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在口腔医学中正畸学、修复学、种植学及口腔颌面外科等领域均存在着大量的生物力学问题,生物力学已成为口腔医学的科学基础之一。口腔生物力学用生物力学的概念和方法研究口腔医学中的有关基础性科学问题、解决口腔医学中的临床实际问题、发展口腔临床技术手段。作者概述了生物力学的在口腔医学领域中的应用现状和研究进展。  相似文献   

从生物力学到力学生物学、再到力学学科与生命和医学前沿交叉领域的力医学,生物力学有力地推动着生物医学工程领域的发展,在现代疾病诊疗中扮演着举足轻重的角色。同样的,研究口腔生物力学有助于突破研究瓶颈和解决口腔临床难点问题。本文结合2022年口腔生物力学领域的最新进展,着重从口颌系统主要的力学器官及其相关的力医学两个部分探讨生物力学在口腔领域的发展和应用情况,并特别关注力学生物学调控和力治疗,探讨口腔生物力学的发展方向,以期助力口腔临床医学与口腔生物力学结合成果的转化与应用。  相似文献   

根据口腔黏膜所在的部位和功能可将其分为咀嚼黏膜、被覆黏膜和特殊黏膜。口腔咀嚼黏膜包括硬腭和牙龈黏膜,承受咀嚼压力和摩擦,在义齿修复中发挥十分重要的作用。研究口腔咀嚼黏膜的生物力学情况有助于更好地理解和解决与口腔咀嚼黏膜相关的临床问题。本文从解剖生理分析、生物力学特性(应力-应变曲线、泊松比、摩擦因数)、临床意义3个方面对口腔咀嚼黏膜的生物力学研究进展进行综述,以期为口腔修复学相关领域的研究提供进一步理论依据。  相似文献   

本文基于有限元分析在脊柱生物力学应用中的背景和意义,回顾了有限元法在腰椎力学应用中的研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。本文重点归纳整理了有限元法在腰椎本体建模、临床应用研究和职业损伤防护等方面的研究进展,得出有限元法在腰椎生物力学应用中的主要研究方向:建模过程的精细化、仿真方法的更优化、适用临床评估的多样化和人工腰椎间盘的临床化。最后结合最新的研究进展和热点方向,对有限元法在腰椎建模的自动化和个性化、新型术式的评估和分析、损伤机理和动态响应仿真等方面的应用前景进行了展望。本文通过对有限元法在腰椎生物力学领域中的应用研究进行回顾和展望,以期为临床腰椎问题提供更加全面系统的理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

为阐明生物力学与口腔医学的关系,本文对当前口腔医学领域内涉及生物力学的有关事件进行了扼要和简短的复习。发现在口腔医学领域内,有关生物力学原理的事件分布在各亚科,真是无所不在。无论在科学研究,新的口腔生物材料和器械的诞生,以及提高临床医疗质量方面,生物力学都促进着口腔医学的发展。此外,生物力学原理还丰富了医学哲学思想,它有助于临床医师在诊治患者过程中辨证思维的培养。笔者认为:细胞水平和分子水平的生物力学研究应当是今后口腔生物力学的发展方向。  相似文献   

有限元法以其高效、精确、可重复利用等特点成为生物力学研究的有效工具。由于足踝部位复杂的解剖结构和运动特性,有限元法可以借助强大的仿真建模和数据计算能力解决真实实验难以解决的问题,具有独特的优势并得到了广泛应用。本文归纳整理了近5年来国内外应用有限元法研究足踝生物力学问题的文献资料,从足踝在不同运动状态下的生物力学分析、组织特性研究、临床治疗分析以及支具与鞋的研究4个方面进行综述,为足踝生物力学的研究提供理论参考,并对未来有限元法在足踝生物力学领域的应用发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

口腔生物力学是口腔正畸学的重要基础学科之一。在传统正畸力学系统稳定运行的基础上,矫治理念仍在不断更新发展,随着各类新型矫治器不断研发、矫治技术不断提出,对不同矫治体系的生物力学效应探索是正畸领域的关注重点。口腔生物力学技术的不断优化、突破与创新也为更加真实模拟和理解矫治中的生物力学效应提供了重要途径。本文主要对近年来固定矫治、隐形矫治、矫形治疗3个矫治体系相关的生物力学研究进行综述,包括正畸新理念和正畸新技术的生物力学分析、生物力学新技术在正畸中的应用等。  相似文献   

口腔修复生物力学中三维有限元法应用的研究进展及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自 2 0世纪 6 0年代以来 ,随着计算机技术的进步 ,有限元分析法已逐步发展成为工程中广泛应用的方法。有限元法也是生物力学研究中的重要手段之一。它可对复杂几何形状物体建模 ,求得整体和局部的应力和位移值及其分布规律 ,并可根据需要改变受载与边界条件等力学参数 ,在维持原模型几何形状不变的情况下 ,可方便地对其应力大小和分布的变化进行对比分析。这种方法高效、精确、低成本 ,已成为结构优化设计、材料非线性和几何非线性分析的一种实用、有效、方便的应力分析方法。本文就口腔修复生物力学中有限元方法的应用研究现状进行了回顾 ,…  相似文献   

我国生物力学研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物力学是研究生命体运动和变形的学科,通过生物学与力学原理方法的有机结合,认识生命过程的规律,解决生命与健康领域的科学问题。生物力学研究领域最新的主要进展和发展趋势是力学生物学和生物力学建模分析及其临床应用。文中介绍了我国生物力学研究在心血管力学生物学、分子生物力学、骨关节与软组织生物力学、临床医学和康复工程生物力学,以及生物力学在空间生命科学、生物材料、体育运动和生物医学技术中应用与交叉等领域所取得的具有国际水平的新成果。这些研究不仅对于揭示正常机体生长、发育和衰老的机理和自然规律,而且对于阐明机体疾病的发病机理以及提供诊断和治疗的一些基本原理,包括新型药物和新技术的研发,都将有重要的理论和实际意义。展望我国生物力学学科发展,应进一步加强学科交叉融合与交叉创新能力,在解决关键科学问题,明确力学因素在疾病发生发展中作用的同时,要致力于发展相关的新技术新方法,紧密联系临床防病治病,在提出具有生物力学特色的新思路上有所作为,为人类健康事业做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

述评细胞-分子生物力学:力学-生物学、力学-化学耦合.......................................................................龙勉(1)生物力学原理无所不在——浅论生物力学与口腔医学的关系.........................................................邱蔚六(115)口腔生物力学...................................................................................................................................樊瑜波(119)骨科生物力学研究的发展与现状........................................................................…  相似文献   

Brief highlights of the careers of 13 Afro-American dentists have been presented. Their professional lives demonstrated both a commitment to the advancement of dentistry and a dedication to the betterment of humanity. Of the 13, three spent their professional lives exclusively in dental education, research, and public health. The remaining 10 were dental clinicians who served patients with competence, care, and concern. Additionally, they contributed to dentistry's image and progress by improving medicodental relations, pioneering in university dental education, engaging in philanthropy, qualifying for dental specialties, exerting leadership in dental professional organizations, integrating dentistry in hospital care, solving community health problems, and participating in all aspects of dental journalism. A sizable portion of their energies was expended in enhancing the quality of life in their communities and the nation.  相似文献   

The importance of evidence for every branch of medicine in teaching in order to orient the practitioners among the great amount of most actual scientific information's, and to support clinical decisions, is well established in health care, including dentistry. The practice of evidence-based medicine is a process of lifelong, self-directed, problem-based learning which leads to the need for clinically important information about diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and other clinical and health care issues. Nowadays the practice of dentistry is becoming more complex and challenging because of the continually changing in dental materials and equipments, an increasingly litigious society, an increase in the emphasis of continuing professional development, the information explosion and the consumer movement associated with advances on the Internet. The need for reliable information and the electronic revolution have come together to allow the "paradigm shift" towards evidence-based health care. Recent years have seen an increase in the importance of evidence-based dentistry, aiming to reduce to the maximum the gap between clinical research and real world dental practice. Aim of evidence-based practice is the systematic literature review, which synthesizes the best evidences and provides the basis for clinical practice guidelines. These practice guidelines give a brief review of what evidence-based dentistry is and how to use it.  相似文献   

The implementation of digital radiography in dentistry in a large healthcare enterprise setting is discussed. A distinct need for a dedicated dental picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) exists for seamless integration of different vendor products across the system. Complex issues are contended with as each clinical department migrated to a digital environment with unique needs and workflow patterns. The University of Florida has had a dental PACS installed over 2 years ago. This paper describes the process of conversion from film-based imaging from the planning stages through clinical implementation. Dentistry poses many unique challenges as it strives to achieve better integration with systems primarily designed for imaging; however, the technical requirements for high-resolution image capture in dentistry far exceed those in medicine, as most routine dental diagnostic tasks are challenging. The significance of specification, evaluation, vendor selection, installation, trial runs, training, and phased clinical implementation is emphasized.  相似文献   

支架介入已成为治疗心脑血管狭窄最有效的方式之一,但术后发生支架内再狭窄的问题却不可忽视。支架内再狭窄的发生,不仅与支架-血管间柔顺性失配以及支架对血管的机械性支撑引起的应力有关,而且与支架置入后血管内血流动力学环境变化引起的内膜增生有关。回顾了狭窄血管置入支架的生物力学研究历史和现状;特别从固体力学和血流动力学的角度,阐述了近年来学者对狭窄血管置入支架的生物力学数值模拟研究进展;并分析总结了支架内再狭窄的生物力学因素。从支架介入治疗过程来看,数值模拟技术可以为研究支架置入术和支架内再狭窄之间的关系提供很好的技术手段,对支架的设计以及介入治疗提供更加科学的指导。  相似文献   

介绍2021年度力学学科国家自然科学基金有关项目的申请情况,分析力学学科各分支学科特别是生物力学基金项目申请的布局特点,指出基金项目申请中存在的一些问题,并提出对生物力学交叉融合和学科发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

The projected annual demand for stem cell-based dental treatments in the United States can range from over 290 million tooth restorative treatments to 30,000 patients requiring tissue regeneration following craniofacial cancer surgery. Professional dental treatments cost Americans over $60 billion per year. Scientific advances in stem cell technologies, tissue engineering, and transplantation will provide the basis for the introduction of new treatment technologies into dentistry. This review provides an assessment of how stem cell therapies will likely change dental practice. The problems of introducing stem cell therapies are substantial, but they provide the best hope for many patients with congenital defects, and to regenerate teeth and tissues lost because of disease, cancer, and trauma, or missing because of congenital malformation. The most expensive dental treatments may be the most attractive candidates for stem cell therapies. This would indicate that craniofacial reconstruction, implants, and endodontic treatments are the most valuable applications of dental stem cell therapies, whereas tooth restorations and other dental treatments are the less commercially valuable.  相似文献   

Currently, zirconia is widely used in biomedical area as a material for prosthetic devices because of its good mechanical and chemical properties. Largely employed in clinical area for total hip replacement, zirconia ceramics (ZrO(2)) are becoming a prevalent biomaterial in dentistry and dental implantology. Although titanium is used in dental implantology currently, there is a trend to develop new ceramic-based implants as an alternative to monolithic titanium. This article reviews the evolution and development of zirconia through data published between 1963 and January 2008 in English language. Articles were identified via a MEDLINE search using the following keywords: zirconia, zirconia/biocompatibility, zirconia/osseointegration, zirconia/periointegration, zirconia/review, and zirconia/bacterial adhesion or colonization. This review of the literature aims at highlighting and discussing zirconia properties in biological systems for their future use in dental implantology. In conclusion, zirconia with its interesting microstructural properties has been confirmed to be a material of choice for the "new generation" of implants, thanks to its biocompatibility, osseoconductivity, tendency to reduce plaque accumulation, and interaction with soft tissues, which leads to periointegration. However, scientific studies are promptly needed to fulfill gaps like long-term clinical evaluations of "all zirconia implants," currently leading to propose an alternative use of "hybrid systems" (i.e., titanium screw with zirconia collar) and also bacterial colonization of zirconia. Moreover, there is a permanent need for consistent information about topography and chemistry of zirconia allowing easier cross-product comparisons of clinical devices.  相似文献   

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