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The human pisiform is a small, nodular, although functionally significant, bone of the wrist. In most other mammals, including apes and Australopithecus afarensis, pisiforms are elongate. An underappreciated fact is that the typical mammalian pisiform forms from two ossification centers. We hypothesize that: (i) the presence of a secondary ossification center in mammalian pisiforms indicates the existence of a growth plate; and (ii) human pisiform reduction results from growth plate loss. To address these hypotheses, we surveyed African ape pisiform ossification and confirmed the presence of a late-forming secondary ossification center in chimpanzees and gorillas. Identification of the initial ossification center occurs substantially earlier in apes relative to humans, raising questions concerning the homology of the human pisiform and the two mammalian ossification centers. Second, we conducted histological and immunohistochemical analyses of pisiform ossification in mice. We confirm the presence of two ossification centers separated by organized columnar and hypertrophic chondrocyte zones. Flattened chondrocytes were highly mitotic, indicating the presence of a growth plate. Hox genes have been proposed to play a fundamental role in growth plate patterning. The existence of a pisiform growth plate presents an interesting test case for the association between Hox expression and growth plate formation, and could explain the severe effects on the pisiform observed in Hoxa11 and Hoxd11 knockout mice. Consistent with this hypothesis, we show that Hoxd11 is expressed adjacent to the pisiform in late-stage embryonic mouse limbs supporting a role for Hox genes in growth plate specification. This raises questions concerning the mechanisms regulating Hox expression in the developing carpus.  相似文献   

Perichondral bone, the circumferential grooves of Ranvier and cartilage canals are features of endochondral bone development. Cartilage canals containing connective tissue and blood vessels are found in the epiphysis of long bones and in cartilaginous anlagen of small and irregular bones. The pattern of cartilage canals seems to be integral to bone development and ossification. The canals may be concerned with the nourishment of large masses of cartilage, but neither their role in the formation of ossification centres nor their interaction with the circumferential grooves of Ranvier has been established. The relationships between cartilage canals, perichondral bone and the ossification centre were studied in the calcaneus of 9 to 38-wk-old human fetuses, by use of epoxy resin embedding, three-dimensional computer reconstructions and immunhistochemistry on paraffin sections. We found that cartilage canals are regularly arranged in shells surrounding the ossification centre. Whereas most of the shell canals might be involved in the nourishment of the cartilage, the inner shell is directly connected with the perichondral ossification groove of Ranvier and with large vessels from outside. In this way the inner shell canal imports extracellular matrix, cells and vessels into the cartilage. With the so-called communicating canals it is also connected to the endochondral ossification centre to which it delivers extracellular matrix, cells and vessels. The communicating canals can be considered as inverted 'internal' ossification grooves. They seem to be responsible for both build up intramembranous osteoid and for the direction of growth and thereby for orientation of the ossication centre.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工全髋关节置换术(THA)和翻修术后异位骨化(HO)形成的影响因素、临床特点、创伤机制和预防方法.方法:我院2004年1月~2010年12月行THA及翻修术287例,其中男98例,女189例;年龄56~72岁,平均63岁.其中≤65岁140例,>65岁147例;THA 257例,翻修术30例.所有患者术后均口服阿斯匹林50 mg/d×30 d.两位骨科医师根据患者术前和术后双髋关节正、侧位X线摄片,按Brooker分级标准评定HO产生情况.按Harris评分标准评定髋关节功能.结果:本组287例均随访1 a以上,共有45例发生HO(15.68%),其中Brooker I型29例(64.44%),BrookerⅡ型14例(31.11%),BrookerⅢ型2例(4.44%),未发现BrookerⅣ型.HO发生率在男性为23.47%、女性11.64%,≤65岁10.71%、>65岁20.41%,初次THA后10.89%、翻修术后56.67%,不同性别、年龄、术式间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:在THA及翻修术后应常规预防HO;对HO形成的高危因素如翻修手术,围手术期应尽早采取干预措施.  相似文献   

A two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) from French Guiana showed an erythrocytic parasite morphologically related to the Babesiidae family, and described as Babesia choloepi. It is the first Babesia species described in the Edentata order.  相似文献   

In order to improve our knowledge on the vertebral development, structure and mineralization in Acipenseriformes, we undertook a study in a growth series of reared Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) using in toto clear and stain specimens, histological and ultrastructural observations, X‐ray micro‐tomography, and solid state NMR analyses. Scutes were also studied to compare the tissue structure and mineralization of endoskeletal and dermal skeletal elements. This study completes and clarifies previous investigations on vertebral development and architecture in sturgeons, and brings original data on the structure of (i) the perichondral bone that is progressively deposited around the vertebral elements during ontogeny, (ii) the typical cartilage composing these elements, and (iii) the scutes. In addition we provide data on the mineralization process, on the nature of the bone mineral phase, and on the growth dynamics of the vertebral elements. Anat Rec, 300:437–449, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether genetic polymorphisms of the interferon gamma (IFNG) gene were associated with the susceptibility of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) in the Korean population. To observe the association between the IFNG gene and the susceptibility of OPLL, we genotyped 135 OPLL patients and 222 control subjects for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, rs2430561) and a microsatellite (CAn repeats, rs3138557) located in the first intron of the IFNG gene, using the direct sequencing and gene scan method. The numbers of microsatellites (CA13 and CA15) were significantly changed in the OPLL patients. A combined analysis of the genotype of rs2430561 and the number of microsatellites revealed that the OPLL was associated with frequencies of CA13-AA, CA15-AA and CA15-AT. Our results suggest that the IFNG gene may be one of the factors determining the OPLL in the Korean population. However, larger collaborative and biological studies are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

Background: Although it is known that deer antlerogenic potential resides in the periosteum of an antlerogenic region and antler forms through modified endochondral ossification, how a deciduous antler forms histologically through a permanent pedicle from the periosteum has not been reported. Methods: Histogenesis of the pedicle and the early first antler in red deer was systematically examined using light microscopy techniques. Results and Conclusions: At the pre-pedicle stage, the frontal lateral crest (under 5 mm in height) consisted horizontally of antlerogenic periosteum and underlying cancellous bone. Both the cellular layer (3.74 times, P<0.01) and the fibrous layer of the antlerogenic periosteum were much thicker than those of the margin of the antlerogenic region or the facial periosteum. The crest was formed through intramembranous ossification. When the pedicle began to develop (5–15 mm in height), some discrete clusters of mature chondrocytes appeared in the bony trabeculae, which signified the beginning of the transition of the ossification pattern from the intramem branous to the endochondral. The pedicle consisted of three portions from distal to proximal, periosteum/perichondrium, osseocartilaginous tissue, and osseous tissue. When the pedicle became visible (about 20 mm in height), it consisted of the same three portions as the pedicle initiation stage, but the osseocartilaginous portion was expanded compared to the initiation stage and the cartilaginous proportion increased distally. When the pedicle grew to 25–40 mm in height, continous cartilaginous trabeculae appeared under the apical perichondrium. The pedicle consisted of four portions from distal to proximal: perichondrium, cartilaginous tissue, osseocartilaginous tissue, osseous tissue. It was formed through endochondral ossification. All these ossification pattern changes could not be seen externally as the overlying integument was characterised by typical scalp skin. When the pedicle grew to about 60 mm in height, antler tissue was visually apparent at the apex as the hair type changed from scalp hair to the velvet-like hair of growing antler. However, this transformation could not be distinguished internally as the inside tissues were all continuous between pedicle and antler. Therefore, the histogenesis of the deer pedicle and the first antler originated from the antlerogenic cells and covered two phases: an internal phase through which pedicle was formed and an external phase which signalled the beginning of antlerogenesis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Identification of skeletal maturity is of interest as a measure of species longevity and for identifying its maximal achievable size/mass. Measurement of age on the basis of growth arrest/accentuation lines and external fundamental system evidences cessation or at least extreme slowing of circumferential bone growth. Such intramembranous (periosteal)-derived growth is distinct from the endochondral ossification responsible for longitudinal growth and therefore achievable organismal size/mass. As subchondral transcortical channels are required for nourishment, their loss should identify cessation of longitudinal growth. Predicated on phylogenetic bracketing/relationship and shared anatomical structures with and without growth plates, birds represent an appropriate model for the study of dinosaur ontogeny. Persistence of transcortical subchondral channels in the long bones of birds are examined at ×100–200 magnification and correlated with bone length. Transcortical channels are present in subchondral articular surfaces, but disappear when terminal longitudinal growth is achieved. Articular vascular channels perforating articular surfaces from within the bone are detected. Loss of penetrating channels is interpreted as evidence of skeletal growth cessation, identifying the longitudinal bone length at which skeletal growth cessation has been achieved. The current study provides evidence that maximal bone length does correlate with endochondral cessation growth. Failure of circumferential growth reduction/cessation to correlate with bone length may be related to lack of synchronicity of periosteal-based circumferential growth with the endochondral process responsible for bone lengthening. Loss/closure of articular vascular channels may be the most reliable measure of a bird's achievement of maximal growth (indicating cessation of appendicular element lengthening).  相似文献   

Development of mouse gonial bone and initial ossification process of malleus were investigated. Before the formation of the gonial bone, the osteogenic area expressing alkaline phosphatase and Runx2 mRNA was widely recognized inferior to Meckel's cartilage. The gonial bone was first formed within the perichondrium at E16.0 via intramembranous ossification, surrounded the lower part of Meckel's cartilage, and then continued to extend anteriorly and medially until postnatal day (P) 3.0. At P0, multinucleated chondroclasts started to resorb the mineralized cartilage matrix with ruffled borders at the initial ossification site of the malleus (most posterior part of Meckel's cartilage). Almost all CD31-positive capillaries did not run through the gonial bone but entered the cartilage through the site where the gonial bone was not attached, indicating the forms of the initial ossification site of the malleus are similar to those at the secondary ossification center rather than the primary ossification center in the long bone. Then, the reducing process of the posterior part of Meckel's cartilage with extending gonial bone was investigated. Numerous tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive mononuclear cells invaded the reducing Meckel's cartilage, and the continuity between the malleus and Meckel's cartilage was completely lost by P3.5. Both the cartilage matrix and the perichondrium were degraded, and they seemed to be incorporated into the periosteum of the gonial bone. The tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini muscles were attached to the ligament extending from the gonial bone. These findings indicated that the gonial bone has multiple functions and plays important roles in cranial formation. Anat Rec, 302:1916–1933, 2019. © 2019 American Association for Anatomy  相似文献   

The progression of mineral phase deposition in hypertrophic cartilage and periosteal bone matrix was studied in human metacarpals primary ossification centers before vascular invasion began. This study aimed to provide a morphologic/morphometric comparative analysis of the calcification process in cartilage and periosteal osteoid used as models of endochondral ossification. Thin, sequential sections from the same paraffin inclusions of metacarpal anlagen (gestational age between the 20th and 22nd weeks) were examined with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, either stained or heat‐deproteinated. This process enabled the analysis of corresponding fields using the different methods. From the initial CaPO4 nucleation in cartilage matrix, calcification progressed increasing the size of focal, globular, randomly distributed deposits (size range 0.5–5 µm), followed by aggregation into polycyclic clusters and finally forming a dense, compact mass of calcified cartilage. At the same time, the early osteoid calcification was characterized by a fine granular pattern (size range 0.1–0.5 µm), which was soon compacted in the layer of the first periosteal lamella. Scanning electron microscopy of heat‐deproteinated sections revealed a rod‐like hydroxyapatite crystallite pattern, with only size differences between the early globular deposits of the two calcifying matrices. The morphology of the early calcium deposits was similar in both cartilage and osteoid, with variations in size and density only. However, integration of the reported data with the actual hypotheses of the mechanisms of Ca concentration suggested that ion transport was linked to the progression of the chondrocyte maturation cycle (with recall of H2O from the matrix) in cartilage, while ions transport was an active process through the cell membrane in osteoid. Other considered factors were the collagen type specificity and the matrix fibrillar texture. Anat Rec, 301:571–580, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the expression and actions of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) when skeletal histogenesis occurs in the chicken mandible. Prior to the appearance of skeletal tissues, PTHrP and PTH1R were co-expressed by cells in the ectoderm, skeletal muscle, peripheral nerve and mesenchyme. Hyaline cartilage was first observed at HH stage 27 when many but not all chondroblasts expressed PTHrP and PTH1R. By stage 34, PTHrP and PTH1R were not detected in chondrocytes but were expressed in the perichondrium. Alkaline phosphatase (AP)-positive preosteoblasts and woven bone appeared at stages 31 and 34, respectively. Preosteoblasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes co-expressed PTHrP and PTH1R. Treatment with chicken PTHrP (1-36) increased cAMP in mesenchyme from stage 26 embryos. Continuous exposure to chicken PTHrP (1-36) for 14 days increased cartilage nodule number and decreased AP while intermittent exposure did not affect cartilage nodule number and increased AP in cultures of stage 26 mesenchymal cells. Adding a neutralizing anti-PTHrP antibody to the cultures reduced cartilage nodule number and did not affect AP. These findings show that PTHrP and PTH1R are co-expressed by extraskeletal and skeletal cells before and during skeletal tissue histogenesis, and that PTHrP may influence skeletal tissue histogenesis by affecting the differentiation of mandibular mesenchymal cells into chondroblasts and osteoblasts.  相似文献   

We examined the immunolocalization of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in areas of resorption caused by osteoclasts/chondroclasts on embryonic days 14-16 (E14-16) in Meckel's cartilage, and compared the results with those in endochondral bones in mice. Intense RANKL and OPG immunoreactivity was detected in the chondrocytes in Meckel's cartilage. On E15, when the incisor teeth were closest to the middle portion of Meckel's cartilage, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive cells appeared on the lateral side of the cartilage. Furthermore, the dental follicle showed moderate immunoreactivity for RANKL and OPG, whereas osteoblasts derived from perichondral cells were immunonegative for RANKL and OPG in that area. On E16, cartilage resorption by TRAP-positive cells had progressed at the differential position, and intensely immunoreactive products of RANKL were overlapped on and found to exist next to TRAP-positive cells in the resorption area. In developing metatarsal tissue, OPG immunoreactivity was intense in periosteal osteoblasts, whereas RANKL was only faintly seen in some of the periosteal cells. In epiphyseal chondrocytes of the developing femur, RANKL immunoreactivity was moderate, and OPG scarcely detected. These results indicate a peculiarity of RANKL and OPG immunolocalization in resorption of Meckel's cartilage. Growth of the incisor teeth may be involved in the time- and position-specific resorption of Meckel's cartilage through local regulation of the RANKL/OPG system in dental follicular cells and periosteal osteoblasts, whereas RANKL and OPG in chondrocytes seem to contribute to resorption through regulation of the chondroclast function.  相似文献   

This article presents a morphofunctional analysis of the hind limb of Santacrucian (Early Miocene) sloths from southernmost Patagonia (Argentina). These fossil sloths were mid sized to large animals, ranging from 40 to 120 kg, and their postcranial skeleton was markedly different in shape compared with that of extant tree sloths, which vary from 2 to 10 kg. The functional anatomy of the hind limb of Santacrucian sloths was compared with that of living xenarthrans (tree sloths, anteaters, and armadillos), which involved reconstruction of the hind limb musculature and comparative and qualitative morphofunctional analyses, and hypotheses on the biological role of the hind limb in terms of preferences in substrate, posture, and strategies of locomotion were formulated. The hind limb of Santacrucian sloths bears strong resemblances to that of living South American anteaters in stoutness of skeletal elements, form of the characteristics related to muscular and ligamentous attachments, and conservative, pentadactylous strong‐clawed pes. The musculature was very well developed, allowing powerful forces, principally in entire limb adduction, crus flexion and extension, pes extension, and toe prehension. These functional features, together with those of the forelimb, are congruent with climbing behavior, and support the hypothesis that Santacrucian sloths were good but slow climbing mammals. However, their climbing strategies were limited, owing principally to their comparatively large body size, and they relied to a large extent on their powerful musculature and curved manual and pedal unguals for both moving and standing on the arboreal supports. Anat Rec, 298:842–864, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An ossifying malignant Leydig cell tumour of the testis in a patient with associated gynaecomastia is presented. The criteria for diagnosing malignancy in these tumours are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The development of sensory innervation in long bones was investigated in rat tibia in fetuses on gestational days (GD) 16-21 and in neonates and juvenile individuals on postnatal days (PD) 1-28. A double immunostaining method was applied to study the co-localization of the neuronal growth marker growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) and the pan-neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) as well as that of two sensory fibre-associated neuropeptides, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). The earliest, not yet chemically coded, nerve fibres were observed on GD17 in the perichondrium of the proximal epiphysis. Further development of the innervation was characterized by the successive appearance of nerve fibres in the perichondrium/periosteum of the shaft (GD19), the bone marrow cavity and intercondylar eminence (GD21), the metaphyses (PD1), the cartilage canals penetrating into the epiphyses (PD7), and finally in the secondary ossification centres (PD10) and epiphyseal bone marrow (PD14). Maturation of the fibres, manifested by their immunoreactivity for CGRP and SP, was visible on GD21 in the epiphyseal perichondrium, the periosteum of the shaft and the bone marrow, on PD1 in the intercondylar eminence and the metaphyses, on PD7 in the cartilage canals, on PD10 in the secondary ossification centres and on PD14 in the epiphyseal bone marrow. The temporal and topographic pattern of nerve fibre appearance corresponds with the development of regions characterized by active mineralization and bone remodelling, suggesting a possible involvement of the sensory innervation in these processes.  相似文献   

Heterotopic ossification (HO) occurs when soft tissues are inappropriately converted to bony tissue. Several human diseases result in HO with few reliable treatment options. Animal models that naturally produce dermal ectopic bone (i.e., osteoderms), such as crocodilians, have never been utilized as models for studying these disorders in humans. Here, a histological evaluation and staging criteria for osteoderm development is described for the first time in the American alligator (Alligator mississipiensis). Differential staining and immunohistochemistry of alligator scales depict a progressive change during development, where woven bone forms from the differentiated dermis. Bone formation proceeds via intramembranous ossification, which is initiated in part by endothelial cell precursors that undergo endothelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition and eventually acquire an osteoblast phenotype. As such, the development of osteoderms in the American alligator bears morphological and mechanistic similarities to HO in humans, presenting a potential model for future study of soft tissue mineralization pathologies and providing insight into the morphological and molecular development of osteoderms in other vertebrate lineages. Anat Rec, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Anat Rec, 301:56–76, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Here, we investigate a possible direct role for myostatin in chondrogenesis. First, we examined the effects of myostatin on the proliferation of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and epiphyseal growth plate (EGP) chondrocytes (EGPCs) isolated from myostatin-deficient mice. Results show that myostatin deficiency is associated with a significant (P < 0.001) increase in proliferation of both BMSCs (+25%) and EGPCs (+35%) compared with wild-type cells. Next, we examined the effects of myostatin treatment on chondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs. These experiments show that myostatin treatment starting at either 0 or 48 h induces a significant decrease in collagen type II protein synthesis by 31% (P < 0.001) and 25% (P < 0.05), respectively. Real-time PCR reveals significant (P < 0.01) down regulation of Sox9 mRNA expression with 10 and 100 ng/ml treatments. Together, these findings suggest that myostatin has direct effects on chondrogenesis, and may, therefore, represent a potential therapeutic target for improving bone repair.  相似文献   

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