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目的 基于CiteSpace对人类辅助生殖技术相关伦理问题进行可视化分析,了解该领域研究热点、现状及未来发展趋势。方法 通过对中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献系统、中华医学期刊全文数据库检索到1995—2022年间的1132篇辅助生殖技术相关伦理问题的文献,采用CiteSpace 5.5.R2进行合作网络、关键词及文献共被引可视化分析,绘制可视化图谱。结果 辅助生殖技术相关伦理问题的研究热点为代孕、冷冻胚胎归属、基因编辑等主题,国内高发文量作者及机构间合作较少。行政规章管理联合法律调控辅助生殖技术相关伦理问题是该领域未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

背景:由身体接触性运动或交通事故造成的脑震荡远比人们想象的更为严重与常见,近年来引起了媒体、医学界及体育界的广泛关注与高度重视。目的:采用文献计量学方法对有限元方法在脑震荡领域的研究热点与趋势进行可视化分析,从而为中国在该领域的研究提供一定的参考。方法:基于Web of Science核心集数据库进行文献检索,检索主题词策略为(TS=(Concussion)) AND TS=(Finite element),利用CiteSpace 6.2.R4可视化工具对纳入文献的作者、国家、机构、关键词及被引文献等进行可视化分析。结果与结论:(1)共计纳入215篇文献,发文量与被引量总体上呈上升趋势;学科分布涉及生物医学工程、生物物理学、运动科学、临床神经学及神经科学等学科,呈现多学科交叉融合的趋势;发文量最多的作者是来自爱尔兰都柏林大学的Gilchrist M,发文量最多的机构是渥太华大学,发文量最多的国家是美国。(2)通过关键词分析发现研究的热点聚焦于脑损伤模型的建立用来模拟和预测脑震荡的损伤;脑震荡损伤机制的解析;防护设备和装置的优化设计。(3)通过文献共被引分析发现脑损伤的预测与评估是该领域...  相似文献   

目的 通过对中国知网(CNKI)收录、护理解剖学相关文献的研究状况及发展趋势进行计量学可视化分析,以探索该学科领域30多年的研究热点和演进趋势,为相关教研人员提供一些参考.方法 应用CiteSpace v5.6软件,在汇总与护理解剖学相关文献的基础上,具体分析文献关键词、作者、发文机构、所在地、基金资助等元素.结果 筛选后得到687篇期刊文献,发文量呈逐年上升趋势,近五年来增长明显;《解剖学研究》杂志发文量最高,占比为22.85%;近十年来省部级以上基金资助文章数量也呈逐步上升趋势;医学院校和医院为本领域的主要发文机构;护理解剖学主干词频出现较多,相关研究热点主要集中在教学改革方面.结论 护理解剖学作为解剖学的分支学科,将正常人体形态与结构与临床护理应用相结合,学科呈持续发展趋势,近年来的研究热点集中在教学领域,相关教学方式的改革和教学质量的推进仍将在护理解剖学的发展中持续发挥作用.  相似文献   

背景:心肌细胞直接重编程技术是近年再生医学领域的研究热点,可能成为心脏疾病治疗的新途径,有着广阔的应用前景和发展方向。目的:通过对心肌细胞直接重编程文献进行CiteSpace知识图谱绘制及可视化计量分析,梳理该领域的研究进展、研究热点以及发展趋势,为相关领域研究者提供借鉴与参考。方法:在Web of Science核心集数据库中,以“direct reprogramming”“reprogramming”“Cardiomyocytes”“Cardiomyocyte”“cardiac musclecell”为检索词,文献检索的时间为2020-07-29,检索心肌细胞直接重编程相关文献,运用CiteSpace对纳入文献的作者、机构和关键词等进行可视化分析。结果与结论:①共纳入文献277篇;②研究方向主要集中在细胞生物学、生物工程学和应用微生物学等方面;③领域主要研究力量集中在美国加州大学旧金山分校和美国北卡罗来纳大学等机构;④研究发现形成9个代表性的关键词聚类:direct reprogramming(直接重编程)、Regeneration(再生)、pluripotent stem cell(多能干细胞)、Induction(诱导)、marrow stromal cell(骨髓基质干细胞)、progenitor cell(祖细胞)、Maturation(成熟)、transdifferentiation(分化)和induced pluripotent stem cell(诱导多能干细胞),并随时间发展呈现研究方向的多向性:⑤2005年前后,诱导干细胞向心肌细胞分化是当时的一个研究热点,2013年前后直接重编程技术逐渐受到广泛关注;⑥文章结果还提示,心肌细胞中转录因子、肌细胞增强因子2C和心脏再生等可能是心肌细胞直接重编程技术领域的研究前沿方向。  相似文献   

背景:研究发现突变的铜锌超氧化物歧化酶与家族型肌萎缩侧索硬化症有关,迄今为止已有100余种突变位点被发现。 目的:可视化分析肌萎缩侧索硬化症的知识基础、研究热点与前沿。 方法:以ISI的Web Of Science数据库中2005至2014年4 693篇铜锌超氧化物歧化酶相关文献为分析对象,运用CiteSpace Ⅲ可视化软件绘制铜锌超氧化物歧化酶文献共被引网络图谱和关键词共现图谱,结合突现节点文献二次检索的方法,梳理并揭示铜锌超氧化物歧化酶的知识基础、研究热点与研究前沿,分析10年间年发文量与引文量、研究国家与机构分布、主要来源期刊、高被引文献研究方向、高频次关键词、近5年新出现高频关键词等指标。 结果与结论:铜锌超氧化物歧化酶有关研究的年发文量与引文量呈现持续性增长趋势;美国、中国与日本是该研究领域的中坚力量,中国科学院在研究机构中有着较强的影响力;研究领域主要集中在神经科学与神经学、生物化学与分子生物学等领域,高载文量期刊的高影响因子体现出研究的重要性与创新性;近10年研究的知识基础主要由10篇高被引文献组成,其研究方向主要针对于不同SOD1突变位点的发现及测定蛋白质浓度与SOD1活性的方法上;研究热点主要集中在氧化应激、SOD1突变相关的家族型肌萎缩侧索硬化症与转基因动物模型上。近5年间的研究前沿大多体现在新的有关肌萎缩侧索硬化症致病机制的发现上,如TDP-43聚集、小胶质细胞星形胶质细胞与运动神经元的相互作用、视神经蛋白基因与核因子kB抑制剂、C9ORF72上六核苷酸重复扩增、自噬等。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

背景:近些年,肝脏类器官的发展使其成为国际肝病研究领域的热点,但目前仍未有文献对其进行文献计量学分析。目的:基于文献计量学与可视化分析探索近20年肝脏类器官的热点趋势。方法:从Web of Science(科学网,WOS)核心合集中检索2002-01-01/2022-11-12肝脏类器官的相关文献,运行Origin、Office和CiteSpace软件进行文献计量与可视化分析,通过生成图表的方式来统计分析文献的年发文量、国家、机构、作者、期刊和关键词等内容。结果与结论:肝脏类器官研究领域近20年的发文量、被引频次、加入研究的机构和人员总体呈现上升趋势,说明该领域发展迅速关注度也逐渐升高。在该领域中,美国的发文量最多、影响力最强,虽然投入大量的时间与精力,但是在众多研究机构中美国单个研究机构的发文量并非最高;中国发文量仅次于美国,中国科学院和复旦大学是国内发文量最多的机构。荷兰乌得勒支大学是发文量最多的机构,发文量最高的作者是Clevers H,共引频次最高的文章是“Long-term culture of genome-stable bipotent stem cells from a...  相似文献   

背景:青少年特发性脊柱侧凸是最常见的脊柱侧凸畸形,占所有脊柱侧凸的80%左右,其发病机制不明,近年来发病率呈明显上升趋势,严重威胁着青少年的身心健康。目的:通过文献计量学方法对近20年来青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的相关文献进行可视化分析,探索该领域的研究热点与趋势,以期为进一步研究提供参考。方法:计算机检索Web of Science核心合集数据库2002-01-01/2021-12-31收录的相关文献,采用CiteSpace 5.8.R3软件绘制科学知识图谱,对合作网络、共被引网络、关键词共现、突现、聚类及时间线图谱进行可视化分析。结果与结论:共纳入文献5 245篇,近20年该领域年发文量总体呈波动上升趋势。对合作网络分析可知,发文量最多的作者是邱勇、机构是南京大学、国家是美国,而中介中心性最高的作者是Lowe TG、机构是费城儿童医院、国家是瑞士。共被引网络分析可知,被引频次最高的作者是Lenke LG、文献是Weinstein SL(2013,《N Engl J Med》)、期刊是《Spine》,而中介中心性最高的被引作者是Suk SI、被引文献是Danielsson AJ(2001,...  相似文献   

目的 分析HIV感染者生育意愿研究热点和趋势,以期为HIV感染者生育相关研究提供参考。方法 在Web of Science核心合集数据库和中国知网(CNKI)中检索相关研究。运用CiteSpace 6.2.R4软件对发文量、作者、发文机构及关键词进行可视化分析。结果 本研究共纳入236篇文献。年发文量趋势平稳,高峰期出现在2014年,研究作者合作网络规模较大,研究机构主要以高校为主,各高校合作较紧密;研究热点集中于HIV传播、女性人群、干预治疗等方面。结论 抗逆转录病毒治疗是HIV感染者生育意愿研究的未来趋势。我国相关研究较少,国内学者和研究机构应借鉴国际的成熟经验,加强我国HIV感染者管理并发展HIV感染者生育意愿的相关研究。  相似文献   

背景:基于主题文献的计量学和可视化分析对了解绝经后骨质疏松症研究基础与前沿尤为重要。目的:对近20年绝经后骨质疏松研究的高被引SCI论文进行文献计量、引证和可视化分析。方法:对Web of Science(WoS)中SCI-EXPANDED收录的2003-2022年发表的前100篇高被引绝经后骨质疏松研究论文进行文献计量,用CiteSpace软件进行可视化分析。结果与结论:前100篇高被引论文在WoS核心合集中总被引量为67 377次,每篇论文的年平均引用量为49.17次。绝经后骨质疏松研究主要涉及医学、工程技术、生物学和多学科等领域,小类学科则以内分泌学与代谢、医学:内科为主。国际上形成了稳定密切的核心合作网络关系,美国、加利福尼亚大学系统、Cummings, Steven R分别是高被引论文发文最多的国家、科研机构和作者。绝经后骨质疏松研究前沿主要涉及了钙剂、维生素D的补充治疗与骨折风险,双膦酸盐类药物治疗绝经后骨质疏松的临床研究,非典型股骨骨折,绝经后骨质疏松的新药临床研究与序贯治疗,骨折风险的预测指标,骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折的中长期随访,基因多态性和遗传因素,绝经后骨质疏松临床...  相似文献   

背景:近年来,高精度经颅直流电刺激因其非侵入性调控大脑功能的潜在益处而备受关注,但目前仍未有研究对其进行可视化分析。目的:对高精度经颅直流电刺激相关研究进行可视化分析,探索研究现状及热点趋势。方法:从Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库中检索2010-01-01/2023-05-06发表的与高精度经颅直流电刺激相关的英文文献,应用VOSviewer软件对纳入文献的来源期刊、国家/地区、作者、机构、被引文献和关键词进行可视化分析并绘制知识图谱,探索该领域的研究现状及热点。结果与结论:①共纳入336篇文献,高精度经颅直流电刺激的发文量逐年增加。其中,美国的发文量最多(141篇),被引次数为4221,中国发文量仅次于美国(70篇),被引次数为401。②《Brain Stimulation》是发文量最多的期刊(28篇),Marom Bikson是发文量最多的作者(37篇),纽约市立大学城市学院是发文量最多的机构(35篇)。③运动皮质、调控、工作记忆、兴奋性及背外侧前额叶是该领域出现频次排名前5的关键词。近5年的热点关键词主要包括注意力缺陷/多动症、脑网络及刺激强度等。④目前,高精度经颅直流电刺激领域的研究文献数量相对较少,但总体呈现上升趋势,这反映出该领域具备较大的研究潜力。预计该领域的研究将持续聚焦于高精度经颅直流电刺激在认知精神类疾病的应用,并基于脑网络进一步揭示其作用于运动皮质及背外侧前额叶等靶点的治疗机制。  相似文献   

New developments in science are rapidly influencing and shaping basic and clinical research and medicine. This has led to the emergence of multiple opportunities and challenges on many levels in the bio-medical and other associated fields. To face these opportunities and challenges, new concepts and strategies are needed. These can be provided by translational research/medicine as an integrative concept based on a multidirectional understanding of research and medicine embedded in a socio-economical environment. Although the implementation of translational research/medicine faces many obstacles, some of its goals have already been part of new programs in local institutions and in medical or scientific societies. These implementations are important in creating a unified national and international system of translational research/medicine.  相似文献   

PET正成为强有力的临床前研究工具,与其他在体成像模式联合可以实现优势互补,在恶性肿瘤基础研究中扮演重要角色。本文综述小动物PET成像系统、小动物PET/解剖双模态成像系统、小动物PET/光学双模态成像系统和小动物PET/解剖成像/光学成像多模态成像系统在恶性肿瘤中的应用情况,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The most effective and acceptable ways of approaching relatives of identified probands to participate in research are unknown. We report on two methods. A total of 640 probands with Crohn's disease were contacted by post and invited to select how the research team would contact their relatives to assess their interest in participating in prevention research. Clinician-led approach: required probands to provide contact details for their first-degree relatives so that the research team could send them study questionnaires; proband-led approach: required probands to request questionnaires with stamped envelopes for them to forward to their relatives. Fifty-six percent (356/640) of probands contacted participated, with 80% (284) providing details of eligible relatives. Forty-eight percent (136/284) of probands requested 392 relatives be contacted by the researchers and 50% (142/284) requested that the questionnaire be sent to them so that they could give this to their 437 relatives personally. Two percent (6/284) requested mixed methods. Eligible responses came from 73% of relatives (587/805), 81% (299/368) of those contacted by the researchers and 66% (288/437) of those contacted via probands (difference 15%, 95% CI 10, 22). Both methods yielded similarly high levels of interest from relatives in participating in prevention research (89% (265/299) direct; 86% (248/288) indirect). Direct clinician-led contact maximised response rates. High levels of interest in research across the two recruitment methods suggest that although proband-led methods may maximise privacy, they may deny relatives the opportunity to take part in research that would be of interest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Universities in Cameroon are playing an active part in HIV/AIDS research and much of this research is carried out by students, usually for the purpose of a dissertation/thesis. Student theses/dissertations present research findings in a much more comprehensive manner and have been described as the stepping-stone of a budding scientist's potential in becoming an independent researcher. It is therefore important to verify how students handle issues of research ethics. METHOD: Theses/dissertations on HIV/AIDS that described research studies involving the use of human research participants were screened to verify if research ethics approval and informed consent were obtained and documented. The contents of the consent forms were also qualitatively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 174 theses/dissertations on HIV, ethics approval was documented in 17 (9.77%) and informed consent in 77 (47.83%). Research ethics approval was first mentioned at all in 2002 and highly reported in the year 2007. Evidence of ethics approval was found for the first time in 2005 and informed consent first observed and evidenced in 1997. Ethics approval was mostly reported by students studying for an MD (14.01%) and was not reported in any Bachelors' degree dissertation. Informed consent was also highly reported in MD theses (64.58%) followed by undergraduate theses (31.58%). Voluntary participation and potential benefits of the study were some of the common aspects dealt with in most of the consent forms. The right to discontinue participation in the study and management of residual samples were scarcely ever mentioned. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, and given the current state of the art of research ethics around the world, studentscientists in Cameroon would seem to be merely kidding with research ethics. It is thus essential that training in health research ethics (HRE) be incorporated in the curriculum of universities in Cameroon in order that the next generation of scientists may be better equipped with thorough knowledge and practice of HRE. This, we believe, would be one way of fighting the occurrence of research scandals, which have not yet abated significantly, especially those arising from negligence or inexcusable ignorance.  相似文献   

Biobanks are collections of biological material and related files gathered and stored for clinical or research purposes. Here, we investigated the questions raised during the evaluation of biobanks by biomedical Research Ethics Committees (RECs), particularly in the context of genetic research. We sent a questionnaire to all RECs in France to survey their concerns and the ethical criteria used when evaluating research involving the storage of biological samples. Most of the RECs think that they should be consulted to evaluate the constitution of biobanks. The proportion of RECs of this opinion depended on whether the biobank is being constituted in the absence of an associated research project (initially created for clinical purposes or for undefined research) (14/28), whether the biobank is being constituted for research use (21/28) or whether an existing research biobank is being re-used (19/28). Views diverged concerning the way ethics principles are applied, showing that REC evaluations of biobanks might be formalised at each of the following steps: constitution, use and re-use. In this paper, we suggest concrete elements that could be integrated into the application of the new French law concerning the protection of the human beings participating in research as well as into international recommendations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: There is extensive documentation that minority adults are underrepresented in medical research, but there are scant data regarding minority children and their parents. DESIGN: All full-length articles published in three general pediatric journals between July 2002 through June 2003 were collected and reviewed. Articles were excluded if they did not include at least one U.S. researcher, all subjects enrolled at U.S. institutions, parents or children as subjects, some prospective data collection, or between eight and 10,000 subjects. Corresponding authors were surveyed to clarify race/ethnicity data, language barriers and how race/ethnicity data were collected. RESULTS: Two-hundred-twenty-eight articles qualified for further analysis. Black children and parents and Asian/Pacific Islander parents were overrepresented, and Hispanic children and parents were underrepresented compared to the Census data. Most researchers collected race/ethnicity data by having subjects self-report. Most studies did not have translation available, although most Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander subjects were enrolled in studies in which translation was available. CONCLUSION: Our data show that Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander research subjects are more likely to participate in pediatric research when translation is available. If the goal is to ensure access to pediatric research for all ethnic populations, then more research needs to accommodate non-English-speaking participants.  相似文献   

Double‐network (DN) hydrogel has intrinsic tough mechanical properties due to its unique two contrasting network structures. The research on DN hydrogel is a fast growing field, mainly focusing on network structures, formation, and interactions at the molecular level. In this trend article, we take a critical review at the important and latest research findings, current research challenges, and future research directions in the DN hydrogel field. We discuss some issues on the discovery of fundamentally new phenomena versus performance benchmarking for different types of the DN hydrogels. Finally we offer our personal opinions to several unique aspects for future DN gel research.




To examine research background, attitudes, knowledge and skills of family medicine residents with regard to primary care research and to compare residents who elected to participate in the research stream with those who did not.


Mailed survey of Family Medicine residents at McMaster University in 1998, 70% (52/74) of whom responded. The main outcome measures consisted of research background; attitudes towards primary care research and research activities during residency program; knowledge and skills in applying it in biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design.


The vast majority of the residents reported previous research experience and/or some training in epidemiology and biostatistics. Residents in the research stream were more likely to be female and were positive towards primary care research: they were more interested in research, more interested in obtaining more research training while a resident, and placed more importance on developing research early in medical education. The research stream residents had stronger views regarding perceived lack of support staff and lack of time for research. There were no statistically significant differences between the research stream and other residents in terms of research knowledge and skills in applying it.


Attitudes towards research rather than research knowledge or skills seemed to distinguish those selecting to be in our new research stream at the inception.  相似文献   



In 2008, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy mandated open access for publications resulting from NIH funding (following a 12-month embargo). The large increase in access to research that will take place in the years to come has potential implications for evidence-based practice (EBP) and lifelong learning for health personnel.


This study assesses health personnel’s current use of research to establish whether grounds exist for expecting, preparing for, and further measuring the impact of the NIH Public Access Policy on health care quality and outcomes in light of time constraints and existing information resources.


In all, 14 interviews and 90 surveys of health personnel were conducted at a community-based clinic and an independent teaching hospital in 2010. Health personnel were asked about the research sources they consulted and the frequency with which they consulted these sources, as well as motivation and search strategies used to locate articles, perceived level of access to research, and knowledge of the NIH Public Access Policy.


In terms of current access to health information, 65% (57/88) of the health personnel reported being satisfied, while 32% (28/88) reported feeling underserved. Among the sources health personnel reported that they relied upon and consulted weekly, 83% (73/88) reported turning to colleagues, 77% (67/87) reported using synthesized information resources (eg, UpToDate and Cochrane Systematic Reviews), while 32% (28/88) reported that they consulted primary research literature. The dominant resources health personnel consulted when actively searching for health information were Google and Wikipedia, while 27% (24/89) reported using PubMed weekly. The most prevalent reason given for accessing research on a weekly basis, reported by 35% (31/88) of survey respondents, was to help a specific patient, while 31% (26/84) were motivated by general interest in research.


The results provide grounds for expecting the NIH Public Access Policy to have a positive impact on EBP and health care more generally given that between a quarter and a third of participants in this study (1) frequently accessed research literature, (2) expressed an interest in having greater access, and (3) were aware of the policy and expect it to have an impact on their accessing research literature in the future. Results also indicate the value of promoting a greater awareness of the NIH policy, providing training and education in the location and use of the literature, and continuing improvements in the organization of biomedical research for health personnel use.  相似文献   

Because they do not have universal access to health care, the poorest people in developing countries often have no other choice but to participate in medical research. In exchange for their contribution to a clinical trial and their adhesion to the study protocol, they receive a bare minimum of health services. Can the notion of informed and free consent be applied under these conditions? Does the provision of care actually constitute a powerful incentive to participate in biomedical research that contradicts the notion of free will? Suppressing this promise of care will not resolve issues for research participants in resource-limited countries. On the contrary the promise of care must be extended to all potential research participants who approach the investigators regardless of their participation in the research. Additionally, all participants should be able to withdraw the trial at any time when he/she considers that his/her interest is better dealt with outside the frame. An individual's consent could be continually renewed, informed by his/her experience throughout the course of the trial independently of the health services that are offered. A standard of care could be offered to those who decide to break the contract that connects them to researchers including the first day after the signature of the consent. Would the provision of care constitute an "even more powerful incentive" for participants to enter into trials and/or create a situation whereby research is no longer possible? Or would it be on the contrary a beneficial reform, forcing research to propose less restricting and heavy protocols, for the obvious potential direct benefits so that the participants would not be tempted to withdraw the programme? This article and the ideas put forward are directly inspired from dialogues presented on the EthicHIV discussion forum, set up by sidaCTlON as a part of their program on ethics in HIV-related research in developing countries.  相似文献   

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