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本文概括了国内外当前青少年自我伤害的相关因素。提出了该领域的最新研究前景。如自我伤害的地区差别、家庭环境、学校环境、文化因素、经济因素、人格因素、童年创伤经历、负性生活事件等。  相似文献   

目的 为探究中学生网络偏差行为与自我伤害行为的关系。方法 采用《青少年网络偏差行为量表》与《青少年自我伤害行为量表》,以271名在校中学生为研究对象,对中学生网络偏差行为、自我伤害行为以及两者之间的关系进行研究。结果 (1)中学生网络偏差行为的年级差异具有统计学意义,高一学生网络偏差行为高于初二学生;网络偏差行为中的网络过激行为的生源地差异具有统计学意义,农村中学生网络过激行为高于城镇中学生;(2)中学生自我伤害行为次数的年级差异具有统计学意义,高中生自我伤害次数高于初中生;(3)中学生网络偏差行为与自我伤害行为呈正相关(P<0.01);(4)中学生网络过激行为、网络色情行为、网络欺骗行为均对自我伤害行为具有正向预测作用。结论 应在日常生活中对中学生使用网络进行教育与指导,加强中学生网络使用规范与管理和自我控制能力的培养将有助于降低中学生自我伤害行为的发生。  相似文献   

大学生自我伤害行为的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我伤害行为的概念最早由Menninger等[1]提出,是指以不太极端激烈的方式伤害自己的心身健康,或者是酗酒、药物滥用等间接伤害行为,有时  相似文献   

中学生自我伤害行为及相关因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨中学生自我伤害行为的状况、动因及影响因素,以及自我伤害行为与应对方式和自杀意念的关系。方法采用问卷调查法对广东省1741名中学生进行了调查。结果中学生自我伤害行为的发生率为15.1%,自我伤害行为的类型以外源性自伤最多,占62.45%,最早出现自我伤害行为的年龄以12岁为多。自我伤害行为在年级分布、住宿与否、父母亲关系及是否发达地区等维度上存在显著差异。同伴影响、家庭暴力行为、应对方式等因素与中学生自我伤害行为显著相关,同时,自我伤害行为与自杀意念也有比较显著的相关。结论年级因素、环境因素及应对方式与中学生自我伤害行为密切相关。  相似文献   

青少年的自我控制能力与其各方面发展均存在密切联系,是自控研究领域里的热点话题。本文检索并筛选了近10年(2010-2020年)Web of Science核心合集中有关青少年自我控制的文献1587篇,利用VOSviewer(1.6.13)软件关键词共现分析功能,总结了领域内的主要研究方向,系统综述了评价方法和干预研究成果。未来可以进一步研究积极冒险行为对青少年身心健康的促进作用,同时选择合适的评估方法,提高研究结果的可信度。  相似文献   

青少年网络自我展示可分为言语和非言语行为,工具包括网名、个人信息、虚拟化身、图片等。虚拟自我有别于现实自我,但虚拟自我可视为现实自我的延伸。未来研究需要进一步探索个体差异对青少年网络自我展示的影响,并关注青少年网络自我展示的文化差异。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自我价值定位与青少年自我和谐的关系。方法:采用青少年自我价值定位量表、自我和谐量表对695名中学生进行了调查。结果:自我价值在能力知识领域定位程度越高的青少年,自我和谐程度也越高;相反,自我价值在人际行为、体形外表、家庭条件领域定位程度越高的青少年自我和谐水平越低。结论:不同领域的自我价值定位对个体自我和谐有不同性质的影响。  相似文献   

关于青少年过激行为的心理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青少年正处在成长发展的关键阶段,对其行为、表现的深入理解和有效引导,是帮助青少年心理健康发展的重要内容。 曾有这样一个令人很心痛的故事。一个14岁的女孩,有几次周末回家较晚,她妈妈很生气,骂她:又到哪儿鬼混去了,是不是做了什么见不得人的事,这么晚才回来?!这个  相似文献   

本研究采用王树青等人修订的"自我同一性状态客观性测量问卷"对551名青少年进行问卷调查,了解青少年自我同一性发展状况。结果显示:(1)自我同一性各领域的发展状况:意识获得状态方面小学生和初中生的自我同一性发展高于高中生;人际获得状态方面初中生的发展高于小学生和高中生;(2)自我同一性的发展模式不稳定,在意识领域出现后退的现象,在人际领域出现波动。  相似文献   

青少年网民的自我保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络在生活中的无孔不入,给人们带来了前所未有的便利和享受,整个世界似乎都变得可以触摸。然而就在我们尽情享受网络带给我们好处的同时,其显而易见的弊端也越发触目惊心!首当其冲的就是对青少年网民的影响,本期“与青春对话”栏目就此问题给予关注,相信对它的讨论远不止于此。  相似文献   

Adolescents as a group know about the connections between many risky behaviors and negative outcomes. However, it is unclear whether adolescents who engage in risky behavior differ in risk perceptions from those who do not. We proposed that risk differences between risk-involved and risk-uninvolved adolescents depend on how risk questions are framed. High school and college students estimated their risk of smoking and unprotected sex by replying to four different questions. The results revealed that, for both high school and college students, smokers saw their outcome risk (risk of negative outcomes) as higher than that of nonsmokers. A similar finding was obtained for sexual behavior, though only for high school students. No significant differences between risk groups were obtained when risk was measured by asking about behavior risk (general riskiness of the behavior). Overall, the data suggest that adolescents engaged in risky behavior do not have a complete appreciation of their exposure to harm. Programs intended to prevent or reduce risky behavior need to take a multifaceted approach to persuasion about risk.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生自伤行为的现状,初步探讨家庭环境因素及个体应付方式对自伤行为的影响。方法横断面调查某城市3所高校中不同年级学生共587人,采用自编人口学问卷和自杀自伤行为问卷,同时调查家庭环境和应付方式。结果该大学生群体中总体自伤发生率为11.6%,第一次出现自伤行为的平均年龄为(14.34±3.692)岁;单因素分析发现自伤行为组的消极应对分值明显高于正常组(t=3.172,P=0.002),家庭亲密度和情感表达与自伤行为显著负相关(P<0.000),多因素分析结果表明童年时父母的关系、从小由谁抚养以及因情绪低落而想到自杀(OR=0.303)可能是自伤行为的危险因素。结论大学生自伤行为的发生与童年的家庭环境以及消极应对方式有关。  相似文献   

This study identified factors that influence regular soda consumption among 564 male students, aged 13-18 years, attending North Los Angeles County public high schools. Participants completed a group-administered Theory of Planned Behavior based questionnaire. Almost all of the participants, 96.5%, reported that they currently drink soda, 60.2% reported drinking two glasses of soda or more per day during the past year. Students reported drinking regular soda more than diet soda and reported drinking phosphoric acid containing soda (cola) more than nonphosphoric acid containing soda (noncola). Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control were significant predictors of intention to drink regular soda and together explained 61% of its variance. Our results suggest that parents, teachers/coaches, and health professionals should encourage the perception that there are other healthier drinks that quench thirst better than soft drinks and taste good, and that soda should not be excessively available at home.  相似文献   

Guided by a transactional stress and coping model, this studyexamined the contribution of cognitive appraisal processes todiabetes adherence behavior among adolescents 12 to 18 yearsold (n=40). Multiple hierarchical regression analyses indicatedthat esteem related to physical appearance accounted for a significant16% of the variance in checking one's blood sugar. Perceivedcontrol when ill and attributional style for negative eventseach accounted for significant increments of variance as well(10 and 6% respectively), yielding a total of 32% of the varianceexplained by appraisal processes. Results suggest that adolescentswho (a) have a negative perception of their bodies, (b) perceivelittle internal control over health when ill. and (cJ have anexternal attributional style for negative events were at greatestrisk for poor compliance as indicated by Lss frequent checkingof blood sugar.  相似文献   

目的探讨青少年人际信任与问题行为的关系。方法采用儿童马氏量表(Mach Scale)和青少年自评量表(YSR)对山东某网瘾戒除学校42名学生和普通中学的52名中学生进行测试。结果①青少年的人际信任不存在性别、学生类型的差异F(1,90)=1.376,0.652;P>0.05;②青少年问题行为在性别、学生类型上存在显著差异F(1,90)=8.13,10.932;P<0.01,但在性别与学生类型上的交互作用不显著F(1,90)=0.432,P>0.05;③青少年的人际信任与问题行为存在显著负相关(r=-0.344,P<0.01)。结论青少年的问题行为受人际信任的影响,人际信任越低,问题行为出现的越多。  相似文献   

恋童癖的病因、评估和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍恋童癖研究的成果和新进展。方法查阅相关文献,就恋童癖的病因、鉴别手段以及治疗方法进行综述。结果恋童癖有其神经生理基础,它的形成与扭曲认知以及童年时期成人性虐待有关。阴茎体积描述器、视觉反应时间等方法可以用于鉴别恋童癖。临床上经常使用认知行为疗法配合药物进行治疗。结论恋童癖病因学研究远落后于评估。治疗上需要多种方法配合使用。运用认知心理学范式研究恋童癖是国外该领域研究的新趋势。有必要加强我国恋童癖研究并进行跨文化的比较。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Dissociation Questionnaire in a normative adolescent population and also to investigate dissociative symptoms associated with trauma including sexual and physical abuse. A normative sample of 449 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19 and a clinical group of 74 adolescents with known experiences of trauma, sexual and/or physical abuse was given Dis-Q-Sweden. A mixed group of 22 abused and non-abused adolescents who answered Dis-Q-Sweden was also interviewed by using the Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D). A test-retest procedure was conducted with 90 subjects from the normative group. The results showed good reliability concerning both internal consistency and test-retest stability. Validity was tested in several ways (criterion, predictive, construct and concurrent) and found to be satisfactory. Significant differences for the total sum scores of Dis-Q-Sweden were found between the normative group and the clinical group with known sexual abuse (p < 0.001). The prevalence of dissociative symptoms (cut-off score > 2.5) was 2.3% in the normative group and 50% in the clinical group. Dis-Q-Sweden has proven to be a screening instrument with good psychometric properties and has proven to be able to capture dissociative symptoms in adolescents with self-reported trauma and known trauma (sexual abuse).  相似文献   

儿童青少年多动冲动行为与父母养育方式的关系   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
目的 :分析儿童青少年多动冲动行为与父母养育方式之间的关系。方法 :抽取 8~ 17岁小学至高中学生共84 2人 ,使用“Conners儿童行为问卷 (PSQ)”和“父母养育方式评价量表 (EMBU)”进行问卷调查。结果 :多动 -冲动组父母的“情感温暖、理解”得分均明显低于正常组 ,而“惩罚、严厉”和“拒绝、否认”得分均明显高于正常组 ,差异均具显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ,Logistic回归分析发现父亲的“惩罚、严厉”和母亲的“情感温暖、理解”对儿童青少年多动冲动行为有影响。结论 :多动冲动儿童青少年的父母存在不良教养方式 ,可能是造成孩子多动冲动行为的原因之一。  相似文献   

ObjectiveDescribe the development and preliminary impact of CAMP Air, a web-based intervention for adolescents with uncontrolled asthma.Materials and MethodsCAMP Air was developed using an iterative process with input from stakeholders and incorporating usability testing results (n = 14 adolescents). To test CAMP Air’s initial impact, 61 adolescents from two New York City public high schools (n = 37) and from clinics, community-based organizations, and third-party recruitment services (i.e., community sample; n = 24) were enrolled in a randomized pilot trial. Participants were randomized to CAMP Air (n = 30) or information-and-referral control intervention (n = 31). A point-person worked with school participants to complete CAMP Air.ResultsCAMP Air participants were satisfied with the intervention and its value for supporting self-management, completing on average 6 of 7 modules. Relative to controls, CAMP Air participants demonstrated significantly improved asthma knowledge, asthma control, night wakening and school absences, and less risk for urgent care visits. Adolescents enrolled in schools completed more modules and had significantly fewer nights woken and school absences than community enrollees.ConclusionCAMP Air improves asthma outcomes among adolescents with uncontrolled asthma.Practice ImplicationsA web-based intervention CAMP Air is a promising intervention. When a point-person works with adolescents, CAMP Air’s access and impact are improved.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of school-based heath centers (SBHCs) on the substance use behaviors of low-income, inner-city African American adolescents. Researchers surveyed 2,114 9th- and 11th-grade students from seven inner-city public high schools (three with SBHCs and four without SBHCs). Of the initial 2,114 students, 598 SBHC students and 598 non-SBHC students were successfully matched using ethnicity, grade, gender, and propensity scores. The results of separate grade x gender x SBHC ANOVAs indicated significant grade x SBHC interactions (i.e., such that substance use decreased in SBHC schools while increasing in non-SBHC schools) for cigarettes (p = .05) and marijuana (p < .001), but not for alcohol. These findings show that the SBHC intervention model is promising toward the prevention and reduction of substance use among high-risk African American adolescents and highlight the importance of accessible, holistic, and culturally appropriate health care.  相似文献   

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