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那年,我十七岁,青涩的如一,株不起眼的草,从农村考上了湖南的一所中专。清的水,蓝的天,雪白浓香的桅子花,南方的一切都是那样的新鲜,就连泥土都散发着芬芳。坐我同桌的那个女孩子,有一头乌黑发亮的长发,肤色洁白。两只大大的圆眼睛滴溜溜转,与我的拘束相比,她显得落落大方,纯净,可爱。她说她叫王若林,若林,名如其人,人如其名。  相似文献   

老年人大多比较注意自己的身体健康,努力使自己不生病,尤其是一些身患某些慢性病的老年人,他们更是小心翼翼,长年服药,惟恐病发。 其实,老年人的健康不应只是生理上的无病缠身,活动自如,生活自理,而更应注意心理调适,保持健康的心理。应有愉快稳定的情绪,良好的人际关系,清晰有条理的思维能力,积极适度的社会交往等。只有这样,才能有利于老年人的身体健康,有益于延缓衰老。  相似文献   

莫看我家的户口簿上户主一栏至今赫然落着我的大名,我也不怕诸位笑话,其实,大权早已旁落。尤其可恼的是,随着儿子的呱呱坠地,我的家庭地位,更是江河日下。不错,刚成家时,我当了几个月的家,在我的领导下,入不敷出,寅吃卯粮,经济萎缩,赤字频出。罢我的“官”,罢之有理;可是,也不能一成不变地把人看死了啊!虽说老婆管理经济,量入为出,统筹兼顾,收支平衡,略有盈余,但不免有些机械、教条。现如今是什么年代?10年前就进入社会主义市场经济时期,几年前又入世,不与时俱进,还热衷于计划经济的老一套,经济建设怎么能日新月异,突飞猛进啊?不过,我的意见…  相似文献   

正1上了高中,他的偏科现象越来越严重,英语差得一塌糊涂。暑假,他报了英语辅导班,刚去了几天,他就心烦意乱,将要放弃的时候,辅导班里来了一位女孩,清秀的脸庞,高挺的鼻梁,澄澈纯净的双眸,只一眼,他的心湖里如同掉进一粒石子,他听见心"扑通扑通"地跳,无法言说的喜悦和慌乱,那一刻,他决定留下来,借着补  相似文献   

她和他在同一家公司,同一个办公室,相对而坐。他和她,如同两条平行线,似乎没有交集,彼此相安很多年。她来自江南水乡,肌肤白皙,心地善良。他生在苏北小镇,活泼开朗,富有情调。也许是心有灵犀吧。彼此一言一笑,一个眼神,都能心领神会。有一个不开心,即便不说出来,另一个也能读出来,仿佛神仙般,猜得透对方的心事,不需什么话,一杯热茶,一句轻轻的问候,一个温暖的眼神,就足以慰藉对方的心。她的脾气,习性,一颦一笑,甚至一声轻轻的叹息,他都懂。他抽的叫不上名字的烟,偶尔身上淡淡的酒味,或高或低的脚步声,她再熟悉不过了。  相似文献   

乳腺癌患者化疗的健康教育的问题,主要是做好患者的思想工作,解除患者的恐惧、焦虑心理,做好心理健康教育,保持良好的心态,积极配合治疗、化疗中,化疗前完善个项辅助检查,充分了解化疗药物的毒副作用,保持口腔卫生,注意健康的饮食,鼓励患者进营养丰富的饮食,对于有不良反应,要积极地克服及预防,定期复查,对症处理;对于化疗中出现的不良反应,要积极的有效的处理.  相似文献   

张佳艺 《校园心理》2004,2(3):58-60
大学的第一个暑期,悠闲得让人窒息,我放弃了高傲的性情和严谨的生活逻辑,试图过一种没有大脑的生活,拿出了自己所有的积蓄托朋友买了一台勉强可以上档次的电脑,将自己封锁在几平米的小屋里,零食和互联网相结合,这样的日子甚是散漫。在此期间,熊是最能给我生活添油加醋的人,他仗着给我买电脑的人情摇,时时占据我的私人时间,手机里不断有他的短信,什么“猪,早上好”,“猪,某某网有你的至爱”,“猪,别贪图自由”等等,直到最后我关机,他仍不罢休,隔三差五地将他的只言片语塞到我的信箱里。说到熊,这厮淳厚有加,幽默过人,结交甚广,不可不谓之熊也…  相似文献   

人体解剖学是一门重要的医学基础课 ,是研究人体正常形态和结构的科学 ,其实验课的课时占总学时的 5 0 % ,因此 ,组织好实验课 ,是完成解剖课程的一个极其重要的环节 ,然而 ,我们面对的是班级学生人数多 ,教学资源相对不足 ,老师一个人带教给组织完成好实验课带来了一定的困难。针对这些情况 ,我们根据学生的特点 ,在不增加学生负担的基础上 ,于实验课之前 ,合理安排预习内容 ,布置一些家庭课外均可完成的小实验 ,让学生在课外自行去完成 ,写出实验报告。然后 ,在教师带教的实验课里 ,对实验结果加以证实 ,有效的提高了解剖学教学效果 ,我们…  相似文献   

1她认识他,是偶然。她去做头发,他在她的大学附近开发屋当发型师。出门左拐,有棵桂花树,还有一棵枇杷树,她喜欢秋日的芬芳,春天的黄果,对面就是那家名为指尖芭蕾的理发店。他的手飞上飞下,像在云端,像在花丛,如蝶,如风,灵巧,轻柔,让他做了一次发型,她就喜欢上了人称"指尖芭蕾"的他的手艺,于是,往后的日子里,她来,总点"指尖芭蕾"。坐上他的发椅,她弯弯的眼眉轻轻微笑。一回,一回,一季,一季,寝室里的同学说,你成"理发控"了?才几天  相似文献   

所谓“逆反心理”,就是一种“违拗心理”,你说“好”,他偏说“坏”,你说“对”,他偏说“错”,你不准他干的事,他偏要干,本来主观愿望应该带来正值,而却出现了与此相反的负值的一种生活中常见的“反差”现象。12、13岁至17、18岁的中学生正处在长身体,长知识,长智慧时期,可塑性很强,人生观和价值观正在形成,他们渴望求知,常常以旺盛的精力吸取着一切科学知识,遨游智慧的海洋,探素人生的意义,但是他们的理智力量比较薄弱,考虑问题往往带有片面性,缺乏对事物的辨别能力,而又由于他们的自我意识,自尊自重的观念正在增强,如果不注意他们的心理特点,挫伤了他们的自尊心,便会事与愿违,加大师生之间,家长与孩子之间的感情距离,引起反差现象。下面就中学生“逆反心理”的表现形式及原因作些分析。中学生的逆反心理表现形式,大致有以下几种类型。  相似文献   

A new nitrocellulose immunoprint technique has been developed to detect specific antigens or/and allergens present among a heterogeneous solution such as a water-soluble crude extract of a grass pollen (Dactylis glomerata). The antigens are separated by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in an agarose gel and characterized by their isoelectric point (pI). These antigens are transferred and immobilized on a nitrocellulose sheet. They are recognized by the binding of specific antibodies contained in an unfractionated serum to be studied. Finally, the binding of these antibodies is visualized by species- or/and class-specific antibodies themselves labeled by an enzyme or by radioactivity. So one can detect the allergens recognized by the specific serum IgE antibodies and also the other antigens recognized by specific IgG, IgA or IgM antibodies.  相似文献   

Commercially available latex agglutination and coagglutination reagents were evaluated for their ability to detect bacterial antigens in the sera of 165 patients to determine their suitability for rapid diagnosis of pneumonia. These reagents were used to detect the polysaccharide capsular antigens of Haemophilus influenzae type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae in nonbacteremic patients known to be respiratory culture positive for these organisms. The reagents were unable to detect the polysaccharide antigens in sera from nonbacteremic patients. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia who had respiratory or extrarespiratory infections with a variety of organisms were also tested. No evidence of cross-reactivity or of false-positive reactions was observed with either reagent. Because a negative agglutination test may occur during the course of a nonbacteremic infection, these reagents should not be used alone, and if used, they should be used only in conjunction with standard bacteriological tests.  相似文献   

A double antibody ELISA technique is described to detect HLA antigens in extracts of blood stains. The assay involves capture of free HLA determinants using an immobilized monoclonal antibody directed against monomorphic regions of HLA class I and HLA class II antigens. The captured antigens are then detected using alloantisera directed against the polymorphic regions of the captured HLA entities. The technique is able to detect specific HLA-A, B, and DR antigens in extracts prepared from blood smears as well as from dried and freshly thawed lymphocytes. The assay may be of potential use in forensic medicine, particularly in instances where extraction of nucleic acids for fingerprinting is not feasible.  相似文献   

The effect of mouse interferon (ITF) on the expression of Friend leukaemia virus (FLV) an on dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)-stimulated haemoglobin synthesis in Friend erythroleukaemic cells (FLC) was studied. Immunofluorescent staining was used to detect intracellular antigens, and incorporation of 3H-uridine into virions to detect extracellular virus release. Interferon markedly inhibited haemoglobin synthesis and FLV production, but enhanced accumulation of virus antigens in the cytoplasm; on the cell surface, however, FLV antigens were present to the same extent whether ITF was present or not. When ITF was removed, virus production rose and intracellular virus antigens fell to the levels of untreated controls.  相似文献   

There are considerable problems with developing an assay to detect the often small quantities of autoantibodies which react against antigens in a heterogeneous and complex mixture from a source such as brain. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed which can detect naturally occurring autoantibodies in serum that are reactive with integral brain membrane antigens. Sera were collected from autoimmune BXSB and NZB mice and non-autoimmune C57BL/6 mice at various ages and were assayed for the presence of brain-reactive autoantibodies (BRAAs). It is shown that this technique provides a highly sensitive, specific, and rapid assay for detecting BRAAs in serum. It shows that integral membrane antigens from whole brain can be isolated and used to detect and quantitate antibodies in the sera of autoimmune and non-autoimmune mice. The data also confirm studies, using different techniques, showing higher levels of autoantibodies to brain in autoimmune as compared to non-autoimmune mice. There are numerous potential applications for this ELISA, such as in rapidly screening large numbers of samples of biological fluids, tracking autoimmune disease progression over time, detecting small quantities of antibody against brain antigens, and as an assay system for investigating the role of BRAAs in the pathogenesis of immune mediated CNS disease.  相似文献   

An antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay employing rabbit and mouse antisera to Giardia lamblia cyst antigens was developed for the diagnosis of Giardia infection through detection of G. lamblia-specific stool antigens in cell-free aqueous eluates of human stool. This is the first report of the use of anti-cyst antibodies in an enzyme immunoassay for G. lamblia. The assay gave a positive result with 54 of 59 stools from patients with symptomatic, clinically diagnosed giardiasis, giving the test a sensitivity of 91.5%. A negative reading was obtained with all of 25 stools from G. lamblia-negative control patients. The assay could detect as few as 20 sonicated cysts added to control stool eluate. The assay was more sensitive to cyst-derived antigens than to trophozoite-derived antigens. With two exceptions, the assay gave a negative result with stools from patients infected with Entamoeba histolytica (seven), Cryptosporidium sp. (four), or Blastocystis hominis (seven) and thus appears to be specific for G. lamblia antigens. Storage of stool eluates for more than 6 months at 4 degrees C as unpreserved aqueous eluates or as formalinized eluates did not affect the ability of the assay to detect the giardial antigens. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay proved useful for monitoring the levels of G. lamblia-specific stool antigens in the stool of patients undergoing antigiardial chemotherapy.  相似文献   

This report describes an investigation of the abilities of different immunoassays to detect differences in affinities between related antigens for particular monoclonal antibodies. Nine different monoclonal antibodies were used and 6 strains of influenza virus represented closely related antigens. Parameters defining assay sensitivity were estimated experimentally for each antibody in 4 different immunoassays. Predicted failures of particular assays to detect differences in antigen affinities, based on these parameters, were demonstrated. One assay method failed to detect heteroclitic activity of 1 antibody which was clearly evident in the other 3 assays. As well as supporting theoretical models of assay sensitivity derived in the preceding paper the experiments demonstrated a significant effect of antibody subclass.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect antigens of the parasite in toxoplasma lysate, in peritoneal fluid of mice, and in sera from humans acutely infected with T. gondii. Four of the six monoclonal antibodies were able to detect antigens of toxoplasma in these specimens. Control sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii and from individuals chronically infected with the parasite were negative in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii but with positive titers from rheumatoid factor were also negative; 2 or 10 sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii but with positive titers for antinuclear antibodies reacted with the monoclonal antibodies. When the results of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with monoclonal antibodies and with the F(ab)2 fraction of an immunoglobulin G from a rabbit infected with T. gondii were compared, it was noted that the F(ab)2 was more active in detecting parasite antigens than were the monoclonal antibodies. Thus, although monoclonal antibodies can be used to detect antigens of T. gondii in sera and other body fluids, polyvalent antibody (such as the F(ab)2 fraction) appears to be more satisfactory for this purpose.  相似文献   

Tyramide signal amplification-avidin-biotin complex (TSA-ABC) method is a powerful technique used to detect antigens that are not detectable by ordinary immunohistochemistry. It is worth trying in cases where localization of antigens by the conventional method has failed and antibodies are precious.  相似文献   

A method is described whereby commercially available radioimmunoassay-grade antibodies specific for the polypeptide hormones calcitonin, gastrin, glucagon, and somotastatin are used to detect these antigens on paraffin sections of routinely fixed tissue. The hormone antibodies are applied to deparaffinized tissue sections as the primary specific immune sera using the standard peroxidase technic. The use of these hormone antibodies to detect their respective antigens has proved valuable in demonstrating polypeptide forming tumor cells in pathologic specimens.  相似文献   

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