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李儒  胡知文 《医学信息》2019,(19):165-167
目的 探讨多排CT及后处理技术(VR、MPR、CPR)在节育器异位诊断中的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析本院2013年6月~2018年7月经膀胱镜、宫腔镜、肠镜、腹腔镜或传统开腹手术确诊的节育器异位患者28例的临床资料,分析CT在节育器异位时观察节育器异位的位置及与周围组织的位置关系的准确程度。结果 28例中CT准确结果与手术结果分别为:异位于膀胱14、14例,直肠4、5例,回盲区1、1例,子宫直肠间隙5、5例,子宫膀胱间隙2、2例,子宫左侧旁1、1例。结论多排CT及后处理技术在节育环异位定位中的诊断准确率较高,有助于临床术前治疗方案的确定。  相似文献   

目的探讨胃肠道异位胰腺的临床特点、诊断及外科处理原则.方法对我院近20年收治的经术后病理确诊的18例胃肠道异位胰腺患者进行了外科治疗,并对其临床症状、诊断方法、病变部位分布及治疗措施进行了回顾性分析.结果本组18例患者表现为反复上腹部疼痛不适9例,消化道出血7例,腹部包块1例,无明显症状1例.异位胰腺分布部位:胃7例,十二指肠5例, 空肠3例,回肠3例,其中美克尔憩室内2例.术前误诊11例,漏诊6例,仅1例确诊.全部患者均行手术治疗,无1例出现术后并发症,随访1~10年异位胰腺无复发,临床疗效满意.结论胃肠道异位胰腺缺乏特征性的临床表现和有效的检查手段,易漏诊和误诊;一旦发现,均应早期手术治疗,以明确诊断及避免出现严重的并发症.  相似文献   

胃肠道异位胰腺的诊断与治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨胃肠道异位胰腺的临床特点、诊断及外科处理原则。方法 对我院近20年收治的经术后病理确诊的18例胃肠道异位胰腺患者进行了外科治疗,并对其临床症状、诊断方法、病变部位分布及治疗措施进行了回顾性分析。结果 本组18例患者表现为反复上腹部疼痛不适9例,消化道出血7例,腹部包块1例,无明显症状1例。异位胰腺分布部位:胃7例,十二指肠5例,空肠3例,回肠3例,其中美克尔憩室内2例。术前误诊11例,漏诊6例,仅1例确诊。全部患者均行手术治疗,无1例出现术后井发症,随访1~10年异位胰腺无复发,临床疗效满意。结论胃肠道异位胰腺缺乏特征性的临床表现和有效的检查手段,易漏诊和误诊;一旦发现,均应早期手术治疗,以明确诊断及避免出现严重的并发症。  相似文献   

急性阑尾炎是外科急腹症中的常见病,诊断不难,但异位阑尾炎南于位置的变异,引起的临床症状和体征复杂多变,在术前常不易确诊,而造成手术失误.现就我院经超声诊断和经手术、病理证实的21例急性异位阑尾炎报告如下:  相似文献   

目的探讨胎儿重复肾畸形的超声诊断价值,分析并总结经验。方法对2010年5月~2016年11月经我院产前超声检查并诊断的23例胎儿重复肾畸形的声像图特点进行回顾性分析。结果产前超声诊断25例胎儿重复肾畸形,单侧23例,双侧2例;其中17例合并同侧输尿管扩张,5例合并输尿管囊肿,3例合并其它系统的器官畸形。产前超声误诊3例。所有病例均经MRI、尸检或出生后检查或手术证实。结论产前超声是诊断胎儿重复肾畸形的首要检查手段,能为临床产后相关治疗提供重要信息。  相似文献   

目的分析肾结核的临床特征,提高晚期肾结核的诊断和治疗水平。方法回顾性分析39例肾结核晚期患者的临床资料。结果腰痛20例,尿路刺激症状12例;尿聚合酶链反应结核菌检查(PCR-TB-DNA)阳性率28.9%;肾CT扫描诊断阳性率70.3%。全部患者手术治疗,18例加行患侧输尿管全长切除术。结论晚期肾结核临床表现上出现一些新特点。联合应用尿PCR-TB-DNA+IVU+CT检查,能有效的确诊肾结核。晚期结核肾的治疗以手术为主,应切除患肾和尽可能长的患侧输尿管。  相似文献   

徐瑞廷 《医学信息》2009,22(7):1353-1353
目的 探讨卵巢巧克力囊肿破裂的诊断与治疗,分析误诊的相关因素.方法 回顾性分析16例手术病理证实卵巢巧克力囊肿破裂的病例资料.结果 行单侧附件切除术4例,单侧卵巢巧克力囊肿剔除术10例,行全子宫加单侧附件切除1例.对例子宫内膜异位囊肿剔除术1例.术前确诊10例,确诊率62.50%,6例分别误诊为卵巢囊肿蒂扭转、黄体破裂、异位妊娠和急性阑尾炎,误诊率为37.50%.结论 了解本病临床特征并与其他相关急腹症相鉴别,综合分析,做出诊断,以减少误诊,提高确诊率.一旦确诊多需手术治疗.  相似文献   

张毅  潘铁成 《解剖与临床》2009,14(3):189-191
目的:探讨胸骨异位胸腺瘤的临床和病理特征,以提高临床诊断和治疗水平。方法和结果:复习异位胸腺瘤相关的临床和病理文献。手术治疗并经术后病理确诊胸骨异位胸腺瘤1例,术后随访30个月,无局部复发和转移。结论:异位胸腺瘤发生于胸骨非常罕见,目前国内外尚未见有文献报道;一旦确诊即应手术切除,预后取决于病理分型和分期。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠合并急性阑尾炎的早期诊断及手术治疗方法。方法回顾性分析2003年5月-2006年12月河南省安阳市妇幼保健院手术并经病理检查确诊的26例妊娠合并急性阑尾炎临床资料。结果术前明确诊断23例,术前疑诊3例。均及时行阑尾切除术,从入院至手术平均时间4.7h,术后2例切口感染,无流产、早产、胎儿宫内窘迫及死胎等并发症发生。所有病例均获随访,平均随访时间10.5月,1例术后4月发生轻度粘连性肠梗阻,保守治愈;余无症状生存。结论根据妊娠合并急性阑尾炎临床特点对其做出及时诊断和手术治疗,是保证临床效果及母婴安全的重要手段。  相似文献   

目的对异位阑尾临床诊断及手术治疗过程中的要点进行探讨。方法对本院2010年2月~2011年2月收治的异位阑尾炎患者8例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果在术前明确诊断2例为异位阑尾炎,为8例患者中的25.00%,1例为可疑性诊断占到其中的12.5%,其他5例患者被初诊分别作为盆腔炎、尿路结石、急性胃肠炎等误诊,占其中62.5%。8例患者均实施手术切除,住院7~12 d,1例为术后早期炎性肠梗阻。结论应加强对不典型的转移性腹痛的临床诊断与鉴别诊断的学习,不断提高异位阑尾炎的诊断能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨上肢创伤骨折并发深静脉血栓(DVT)的诊断和治疗方法。方法对16例上肢创伤围手术期合并DVT患者的诊断及治疗情况进行回顾性分析。诊断方法有上肢血管彩色多普勒超声、多层螺旋CT血管成像(CTA)、上肢动脉造影以及血浆D-二聚体检测,治疗方法以尿激酶溶栓联合低分子肝素钙抗凝为主。结果 16例患者中血清D-二聚体水平增高14例,经上肢血管彩色多普勒超声检查诊断8例,经CTA检查发现3例,经上肢血管造影诊断5例。6例术前并发DVT患者经治疗后5例血栓消失,行骨折切开复位术,术后痊愈出院;10例术后并发DVT患者经治疗后8例血栓消失,2例在住院期间并发肺栓塞,1例经积极抢救成功,1例患者抢救无效死亡。结论彩色多普勒超声检查是诊断上肢创伤骨折合并DVT的首选方法,一旦确诊应早期溶栓及抗凝治疗。  相似文献   

Between 1966 and 1989, 54 kidney transplants were performed at our institute. We present our experience about pre- and postoperative care of the patients for renal transplantation. 1) Donors 1) Pre- and postoperative function of the kidneys and urinary tract must be evaluated carefully. Renal transplantation can be done successfully if preoperative renal function is good even if the donor is older than 60 years old. 2) Preoperative evaluation of the donor renal artery is necessary. Four kidneys with renal artery anomalies and one kidney with renal artery aneurysm were used for renal transplantation uneventfully after they were repaired. 2) Recipients 1) We had 4 recipients who demonstrated abnormality of the urinary tract. They all received successful renal transplantation after appropriate urological management before renal transplantation. 2) Imaging diagnostic technique is useful when graft function is deteriorated. Acute rejection can be diagnosed more objectively using renal scintiscan and echogram. They are also useful for early detection of postoperative urological complications. In this paper, the diagnostic strategy using various imaging techniques was outlined.  相似文献   

Summary Horseshoe kidney is a renal fusion which combines three anatomic abnormalities: ectopia, malrotation and vascular changes. These anomalies can be recognised separately to varying degrees in unfused kidneys. Necessary modifications of the standard technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) are directly deducible from analysis of the anatomic data of the imaging of horseshoe kidneys. We report our experience with 5 patients (7 kidneys) who underwent PNL for calculi in horseshoe kidneys. The percutaneous approach was performed under ultrasound and fluoroscopic monitoring. In situ disintegration by ultrasonic lithotripsy and nephrostomy drainage were necessary in all cases. Modifications of the standard PNL procedure are related to the anatomic changes. The lower abdominal position of a horseshoe kidney necessitates upper or middle calyceal puncture, while the malrotation necessitates a more posterior puncture. Monitoring of the puncture needle by fluoroscopy as it is advanced postero-anteriorly is more difficult and the risk of the surgeon's hand entering the radiation path is increased. The renal pelvis is deep and a long endoscope may be required. Aberrant segmental vessels may create potential hazards. The majority of problems in location can be avoided by use of an ultrasonically guided needle. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is the treatment of choice for calculi in horseshoe kidneys for the following reasons: the high incidence of recurrent lithiasis in horseshoe kidney and the complexity of repeated surgical approaches diminish the acceptable results of open surgery; difficulties in focussing on the calculi and drainage problems militate against the success of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL); PNL has a good success rate and the least morbidity.Work presented at the 1st European Association of Clinical Anatomy congress, Brussels, Belgium, September 9–10, 1991  相似文献   

Renal splenic heterotopia, a very rare benign occurrence of splenic tissue within the renal capsule, mimics organizing capsular hemorrhage, adenomyolipoma and renal cortical adenoma or carcinoma. It is found incidentally as a result of imaging assymptomatic kidneys for other reasons or may cause signs and symptoms due to mass effect and hypersplenism. When occurring in patients who had had splenectomy it has been classified as splenosis. When found in patients with intact spleens it is called splenorenal fusion and considered to be a developmental heterotopia. Renal splenic heterotopia can be diagnosed by 99mTc-sulfur colloid scan and confirmed with fine needle aspiration biopsy cell block preparations. Unnecessary nephrectomy can be avoided if splenic heterotopia is included in the differential diagnosis of renal lesions, particularly in splenectomized patients.  相似文献   

背景:肝肾联合移植以来,肾功能不全甚至肾功能衰竭已不再是肝脏移植的禁忌症。 目的:探寻肝肾联合移植适应证及移植时机,以利合理应用稀缺的实体器官供体。 方法:收集接受肝肾联合移植患者15例,回顾性分析其移植前状态与移植后移植肾及原肾恢复情况间的状态。 结果与结论:入组15例肝肾联合移植患者均手术顺利,至今存活,随访1.5-8(3.6±1.2)年。入组患者中出现移植肾功能延迟恢复1例,行床旁连续性肾脏替代治疗治疗2周后肾功能逐渐恢复;1例移植前行连续性肾脏替代治疗治疗 4周的肝肾综合征患者,移植后2个月行肾图检查提示原肾功能恢复正常;另2例移植前连续性肾脏替代治疗超过6周的肝肾综合征患者,移植后行肾图提示原肾功能未恢复;伴有原发肾病的终末期肝病患者移植前24 h尿蛋白> 500 mg、肾小球滤过率< 30 mL/min或经穿刺活检证实肾小球硬化率> 30%,肝肾联合移植后行肾图提示原肾逐渐失功。移植前行连续性肾脏替代治疗治疗超过6周的肝肾综合征患者,需施行肝肾联合移植;移植前伴有原发肾病的终末期肝病患者,如果24 h尿蛋白> 500 mg、肾小球滤过率< 30 mL/min或经活检证实肾小球硬化率> 30%,需施行肝肾联合移植。  相似文献   

Variations of the structure and position of the kidney along with the variations of renal vessels are the most frequently reported. Rotational variations form a rare entity that is not cited in most of the embryology textbooks. During educational cadaveric dissection of a 57-year-old female, a complex picture of bilateral anatomical variants was encountered. Bilateral malrotation of kidney, bilateral lobulated kidneys along with open hilum of kidney was observed, so that the contents of the sinus were exposed. The renal pelvis was present anterior to the renal vessels instead of posterior position.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration findings in idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (IRF) is an inflammatory and fibrosing process that can be complicated by periureteral encasement, ureteral obstruction, and subsequent renal failure if left untreated. Unfortunately, treatment is often delayed due to the nonspecific nature of the presenting signs and symptoms. Clinical, radiologic, and microscopic findings in IRF, if examined independently, are all nonspecific for its diagnosis. Rendering a diagnosis of IRF by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) requires supportive clinical and radiologic data and systematic evaluation of entities in the differential diagnosis. Herein we report 2 cases of IRF diagnosed by FNA with subsequent histologic confirmation. Smears prepared from the aspirates revealed a combination of inflammatory cells and fibrous tissue. The inflammatory component was comprised of a mixture of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and rare eosinophils and mast cells. These 2 cases represent, to our knowledge, only the second report of IRF diagnosed by FNA.  相似文献   

We quantitatively evaluated total and individual renal function by technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (Tc-99m MAG3) renal scintigraphy before and after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of renal tumors. Eleven patients who underwent Tc-99m MAG3 renal scintigraphy 1 week before and after RFA were evaluated (7 men and 4 women; age range: 23-83 years; mean age: 60.6 years). Five patients had solitary kidneys, and five had normally or minimally functioning contralateral kidneys. One patient had a renal cell carcinoma in the contralateral kidney. One patient with a solitary kidney underwent RFA a second time for a residual tumor. In patients with a solitary kidney, MAG3 clearance decreased after 5 of 6 RFAs, and in patients with a normally functioning contralateral kidney, MAG3 clearance decreased after 4 of 5 RFAs, but no significant differences were observed between before and after treatments. In addition to the total MAG3 clearance, the split MAG3 clearance was evaluated in patients with a normally functioning contralateral kidney. MAG3 clearance decreased in 4 of 5 treated kidneys, while it adversely increased in the contralateral kidneys after 4 of 5 RFAs. No significant differences, however, were observed between before and after treatments. The results of our study revealed no significant differences in sCr, BUN, CCr, or MAG3 clearance between pre- and post-RFA values. These results support data regarding the functional impact and safety of renal RFA in published reports. We evaluated total and individual renal function quantitatively using Tc-99m MAG3 renal scintigraphy before and after treatment. This scintigraphy was very useful in assessing the effects of RFA on renal function.  相似文献   

Adult polycystic kidney disease (APKD) is a common and potentially fatal disease, leading to end-stage renal failure in 50% of cases. The disease is frequently complicated by arterial hypertension, bacterial pyelonephritis, and hematuria. The association between APKD and tuberculosis has rarely been reported and is related to a more unfavorable course since the infection becomes refractory to specific treatment. The authors report 2 cases of renal tuberculosis diagnosed in the native nephrectomy specimens of 2 patients with APKD after renal transplantation. Tuberculosis, although not common, must be recognized as a potential source of infection of native polycystic kidneys in immunocompromised transplant recipients.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾病(autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease,ARPKD)的临床特点。方法回顾我院1995年1月~2006年12月收治的16例小儿ARPKD的临床资料。结果16例ARPKD中,男11例,女5例,影像学诊断14例,病理学诊断2例,肾脏影像学显示囊肿广泛分布于皮质和髓质。起病时以泌尿系症状就诊仅7例(43.75%),以肾脏外症状就诊3例(18.75%),其他就诊原因包括早产1例,出生时重度窒息1例,血尿素氮-肌酐(Bun—Cr)升高2例,贫血1例,外伤后肾囊肿破裂性腹痛1例。确诊时有12例(75%)肾衰竭,8例(50%)生长迟缓,10例(62.5%)合并肾脏外病变。随诊8例,4例死亡(分别死于先天性肺发育不良、重度窒息后多器官功能衰竭、进行性肾衰竭以及终末期肾病合并胆管细胞癌肾脏转移),1例透析,1例肾移植,1例肾功能正常,1例肝硬化。结论ARPKD为先天遗传性、进行性的肾脏和肝脏损害,小儿期临床表现形式多样,产前诊断对减少ARPKD畸形儿的出生有重要意义。  相似文献   

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