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Neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission topography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been utilized with older children and adults to identify cortical sources of perceptual and cognitive processes. However, due to practical and ethical concerns, these techniques cannot be routinely applied to infant participants. An alternative to such neuroimaging techniques appropriate for use with infant participants is high-density electroencephalogram (EEG) recording and cortical source localization techniques. The current article provides an overview of a method developed for such analyses. The method consists of four steps: (1) recording high-density (e.g., 128-channel) EEG. (2) Analysis of individual participant raw segmented data with independent component analysis (ICA). (3) Estimation of equivalent current dipoles (ECDs) that represent cortical sources for the observed ICA component clusters. (4) Calculation of component activations in relation to experimental factors. We discuss an example of research applying this technique to investigate the development of visual attention and recognition memory. We also describe the application of “realistic head modeling” to address some of the current limitations of infant cortical source localization.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the N1, the major negative component of the cortical evoked response to auditory stimuli, originates from the primary auditory cortex has been supported by several studies. In a previous study we showed that, when monaural stimulation with pure tones is used, the distribution of the N1 peak over the scalp could be accounted for by successive activation of adjacent sources on the floor of the Sylvian fissure. In an attempt to establish the generality of the phenomenon, in this study we investigated further the generation of the N1 component using a variety of auditory stimuli, including pure tones, complex sounds (musical notes), and words, as well as binaural stimulus presentation. Additionally, we used a new recording system which allows recording of the distribution of the magnetic flux over the entire head simultaneously, thus eliminating the need for multiple recording sessions and the related problems of habituation and of changes in attention level. We found that a series of single dipolar sources could account for the entire duration of the N1m component. The location of the sources fell within the primary auditory cortex and, during the evolution of the component, they followed a posterior-anterior, medial-lateral, superior-inferior trajectory, bilaterally, along the superior surface of the temporal lobes. Additionally, the distribution of N1 sources on the two hemispheres showed a marked asymmetry, with the right hemisphere sources covering a larger area. The established consistency of successive source excitation across subjects, studies, types of stimuli, and recording systems, as well as the newly demonstrated hemispheric asymmetry of source extent, suggest the presence of a reliable phenomenon indicative of the functional organization of the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present and evaluate an automatic unsupervised segmentation method, hierarchical segmentation approach (HSA)–Bayesian-based adaptive mean shift (BAMS), for use in the construction of a patient-specific head conductivity model for electroencephalography (EEG) source localization. It is based on a HSA and BAMS for segmenting the tissues from multi-modal magnetic resonance (MR) head images. The evaluation of the proposed method was done both directly in terms of segmentation accuracy and indirectly in terms of source localization accuracy. The direct evaluation was performed relative to a commonly used reference method brain extraction tool (BET)–FMRIB’s automated segmentation tool (FAST) and four variants of the HSA using both synthetic data and real data from ten subjects. The synthetic data includes multiple realizations of four different noise levels and several realizations of typical noise with a 20 % bias field level. The Dice index and Hausdorff distance were used to measure the segmentation accuracy. The indirect evaluation was performed relative to the reference method BET-FAST using synthetic two-dimensional (2D) multimodal magnetic resonance (MR) data with 3 % noise and synthetic EEG (generated for a prescribed source). The source localization accuracy was determined in terms of localization error and relative error of potential. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of HSA-BAMS, its robustness to noise and the bias field, and that it provides better segmentation accuracy than the reference method and variants of the HSA. They also show that it leads to a more accurate localization accuracy than the commonly used reference method and suggest that it has potential as a surrogate for expert manual segmentation for the EEG source localization problem.  相似文献   

We investigate the utility of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as an alternative technique for studying infant speech processing. NIRS is an optical imaging technology that uses relative changes in total hemoglobin concentration and oxygenation as an indicator of neural activation. Procedurally, NIRS has the advantage over more common methods (e.g., fMRI) in that it can be used to study the neural responses of behaviorally active infants. Older infants (aged 6–9 months) were allowed to sit on their caretakers' laps during stimulus presentation to determine relative differences in focal activity in the temporal region of the brain during speech processing. Results revealed a dissociation of sensory-specific processing in two cortical regions, the left and right temporal lobes. These findings are consistent with those obtained using other neurophysiological methods and point to the utility of NIRS as a means of establishing neural correlates of language development in older (and more active) infants.  相似文献   

The question of the cognitive nature and the cerebral origins of the event-related potential (ERP) N400 component has frequently been debated. Here, the N400 effects were analyzed in three tasks. In the semantic task, subjects decided whether sequentially presented word pairs were semantically related or unrelated. In the phonologic (rhyme detection) task, they decided if words were phonologically related or not. In the image categorization task, they decided whether images were categorically related or not. Difference waves between ERPs to unrelated and related conditions (defined here as the N400 effect) demonstrated a greater amplitude and an earlier peak latency effect in the image than in semantic and phonologic tasks. In contrast, spatial correlation analysis revealed that the maps computed during the peak of the N400 effects were highly correlated. Source localization computed from these maps showed the involvement in all tasks of the middle/superior temporal gyrus. Our results suggest that these qualitatively similar N400 effects index the same cognitive content despite differences in the representational formats (words vs. images) and the types of mismatch (semantic vs. phonological) across tasks.  相似文献   

Brain Topography - Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a robust method for non-invasive functional brain mapping of sensory cortices due to its exceptional spatial and temporal resolution. The clinical...  相似文献   

We present a combined theoretical and numerical procedure for sensitivity analyses of lung mechanics models that are nonlinear in both state variables and parameters. We apply the analyses to a recently proposed nonlinear lung model which incorporates a wide range of potential nonlinear identification conditions including nonlinear viscoelastic tissues, airway inhomogeneities via a parallel airway resistance distribution function, and a nonlinear block-structure paradigm. Additionally, we examine a system identification procedure which fits time- and frequency-domain data simultaneously. Model nonlinearities motivate sensitivity analyses involving numerical approximation of sensitivity coefficients. Examination of the normalized sensitivity coefficients provides direct insight on the relative importance of each model parameter, and hence the respective mechanism. More formal quantification of parameter uniqueness requires approximation of the paired and multidimensional parameter confidence regions. Combined with parameter estimation, we use the sensitivity analyses to justify tissue nonlinearities in modeling of lung mechanics for healthy and airway constricted conditions, and to justify both airway inhomogeneities and tissue nonlinearities during broncoconstriction. The tools in this paper are general and can be applied to a wide class of nonlinear models. © 1998 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC98: 8745Hw, 8710+e  相似文献   

During the last decade multiple work has been done to determine the sources of epileptiform activity by means of dipole source localization based on recordings of the magnetoencephalogram (MEG) or the electroencephalogram (EEG). The actual available advanced volume conductor models and the multiple source reconstruction by regularization may give new impulse to EEG based source analyses in epilepsy patients. This study demonstrates the principal properties of these techniques. We applied two different EEG source reconstruction techniques within different volume conductor models to localize induced spike activity in a selected patient suffering from medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy: 1) single moving dipole solution in a 3-shell spherical model versus individual head models (boundary-element-model, BEM, and finite-element-model, FEM); 2) a regularization technique for current density reconstructions using both BEM and FEM. When compared to findings of invasive recordings no adequate source locations were derived from the moving dipole solution in both the 3-shell head model and BEM. In contrast, a high congruence of source reconstruction and invasive determination of the focus was obtained using the regularization techniques in both BEM and FEM, indicating the high spatial accuracy of this technique in individual head models.  相似文献   

Animal models suggest that the brain is particularly neuroplastic early in development, but previous studies have not systematically controlled the auditory environment in human infants and observed the effects on auditory cortical representations. We exposed 4-month-old infants to melodies in either guitar or marimba timbre (infants were randomly assigned to exposure group) for a total of?~160?min over the course of a week, after which we measured electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to guitar and marimba tones at pitches not previously heard during the exposure phase. A frontally negative response with a topography consistent with generation in auditory areas, peaking around 450?ms, was significantly larger for guitar than marimba tones in the guitar-exposed group but significantly larger for marimba than guitar tones in the marimba-exposed group. This indicates that experience with tones in a particular timbre affects representations for that timbre, and that this effect generalizes to tones not previously experienced during exposure. Furthermore, mismatch responses to occasional small 3% changes in pitch were larger for tones in guitar than marimba timbre only for infants exposed to guitar tones. Together these results indicate that a relatively small amount of passive exposure to a particular timbre in infancy enhances representations of that timbre and leads to more precise pitch processing for that timbre.  相似文献   

Variance component models are widely used in animal and plantbreeding. In human genetics, they can be used to identify, amongother traits associated with the definition of disease, thosethat have a significant genetic component in their aetiology.In addition, they can be used in genetic counselling. Most ofthe methods currently proposed for estimating variance componentmodels often involve repeated inversion of large matrices, resultingin intensive computations, large storage requirements, and numericalinstability. Consequently, these methods are restricted to dataon nuclear families, to small pedigrees, or to designed pedigreesof simple form. In this paper, the authors propose a methodfor estimating variance component models for large complex pedigreesusing jointly the EM algorithm and the Gibbs sampler. The methodcan handle variance component models with multiple variancecomponents, without the need for repeated inversion of largematrices even on large complex pedigrees. The method is conceptuallysimple, numerically stable, and easy to implement.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation(AF)is a common cardiac rhythm disturbance that increases in prevalence with advancing age.To get the real time location of the related key lesions is of great significance to treat and abolish AF.Two-dimensional finite element method was adopted to simulate the lead field.Based on the acoustoelectric effect and the reciprocal theory,the source density of the current field was calculated,thus determining the precise location of the current source and sink.Results show that the simulated positioning precision of current source and sink is within submillimetre only using a pair of recording electrode.This work implies that it is promising to locate the key lesions from messy fibrillation using the acoustoelectric effect method.  相似文献   

It is reported that some types of insects have a remarkable ability to detect the direction of an incident sound even though its acoustic sensory organs are in very close proximity each other. Maybe the ears are jointed by a cuticular structure with which the separated motions can be coupled mechanically and thus be magnified. In this paper, a detailed model is setup to describe the principle of this type of localization using a mechanical coupled structure. The transfer functions and the responses of the model in terms of time and frequency are analyzed to describe the mechanism of its ability of directional hearing. This analytical model provides a method to design the experimental model for the predetermined incident sound pressure, and the analysis of this model shows that this structure have the ability to determine the direction of the incident stimulus.  相似文献   

建立了头颅的球型仿真数学模型.用头皮、颅骨、脑脊髓和脑组织四层同心球结构仿真人体头颅.从拉普拉斯方程出发,用解析解的分离变量法求解头颅球模型在最外层(头皮层)表面施加点电流激励的情况下,各层的电位分布函数.根据电位分布的表达式,绘制出颅内的电位等位线图以及电流线图.分析了电流注入角度对电位分布和电流流向的影响.结果表明颅骨的低电导率对颅内的电位分布有很大的影响.研究结果可用于分析头部电阻抗成像等问题.  相似文献   

脑电(Electroencephalography, EEG)和功能磁共振(Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)技术的结合,可以实现两者优势的互补,获得更加合理的源定位结果.本文报道的是一种将fMRI先验信息结合到脑电源定位中的新方法.在该方法中,先利用SPM方法计算获得fMRI的统计映射参数,然后将基于计算获得的统计参数构造的权矩阵结合到FOCUSS的迭代过程中,对脑电的反演提供具有fMRI先验空间位置信息的约束,提高脑电的源空间定位精度,从而获得更加合理的定位结果.通过对一形状知觉实验fMRI和脑电数据的结合定位分析,结果初步证实了改进方法能获得和生理更加一致的结果.  相似文献   

Discriminant analysis and EEG source localization methods were employed to compare groups of normal subjects during different cognitive conditions using 43-channel EEG recordings in the alpha (8-13 Hz) frequency band. Recordings were obtained from 69 dextral females during 2 passive conditions, Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed, and 2 active conditions, Word-Finding and Dot-Localization. The cross-spectral matrix between all of the electrode sites was used to characterize the EEGs obtained during each condition. The subjects were partitioned into training and test sets and quadratic discriminant functions were constructed from the training sets to classify the EEGs. The discriminant functions successfully classified both the training and test sets at rates approaching 80%. The classification was repeated using only the diagonal (power spectral) elements of the cross-spectral matrices in the discriminant functions and this approach was successful in discriminating between the EEGs from the passive cognitive conditions but failed to discriminate between the EEGs from the active conditions. Source localization using a modified MUSIC algorithm indicated that the centers of brain electrical activity that distinguished the Eyes-Closed condition from the Eyes-Open condition were located in the medial occipital and right frontal regions. Centers of electrical activity that distinguished the Word-Finding condition from the Dot-Localization condition were located in the right medial posterior and left temporal regions. Validation of the locations of the centers of activity was accomplished by repeating the classification procedures using the spatial patterns generated on the scalp by dipole current sources placed at these locations.  相似文献   

Lin  Xiaoying  Wang  Qiao  He  Zhixing  Huang  Lin  Wen  Chengping  Zhou  Donghai 《Inflammation》2022,45(4):1559-1567
Inflammation - Since the development of RA is a multistep process, it is critical to take action to prevent RA in the pre-clinical phase. Animal models are currently one of the important methods to...  相似文献   

Magnetic responses to frequent and infrequent auditory stimuli, all presented in the same stimulus block in randomized order, were recorded. The standard stimuli, comprising 90% of all the stimuli, were 100-ms, 1000 Hz, 90dB sinusoidal tone bursts. There were three deviant tones, each presented at a probability of 3.3%, which differed from the standard tone on one dimension only: frequency deviant (1500 Hz), intensity deviant (67dB SPL), or duration deviant (50 ms). All mismatch fields, i.e., responses elicited by different deviants, as well as N100m to the standards and deviants, could be explained by neural activity in the supratemporal auditory cortex. The source of N100m to standards and deviants was significantly posterior to the sources for the three different mismatch fields. The mean locations of the equivalent dipoles for the different mismatch fields did not differ significantly from each other, but some differences were found for individual subjects.  相似文献   

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