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背景:国内有学者运用动电位极化技术测定常用牙科金属自腐蚀电位值来评价低贵金属的腐蚀性能,发现合金的贵金属含量是影响其耐腐蚀性能的主要原因。目的:评价TA2型商业纯钛、金合金、钴铬合金、钛合金及镍铬合金的体外耐腐蚀性能。方法:将TA2型商业纯钛、金合金、钴铬合金、钛合金及镍铬合金分别浸入人工唾液中,运用动电位极化技术测量5种材料在人工唾液中的自腐蚀电位和自腐蚀电流密度。结果与结论:5种合金的自腐蚀电位值由大到小排列顺序为金合金、商业纯钛、钛合金、钴铬合金、镍铬合金;金合金与纯钛电位较正,不易发生腐蚀;钛合金和钴铬合金居中,由于可以形成稳定氧化膜,具有较强的抗孔蚀和缝隙腐蚀能力;镍铬合金电位较负,则较容易发生溶解。5种合金的自腐蚀电流密度值排列顺序为金合金商业纯钛钛合金钴铬合金镍铬合金;金合金与纯钛电流密度值较小,达10-8,这表明金合金和纯钛的腐蚀速度较小,镍铬合金的腐蚀速度最大。结果说明金合金、纯钛是耐腐蚀性较好的材料,镍铬合金的腐蚀速度最大,应尽量避免用镍铬合金作为种植体上部结构。  相似文献   

背景:各种医用生物材料在应用于口腔环境之前,除了对其机械性能和理、化学性能予以严格的考察之外,还需要进行口腔环境耐腐蚀性实验,以保证材料的生物相容性。目的:分析钛种植体基台和不同钛合金的体外耐腐蚀性能。方法:构建体外人工唾液腐蚀环境,pH=6.0,温度(37±0.5) ℃,利用动电位极化技术、扫描电镜、X射线衍射等方式评估钛合金、金合金、镍铬合金及钛种植体基台在人工唾液中浸泡24 h的耐腐蚀性能。结果与结论:不同合金的稳态电位不同,其中金合金钝化区范围最大,其次为钛种植体基台和钛合金,镍铬合金钝化区范围最小。经过24 h的人工唾液浸泡后,不同材料的表面均开始出现钝化膜,扫描电镜显示,镍铬合金表面可见明显的腐蚀痕迹,出现大量直径较大的深点蚀坑,其余3种合金均未出现明显腐蚀现象;镍铬合金表面铬、钼、铝含量均出现减少现象,镍、氧含量增加,其余合金表面未出现明显改变;镍铬合金表面生成 Cr2O3,钛种植体基台及钛合金表面均生成TiO2,金合金表面仍为Au、Pt单相存在,未生成化合物。表明钛合金与钛种植体基台具有相似的耐腐蚀性能,且差于金合金,但优于镍铬合金。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程  相似文献   

背景:在含氟的酸性环境中,Damon铜镍钛弓丝能否具有与传统镍钛弓丝相当的耐腐蚀性能,铜离子的加入会不会影响其耐腐蚀性?目的:观察氟离子和酸对3M镍钛弓丝和Damon铜镍钛弓丝耐腐蚀性的影响。方法:采用动电位极化曲线法测得3M镍钛弓丝和Damon铜镍钛弓丝分别在4种(pH=7、不含氟离子;pH=7、含氟离子浓度0.2%;pH=7、含氟离子浓度0.5%;pH=5、含氟离子浓度0.5%)不同人工唾液中的动电位极化曲线,得到自腐蚀电位、自腐蚀电流密度和极化电阻,并用扫描电镜观察其腐蚀后的形态。结果与结论:在中性(pH=7)人工唾液中加入0.2%氟离子,Damon铜镍钛弓丝试件极化曲线上移,自腐蚀电流密度增大,极化电阻减小(P0.05),扫描电镜显示试件表面出现腐蚀;3M镍钛弓丝试件极化曲线没有偏移,自腐蚀电流密度、极化电阻基本不变(P0.05),腐蚀不明显;当氟离子浓度增大到0.5%时,两种试件极化曲线均上移,自腐蚀电流密度增大,极化电阻减小(P0.05),试件表面均出现明显腐蚀;当加入酸之后(pH=5),腐蚀更加明显。提示低浓度氟不会影响3M镍钛弓丝的耐腐蚀性,但会降低Damon铜镍钛弓丝的耐腐蚀性;高浓度氟和酸均会降低他们的耐腐蚀性,Damon铜镍钛弓丝的耐腐蚀性不及3M镍钛弓丝。  相似文献   

背景:大多数和钛种植体接触的牙科金属修复部分,会引起电偶腐蚀的发生。偶对在种植体界面产生带正电的局部环境,这会直接影响组织状况,尤其是骨吸收。 目的:评价TA2型商业纯钛分别与金合金、钴铬合金、钛合金及镍铬合金在体外的电偶腐蚀行为。 方法:在人工唾液中体外模拟TA2型商业纯钛分别与金合金、钴铬合金、钛合金及镍铬合金接触时的回路, 测量其作用15 h的混合电位和电偶电流值并描绘电流时间曲线。 结果与结论:4组合金接触8 h后电流达到稳定,稳定后电偶电流值排列顺序为钛/金合金<钛/钴铬合金<钛/钛合金<钛/镍铬合金。提示钛/金合金组电偶腐蚀最小,金合金是最适合作为种植义齿上部结构的材料;钛/镍铬合金组电偶腐蚀最大,镍铬合金是最不适合作为种植义齿上部结构的材料。  相似文献   

采用电化学技术评介了TINi基形状记忆合金加铜前后的耐腐蚀性能,发现有Ti50Ni50-xCux(x=2,4,6,8)三元合金的再钝化电位(Erep)比Ti50Ni50-x二元形状记忆合金提高了200mV。即Cu的加入提高了TiNi基形状记忆合金的再钝化电位,从而提高了其耐腐蚀性能。TiNiCu合金的点蚀电位随着腐蚀介质的PH值升高而提高,而再钝化电位不随PH值改变而改变。CU的加入对TiNi基合金的点蚀电位Epit无明显影响,而且TiNiCu合金中的铜含量与其腐蚀电位、腐蚀电流密度之间不具有明显的相关性,其数值与TiNi二元合金相近。  相似文献   

背景:重复熔铸镍铬烤瓷合金是否会加大镍离子的析出,从而降低抗腐蚀性能,研究结论不一。 目的:检测非真空状态下反复熔铸镍铬烤瓷合金在人工唾液中镍离子的析出量,分析熔铸次数对合金抗腐蚀性能的影响。 方法:非真空状态下反复熔铸镍铬烤瓷合金Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ代,将试件浸泡于按照ISO标准制定的pH值为6.8,4.0的人工唾液中(168±1) h,恒温(37±1) ℃,利用Z-5000原子吸收分光光度计检测不同pH值人工唾液中镍离子的析出量。 结果与结论:相同pH值状态下,经两两比较发现,4代Ni-Cr烤瓷合金差异均有显著性意义(P < 0.05),铸造第Ⅳ代镍离子析出最多,其次为Ⅲ代、Ⅱ代。随pH值的降低,合金的抗腐蚀性能降低,镍离子析出增多。提示非真空条件下反复熔铸镍铬烤瓷合金的耐腐蚀性能下降,随着熔铸次数的增加,镍离子的析出明显增多。  相似文献   

目的研究电子束熔融技术(EBM)3D打印制备的医用Ti6Al4V不同打印截面在Hank's模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为。方法采用开路电位和动电位极化曲线方法研究了Ti6Al4V不同打印截面,分别记为EBMXOY面(垂直于打印方向的钛合金截面)和EBM-YOZ面(平行于打印方向的钛合金截面),在Hank's模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为,利用SEM、XRD和金相显微镜分析了其表面形貌和物相组成及其腐蚀机理,并与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V进行了对比研究。结果与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V合金相比,EBM-YOZ面钛合金在Hank's模拟人工体液中的开路电位、腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流与之相当,显示出与之接近的耐腐蚀性能;EBM-XOY面钛合金的耐腐蚀性能较EBM-XOZ面和传统锻造钛合金稍差,主要原因是EBM-XOY面的α+β相界面积大,相含量较高,且被优先溶解,因此,耐腐蚀性能较差。结论电子束熔融制造的Ti6Al4V不同截面的耐腐蚀性能不同,EBM-YOZ面的耐腐蚀性能与传统医用锻造钛合金相当,EBM-XOY面的耐腐蚀性能稍差。  相似文献   

目的 研究电子束熔融技术(EBM)3D打印制备的医用Ti6Al4V不同打印截面在Hank''s模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为。方法 采用开路电位和动电位极化曲线方法研究了Ti6Al4V不同打印截面,分别记为EBM-XOY面(垂直于打印方向的钛合金截面)和EBM-YOZ面(平行于打印方向的钛合金截面),在Hank''s模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为,利用SEM、XRD和金相显微镜分析了其表面形貌和物相组成及其腐蚀机理,并与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V进行了对比研究。结果 与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V合金相比,EBM-YOZ面钛合金在Hank’s模拟人工体液中的开路电位、腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流与之相当,显示出与之接近的耐腐蚀性能;EBM-XOY面钛合金的耐腐蚀性能较EBM-XOZ面和传统锻造钛合金稍差,主要原因是EBM-XOY面的α+β相界面积大,α相含量较高,且被优先溶解,因此,耐腐蚀性能较差。结论 电子束熔融制造的Ti6Al4V不同截面的耐腐蚀性能不同,EBM-YOZ面的耐腐蚀性能与传统医用锻造钛合金相当,EBM-XOY面的耐腐蚀性能稍差。  相似文献   

背景:口腔材料在行使功能时,处于非常复杂的电解质环境,会发生各种形式的生物环境腐蚀,导致金属离子的析出。现代金属腐蚀理论认为金属及其合金的生物学效应取决于材料在应用时被释放或溶出到生物体内的元素特性和浓度。 目的:考察两种临床常用正畸镍钛弓丝的腐蚀性能。 方法:采用光学显微镜及元素成分分析测试镍钛合金弓丝的显微组织形态和组成,应用循环极化法在模拟人体口腔环境中对比两种镍钛弓丝的腐蚀性能,把两种弓丝浸泡在37 ℃的人工唾液中1个月后观察分析其表面形貌。 结果与结论:两种弓丝的显微组织和组成存在差异。A弓丝的腐蚀电位高于B弓丝,而A弓丝的腐蚀电流相对较小,A弓丝表面形成的氧化膜更加稳定,对基体的保护效果更好。A弓丝的耐腐蚀性能相对较高,弓丝的组织、组成差别及其加工工艺是影响合金弓丝抗腐蚀性能的重要因素。  相似文献   

对应口腔环境中 p H值发生明显变化以及形成龋齿的自然现象 ,采用加速试验法研究了新型钛合金在不同 p H值乳酸中浸泡的耐腐蚀性能。研究表明当 p H=4即酸性略高于龋齿发病时酸性条件下 ,新型牙科钛合金能够完全耐乳酸腐蚀。在乳酸中腐蚀形式以点蚀为主 ,且随酸性增强有向晶间腐蚀转变的趋势。ICP分析表明合金在乳酸中的溶解析出物主要是 Fe,Fe的加入不利于合金的耐腐蚀性能。热力学计算表明设计的新型钛合金氧化膜含有 Mn2 O3、Nb2 O5、Zr O2 和 Ti O2 中的全部或部分 ,XPS分析表明氧化膜中的确含有 Mn2 O3、Nb2 O5和 Ti O2 ,主要是 Ti O2 。这三种氧化物致密且 Ti O2 和 Nb2 O5耐腐蚀 ,有利于合金的耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the electrochemical behaviour of two materials used in oral implantology. METHODS: The resistance to corrosion of Ti grade 2 and the alloy Ti-6Al-4V was studied in an artificial saliva solution. It has been observed that the passivation of titanium by an oxidised layer can be shown both by cyclic voltametry and by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Moreover, this latter technique, rarely used in odontology, opens up interesting perspectives, enabling a more quantitative approach to the resistance of the passive layer to be adopted. RESULTS: Also, the impedance data recorded for Ti grade 2 and the alloy Ti-6Al-4V, in the artificial saliva solution were shown that Ti grade 2 has a higher resistance to corrosion and a thicker oxide layer than the alloy Ti-6Al-4V. SIGNIFICANCE: The fact that the electrochemical properties of Ti-6Al-4V are lower than that titanium's ones indicate than a release of ions aluminum and or vanadium ions in the body can occur. This is why we recommend to the dental practitioners to preferably use titanium in implantology.  相似文献   

Besides other important material features, the corrosion parameters and corrosion products are responsible for limiting the biocompatibility of metallic materials, and can produce undesirable reactions in implant-adjacent and/or more distant tissues. Titanium and some of its alloys are known as being the most biocompatible metallic materials due to their high strength, low modulus, high corrosion resistance in biological media, etc. More recently, Ti–Ta alloys have been developed, and these are expected to become more promising candidates for biomedical and dental applications than commercially pure Ti, Ti–6Al–4V or Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy. The corrosion behavior of the studied Ti–Ta alloys with Ta contents of 30, 40, 50 and 60 wt.% together with the currently used Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy were investigated for dental applications. All alloys were tested by open-circuit potential measurement, linear polarization, potentiodynamic polarization, coulometric zone analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy performed in artificial saliva with different pH, acid lactic and fluoride contents. The passive behavior for all the titanium alloys is observed for artificial saliva, acidified saliva (9.8 g l−1 lactic acid, pH 2.5) and for fluoridated saliva (1.0 g l−1 F, pH 8). A decrease in corrosion resistance and less protective passive oxide films are observed for all titanium alloys in fluoridated acidified saliva (9.8 g l−1 lactic acid, 1.0 g l−1 F, pH 2.5) in regard to other electrochemical media used within this work. It is worthy of note that the most important decrease was found for Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy. These conclusions are confirmed by all the electrochemical tests undertaken. However, the results confirm that the corrosion resistance of the studied Ti–Ta alloys in all saliva is better or similar to that of Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy, suggesting that the Ti–Ta alloys have potential for dental applications.  相似文献   

A series of titanium-silver-iron ternary alloys have been prepared in this study, and their feasibility as dental materials has been evaluated by the microstructural examination, mechanical testing, corrosion resistance evaluation, surface analysis, and cytotoxicity tests. More and more β-Ti phase appears at room temperature and retains with the increasing of Fe content in Ti-5Ag-xFe alloy systems. The compression strength, wear resistance, and microhardness increase largely (p < 0.05) by the addition of element Fe to Ti-Ag alloy. Moreover, when comparing with commercial pure titanium (CP Ti), nobler electrochemical corrosion behavior could be obtained for Ti-5Ag-1Fe and Ti-5Ag-2.5Fe alloys in the 1% lactic acid solution (pH = 2.1) and 0.1 mol/L H(2) O(2) + 0.9% NaCl solution (pH = 4.0). The released metal ions from Ti-5Ag-xFe alloys into the simulated fluid are trace, similar to the case of CP Ti. The addition of Fe slightly decreases the corrosion resistance of Ti-5Ag alloy. All experimental Ti-5Ag-xFe alloy extracts do not present any cytotoxicity to L-929 and NIH3T3 cell lines. All in all, the combination of superior corrosion resistance and enhanced mechanical properties make Ti-5Ag-1Fe alloy and Ti-5Ag-2.5Fe alloy suitable for dental applications.  相似文献   

In recent years, dental implants have been widely used for the aesthetic and functional restoration of edentulous patients. Dental implants and restorative alloys are required with high corrosion resistance. Suprastructures and implants of different compositions in electrical contact may develop galvanic or coupled corrosion problems. In addition to galvanic corrosion, crevice and pitting corrosion may occur in the marginal gap between dental implant assemblies. In this study, gold, silver-palladium, cobalt-chromium, and nickel-chromium suprastructures were used to investigate their galvanic and crevice corrosion characteristics in combination with titanium (Ti) implants. Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic testing were performed in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C. Potentiodynamic testing was carried out at the potential scan rate of 1 mV/s in the range of -600-1600 mV (SCE). Potentiostatic testing was performed with an open-circuit potential and current densities at -250, 0, and 250 mV (SCE) in artificial saliva. After electrochemical testing, surface morphologies and cross-sections were examined using micrographs of the samples. Potentiodynamic test results indicated that suprastructure/Ti implant couples produced passive current densities in the range of 0.5-12 microA/cm(2); Ti abutment/Ti implant and gold/Ti implant couples exhibited relatively low passive current densities; Co-Cr/Ti implant couples the highest. Co-Cr and Ni-Cr/Ti implant couples showed breakdown potentials of 700 and 570 mV (SCE), respectively. The open-circuit potentials of silver, Ti abutment, gold, Ni-Cr, and Co-Cr/Ti implant couples were -93.2 +/- 93.9, -123.7 +/- 58.8, -140.0 +/- 80.6, -223.5 +/- 35.1, and -312.7 +/- 29.8 mV (SCE), respectively, and did not change with immersion time. The couples exhibited cathodic current densities at -250 mV (SCE); in particular, gold and silver alloys showed high cathodic current densities of -3.18 and -6.63 microA/cm(2), respectively. At 250 mV (SCE), Ti abutment/Ti implant couples exhibited a minimum current density of 9.48 x 10(-2) microA/cm(2), but gold, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, and silver/Ti implant couples exhibited 0.313, 1.27, 5.60, and 8.06 microA/cm(2), respectively. All couples exhibited relatively low current densities at 0 mV (SCE). Photomicrographs after electrochemical testing showed crevice or pitting corrosion in the marginal gap and at the suprastructure surface. Although of the tested samples Co-Cr/Ti implant couples showed the possibility of galvanic corrosion, its degree was not significant. However, it should be borne in mind that galvanic corrosion can accelerate localized corrosion, such as crevice or pitting corrosion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the electrochemical behavior of Ti(49.6)Ni(45.1)Cu(5)Cr(0.3) (TiNiCuCr) alloy in artificial saliva solutions with a wide rage of pH values and to characterize the surface passive film after polarization tests. This article represents the ideal, static environment and associated electrochemical response and comparison values. The corrosion behavior of TiNiCuCr alloy was systematically studied by open circuit potential, potentiodynamic, potentiostatic, and electrochemical impedance techniques. Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic test results showed that the corrosion behavior of TiNiCuCr was similar to that of NiTi alloy. Both corrosion potential (E(corr)) and pitting corrosion potential (E(b)) showed a pH-dependent tendency that E(corr) and E(b) decreased with the increase of the pH value. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results revealed the composition of the passive film consisted mainly of TiO(2) with a little amount of Ni oxides (NiO/Ni(2)O(3)) that was identical with NiTi alloy. Besides Ni, a Cu enriched sub-layer was also found. The nickel ion release rate showed a typical time-related decrease as examined by ICP/OES. In conclusion, the addition of Cu and Cr had little effect on the corrosion behavior of NiTi or on the composition and the structure of the passive film.  相似文献   

Huang HH  Chiu YH  Lee TH  Wu SC  Yang HW  Su KH  Hsu CC 《Biomaterials》2003,24(20):3585-3592
NiTi orthodontic wire products from different manufacturers would have different corrosion resistance. We assayed the corrosion resistance, in terms of ion release, of different NiTi orthodontic wires in artificial saliva with various acidities. Four types of as-received commercial NiTi orthodontic wires were immersed in artificial saliva (37 degrees C) at pH 2.5-6.25 for different periods (1-28d). The amount of Ni and Ti ions released from NiTi wires was determined using an atomic adsorption spectrophotometer. Surface morphology and roughness of wires were related to the corrosion resistance. Results showed that the manufacturer, pH value, and immersion period, respectively, had a significantly statistical influence on the release amount of Ni and Ti ions. The amount of Ni ions released in all test solutions was well below the critical value necessary to induce allergy and below daily dietary intake level. The amount of Ti ions released in pH>/=3.75 solution was mostly not detectable, representing that the TiO(2) film on NiTi wires exhibited a good protection against corrosion. Pre-existed surface defects on NiTi wires might be the preferred locations for corrosion. The NiTi wire with the highest release amount of metal ions had the maximal increase in surface roughness after immersion test, while a rougher surface did not correspond to a higher metal ion release.  相似文献   

In this paper, the corrosion resistance of laser-welded composite arch wire (CoAW) with Cu interlayer between NiTi shape memory alloy and stainless steel wire in artificial saliva with different concentrations of protein was studied. It was found that protein addition had a significant influence on the corrosion behavior of CoAW. Low concentration of protein caused the corrosion resistance of CoAW decrease in electrochemical corrosion and immersion corrosion tests. High concentration of protein could reduce this effect.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to study the compositional influence on the corrosion behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo dental casting alloys in acidic artificial saliva. Cyclic potentiodynamic and potentiostatic tests were used to evaluate the corrosion behavior of different Ni-Cr-Mo dental casting alloys in deaerated artificial saliva with pH 5 at 37 degrees C. Optical microscope observations were made following the cyclic potentiodynamic tests. Surface chemical analyses were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and auger electron spectroscopy following the potentiostatic tests. The results show that the corrosion resistance of the Ni-Cr-Mo casting alloys investigated is associated with the formation of passive film containing Ni(OH)(2), NiO, Cr(2)O(3), and MoO(3), on the surface. The pitting potential and passive range, respectively, were statistically different among the different Ni-Cr-Mo alloys. The Ni-Cr-Mo alloys with higher Cr ( approximately 21%) and Mo ( approximately 8%) contents had a much larger passive range in the polarization curve and were immune to pitting corrosion due to the presence of high Cr (maximum approximately 31-35%) and Mo (maximum approximately 12%) contents in the surface passive film. The presence of Ti lower than 4% in the Ni-Cr-Mo casting alloy had no effect on corrosion resistance. A pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) of about 49 could provide the Ni-Cr-Mo alloy with a good pitting corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

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