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PCL双束重建术中股骨隧道定位对移植物等距特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨后交叉韧带(PCL)双束重建术中股骨隧道定位变化对移植物等距特性的影响。方法 取10具正常成人新鲜膝关节标本,将后交叉韧带分为前外侧束和后内侧束,分别在双束股骨附丽部上选前、后、中、近、远十个测试点,用细软钢丝将各点与胫骨附丽部中点相连,用百分表测量膝关节 0°~ 120°活动范围内各钢丝关节内长度的变化。结果 比较各点的钢丝在关节内长度变化发现,其中前外侧束的近点、后点和后内侧束的近点这3点长度的最大值均不超过2mm。且对前外侧束的近点、后点进行两两比较,发现差异无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 在后交叉韧带双束重建中,前外侧束应以其股骨附丽部上缘的中点(即近测试点)为中心钻孔;后内侧束应以其股骨附丽部上缘(即近测试点)为中心钻孔建立股骨骨隧道。  相似文献   

罗浩  余家阔 《解剖学报》2010,41(4):616-619
目的 探讨膝关节后纵隔与后交叉韧带(PCL)下止点的解剖关系及其在PCL重建中的临床价值. 方法 解剖22例新鲜冷冻膝关节,将PCL在屈膝90°下按纤维张力的不同分为前外束和后内束,解剖出它们在胫骨上的足迹,并用墨汁标记足迹的轮廓;使用带标尺的数码相机测量PCL前外束、后内束胫骨止点中心点与后纵隔的水平距离,并同时测量两束止点中心点与外侧胫骨平台后软骨缘上表面的垂直距离. 结果 膝关节存在一个从前至后的纵隔结构,其前方与脂肪垫、翼状皱襞或黏膜韧带相连,中间位于前、后交叉韧带之间,后方形成膝关节的后纵隔.在22个膝关节中,8个膝关节的后纵隔从PCL的外缘绕过以后止于后关节囊,占36.36%;14个膝关节的后纵隔在PCL前方分叉,包绕PCL后止于后关节囊,占63.64%.PCL前外束胫骨止点中心点距离后纵隔内侧的水平距离(0.90±2.40)mm,距离外侧胫骨平台后软骨缘上表面的垂直距离是(3.25±1.20)mm.后内束胫骨止点中心点距离后纵隔内侧的水平距离为(4.35±2.46)mm,距离外侧胫骨平台后软骨缘上表面的垂直距离为(6.91±1.57)mm. 结论 膝关节后纵隔与PCL下止点的解剖关系密切,后纵隔可以成为PCL单束重建和双束重建手术中胫骨止点定位的重要解剖标志之一.  相似文献   

目的 通过对膝关节前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的解剖测量,找到确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的简单可行的方法,为双束重建前交叉韧带手术中的骨道定位提供理论依据。方法 解剖20例新鲜膝关节标本(25~45岁)。在屈膝90°位,测量前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距股骨髁间窝外侧壁前方、后方和下方软骨缘的距离,再对测量数据进行评估和对比。结果前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距离股骨前方软骨缘(8.74±1.39)mm,距离后方软骨缘(8.69±1.57)mm(P =0.926)。后外束止点中心点距离股骨下方软骨缘(5.06±0.77)mm。结论膝关节屈膝90°位时,前交叉韧带后外束的股骨止点中心点位于股骨髁间窝外侧壁,距离下方软骨缘5mm,距离前方和后方软骨缘的距离相等。在前交叉韧带双束重建的手术中,应用本研究的结果能够简单、快捷地确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨骨道位置。  相似文献   

探讨国人后交叉韧带的分束情况并测定纤维束应变,为临床双束重建后交叉韧带提供生物力学参考。10例新鲜冰冻膝关节标本,在胫骨无应力及后抽屉试验两种条件下,分别观察后交叉韧带在膝关节屈伸过程中的紧张-松弛模式,并利用数字图像相关法分别测量在后抽屉试验条件下屈膝0°、30°、60°、90°和120°5个角度时纤维束应变。结果后交叉韧带可被分为前外侧束和后内侧束,在膝关节屈曲过程中呈交替紧张。在后抽屉试验条件下,相同角度两纤维束之间应变差异有统计学意义(P0.05);同一纤维束在不同角度之间应变差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。研究揭示了后交叉韧带力学行为特点,为临床双束重建提供生物力学参考。  相似文献   

背景:前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折是一种特殊类型的关节内骨折,多见于运动性损伤,目前关于该病的解剖学研究相对较少,而大量研究集中于前交叉韧带的损伤,普遍认为胫骨平台后倾角增大、内侧胫骨平台深度减小及股骨髁间窝缺口宽度指数减小是前交叉韧带损伤的危险因素,对于前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折是否也与其相关尚不清楚。目的:探讨前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折与胫骨平台后倾角、内侧胫骨平台深度、股骨髁间窝缺口宽度指数及胫骨平台冠状斜坡角度的相关性。方法:回顾性分析2019年1月至2022年12月因膝前疼痛就诊于徐州医科大学附属医院骨科的患者101例,其中接受关节镜治疗的51例前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折患者为观察组,同期50例有膝前痛症状但查体及影像学检查确定无膝关节损伤的患者为对照组。通过术前MRI图像测定两组患者胫骨平台后倾角、内侧胫骨平台深度、股骨髁间窝缺口宽度指数等解剖学参数,统计分析导致前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折的解剖学危险因素。结果与结论:(1)两组患者的外侧胫骨平台后倾角、外侧/内侧胫骨平台后倾角比值以及股骨髁间窝缺口宽度指数、胫骨平台冠状斜坡角度比较差异无显著性意义(P> 0.05);观...  相似文献   

目的:研究前交叉韧带及其胫骨棘止点处的形态特征及其抗拉伸性能,为前交叉韧带胫骨棘撕脱骨折的临床治疗提供解剖和生物力学依据。方法:取正常成人新鲜的膝关节标本16例,游离出前交叉韧带,对其胫骨棘止点处的厚度、宽度及其在胫骨棘止点处的分布特点等进行观察。新鲜的标本通过MTS-858材料试验机测试前交叉韧带附着端的抗拉伸性能。结果:前交叉韧带呈水平位附着于胫骨棘及其周围的骨面,其断面近似于三角形,底朝前,尖向后方。部分纤维附着于外侧半月板的前、后角及内侧半月板前方的骨面。附着端横径为(11.3±1.4)mm、前后长径为(17.6±2.6)mm、周径为(49.2±6.1)mm、前缘距胫骨平台前缘为(11.5±2.6)mm、后缘距后交叉韧带胫骨附着区的前缘为(14.1±1.7)mm、计算附着面积为(96.6±8.3)mm2。前交叉韧带的最大载荷为(2546±89)N,最大变形量为(4.3±0.5)mm。结论:前交叉韧带的纤维分布及其胫骨棘止点处的形态特征以及生物力学特性与临床上撕脱骨折的治疗有很大的关联性。  相似文献   

目的 对国人踝关节三角韧带深层胫距后韧带的远端止点进行观测,掌握更为详细的解剖学资料,为临床缝合锚钉修补或重建断裂的深层胫距后韧带提供解剖学参考.方法 30例成人尸体踝关节标本,对深层胫距后韧带的远端止点进行标记和解剖学观测.结果 深层胫距后韧带是恒定存在的,而且是三角韧带中最为宽厚的1束,其近端止点在内踝后丘部及丘间沟,远端止点位于距骨内侧面后半部分,呈类圆形的不规则图形,远端止点附丽区面积为(111.74±19.97)mm2.结论 揭示了深层胫距后韧带的远端止点解剖学特点,为临床应用提供解剖学基础.  相似文献   

目的 测量后外侧角(PLC)股骨止点和前交叉韧带(ACL)解剖重建股骨隧道外口的位置,以获得详细的解剖学资料,并以此为ACL和PLC一期解剖重建提供解剖依据。 方法 采用30例新鲜成人尸体膝关节标本。屈膝120°关节镜下经前内辅助入路解剖重建ACL股骨隧道,并用克氏针标记。在膝关节股骨外髁分离出膝关节外侧副韧带(LCL)和腘肌腱(PT)股骨解剖止点。以股骨外上髁为原点,建立x、y垂直坐标轴,测量LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口在坐标轴的坐标,并测量3点之间的距离。 结果 LCL附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁近端(1.27±3.35)mm,后方(2.99±1.29)mm。PT附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁远端(8.85±3.38)mm、后方(3.83±1.95)mm。ACL股骨隧道外口在股骨外上髁近端(16.12±5.34)mm,后方(6.84±4.17)mm。LCL附丽部中心点与PT附丽部中心点相距(9.67±3.92)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与LCL附丽部中心点相距(13.07±4.93)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与PT附丽部中心点相距(23.37±6.16)mm。 结论 揭示了LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口位置的解剖学特点,为临床一期联合解剖重建提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

目的 :观测膝横韧带和板股后韧带的起止和大小 ,为临床膝关节疾病的诊治提供解剖学资料。方法 :对 5 6例经福尔马林固定的膝关节进行大体解剖和测量 ,统计学处理数据。结果 :膝横韧带呈圆索状 ,横行连结两侧半月板的前端 ,其出现率为 (64.3± 6.4) %长 (3 8.4± 4.2 )mm ,宽 (4 .2± 0 .3 )mm厚 (3 .2± 0 .2 )mm。板股后韧带起自外侧半月板的后缘 ,沿后交叉韧带的后方 ,斜向内上方 ,止于股骨内侧髁内侧面 ,其出现率为 (85 .7± 4.7) % ,长(2 4.2± 4.4)mm ,宽 (5 .2± 0 .3 )mm ,厚 (4 .2± 0 .2 )mm。结论 :膝横韧带和板股后韧带较为恒定 ,对膝关节的稳定起一定作用 ,临床上应予注意  相似文献   

目的 研究前交叉韧带(ACL)胫骨附着处的解剖形态学特点,并探讨ACL胫骨附着处测量值埘选择ACL重建方式的意义.方法 对10例福尔马林处理的成人膝关节标本进行解剖.在屈伸膝关节时根据ACL纤维张力区分前内束和后外束,然后从胫骨附着处切断韧带,用Photoshop软件测量附着处的相关数据.结果 ACL存在着两个不同的功能束,即前内束和后外束;胫骨附着处的形状不规则,可分为倒三角形、椭1形及四边形三种;ACL胫骨附着处的前后径与横径分别为(17.89±2.44)mm、(13.85±1.79)mm;前内束和后外束胫骨附着处的面积分别为(101.18±32.28)m㎡、(77.61±19.86)m㎡;两束中心点连线的距离为(8.03±1.51)mm.结论 本研究改进的数字图像测量方法是一种既实用又廉价的测量方法;ACL胫骨附着处测量值可作为选择ACL重建方式的参考.  相似文献   

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can be anatomically divided into three bundles: anterolateral, posteromedial, and posterior oblique. The changes in distance between the femoral and tibial attachment sites of these three bundles were measured in 10 human knee specimens with intact ligamental structures. The femoral to tibial distance (and thus the length) of the posterior oblique bundle remained nearly the same throughout flexion between 0° and 90°. The femoral to tibial distance of the anterolateral and the posteromedial bundles distinctly changed throughout the same range of motion. For a truly functional replacement of the PCL, correct isometric placement of the transplant is especially important. Based on the results of the present study, an isometric reconstruction of the PCL is achieved by positioning the graft within the original attachment site of the posterior oblique bundle. © 1995 WiIey-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The pathophysiology and treatment techniques for posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries and diseases are currently controversial and leave much room for improvement. However, the caprine PCL anatomy is not well known.


Forty-three caprine knees without degenerative or traumatic changes were studied.


The passive range of motion was 42.1?±?9.0°to 145.0?±?8.3°for the caprine knee. The PMB was tighter than the ALB at the most extended angle of the knee. As the knee became flexed, the ALB became taut whereas the PMB was first relaxed and then taut. The insertion area of the ALB was 43.6?±?9.3 mm2 in the femur and 23.2?±?5.1 mm2 in the tibia, respectively. And that of the PMB was 19.1?±?4.6 mm2 and 39.6?±?8.6 mm2, respectively. The distance between the insertion centers of the two bundles was 7.23?±?0.29?mm on the femur and 5.67?±?0.69?mm on the tibia.


Quantitative data on the size and morphology of the PCL anatomy were obtained on caprine knees, which provides guidance for future translational research on the sheep model to improve surgical techniques for surgical reconstruction and other PCL treatments.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study examined the bone density around the fixation area during knee ligament reconstructions and assessed how this clinical relevance can be applied to a firm construction for a reconstructed ligament.Materials and methodsFifty consecutive patients (25 healthy men and 25 healthy women) were enrolled in this study. A quantitative computed tomography was used to determine the trabecular bone density at the 7 clinically relevant areas (anteromedial area of proximal tibia, anterolateral area of proximal tibia, posteromedial area of the proximal tibia, posterocentral area of the proximal tibia, posterolateral area of the proximal tibia, near femoral tunnel entrance of the ACL, near the femoral funnel entrance of the PCL). The means and standard deviations of the areas of interest were measured using a 10 mm diameter circle and the bone density was compared.ResultsA comparison of the fixation areas in the proximal tibia, anteromedial area of proximal tibia showed the highest bone density and posterocentral area showed the lowest bone density. A comparison of the PCL tibial fixation with interference screws or trans-condylar fixation revealed the posterocentral area to have the lowest bone density. A comparison of the femoral fixation areas in the ACL and PCL reconstruction revealed no differences in bone density.ConclusionThe anteromedial area of the proximal tibia was most acceptable in the interference screw fixation and the posterocentral area had the lowest bone density in the proximal tibia. There were no differences in the femoral fixation areas in the ACL and PCL reconstruction.  相似文献   

Although some investigators have referred to the human posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) as the center of the knee, it has received less attention than the more frequently injured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL). Therefore, our understanding of the function of the PCL is limited. Our laboratory has developed a method of measuring thein-situ forces in a ligament without contacting that ligament by using a universal force-moment sensor (UFS). In this study, we attached a USF to the tibia and measuredin-situ forces of the human PCL as a function of knee flexion in response to tibial loading. At a 50-N posterior tibial load, the force in the PCL increased from 25±11 N (mean±SD) at 30° of knee flexion to 48±12 N at 90° of knee flexion. At 100 N, the corresponding increases were to 50±17 N and 95±17 N, respectively. Of note, at 30° knee flexion, approximately 45% of the resistance to posterior tibial loading was caused by contact between the tibia and the femoral condyles, whereas, at 90° of knee flexion, no resistance was caused by such contact. For direction of thein-situ force, the elevation angle from the tibial plateau was greater at 30° of knee flexion than at 90° of knee flexion. The data gathered on the magnitude and direction of thein-situ force of the PCL should help in our understanding of the dependence of knee flexion angle of the forces within the PCL.  相似文献   

《The Knee》2014,21(6):1198-1202
BackgroundThe arthroscopic all-inside tibial inlay technique represents a novel procedure for posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction. However, in vivo investigations that evaluate the accuracy of this technique regarding anatomic graft tunnel placement are few. The objective of this study was to analyse the femoral and tibial tunnel apertures using computed tomography (CT) and compare these findings to recommendations in the literature.MethodsCT scans were obtained in 45 patients following single-bundle PCL reconstruction. The centres of the tibial and femoral tunnel apertures were correlated to measurement grid systems used as a radiographic reference.ResultsThe centre of the femoral tunnel aperture was located at 42.9% ± 9.4% of the total intercondylar depth and at 12.9% ± 7.2% of the total intercondylar height. The angle α for the femoral tunnel position was measured at 64.2° ± 10.0°. The centre of the tibial tunnel aperture was found at 51.8% ± 4.1% of the total mediolateral diameter of the tibial plateau. The superoinferior distance of the tibial tunnel aperture to the joint line was 9.6 mm ± 4.4 mm on frontal and 9.3 mm ± 3.4 mm on sagittal 3D-CT scans. The distance of the tibial tunnel aperture to the former physis line averaged to 0.8 mm ± 3.4 mm. Comparison to the corresponding reference values revealed no statistically significant difference.ConclusionArthroscopic tibial inlay reconstruction is an efficient procedure for precise replication of the anatomical footprint of the PCL.Level of evidenceIV, prospective case series  相似文献   

The anterolateral ligament, a distinct structure connecting the lateral femoral epicondyle to the anterolateral proximal tibia, is gaining attention because of its possible function in ensuring internal rotational stability of the tibia. To study the prevalence and precise anatomical characteristics of the anterolateral ligament and its relationship to adjacent structures in a Chinese population, a total of 20 amputated knee specimens were collected. The anterolateral regions of the knees underwent detailed surgical dissection, followed by precise measurement of the anterolateral ligament and its adjacent structures. Histological analysis of the anterolateral ligament was performed using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. A thin soft tissue deep to the iliotibial band running obliquely across the lateral fibula ligament and connecting the lateral head of the gastrocnemius with the tibia, termed the ‘gastrocnemius‐tibial ligament’ or superficial layer of the anterolateral ligament, was observed in 18 of the 20 specimens, corresponding to a prevalence of 90%. Furthermore, a well‐defined anterolateral ligament deep to the gastrocnemius‐tibial ligament and distinct from the lateral fibula ligament was found in all 20 knees (prevalence, 100%). The independent gastrocnemius‐tibial ligament and anterolateral ligament had separate femoral originations at the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the lateral femoral epicondyle, and the same osseous tibial insertion at the midpoint between Gerdy's tubercle and the most lateral aspect of the fibular head. H&E staining showed that both the anterolateral ligament and gastrocnemius‐tibial ligament were ligaments consisting of collagenous bundles. In the Chinese Han population, the gastrocnemius‐tibial ligament and anterolateral ligament may form a complex at the anterolateral aspect of the knee, which is likely involved in ensuring the internal rotational stability of the tibia.  相似文献   

Morphometric side-to-side differences in human cruciate ligament insertions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Graft placement in cruciate ligament reconstruction is known to significantly influence postoperative knee stability and range of motion. Improvement of bone tunnel positioning has been advocated by computer-assisted surgical procedures that require reliable input and reference data. This study validates the hypothesis that morphometric reference data can be obtained from the uninjured controlateral knee for accurate bone tunnel and graft positioning. Thirty pairs of human cadaver knees were dissected and the femoral and tibial footprints of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were radiopaquely marked. Radiographs were taken of the corresponding left- and right-sided femora and tibiae, and digitally processed. Controlateral specimens were mirrored and overlapped precisely, the areas and intersections of ligament insertion were digitally determined. There were no significant differences in the total area of cruciate ligament insertion between left and right knee specimens or between female and male specimens. Intersection areas (IAs) in femoral and tibial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insertions averaged 31.3 and 33.4% of the total insertion area, respectively. The center of gravity for the femoral and tibial ACL footprint differed by 4.7 and 4.5 mm between left and right knees, respectively. IAs in femoral and tibial PCL insertions averaged 46.1 and 61.3% of the total insertion area, respectively. The center of gravity for the femoral and tibial PCL footprint differed by 4.5 and 2.4 mm between left and right knees, respectively. Our study does not support the concept of obtaining morphologic reference data from the uninjured controlateral knee for individual bone tunnel placement.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe analyzed the location of femoral and tibial tunnels by three-dimensional (3D) CT reconstruction images after modified transtibial single bundle (SB) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, creating a femoral tunnel with varus and internal rotation of the tibia.Material and methodsData from 50 patients (50 knees) analyzed by 3D CT after modified transtibial SB ACL reconstructions were evaluated. 3D CT images were analyzed according to the quadrant method by Bernard at the femur and the technique of Forsythe at the tibia.ResultsThe mean distance of the femoral tunnel center locations parallel to the Blumensaat's line was 29.6% ± 1.9% along line t measured from the posterior condylar surface. The mean distances perpendicular to the Blumensaat's line were 37.9% ± 2.5% along line h measured from the Blumensaat's line. At the tibia, the mean anterior-to-posterior distance for the tunnel center location was 37.8% ± 1.2% and the mean medial-to-lateral distance was 50.4% ± 0.9%.DiscussionThe femoral and tibial tunnels after modified transtibial SB ACL reconstruction creating a femoral tunnel with varus and internal rotation of the tibia (figure-of-4 position) were located between the anatomical anteromedial and posterolateral footprints.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe tibial bony attachments of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the anterolateral meniscal root (ALMR) are very close, and drilling the tibial tunnel in ACL reconstruction may damage the ALMR attachment. This study investigated the relationship between the tibial attachment of the ACL and ALMR using high-resolution 3-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).MethodsTwenty healthy subjects (35.8 ± 13.0 years) had 20 knees scanned using high resolution 3-T MRI. The tibial bony attachments of ACL, ALMR, and the tibia were segmented and three-dimensional models were created. The shape, area, and location of each attachment were evaluated using this model.ResultsThe ACL tibial attachment was elliptical in nine knees (45%), C-shaped in nine knees (45%) and triangle in two knees (10%). The mean values of the ACL vs ALMR tibial attachments were as follows: area, 106.2 ± 21.3 vs 56.2 ± 21.3 mm2; length, 16.8 ± 2.0 vs 11.0 ± 1.8 mm; and width, 6.9 ± 1.3 vs 6.6 ± 1.0 mm. The location of the ACL vs ALMR attachment centres was 46.5 ± 1.7% vs 56.5 ± 1.9% in the medial-lateral direction and 36.3 ± 3.6% vs 36.7 ± 3.5% in the anterior–posterior direction. The distance between the ACL and ALMR centres was 8.1 ± 1.3 mm.ConclusionsACL and ALMR tibial attachments were individually distinguished using high resolution 3-T MRI. The short distance between both centres of the attachments may suggest that ALMR can be damaged when the tibial tunnel is drilled in ACL reconstruction.  相似文献   

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