing portal. The distance from the tunnel center to ADC was measured by computed tomography and arthroscopy. The two measurements were then compared. Finally, femoral tunnel location was compared to the anatomic reference and correlated with the outcomes.ResultsThe average distance from ADC to the femoral tunnel center was 7.0 ± 1.4 mm as measured by arthroscopy, and 7.2 ± 2.0 mm using three-dimensional computed tomography. There was no statistically significant difference between the two methods (P = 0.420). Clinical and stability outcomes were significantly improved postoperatively. Clinical outcome was not related to femoral tunnel location; however, stability outcome was related to femoral tunnel location: the more proximally located femoral tunnels showed better stability.ConclusionThe ADC can be a possible landmark in remnant-preserving ACLR using a trans-septal portal. A more proximal femoral tunnel, which is located at the proximal corner of the ACL remnant, can provide stability advantage during remnant-preserving ACLR.  相似文献   

《The Knee》2019,26(5):962-968
BackgroundTo assess the risk of tunnel collision in combined anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and anterolateral ligament (ALL) reconstructions.MethodsThree-dimensional (3D) CT reconstructions of 32 knees after transtibial (TT) (N = 16) or anteromedial portal (AMP) (N = 16) ACL reconstruction were used to simulate potential tunnel collision of the femoral ACL tunnel if combined with a virtual ALL reconstruction. The minimal distance between tunnels, the ALL tunnel length, and the lateral femoral condyle (LFC) width were measured. Moreover, the relationship between the ALL tunnel and the intercondylar notch, trochlear groove and posterior femoral cortex was determined.ResultsThe highest rate of tunnel collision (81%) was observed when the ALL tunnel was aimed at 20° in the coronal plane and 0° in the axial plane. However, by aiming the ALL tunnel at 0° coronal and 40° axial angulation, collision was avoided in all patients and no violation of the trochlea was observed. Tunnel collision rate was significantly higher (P = 0.002) when the ACL tunnel was drilled by the AMP technique.ConclusionsRisk of tunnel collision was significantly increased when the tunnel was drilled at 0° in the axial plane. Tunnel collision was avoided by aiming the ALL tunnel 40° anteriorly and perpendicular to the anatomical axis of the femur. A more horizontal orientation of the ACL with the AMP technique is a risk factor for tunnel conflicts.Clinical relevanceALL tunnel orientation needs to be adjusted to avoid tunnel conflicts in combined ACL–ALL reconstructions.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe study aimed to (1) investigate the variability of the femoral ACL center in ACL-ruptured patients, (2) identify whether the currently available over-the-top femoral ACL guides could allow for anatomical reconstruction of the native ACL footprint.Material and methodsMagnetic resonance images of 95 knees with an ACL rupture were used to create three-dimensional models of the femur. The femoral ACL footprint area was outlined on each model, and the location of the femoral ACL center was reported using an anatomical coordinate system. The distance of the femoral ACL center from the over-the-top position was measured.ResultsThe femoral ACL center demonstrated a high intersubject variability ranging from 1.8 mm (9%) to 12.3 mm (60%) posterior and from 7.7 mm (37%) distal to 4.8 mm (23%) proximal using the posterior condyle circle reference. The average distance of the femoral ACL center from the over-the-top position was 1.9 ± 1.5 mm posterior and 13.8 ± 2.7 mm distal, respectively. The contemporary over-the-top femoral ACL aimers could restore the femoral ACL center in only 6.5% of the patients.ConclusionsThe femoral ACL center demonstrated a high variation on its location, which resulted in a high intersubject variability from the over-the-top position. The contemporary over-the-top femoral tunnel guides do not provide sufficient offset to allow for an anatomical ACL reconstruction. Anteromedial-portal specific femoral ACL guides with a femoral offset ranging from 10 to 18 mm in the proximal/distal direction are required to restore the native ACL footprint.  相似文献   

目的 为临床膝关节后外侧角重建术股骨侧骨隧道的定位提供解剖学资料。 方法 选取男女各30例膝关节标本,对膝关节后外侧角仔细解剖分离,测量腓侧副韧带和腘肌腱股骨附丽部中心与股骨外上髁位置关系、两者中心点的距离以及附丽部的面积。 结果 腓侧副韧带附着面积为(47.25± 14.69)mm2,其中男性为(50.22±9.72)mm2,大于女性的(44.29±12.33)mm2;腘肌腱附着面积为(56.18±13.88) mm2,其中男性为(60.57±12.44)mm2,大于女性的(51.79±13.68)mm2。腓侧副韧带附丽部中心在股骨外上髁近端(1.29±2.73)mm,后方(3.53±2.12)mm,腘肌腱附丽部中心在股骨外上髁远端(8.47±3.34)mm,后方 (3.86±2.09)mm。腓侧副韧带和腘肌腱两者股骨附丽部中心的距离平均为(10.12±3.06)mm,男性为(11.32± 3.69)mm,女性为(8.92±3.25)mm。 结论 两者附丽部的面积和中心距离存在性别差异(P<0.05),本实验的解剖数据可以为临床重建术中定位骨隧道提供参数值。  相似文献   



The object of this study was to determine the shortest possible distances of antero-medial (AM) and postero-lateral (PL) guide wire tunnel positions required to prevent femoral bone tunnel communication in double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using human cadaver knees.

Materials and Methods

The centers of femoral AM and PL bundles of 16 cadaveric knees were drilled with guide wires and the distances of guide wires, were measured upon entrance into the bone. Femoral tunnel drilling was performed using transportal technique. The diameters of AM and PL graft were 8 mm and 6 mm, respectively. CT scans were taken on each knee, and 3-dimensional models were constructed to identify the femoral tunnel position and to create AM and PL tunnel virtual cylinders. Thickness of the bone bridge between the two tunnels was measured.


In four out of six specimens, in which the guide wires were placed at less than or equal to 9 mm, communication was noted. In specimens with guide wires placed at distances greater than or equal to 10 mm, communication was not noted. The two groups showed a statistically significant difference (p=0.008). In cases where the distance between the AM and PL femoral tunnel guide wires was 12 mm, the bone bridge thickness was greater than 2 mm along the tunnel.


The technique for double bundle-anterior cruciate ligament (DB-ACL) reconstruction that we show here can avoid bone tunnel communication when AM and PL femoral guide wires are placed at least 10 mm apart, and 12 mm should be kept to preserve 2 mm bone bridge thickness.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe analyzed the location of femoral and tibial tunnels by three-dimensional (3D) CT reconstruction images after modified transtibial single bundle (SB) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, creating a femoral tunnel with varus and internal rotation of the tibia.Material and methodsData from 50 patients (50 knees) analyzed by 3D CT after modified transtibial SB ACL reconstructions were evaluated. 3D CT images were analyzed according to the quadrant method by Bernard at the femur and the technique of Forsythe at the tibia.ResultsThe mean distance of the femoral tunnel center locations parallel to the Blumensaat's line was 29.6% ± 1.9% along line t measured from the posterior condylar surface. The mean distances perpendicular to the Blumensaat's line were 37.9% ± 2.5% along line h measured from the Blumensaat's line. At the tibia, the mean anterior-to-posterior distance for the tunnel center location was 37.8% ± 1.2% and the mean medial-to-lateral distance was 50.4% ± 0.9%.DiscussionThe femoral and tibial tunnels after modified transtibial SB ACL reconstruction creating a femoral tunnel with varus and internal rotation of the tibia (figure-of-4 position) were located between the anatomical anteromedial and posterolateral footprints.  相似文献   

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