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不同行为类型者血液流变学测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同行为类型者血液流变学测定齐齐哈尔市商业职工医院内科汪小川,关宇宏本文对A型行为者和B型行为者的中年男性进行了血流变学的指标测查。现将结果报告如下。对象与方法对象:(1)A型行为组共48名,均为身体健康的中年男性,平均年龄41.2±2.4岁、(2)...  相似文献   

A型行为对原发性高血压患者血浆儿茶酚胺的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本研究对100例原发性高血压病人和100例正常人进行A型行为问卷的测试,并对原发性高血压组中测示为A型行为,B型行为的各20例患者及正常人群组20例A型行为者进行血浆儿茶酚胺的测定,结果显示:(1)正常人群组A、B型行为的血浆儿茶酚胺(CA)水平在正常范围,两型间无差异;(2)原发性高血压组A型行为者CA水平明显高于B型行为的CA水平;(3)高血压组A型行为CA水平明显高于正常组的A型行为的CA水平。由此提示:A型行为可能对影响原发性高血压病的预后具有危险性。  相似文献   

焦虑症患者的个性特点和行为类型   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的:研究焦虑症患者人格特征。方法:用艾森克个性问卷和A型行为问卷对60例符合CC-MD-3标准的焦虑症患者(GAD和PA各30例)进行个性问卷测查和A型行为分布。结果:发现GAD组和PA组A型行为分布显著高于正常对照组,二组神经质及P分和N分显著高于正常对照组,且P分和N分呈显著性正相关。TH和CH分别与N分和P分呈显著性正相关。结论:GAD和PA人格特点和行为类型无明显差别,A型行为和N分、P分高者多见。  相似文献   

冠心病患者A型行为因子的再分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文用A型行为问卷评定了51例冠心病患者及51例非冠心病者,结果发现A型行为作为一个总体在冠心病与非冠心病间差异无显著性;但A型行为中的争强好胜、敌意因子分析冠心病与非冠心病间差异显著,提出了对A型行为与冠心病关系重新研究的必要性。  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者多数存在明显的分裂人格和和行为类型的偏差。本文通过对精神分裂症患者系统治疗一,进行行为类型测定,结果提示痊愈组患者的TH与好转组患者的TH相比,无明显差异,而CH的差异非常显著。痊愈组与无变化且比较,痊愈组A型加mA型行为显著高于好转组和无变化组,说明A型和mA型精神分裂症患者的治疗效果,显著优于B型和mB型。  相似文献   

用中国健康教育研究所编制的“行为类型问卷”调查表,对糖尿病人组134例和正常人130例进行测试比较,糖尿病组大部分布在A型一端(76%),正常人组只占45%,两组存在显著性差异。表明糖尿病的发生、发展可能与A型行为类型有关。  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍儿童行为问题的对照研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:比较注意缺陷多动障碍(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD)临床亚型和正常儿童的行为问题。方法:将符合DSM—Ⅳ ADHD诊断标准的男童70例分为注意障碍为主型(PI)44例,以多动/冲动为主型(HI)6例、混合型(CT)20例,采用儿童行为量表(Child Behavior Checklist,CBCL)比较各亚型和正常儿童的行为问题。结果:ADHD组行为问题发生率(48.57%)明显高于对照组(12.70%),P〈0.01;ADHD各亚型行为问题发生率存在统计学差异(P〈0.01)。混合型最高;ADHD亚型与对照组CBCL因子分的4组间比较显示分裂性、强迫性、体诉、多动、攻击性、违纪因子及CBCL总分存在统计学差异;分裂性因子PI〉HI,攻击性因子CT,HI〉PI,违纪因子HI〉PI,CT。结论:ADHD男童行为问题发生率高于正常儿童,其中混合型行为问题发生率最高;ADHD临床亚型行为问题特点不同。  相似文献   

精神分裂症不同类型的人格特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析精神分裂症不同类型的人格特征,采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测试,结果:偏执型内向率和情绪不稳定率突出;青春型外向率和情绪不稳定率较突出;女性未定型的情绪较男性不稳定;其它各型有较高的掩饰率;各型精神质对比无显著性差异,不同类型精神分裂症的个性存在差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同性别和水平成就动机大学新生的人格特征差异。方法采用成就动机问卷以及EPQ-88问卷对382名大一新生进行测查。结果不同水平成就动机的精神质差异不显著,内外倾在中一高组间差异显著,情绪稳定性在三组两两比较差异显著;情绪稳定性是不同水平成就动机的共同预测指标;高水平成就动机与高精神质存在显著的强正相关。结论不同水平成就动机的人格特征存在差异;两性在各自不同水平成就动机的人格特征存在不同差异。  相似文献   

目的 探讨影像学参数枕颈角(OC2A)和后枕颈角(POCA)在性别、年龄之间变化规律及相关性,为枕颈融合术中固定头颈位置的角度提供参考。 方法 收集473例(男性339例、女性134例)影像学资料,以性别分2组,每组又以年龄分为≤29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁和≥70岁各6组。将扫描的颈椎断层影像原始数据以DICOM格式存贮,并导入Mimics16.0软件中测量OC2A与POCA,对两者值随性别、年龄的变化行统计学分析。 结果 OC2A和POCA在性别间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。OC2A男性组中30~39岁除与≤29岁男性组外,其余组间差异均存在显著性(P<0.05),而女性组各年龄组间差异均无显著性(P>0.05); POCA男性30~39岁组中除与≤29岁以下组外,与其余组间差异显著(P<0.05),而40~49岁组则与每组间差异均存在显著性(P<0.05),女性组中则≤29岁组与各年龄组间差异存在显著性(P<0.05),其余各组间差异不显著(P>0.05);Pearson相关分析显示,OC2A与POCA即两者间不存在相关性 (r=0.038,P>0.05)。 结论 OC2A和POCA值在性别间无差异;男性OC2A和POCA值各年龄段间存在差异,提示临床注意考虑男性年龄差异;而女性OC2A值各年龄段间无差异,POCA却在各年龄段间有差异,OC2A和POCA值在不同年龄段和性别间的变化规律,为枕颈融合术中固定头颈解剖复位角度提供参数依据。  相似文献   

不同行为类型医学生考试焦虑程度的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 比较不同行为类型医学生的考试焦虑程度 ,探讨行为类型与考试焦虑的关系。方法 对 1 0 5名在校大学生进行 A型行为问卷的评定后各随机选出 30名作为 A型行为组和 B型行为组 ,运用焦虑自评量表 ( SAS)分别对两组进行平时和考试前 30分钟的焦虑水平的测定。结果  A型行为组和 B型行为组的考试焦虑分均显著高于平时焦虑分 ( P<0 .0 0 1 ) ,但 A型行为组增高更显著 ( P<0 .0 0 1 ) ,不同行为类型的平时焦虑分比较无显著性差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ;不同行为类型的考试焦虑分比较存在显著差异 ( P<0 .0 0 1 )。结论  A型行为类型较之 B型行为类型具有更强烈的考试焦虑反应 ,提示应对 A型行为类型学生积极开展考试焦虑干预  相似文献   

The usefulness of relaxation training (RT) in cardiac rehabilitation is assessed by comparing the changes before and after rehabilitation in two randomly divided groups, one with and the other without relaxation. The psychological effects of RT, in addition to the effects of exercise training, were studied. There is a substantial and positive result on well-being and on feelings of invalidity. Psychological improvement, as a result of exercise only, is not found. The benefits of RT occur more in persons with coronary-prone behavior pattern (type A). In some persons anxiety increases during rehabilitation (about 28%), regardless of RT. There is an indication that relaxation may lead to an increase of functional complaints in a small number of persons, possibly due to sensitization to bodily experiences.  相似文献   

应激,行为类型与急性心肌梗塞后的生理生化改变   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对80例AMI患者进行发病前2小时应激事件回顾性调查、性格类型调查、血小板聚集测定及Holter检查,结果显示AMI患者A型性格者占85%,诱发AMI患者的应激事件主要为情绪激动。A型行为组血小板聚集及值恶性室性心律失常的检出方面均高于B型行为组,提示A型行为类型的AMI者的心理应激可增加血小板聚集,增加心室易损性并具有一定的危险性。  相似文献   

The question as to whether a specific behavior or type A pattern is limited to patients with coronary artery disease, or is found in atherosclerotic disease, in general, is explored. The interrelationship between a pattern of "pressured" behavior, assessed by open ended interviews, type A behavior, determined by the Bortner test, and peripheral atherosclerotic disease was investigated in a controlled retrospective study which compared three groups of 13 patients each: intermittent claudication (IC), intermittent claudication combined with coronary artery disease (CADIC) and a control group of patients without vascular disease (WVD). A pressured behavior pattern, assessed by interview, was found to be most prominent in the CADIC group, and least in the control group. The subjects with arteriovascular disease tended to exert more control over people compared to the WVD patients (Fisher's exact probability test, p = 0.05). The tendency to type A behavior, measured by means of the Bortner scale, also differentiated the three groups with CADIC scoring highest and WVD scoring lowest (analysis of variance, F = 3.944, p less than 0.05). IC patients present personality features of proneness to coronary disease. The pattern of "pressured" and type A behavior seem to correlate with the number of vascular areas involved in atherosclerotic disease.  相似文献   

冠心病患者行为特征与投入超脱程度的相关研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
冠心病作为心血管系统常见的心身疾病 ,其行为特征已受到国内外学者的密切关注[1- 2 ] 。冠心病患者的行为心理学干预主要方法有行为治疗和认知治疗。本研究探讨冠心病患者行为特征与投入 -超脱的关系 ,为道家认知心理治疗在冠心病患者中的应用提供依据。1 研究对象与方法1.1 研究对象按照国际心脏病学会WHO1979年提出的命名和诊断标准在长沙理工大学和湖南大学两校区职工医院随机选取老年离、退休冠心病患者 81人为研究组 ,其中男 39人 ,女 4 2人 ,平均年龄 6 6 .4 9± 4 .89岁(5 1~ 77岁 )。其中隐匿型冠心病 30例 ,不稳定性心绞痛 1…  相似文献   

高血压与A型行为表达的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :探讨高血压家庭成员的A型行为表达特点。方法 :采用A型行为问卷 ,对 40户父母有高血压的家庭和 2 7户父母血压正常的家庭 ,共 178人 ,进行了A型行为表达的比较。结果 :A型行为和高血压的伴随关系不明显 ;两组家庭中父母行为类型和子女行为类型的相似性没有显著差异 ,但行为表达的趋向性是一致的 :父母行为均A型的家庭 ,A型子女占 3 5 2 % ;父母均为B型的家庭 ,B型子女占 3 4 4% ;父母中有一方为A型的 ,子女以B型为主 ;结论 :行为有一定家庭聚集性的趋势 ,A型行为在家庭中的表达具有特殊性 ,同时也表明A型行为在家庭两代之间表现的复杂性  相似文献   

分别对不同行为类型的飞行学员、飞行教员和机务人员进行放单飞行前后 IL—2R 水平的检测,结果表明,无论 A 型或 B 型行为类型者,飞行人员飞行后 IL—2R 水平均显著减低 (P<0.001),而机务人员工作后 IL—2R 水平无明显变化。在高空飞行这一高应激源作用下,A 型行为飞行人员比 B 型行为者 IL—2R 水平下降的幅度更大;飞行学员比飞行教员 IL—2R 水平下降的幅度更大。结果提示高空飞行应激可使飞行人员的 IL—2R 下降,而 IL—2R 下降的幅度和行为类型及学习适应有关。  相似文献   

Liu YH  Xu FP  Zhuang HG  Lai KC  Xie D  Luo DL  Li L  Luo XL  Xu J  Zhang MH  Zhang F  Li HM 《Human pathology》2008,39(6):875-884
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) can be subdivided into prognostically significant groups with germinal center B-cell-like (GCB), activated B-cell-like (ABC), and type 3 groups. In this study, tissue microarray slides composed of 163 de novo DLBCLs from Chinese patients were immunostained for CD20, CD10, Bcl-6, MUM1, CD138, Bcl-2, Ki-67, cyclin D3, geminin, and P27(Kip1). One hundred forty-nine of 163 DLBCLs could then be classified into GCB group (pattern A), activated GCB group (pattern B) and activated non-GCB group (pattern C) according to the expression of CD10, Bcl-6, MUM1, and CD138. Of the 149 cases, 40 (26%) showed pattern A expression and were grouped as GCB group, lower than reported frequency of the studies involving mostly Western population. Compared with cases with pattern A, those with pattern B (activated GCB group) and C (activated non-GCB group) more often presented with more aggressive tumors and a shorter survival time. These results indicate that most of DLBCLs from Chinese patients can be classified into prognostically different groups based on the antigenic expression models using a panel of GCB- and ABC-associated markers. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of t(14;18) showed that 11 of 64 cases were t(14;18)-positive, and most (10 of 11) of it occurred in the group with pattern A. The translocation was significantly associated with expression of Bcl-2 protein. The group with pattern B demonstrated more frequent expression of Ki-67, cyclin D3, geminin, and showed higher proliferative activity than the group with pattern A. These findings suggest that high proliferative activity of tumors with pattern B may be associated with aggressive tumor behavior and poor clinical outcome in patients with DLBCL.  相似文献   

As part of the Kaunas-Rotterdam Intervention Study (KRIS), the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS), designed to measure the coronary-prone behavior pattern type A, was administered to 2712 males who participated in a health intervention program. A JAS score was computed by a maximum-likelihood method for item analysis and test scoring using the structured interview as the criterion. The Dutch adaptation classified 73% of the subjects correctly. Those who were treated at the moment of screening for one or more cardiovascular risk factors and those who suffered from angina pectoris had higher mean JAS scores that those without concurrent cardiovascular complaints. Those results provide some evidence that the type A coronary-prone behavior pattern, as measured by the JAS, is linked to coronary heart disease outside the United States.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the relation of type A behavior pattern and job-related psychosocial factors to the risk of myocardial infarction. METHODS: Study subjects comprised 290 cases (173 male workers and 117 women) of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 489 controls (303 male workers and 186 women) recruited from among residents of the study area. Participation rates of cases and controls were 86% and 50%, respectively. Type A behavior pattern, job-related psychosocial factors, and other coronary risk factors were ascertained by interview using a questionnaire. Type A behavior pattern was measured by 12 questions, and job strain by the method of Karasek. Logistic regression analysis was used to calculate odds ratio and 95% confidence interval with adjustment for potential confounding variables. The relation to job strain was examined only in men. RESULTS: Type A behavior pattern was significantly associated with an increased risk of AMI in male workers (adjusted OR = 1.9, 95% CI, 1.2-2.9) and in women (adjusted OR = 2.8, 95% CI, 1.6-4.9). Although job control and job demand showed no material association with AMI, job strain, a combination of low job control and high job demand was associated with an increased risk of AMI (adjusted OR = 2.2, 95% CI, 1.1-4.5). Abbreviated type A score and job demand score were higher among nonparticipant control candidates than participant controls in male workers. CONCLUSIONS: Type A behavior pattern may be an important risk factor for AMI especially in Japanese women. The present study also revealed persons in stressful psychosocial circumstances were less likely to participate in the study.  相似文献   

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