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目的 研究典型男性阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症(OSAHS)患者在平静呼吸时上气道气流运动特性,以及气流对软腭和悬雍垂作用的动力特点。方法 基于患者CT影像数据建立可靠的上气道流场几何模型,以临床睡眠监测数据作为数值模拟边界条件的依据,采用低雷诺数的湍流模型计算获得一个完整呼吸周期内上气道气流运动规律。结果OSAHS患者在呼吸过程中,上气道气流流动形式有显著差异。在吸气阶段,上气道腔内流速可达9.808 m/s,最大负压可达-78.856 Pa,鼻腔顶部出现局部回流,软腭受到的最大气流压力为-10.884 Pa,悬雍垂受到的最大气流压力为-51.946 Pa,气流对软腭和悬雍垂造成的最大剪切应力分别为78和311 mPa。在呼气阶段,上气道腔内最大流速为10.330 m/s,最大负压为-51.921 Pa,口咽部和鼻腔顶部均出现局部回流,且口咽部顺时针回流现象显著,软腭受到的最大气流压力为2.603 Pa,悬雍垂受到的最大气流压力为-18.222 Pa,软腭和悬雍垂受到的最大剪切应力分别为51和508 mPa。结论 口咽部是易塌陷的部位,一个呼吸循环过程的数值模拟可以捕捉到上气道流场显著的回流特征,上气道回流直接影响软腭和悬雍垂所受的力,同时也关系到患者呼吸的流畅程度。  相似文献   

目的分析阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者自然睡眠时平静呼吸和呼吸暂停期不同压力边界条件和呼吸模式对气道内气体的流动和生理状态的影响。方法创建OSAHS患者仰卧位自然睡眠状态,并采集CT数据建立三维上气道有限元模型。临床测量患者睡眠期喉腔压力作为边界条件,考虑鼻吸鼻呼、鼻吸口呼、口吸鼻呼、口吸口呼4种典型呼吸模式进行流体力学仿真。结果睡眠期OSAHS患者的呼吸气流呈非稳定、有涡、双向流动,压力边界以及呼吸模式对气体流动的影响明显。用口呼吸与用鼻呼吸相比,气体的最大流速有所升高,压降主要集中在口腔,吸气时升高约30%,呼气时升高1倍。结论采用OSAHS患者自然睡眠期CT数据建模并以临床喉腔压力作为边界条件进行有限元仿真具有意义,研究结果有助于了解OSAHS患者真实自然睡眠状态下的上气道流场特性。  相似文献   

目的建立物理模型实验和数值模拟相结合的方法,用于研究上呼吸道气流状态。方法基于网上公开CT医学图像,重建人体上呼吸道三维模型。基于3D打印技术,建立上呼吸道实验模型,进行呼吸的流量过程测量实验;通过对上呼吸道三维模型进行网格划分,采用湍流Realizable k-ε数值模型进行计算。结果首先进行与实验工况对应的数值模拟对比研究,得到与实验吻合的结果。数值模拟结果表明,呼吸过程中的气流的流动轨迹呈抛物线形状,呼气和吸气阶段的流场、壁面压力和涡结构分布很大区别,呼吸交换过程中上下鼻道有空气残留。另外,通过脉线、压力分布和涡结构分布情况,初步分析气流对上呼吸道生理环境的影响。结论该方法具有针对性、快速性和准确性的特点,充分发挥了物理实验可靠和数值模拟精细的优点,适用于不同个案上呼吸道不同问题的研究,对临床个性化诊疗具有价值。  相似文献   

目的应用计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)技术对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)患者不同程度呼吸窘迫状态时下呼吸道内气流运动特性进行模拟研究。方法基于CT影像数据建立真实健康人体下呼吸道三维模型。采用标准k-ε湍流模型对下呼吸道内的气体流动进行数值模拟,分析下呼吸道内气流的速度、流量、压力以及壁面剪切应力等参数分布特点。结果拟合下呼吸道空气流动阻力与呼吸强度的函数关系;得到下呼吸道内空气流速、压力、壁面剪切应力的分布特点以及空气流量在各肺及各叶支气管的分配情况。结论通过CFD模拟分析可以获得更为详细的下呼吸道流场相关数据,为ARDS患者的临床治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的建立上气道、气管及部分支气管的生物力学模型,研究不同呼吸模式对气道内气流特性以及气道阻力的影响。方法根据CT扫描资料,建立包括鼻腔、口腔、咽、喉、气管和部分支气管在内的具有真实解剖结构形态的三维有限元呼吸道模型,针对现实中几种典型情况,数值模拟流经鼻、口的气流不同比例情况下气道内的气流特性。结果当仅有少量气流经由口腔吸入时,呼吸道内气流的分布规律以及各部位气道阻力的大小与完全经由鼻腔呼吸的情况相似。当口腔吸入或呼出大量气体,气流主要经由口腔与外界进行交换时,呼吸道内气流场、压力场和剪应力场分布规律明显不同,主要区别体现在鼻腔、口腔气道内。结论建立上气道与气管、支气管生物力学模型,可以从整体上了解呼吸过程中整个上气道至部分支气管中气流的分布情况,为了解与上气道结构相关疾病的发病机制建立数值研究平台。  相似文献   

目的研究大鼠上气道狭窄动物模型的构建方法及上气道狭窄后气流运动特性。方法将3月龄大鼠32只随机分为对照组和模型组,模型组每只大鼠在麻醉状态下给予0.1 mL透明质酸钠溶液软腭悬雍垂黏膜下注射处理。对照组和模型组在同等环境中饲养3月后,对两组动物分别进行CT扫描及呼吸检测。运用计算流体力学方法对比分析对照鼠和模型鼠上气道流场特性。结果 (1)模型组较对照组鼻咽部气道最小截面积明显减少,气道明显狭窄(P<0.05);(2)模型鼠呼吸急促、呼吸周期不稳定、咽腔呼吸波动较强;(3)在呼吸过程中,对照鼠鼻咽气道壁面最大剪应力分布较分散;而模型鼠鼻咽气道壁面最大剪应力分布较集中。结论软腭黏膜下注射透明质酸钠诱发了上气道狭窄,气道狭窄的动物模型与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)病理学特征类似。上气道狭窄将导致呼吸困难,呼吸周期延长,且剪应力对咽部组织(特别是软腭及悬雍垂)的损伤作用更强,这加剧了咽部组织的力学重建。  相似文献   

目的通过数值模拟方法研究人呼吸过程中吸入的颗粒物在呼吸道内的沉积规律及其影响因素。方法建立正常人呼吸道三维数值模型,模拟吸气过程中气流在呼吸道内的分布规律。在鼻孔或口等气流入口处释放颗粒,模拟悬浮颗粒物随着吸入气流在呼吸道内的沉积过程。同时改变颗粒物直径、密度、呼吸气流速率等参数,通过对比分析,研究颗粒物在呼吸道内沉积的影响因素。结果颗粒物在呼吸道内主要沉积在鼻阈、固有鼻腔气道中部、鼻咽部以及支气管内壁,并且颗粒物的沉积率随着其直径、密度、呼吸气流速率的增大而增加,几个参数对沉积率的影响程度也不相同。结论颗粒物在呼吸道内主要沉积在气道几何形状复杂或者气道走向剧烈改变的位置,颗粒物的直径、密度、呼吸气流速率均会影响到其在呼吸道内的沉积率。研究结果可为空气污染引发呼吸道疾病风险的临床评估提供数值依据。  相似文献   

压力支持通气(PSV)是一种重要的机械通气模式,PSV模式下的人机同步性分为吸气触发同步和呼气触发同步。能否很好地跟随患者的吸气和呼气动作,是呼吸机性能的一个重要评价指标。在各种不同条件下(例如:不同的患者肺类型、不同的呼吸努力程度等),呼吸机都应该能够及时响应患者的吸气动作并给予所需气体。同样地,呼吸机也应该及时响应患者的呼气动作,快速释放肺内压。本文在新型呼吸机E5、Servo i、Evital XL工作于PSV模式时,在主动模肺ASL5000触发压力或流量设置不变的情况下,改变呼吸机的吸气/呼气触发灵敏度,测量流量传递至患者的延迟时间、PSV初始化前的最低吸气气道压等参数,对PSV模式下的人机同步性能予以评价。  相似文献   

剧烈运动时,人体要通过深呼吸,为机体组织及器官的快速新陈代谢过程补充足够的氧气,研究深呼吸时人体肺内气体的流动及输运机理,对运动生理学及临床医学具有理论意义和临床价值.采用有限体积法数值,求解Navier-Stokes方程组,数值研究深呼吸情况下,人体三级支气管模型内的吸气流动规律,比较了均匀及抛物型速度进气条件对支气管内流动分布的影响.结果表明:深呼吸时,支气管内出现了复杂的流动现象,包括主流的射流-尾流结构及m-型结构,以及二次流的2涡向4涡结构演变过程,与平静及正常呼吸状态相比,深呼吸使肺内中部及侧部下游支气管内流量分流不均匀性加重,压力损失急剧增大,支气管内壁承受更大的气动负荷.  相似文献   

正常成人上呼吸道CT测量及其意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:确定正常人的上呼吸道CT扫描下各平面的横截面积、经线长度以及咽壁厚度,为临床服务。方法:无明显睡眠呼吸疾病史的成年人(男115、女110),采用Philips Tomoscan AV Expander E1螺旋CT,对鼻咽顶部到声门之间的区域进行连续扫描,测量软腭后区、悬雍垂后区、舌后区和会厌后区的气道横截面积、失状径、冠状径、咽侧壁和咽后壁软组织厚度,以单侧95%可信区间确定各测量指标的参考值。结果:在上呼吸道各个扫描平面,绝大多数气道的形状均为横椭圆形,冠状径大于失状径,在软腭后区、悬雍垂后区、舌后区和会厌后区中,失状径大于冠状径者分别占总人数的3.11%、10.67%、0.8%和0%。各年龄组间比较,绝大多数测量指标差异不显著,男子组和女子组间比较,除软腭后区外,大多数测量指标差异显著。故分别制定了男、女各测量指标的还范围。结论:成人上呼吸道CT测量以及正常范围的确定为临床判定OSAS患者上呼吸道解剖性狭窄的部位提供了客观依据,男性OSAS发病率明显高于女性有其相关的生理基础。  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms by which turbulent flow induces tracheal wall vibrations detected as tracheal breath sounds (TRBSs). The effects of flow rate at transitional Reynold's numbers (1300–10,000) and gas density on spectral patterns of TRBSs in eight normal subjects were measured. TRBSs were recorded with a contact sensor during air and heliox breathing at four flow rates (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 l/s). We found that normalized TRBSs were proportional to flow to the 1.89 power during inspiration and to the 1.59 power during expiration irrespective of gas density. The amplitude of TRBSs with heliox was lower than with air by a factor of 0.33 ± 0.12 and 0.44 ± 0.16 during inspiration and expiration, respectively. The spectral resonance frequencies were higher during heliox than air breathing by a factor of 1.75 ± 0.2—approximately the square root of the reciprocal of the air/heliox wave propagation speed ratio. In conclusion, the flow-induced pressure fluctuations inside the trachea, which cause tracheal wall vibrations, were detected as TRBSs consist of two components: (1) a dominant local turbulent eddy component whose amplitude is proportional to the gas density and nonlinearly related to the flow; and (2) a propagating acoustic component with resonances whose frequencies correspond to the length of the upper airway and to the free-field sound speed. Therefore, TRBSs consist primarily of direct turbulent eddy pressure fluctuations that are perceived as sound during auscultation.  相似文献   

The lattice Boltzmann method is used to calculate the incompressible, viscous flow of air through a model of a nasal cavity, used in experiments. Computations are performed for steady flows at the inspiration and expiration phase of nose breathing. Computed pressure distributions and friction coefficients compare well with Navier-Stokes solutions from a finite-volume method on structured, curvilinear grids. The comparison with conventional Navier-Stokes solvers shows several advantages of the lattice Boltzmann method in particular for bio-medical flow problems. These are the fast grid generation, the simple, granular algorithm, suited for efficient parallelization and the high flexibility for implementing complex boundary conditions and additional transport equations. Lattice Boltzmann methods are therefore efficient candidates for fast flow predictions in the frame of computer-aided rhino-surgery.  相似文献   

The graft diameter plays a critically important role in the long-term patency rates of bypass surgery. To clarify the influence of graft diameter on the blood flows in the femoral 2-way bypass surgery, the physiologically pulsatile flows in two femoral bypass models were simulated with numerical methods. For the sake of comparison, the models were constructed with identical geometry parameters except the different diameters of grafts. Two models with small and large grafts were studied. The boundary conditions for the simulation of blood flow were constant for both models. The maximum Reynolds number was 832.8, and the Womersley number was 6.14. The emphases of results were on the analysis of flow fields in the vicinity of the distal anastomosis. The temporal-spatial distributions of velocity vectors, pressure drop between the proximal and distal toe, wall shear stresses, wall shear stress gradients and oscillating shear index were compared. The present study indicated that femoral artery bypassed with a large graft demonstrated disturbed axial flow and secondary flow at the distal anastomosis while the axial flow at its downstream of toe was featured with larger and more uniform longitudinal velocities. Meanwhile, the large model exhibits less refluences, relatively uniform wall shear stresses, lower pressure and smaller wall shear stress gradients, whereas it does not have any advantages in the distributions of secondary flow and the oscillating shear index. In general, the large model exhibits better and more uniform hemodynamic phenomena near the vessel wall and may be effective in preventing the initiation and development of postoperative intimal hyperplasia and restenosis.  相似文献   

The nonlinear pulsatile blood flow in S-shaped curved arteries was studied with finite element method. Numerical simulations for flows in two models of S-shaped curved arteries with different diameters and under the same boundary conditions were performed. The temporal and spatial distributions of hemodynamic variables during the cardiac cycle such as velocity field, secondary flow, pressure, and wall shear stresses in the arteries were analyzed. Results of numerical simulations showed that the secondary flow in the larger S-shaped curved artery is more complex than that in the smaller one; stronger eddy flow occurred in the inner bends of curved arteries; pressure and wall shear stresses changed violently in the curved arteries, especially in the larger model. These hemodynamic variables in curved arteries will cause important effects on the function of arterial endothelium in the region. For instance, they may lead to the proliferation of smooth muscle cells and the thickening of the intima, and cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis may develop in such regions. Due to having the special blood flow characteristics in the S-shaped arteries, it is worthwhile to study flow in this kind of curved artery. The comprehensive theoretical foundation showed in the present study can be extended to approach problems of nonlinear pulsatile flow in curved arteries with more complex geometrical shape.  相似文献   

The airflow and gas exchange behaviors of the human maxillary sinus were quantified to better understand the effect of an accessory ostium (AO). An anatomically correct numerical domain was constructed using CT data from a male patient with mild nasal obstruction. For the purpose of comparison, a numerical model without an AO was also generated by artificially removing the AO from the original model using CAD software. A steady-flow field through the nasal cavity was simulated using ANSYS-FLUENT v13.0 with a target flow rate of 250 ml/s. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method was used to investigate the concentration field of nitric oxide (NO) initially filled in the maxillary sinus. The simulation results showed that a transit flow through the maxillary sinus developed in the presence of an AO. As the flow entered the sinus through either a natural or accessory ostium from the middle meatus, the velocity was significantly reduced to a local maximum of approximately 0.034 m/s inside the sinus. This by-pass flow rate through the sinus of 2.186×10(-1) to 3.591×10(-1) ml/s was a small fraction of the total flow rate inhaled from the nostril, but it effectively changed the local flow topology and led to a larger reduction in NO concentration in the maxillary sinus. This more rapid reduction in NO concentration was due to enhanced ventilation activity afforded by convective transport of the transit stream through the flow path connecting the natural ostium and the AO. The inspiration and expiration phases were qualitatively similar in flow pattern except for the flow direction in the maxillary sinus, suggesting that the AO plays a similar physiological role during both inspiration and expiration in terms of ventilation.  相似文献   

Summary Acute experiments were carried out on cats. Coughing was induced mechanically by the application of a nylon thread to the mucosa of the nasopharynx and the laryngeal area or to the bifurcation of the trachea and bronchi Electrical activity of the inspiratory and expiratory muscles became much more intense during the cough. Inspiratory activity was predominant during a cough induced by mechanical stimulation of the nasopharynx or of the larynx. The reciprocal relationship between inspiration and expiration was disturbed. In this type of cough the electrical activity of the expiratory muscles was increased at a time when the intrapleural pressure failed to indicate active respiration. When the cough was caused by mechanical stimulation of the mucosa at the bifurcation of the bronchi action potentials of large amplitude and high frequency occurred in long groups of discharges, in which expiratory activity prevailed. Under such conditions the normal relationship between inspiration and expiration were maintained. (Presented by Active Member MAN SSSR, V. V. Parin) Translated from Byulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 6,No. 11, pp. 24–27, November, 1963.  相似文献   

目的 通过数值模拟仿真研究中央分流手术(central shunt, CS)的血流动力学环境,并分别研究弹性与刚性血管壁条件对其血管内血流动力学参数分布的影响。方法 建立两个理想化的CS搭桥模型,其中一个假设为刚性血管壁,另一个为弹性血管壁。利用有限元方法进行数值计算,其中弹性血管壁模型采用流固耦合方法。结果 两个模型中的流速和压力分布总体大致相同。刚性血管壁模型中大约有68.9%血液从主动脉分流进入肺动脉中,弹性血管壁模型中该值增加到了70%。弹性模型和刚性模型中搭桥血管两端的压降分别为7.668 8 kPa和7.222 3 kPa。弹性模型中搭桥管各处的横截面积有一定变化,最大变化率约为2.2%,出现在近心端吻合口处。提取两个模型中的5个关键区域进行壁面切应力比较,其数值差别最多约为16.1%。结论 总体来说两个模型的血液流动形态没有大的改变;血管的弹性因素轻微影响了流量的分布和搭桥管两端的压降;搭桥管上血管的弹性对近心段吻合口处的影响高于对远心端吻合口处的影响。在CS术治疗法洛四联症的数值模拟仿真中血管壁为刚性这一假设是可以接受的,而流固耦合的数值模拟将得到更为可信的仿真结果。  相似文献   

The pattern of lung injury induced by the inhalation of ozone (O3) depends on the dose delivered to different tissues in the airways. This study examined the distribution of O3 uptake in a single, symmetrically branched airway bifurcation. Reaction in the epithelial lining fluid was assumed to be so rapid that O3 concentration was negligible along the entire surface of the bifurcation wall. Three-dimensional numerical solutions of the continuity, Navier–Stokes and convection–diffusion equations were obtained for steady inspiratory and expiratory flows at Reynolds numbers ranging from 100 to 500. The total rate of O3 uptake was found to increase with increasing flow rate during both inspiration and expiration. Hot spots of O3 flux appeared at the carina of the bifurcation for virtually all inspiratory and expiratory Reynolds numbers considered in the simulations. At the lowest expiratory Reynolds number, however, the location of the maximum flux was shifted to the outer wall of the daughter branch. For expiratory flow, additional hot spots of flux were found on the parent branch wall just downstream of the branching region. In all cases, O3 uptake in the single bifurcation was larger than that in a straight tube of equal inlet radius and wall surface area. This study provides insight into the effect of flow conditions on O3 uptake and dose distribution in individual bifurcations.  相似文献   

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