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贵州彝族白族16种遗传性状的基因频率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解贵州彝族、白族群体部分遗传性状的基因频率及其分布特点. 方法 采用群体遗传学研究方法,调查了879人(彝族472人、白族407人)16种遗传性状.计算了各遗传特征的基因频率.采用U检验进行了民族群体间差异显著性比较. 结果 贵州彝族翻舌、卷舌、唇厚、下颏类型、发质、发旋、眼睑、前额发际、睫毛、耵聍、达尔文结节、利手、拇指类型、中指毛、环食指长(男)、环食指长(女)和小指弯曲基因频率分别为0.0424、0.3427、0.5539、0.3527、0.1894、0.3860、0.4960、0.1089、0.5132、0.1363、0.3652、0.6285、0.2190、0.3397、0.0673、0.0797和0.3144;白族分别为0.0450、0.3868、0.4940、0.2993、0.2210、0.3188、0.4075、0.0901、0.6285、0.0808、0.4238、0.7034、0.2550、0.3707、0.0678、0.0950和0.2901.贵州两民族人群发旋和利手显性基因频率具有显著性差异(P<0.05),眼睑、睫毛和耵聍显性基因频率差异极显著(P<0.01). 结论 贵州彝族、白族翻舌、中指毛、发旋、拇指类型和小指弯曲5种遗传性状的显性基因频率处于较低水平,下颏类型和睫毛两种遗传性状的显性基因频率处于较高水平,其余9种遗传性状的基因频率处于中等水平.  相似文献   

目的 观测单侧完全性唇裂Millard术后1、3、6年患儿鼻唇部结构,为术后继发鼻唇畸形分类提供参考数据及后期手术矫正方法和手术时间选择提供参照。方法 回顾分析2009年1月—2013年12月蚌埠医学院第一附属医院整形烧伤科和口腔科单侧完全性唇裂Millard法术后1、3及6年患儿鼻唇部结构测量的资料,患儿手术时年龄均为6个月,分别列为术后1年组(12例)、3年组(13例)、6年组(12例);并对应选取1.5、3.5和6.5岁同年龄段颌面部无先天性畸形、无手术史的儿童作对照,分别列为正常1.5岁组(13名)、3.5岁组(12例)、6.5岁组(15名)。各组性别不限。以Farkas头面部测量内容为基础,选择11个测量标记点,15个观察项目(11个线性观察项目,4个角度观察项目)进行测量。结果 与正常1.5岁组比较,术后1年组患儿的鼻小柱宽度、鼻翼基底宽、鼻宽、唇高、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角、患侧鼻翼厚度,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔宽、鼻孔高、鼻翼长、鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);与正常3.5岁组比较,术后3年组患儿的鼻小柱宽度、鼻翼基底宽、鼻宽、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角和健侧的鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角、鼻孔高,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔宽、鼻翼长测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);与正常6.5岁组比较,术后6年组患儿的健侧鼻孔宽、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔高、鼻翼厚度、鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。结论 单侧完全性唇裂患儿Millard法术后随年龄增长,患儿鼻唇部结构与正常儿童的差异整体趋势逐渐减小,说明唇裂术后鼻唇畸形有自行矫正的趋势;为减少术后出现畸形,健侧鼻孔宽、高和唇宽四项在行Millard法唇裂修复术时应提前给予预防。鼻唇角、鼻尖角、健侧鼻翼外侧角、健侧鼻前角可适时根据畸形程度给予矫正。  相似文献   

rhCD40L联合化疗药物对乳腺癌细胞株生物学行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究人重组CD40L(rhCD40L)对乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231、MDA-MB-435细胞生物学行为的影响,运用多种细胞生物学、分子生物学方法检测细胞生长、细胞周期、细胞膜分子、凋亡相关基因Bcl-Xl、Bax及趋化因子RANTESmRNA水平的改变,并观察了rhCD40L联合IFN-γ、阿霉素(ADM)对MDA-MB-231细胞增殖的影响。结果发现rhCD40L抑制MDA-MB-435、MDA-MB-231细胞增殖,与剂量呈负相关(P<0.05);两株乳腺癌细胞分别在CD40配基化(ligation)作用48、72h进入G1期细胞阻滞;MDA-MB-231细胞CD54、CD95(Fas)、CD120b等分子表达均显著上调,CD95L(FasL)表达下调(P<0.05);MDA-MB-435细胞CD49e、CD95L、CD120a、HLA-DR等分子有显著性变化。两株乳腺癌细胞经rhCD40L作用4、24h后,RT-PCR半定量Bax/Bcl-Xl的比率、RANTES的表达与对照组相比均上调。rhCD40L联合IFN-γ、阿霉素对MDA-MB-231细胞增殖有较强的抑制作用(P<0.05)。由此表明,CD40信号影响乳腺癌细胞周期及TNF家族成员及MHCII类分子的表达,上调凋亡相关基因Bax/Bcl-Xl的比值和趋化因子RANTESmRNA水平,直接或间接介导抗肿瘤作用。同时,rhCD40L还可增强肿瘤细胞对细胞因子和化学药物的敏感性。  相似文献   

目的 确定广西三江县侗族青少年头发中 9种人体必需元素含量的正常值。方法 用偏振塞曼原子吸收仪 ,检测了来自三江县的 993名 7~ 16岁中小学生头发中镍、硒、钴、铬、铁、锌、钙、铜和镁 9种人体必需元素的含量 ,并用SPSS统计软件进行统计分析。结果 广西三江县侗族中小学生头发中 ,镍、硒、钴、铬、铁、锌、钙、铜和镁 9种人体必需元素的含量没有性别差异 ;硒、铬、铁、锌、钙和铜与年龄呈负相关 ;制订了镍、硒、钴、铬、铁、锌、钙、铜、镁 9种元素的头发含量的正常值范围。结论 广西三江县中学生头发中硒、铬、铁、锌、钙和铜含量有明显年龄差异 ,而镍、钴和镁却没有年龄差异。  相似文献   

永久起搏器常见并发症的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨永久起搏器常见并发症发生原因、处理方法及预防措施。方法回顾分析新疆医科大学第一附属医院2005年1月~2008年4月安装永久起搏器患者456例临J末资料的并发症。其中男性275例,女性181例;年龄28~91岁.平均年龄60.23岁;病态窦房结综合征287例,Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞97例,高度房室传导阻滞28例,Ⅱ°房室传导阻滞19例.扩张型心肌病12例,其他疾病13例。起搏器类型:单腔起搏器,双腔起搏器,三腔起搏器,埋藏式自动复律除颤器(ICD)。结果并发症共27例,其中误穿刺入锁骨下动脉4例,气胸1例,冠状静脉窦口夹层1例,冠状静脉注入气泡1例,引流条断裂1例.电极接反2例,感知障碍2例,电池提前耗竭1例,起搏器综合征2例,起搏器介入的心动过速1例.电极脱位4例.囊袋血肿6例,囊袋感染1例。结论加深对起搏器常见并发症的了解,提高鉴别能力,重视术前预防,术中规范操作,加强术后随访及起搏器知识教育,早期发现积极处理各种并发症,可将并发症减少到最低限。  相似文献   

Long-term organ cultures of a range of tissues collected from specific pathogen-free chickens were employed to determine their susceptibility, and their capacity for subsequent virus production, following inoculation with avian infectious bronchitis (AIB) virus. When inoculated with approximately 2-0 log10 median ciliostatic doses (CD50) of a classical highly egg-adapted vaccine strain (H120) of AIB virus, 9 of 23 tissues were shown to be susceptible, namely the nasal turbinates, trachea, air sac membranes,lungsasal turbinates, trachea, air sac membranes, lungs, proventriculus mucosa, thyroid, kidney, ovary and oviduct. When the remaining 14 tissues were inoculated with a high dose of virus (6.8 log10 CD50), the conjunctiva, caecel tonsil, testis and bursa of Fabricius were susceptible whereas the oesophagus and cloaca responded minimally. Inoculation of the same range of tissues with a high or low dose of a field strain (HVI9) of AIB virus produced similar results, except for a number of individual variations in response, due possibly to strain differences in pathogenicity. Determinations of the minimal infectious dose requirements of the susceptible tissues revealed that the efficiency of infection with the H120 strain was highest for the nasal turbinate and tracheal tissues, and thereafter, in order of decreasing efficiency, were the air sac membranes, lung, oviduct, proventriculus mucosa, conjunctiva, kidney, ovary, bursa of Fabricius, thyroid, testis, caecal tonsil, cloaca and oesophagus. The relevance of these results is discussed in connection with the early events in the pathogenesis and the clinical syndrome of AIB infection in chickens.  相似文献   

The prevalence and mode of inheritance of major genetic eye diseases have been investigated in China since the establishment of the Section of Ophthalmic Genetics of the Chinese Society of Genetics. Mass screening of genetic eye diseases has been undertaken in many districts in China, covering more than 700,000 people, and more than 5000 pedigrees of genetic eye diseases have been collected and analysed all over China. Based on these data, the prevalence and mode of inheritance of dyschromatopsia, degenerative myopia, retinitis pigmentosa, congenital ptosis, congenital microphthalmos, congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, Leber's optic atrophy, corneal dystrophy, congenital nystagmus, coloboma of the eye, congenital aniridia, retinoblastoma, macular dystrophy, simple myopia, primary glaucoma, and strabismus have been investigated, and the results are presented.  相似文献   

目的探讨同种氨基酸形成多肽的毒性和应用前景。方法用固相合成法合成天冬氨酸和赖氨酸的2~10肽单链与双链化合物,通过小鼠尾静脉将这些化合物注射到小鼠肝脏内,观察它们对小鼠的致死作用(LD50)。结果当天冬氨酸单链2~10肽的浓度依次达到0.15、0.1、0.09、0.03、0.0065、0.03、0.034、0.035和0.04 mol/L时,小鼠的死亡率达到50%。当赖氨酸单链2~10肽的浓度依次达到0.28、0.1、0.047、0.0225、0.0028、0.00166、0.0015、0.0011和0.00075 mol/L时,小鼠的死亡率达到50%。当天冬氨酸-赖氨酸双链2~10肽的浓度依次得到0.5、0.05、0.017、0.014、0.009、0.006、0.004、0.004、0.004、0.004 mol/L时,小鼠的死亡率达到50%。结论单链多肽的毒性大于双链多肽。在2~6肽范围内,天冬氨酸单链多肽随着氨基酸数目增加毒性逐渐增加;相反,在7~10肽范围内,随着氨基酸数目的增加毒性逐渐降低。在2~10肽范围内,赖氨酸单链多肽随着氨基酸数目增加毒性逐渐增加。在2~6肽范围内,天冬氨酸-赖氨酸双链多肽随着氨基酸数目增加毒性逐渐增加;但在7~10肽范围内,其毒性相似。  相似文献   

Biopsies of pancreatic tissue in 54 patients with chronic pancreatitis were studied histologically and electron microscopically. Pathomorphological criteria of this disease include: dyscomplexation of acini, necroses, hemorrhages, inflammatory reaction, pseudocystosis, lipomatosis, condensation of secretory masses, and formation of concrements, hyperplasia, metaplasia, and increased desquamation of ductular epithelium, hyperplasia of Langerhans islands, damage of the vessels and perineural spaces, fibrosis. The increased permeability of ductal epithelium, increased synthesis of protein substances, formation of concrements and specific antibody are conducive to exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Human testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults, both seminomas and non-seminomas, originate from intratubular germ cell neoplasia (IGCN). Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was applied to microdissected samples from different stages of the development of a seminoma and a mixed non-seminoma, including IGCN of both. The different stages of the seminoma development, namely IGCN, intratubular and invasive seminoma, showed a very similar pattern of chromosomal imbalances, including gains of parts of 7, 8, 12,14, and X, and losses of parts of 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12q, 16, 18, 22, and Y. A more heterogeneous pattern was found for the non-seminoma. Some aberrations were present only in IGCN, or in IGCN and in all invasive components (gains of parts of 1q, 17, 19p, 20q, and 22, and losses of parts of 4, 5, 9p, 13, and 18q), while others were present in a less consistent pattern. These are the first reported CGH data from different stages in the development of TGCTs. Although only two cases were studied, the results suggest that particular numerical changes of (parts of) chromosomes are involved in the early development and progression of this cancer.  相似文献   

【摘 要】 目的:基于CT模拟数据,比较多层通道化Hotelling观察器(CHO)和单层CHO对低对比物体的检测性能。 方法:利用计算机模拟产生有、无信号两类三维图像,分别改变信号幅度及尺寸,研究单层、多层CHO对不同幅度、尺寸的信号检测性。通过比较观察者性能指标PC,定量评估多层CHO较单层CHO的低对比检测能力。 结果:当信号尺寸为2.5 mm,信号幅度分别为2.5、5.0、10.0 HU时,PC分别为0.79、0.96、1.00,层数为10时,多层CHO性能PC达饱和,对应单层CHO性能PC分别为0.67、0.78、0.93,性能分别提升了17.91%、23.08%、7.53%;当信号幅度固定为2.5 HU,信号尺寸分别为2.0、2.5、3.5、5.0、10.0 mm时,多层CHO在层数分别为8、10、8、6、3时,PC达最大,分别为0.69、0.79、0.95、0.99、1.00,对应单层CHO性能PC分别为0.63、0.67、0.74、0.86、0.96,性能分别提升9.5%、17.9%、28.4%、15.1%、4.2%。 结论:由于综合多层信息制定决策,多层CHO相比于单层CHO对低对比物体的检测能力更强。但利用多层CHO进行图像质量评估时,层数选择至关重要,应根据信号幅度、尺寸、背景噪音等因素选择合适的层数。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the amino-acid composition of the perfusion fluid was investigated during adequate perfusion of isolated dog organs (the thorax and a complex consisting of the thoracic organs, kidneys, and liver). The concentration of amino acids such as histidine, lysine, and alanine in the perfusion fluid 6 h after the beginning of perfusion of the organ complex was higher, whereas that of arginine, serine, aspartic acid, threonine with glutamine, isoleucine, proline, leucine, and valine was much lower than initially. In experiments on the isolated thorax the dynamics of the amino-acid composition of the medium was studied during perfusion for 4 h. The concentration of alanine, lysine, and histidine in the medium increased, whereas those of serine, aspartic acid, isoleucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine decreased.Department of Biophysics, L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Krasnoyarsk. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR S. V. Anichkov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 80, No. 7, pp. 36–38, July, 1975.  相似文献   

The expression of the CD10 antigen, formerly designated as common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen and recently identified as neutral endopeptidase, was examined immunohistochemically in 26 benign and in 55 malignant mesenchymal tumors. CD10 expression was found in 4 of 4 leiomyomas, 7 of 10 leiomyosarcomas, 1 of 6 rhabdomyosarcomas, 2 of 2 Triton tumors, 1 of 2 aggressive fibromatoses, 1 of 3 fibrosarcomas, 1 of 4 synovial sarcomas, 1 of 1 giant cell tumors of tendon sheath, 4 of 4 malignant fibrous histiocytomas, 3 of 3 Ewing's sarcomas, and 2 of 3 osteosarcomas. Furthermore, CD10 was expressed consistently in the myoepithelial compartment of 12 fibroadenomas and, in 7 of these cases, in a minor stromal cell population, probably of (myo-) fibroblastic origin. Tumors of adipose tissue (4 lipomas, 5 liposarcomas), tumors of autonomic ganglia (2 ganglioneuromas, 1 ganglioneuroblastoma, 2 neuroblastomas), tumors of peripheral nerves with purely schwannian differentiation (7 malignant schwannomas), and tumors of disputed origin were consistently CD10-negative, however, as were single cases of fibroma and chondrosarcoma. These findings indicate that the expression of CD10 is a frequent but not obligatory feature in some mesenchymal tumors. Therefore CD10 is of value in the differential diagnosis of mesenchymal tumors.  相似文献   

Summary In the first year of its existence the Malignant Lymphoma Reference Centre in Hungary diagnosed 383 new cases, which may represent about half the cases occurring in this country. The distribution of the cases was as follows: Hodgkin's disease 69 (18%); non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma 290 (75.7%), unclassifiable 12 (3.2%), hairy cell leukaemia 4 (1%), Lennert's lymphoma 8 cases (2.1%). Some features of the distribution of malignant lymphomas are discussed.In 1978 the Malignant Lymphoma Reference Centre received cases from the following Departments of Pathology of universities and county, district and city hospitals: The Hospitals of Ajka, Baja, Békéscsaba, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital of Budapest, Central Hospital of the Hungarian People's Army, János Hospital, Postgraduate Medical School, Péterfy Street Hospital, Budapest, 1st and 2nd Departments of Pathology, Semmelweis Medical University of Budapest, Weil Hospital, Budapest, Medical University of Debrecen, Hospitals of Debrecen, Dombóvár, Dunaujváros, Eger, Esztergom, Györ, Gyula, Hatvan, Hódmezövasárhely, Kaposvár, Karcag, Kazincbarcika, Kecske-mét, Keszthely, Kiskunhalas, Marcali, City and County Hospitals of Miskolc, Hospitals of Mosonmagyaróvár, Nagyatád, Nagykanizsa, Orosháza, Ózd, Pápa, Salgótarján, Siófok, Medical University of Szeged, Hospitals of Székesfehérvár, Szekszárd, Szentes, Szombathely, Tatabánya, Veszprém and ZalaegerszegThis work was in part supported by the Scientific Research Council, Ministry of Health, No. 3-07-0304-06-1/K  相似文献   

文题释义: 组织工程:应用生命科学与工程学的原理与技术,在正确认识哺乳动物的正常及病理状态下的组织结构与功能关系的基础上,研究、开发用于修复、维护、促进人体各种组织或器官损伤后的功能和形态的生物替代物的一门新兴学科。背景:组织工程学发展具有极大的社会价值和经济效益,评估和分析中国在组织工程热点子领域的基础研究实力,将有助于优化资源配置和制定适宜的发展策略。 目的:评价中国在组织工程热点子领域的基础研究实力。 方法:在PubMed数据库中检索全球、美国和中国在组织工程热点子领域(包括骨和软骨、神经、血管、肝脏、皮肤、心脏、眼组织工程)的基础研究论文和顶尖基础研究论文。以全球和美国为背景,基于论文数量、论文增速、顶尖论文数量及比例,分析中国在组织工程热点子领域的基础研究实力。 结果与结论:①中国在骨和软骨组织工程、神经组织工程、血管组织工程、肝脏组织工程、皮肤组织工程、心脏组织工程和眼组织工程领域的基础研究论文数量依次为4 487,3 551,2 869,1 328,1 185,1 088和689篇,占全球发文量的10%-15%之间,其中,前5个子领域的发文量约为美国的一半,心脏组织工程和眼组织工程领域的发文量仅分别为美国的32.1%和37.8%;②中国在上述各子领域的论文量增速分别为19.3%,19.5%,18.2%,14.6%,21.8%,19.6%和19.6%,均远超全球和美国;③中国在上述各子领域的顶尖基础研究论文数依次为36,31,33,24,15,24和12篇,顶尖论文比例依次为0.8%,0.9%,1.2%,1.8%,1.3%,2.2%和1.7%,明显低于全球平均水平和美国;④结果表明,中国在骨和软骨、神经组织工程、血管组织工程3个子领域的基础研究规模相对较大,而在心脏、眼2个子领域的基础研究规模相对较小;中国在各子领域的基础研究规模增速均超过全球和美国,且增速优势明显;中国在各子领域均有一定数量的顶尖基础研究成果,但顶尖成果比例比起全球和美国而言还有较大提升空间。 ORCID: 0000-0001-7595-4771(陈娟) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

During the 42-month period from June 1982 through December 1985, 215 fecal specimens from 171 patients were found to be positive for yersiniae by using a combination of CIN agar and cold enrichment. Isolates were tested for markers of virulence including carriage of a plasmid 42 megadaltons in size, calcium dependence, autoagglutination, Congo red uptake, pyrazinamidase activity, fermentation of salicin, and hydrolysis of esculin. The results were correlated to symptoms in patients. A total of 80 Yersinia enterocolitica and 52 Y. enterocolitica-like strains (42 Y. frederiksenii, 8 Y. intermedia, and 2 Y. kristensenii) were examined. Positive virulence-related tests were as follows (for Y. enterocolitica, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, and Y. kristensenii, respectively): pyrazinamidase negativity, 12.5, 0, 0, and 50%; Congo red positivity, 5, 7.1, 87.5 and 0%; calcium dependence, 3.8, 0, 0, and 0%; autoagglutination positivity, 8.8, 0, 0, and 0%; carriage of the 42-megadalton plasmid, 28.6, 73.2, 5.7, and 0; salicin and esculin negativity, 12.5, 0, 0, and 50%. The isolates recovered from symptomatic patients were characterized in relation to the presenting symptoms. Isolates from 12 of 32 (37.5%) patients with acute-onset diarrhea and 9 of 30 (30.0%) patients with chronic symptoms expressed at least one virulence feature. No individual test or group of tests was consistently associated with onset or either type of symptoms. Routine testing of plasmid carriage, uptake of Congo red, calcium dependence, autoagglutination, and pyrazinamidase activity did not appear to provide information that would link the presence of symptoms with the virulence potential of fecal isolates of yersiniae.  相似文献   

The kinds and amounts of the lipids of each stage (egg, coracidium, procercoid, plerocercoid, adult) in the life-cycle of the cestode Spirometra mansonoides, and of environmental lipids, have been examined by combinations of TEAE-cellulose and silicic acid column, silica gel thin-layer and SCOT column gas-liquid chromatography. Major lipids of all stages were triacylglycerols, cholesterol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidlethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylcholine. Minor lipids were sterol esters, fatty acids, benzoquinones, partial glycerides, phosphatidic acid, sphingolipids and lysolipids. Triacylglycerols decreased and cholesterol and phospholipids, particularly diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine, increased during embryo-genesis (egg to coracidium). Neutral and phosphoglycerides had characteristic fatty acyl group patterns irrespective of life-cycle stage, except for procercoid lipids, which were unique in their content of branched and odd-numbered forms. The patterns seen in the total lipids of the various life-cycle stages were qualitatively similar to those of the environments of those stages, but were often quantitatively dissimilar.  相似文献   

采用网捕、畜诱、帐诱和诱虻器诱捕法对甘肃省虻科区系作了调查研究,并对所收藏标本进行整理和前人文献收集。记述甘肃省虻科6属82种(检视标本61种,另有21种依据文献资料,未见标本),即斑虻属10种、黄虻属6种、麻虻属8种、瘤虻属28种、虻属29种和指虻属1种。各分布区的虻种组成与数量不一,陇南南部山地虻科5属31种,其中东洋界成分11种,古北界成分8种,广布种成分12种,是甘肃省虻种分布最多的地区;陇南北部山地虻科5属28种,其中古北界成分18种,广布种成分10种;甘南高原草原虻科5属22种,其中古北界成分18种,广布种成分4种;陇东黄土高原虻科2属5种,其中古北界成分2种,广布种成分3种,该区虻种组成简单,也是虻种数最少的分布区;中部黄土高原虻科5属11种,其中古北界成分6种,广布种成分5种;河西走廊虻科5属28种,其中古北界成分25种,广布种成分3种;祁连山地虻科4属12种,其中古北界成分11种,广布种成分1种。  相似文献   

Davis AE  Mejia P  Lu F 《Molecular immunology》2008,45(16):4057-4063
Broadly speaking, C1 inhibitor plays important roles in the regulation of vascular permeability and in the suppression of inflammation. Vascular permeability control is exerted largely through inhibition of two of the proteases involved in the generation of bradykinin, factor XIIa and plasma kallikrein (the plasma kallikrein–kinin system). Anti-inflammatory functions, however, are exerted via several activities including inhibition of complement system proteases (C1r, C1s, MASP2) and the plasma kallikrein–kinin system proteases, in addition to interactions with a number of different proteins, cells and infectious agents. These more recently described, as yet incompletely characterized, activities serve several potential functions, including concentration of C1 inhibitor at sites of inflammation, inhibition of alternative complement pathway activation, inhibition of the biologic activities of gram negative endotoxin, enhancement of bacterial phagocytosis and killing, and suppression of the influx of leukocytes into a site of inflammation. C1 inhibitor has been shown to be therapeutically useful in a variety of animal models of inflammatory diseases, including gram negative bacterial sepsis and endotoxin shock, suppression of hyperacute transplant rejection, and treatment of a variety of ischemia-reperfusion injuries (heart, intestine, skeletal muscle, liver, brain). In humans, early data appear particularly promising in myocardial reperfusion injury. The mechanism (or mechanisms) of the effect of C1 inhibitor in these conditions is (are) not completely clear, but involve inhibition of complement and contact system activation, in addition to variable contributions from other C1 inhibitor activities that do not involve protease inhibition.  相似文献   

Effects of Short Peptides on Lymphocyte Chromatin in Senile Subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of synthetic short peptides (Vilon, Epithalon, Livagen, Prostamax, and Cortagen) on activity of ribosome genes, parameters of common heterochromatin melting, polymorphism of structural heterochromatin (C segments) of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16, and variability of facultative heterochromatin were studied in leukocytes of subjects aged 75-88 years. All the studied peptides induced activation of ribosome genes, decondensation of densely packed chromatin fibrils, and release of genes repressed as a result of age-specific condensation of the cellular euchromatin regions (deheterochromatinization of facultative chromatin). Treatment with Epithalon, Livagen, and Prostamax led to decondensation of chromosome 1 pericentromeric structural chromatin, while Epithalon and Livagen treatment led to changes in chromosome 9 as well. Hence, short peptides activate heterochromatin and heterochromatinized regions of cell chromosomes in senile subjects.  相似文献   

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