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远外侧入路相关显微解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因部位较深、暴露困难、解剖结构复杂等原因,下斜坡肿瘤、颅颈交界区病变一直是神经外科手术的一个难点。远外侧人路可从极侧方显露延髓和颅颈交界区腹侧面,增加了岩斜区显露且牵拉脑干轻微,被认为是较合适的人路之一。本文对远外侧人路相关显微解剖做一综述。  相似文献   

经海绵窦外侧壁手术入路的显微解剖   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:为经海绵窦外侧壁的直接手术提供显微解剖基础。方法:收集48侧成人新鲜海绵窦标本,在手术显微镜下解剖观测。结果:海绵窦的外侧壁由表层和深层构成,在31.3%的标本中,两层之间有表腔出现。表腔主要位于Parkinson′s三角内,其形成与大脑中浅静脉(CMSV)的注入有关,它有三个特征可做为经外侧壁手术时的识别标志,既有CMSV注入、表面硬膜较其它部位颜色暗和有散在、粗大的纤维覆盖。本文测量的Parkinson′s三角的大小为9.8mm×10.3mm×4.2mm,内有颈内部动脉分支走行。Mulan′s三角的大小为10.7mm×9.5mm×5.8mm。结论:了解外侧壁的显微解剖对经外侧壁的手术有临床指导意义。  相似文献   

姚磊  王建军  李文生 《解剖学报》2009,40(4):666-670
目的 探索运用显微解剖和虚拟解剖的方法 研究乙状窦后手术入路,为该入路提供多种方式的形态学基础. 方法 10具(20侧)头颅固定标本,在显微镜下模拟乙状窦后入路手术,观察桥脑小脑三角内结构,并以岩上窦乙状窦汇合处、内耳门为基点进行相关测量;磨除内听道后壁,暴露其内结构;5例患者薄层CT和MRI影像数据,利用Dextroscope系统进行计算机三维重建,虚拟解剖乙状窦后入路手术过程. 结果 岩上窦乙状窦汇合处距三叉神经、面听神经复合体、舌咽神经、舌下神经穿硬膜处的距离分别是(38.50±2.64)mm、(27.80±2.25)mm、(32.70±2.11)mm、(44.30±2.05)mm;内耳门距三叉神经、展神经、小脑幕、舌咽神经穿硬膜处的距离分别是(5.68±1.55)mm、(13.80±1.81)mm、(5.00±0.66)mm、(6.34±1.24)mm.以面听神经复合体和舌咽神经为标志将桥脑小脑三角分为前、中、后3个间隙;在内听道后壁磨除后,该区结构层次充分显示.Dextroscope系统成功模拟乙状窦后手术入路,可显示星点、横窦乙状窦膝、颈静脉孔、内耳门、岩尖、基底动脉系统等结构及其空间关系. 结论 将桥脑小脑三角分为前、中、后3个间隙,有助于了解其内神经血管等结构的层次特点;以岩上窦乙状窦汇合处、内耳门为基点进行测量,可量化结构间的关系,有助于判断各间隙深浅、空间大小;识别内听道内的解剖标志,有利于手术时保护其内结构;通过Dextroscope系统能个体化显示局部结构,方便术前方案的设计.两种方法 各有优缺点,两者互补能提高对乙状窦后入路手术时桥脑小脑三角内结构的认识.  相似文献   

目的 研究第四脑室底的显微解剖,为选择切开第四脑室底进入脑干的手术入路提供客观依据。方法 对10例国人成人脑标本的第四脑室底进行显微测量,其中7例进行了切片染色,对部分脑干背侧的重要神经核团及神经纤维束进行了观察测量。结果 1.第Ⅳ脑室底长(32.08±3.02)mm,宽(18.64±1.94)mm的菱形结构。2.获得了部分脑干背侧重要神经核团及神经纤维束的资料。结论 通过对第Ⅳ脑室底显微解剖的观察,认为切开第Ⅳ脑室底可选择的手术入路有:中线切口,中部最宽区横行切口和面丘上纵行切口。  相似文献   

目的:为经穹窿间中间帆锁孔入路提供显微外科解剖基础.方法:导航辅助下在16尸头标本上模拟左、右经穹窿间中间帆锁孔入路手术,显微镜下观察第三脑室、松果体区的手术显露范围,并比较左、右锁骨孔入路对手术显露的影响.结果:导航辅助下经穹窿间中间帆锁孔入路手术能在尸头上顺利完成,可清晰显露乳头体之后的第三脑室后大部.松果体区,显露的最深处为小脑中央小叶与小舌,上界达胼胝体压部下表面.对侧锁孔入路对第三脑室侧壁、松果体区外侧部的手术显露好于同侧锁孔入路.结论:经穹窿间中间帆锁孔入路技术上可行,适用于侵犯第三脑室后部的松果体区中间部肿瘤的手术治疗.  相似文献   

目的 为极外侧经髁入路的临床应用提供翔实的显微解剖学资料和参数,以利于术中重要血管、神经结构的识别和保护。方法 在10例干性颅骨标本上,对本入路相关的骨性结构进行观察、测量和拍照。模拟极外侧经髁入路,对10例尸头标本进行显微解剖,并对入路相关的重要解剖结构进行观察、测量和拍照,尤其关注枕下段椎动脉的识别和保护及枕髁的安全磨除。结果 本入路涉及众多的肌肉、血管、神经结构,它们的关系复杂;枕下段椎动脉行程曲折。结论 观察和测量的结果有助于术中重要血管、神经结构的识别和保护。  相似文献   

扩大经蝶窦入路的显微解剖   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的为扩大经蝶窦入路提供显微解剖基础.方法取经10%福尔马林固定、红色乳胶灌注的成年头颅标本20例,显微镜下模拟扩大经蝶窦入路手术,对相关结构进行解剖、观察、测量及照相.结果经蝶骨平板及鞍结节向鞍上扩展,两侧为视神经管,前方有筛后神经血管丛.鞍结节隐窝邻近蝶鞍前壁其下为前海绵间窦.斜坡拓展的下限距鞍底中点距离为(43.6±4.5)mm,咽鼓管圆枕及硬腭阻碍向下扩展;骨性后鼻孔下界为腭骨水平板后缘,外界为翼突内侧板,两者间距(25.9±1.76)mm,颈内动脉鞍底问距(13.8±0.67)mm,向内移动颈内动脉必须松解床突段的远近硬膜环及破裂孔的纤维环,方可显露海绵窦外侧壁的颅神经.结论扩大经蝶窦入路提供了从前方处理累及鞍上、海绵窦及斜坡病变的新途径.  相似文献   

目的 研究Meckel腔及毗邻结构的显微外科解剖关系,为临床手术治疗相关疾病提供解剖学依据。 方法 成人尸头标本10例(20侧),采用手术显微镜观察Meckel腔及毗邻结构。 结果  Meckel腔是颅后窝向颅中窝后内侧突入的硬脑膜凹陷,内有三叉神经运动根和感觉根、三叉神经节及三叉神经池,腔前后长(14.53±0.98)mm,内外宽(15.24±1.29)mm,上下厚(4.95±0.54)mm。三叉神经孔至Dorello管开口(9.25±1.14)mm,至内耳道开口(15.30±1.14)mm。Meckel腔内侧壁为各壁中比较薄的,内侧壁后部与颞骨岩尖部岩蝶韧带相贴,毗邻Dorell管;下壁前方隔岩舌韧带与颈内动脉破裂孔段相邻。 结论 Meckel腔内侧壁的硬膜脑膜层较为菲薄,并直接与海绵窦静脉腔隙相邻,可能是肿瘤侵入海绵窦的薄弱点之一。岩蝶韧带和岩舌韧带可以作为前部经岩手术识别展神经和颈内动脉破裂孔段的解剖结构。  相似文献   

大鱼际皮瓣的显微解剖及其临床应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:报道大鱼际皮瓣的显微外科解剖学基础及游离移植修复指腹缺损的方法。方法:10例新鲜废弃手标本,在远侧腕横纹上方5~6cm处解剖出桡动脉,向其远端灌注红色乳胶,在手术显微镜下进行解剖,观察皮瓣供区血管神经走行、分布及吻合情况,确定该皮瓣设计切取的“点、线、面”,游离移植修复指腹缺损7例。结果:10例标本及7例病人中,除1例标本外,余均有桡动脉掌浅支存在。其起点处的直径1.2~1.4mm,长度1.5~2.5cm,皮瓣面积约3cm×5cm。7例游离皮瓣全部成活,术后随访6~12个月,手外形及功能满意。结论:(1)、大鱼际皮瓣血管蒂的长度、口径适合显微外科的吻合要求,可用于游离移植;(2)、皮瓣结构、血管口径与指部相当,是修复指腹软组织缺损的较理想方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨经耳前颞叶底入路显露中颅底和岩斜区的便携式视频显微解剖特点。方法分别选取新鲜成人尸头标本3例和灌注固定成人尸头标本3例为研究对象,标本均经耳前颞叶底入路,采用便携式视频显微镜解剖并观察中颅底和岩斜区。结果便携式视频显微镜能清楚地暴露中颅底和岩斜区。颞叶底硬脑膜外探查结果显示,岩骨表面为弓状隆起,前内侧为鼓索支,抬起颞叶底面,能够清楚地看到中颅窝底和小脑幕。分离蛛网膜后,暴露蝶鞍旁结构,可以清楚地看到Labbé静脉。在脑干外侧面,动眼神经、基底动脉以及滑车神经等均能清晰显示。结论采用便携式视频显微镜经耳前颞叶底入路能够完成显微解剖。  相似文献   

As templates for chromosome microdissection, meiotic cells offer several advantages over mitotic cells. The pairing of homologous chromosomes at the metaphse plate of the first meiotic division allows the simultaneous isolation of two copies of the same chromosome, and the sex chromosomes are easy to identify in male meiotic cells. We report on a method for making fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) probes from dissected meiotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

显微血管分离保留前睫状动脉在斜视术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的在斜视术中不中断相应睫状动脉 ,避免斜视术对眼前节血流的不良影响 ,起到预防眼前节缺血综合征的作用。方法对38例48眼斜视手术中截除、后徙或转位任何一条直肌 ,用显微血管分离术保留前睫状动脉。结果38例48眼手术前后均为正常的眼外肌血流图。术后效果与常规手术相同。结论术后保持了正常的眼前节血循环 ,也是对手术技巧的一个发展 ,为复杂性斜视一次动用几条肌肉带来可能性  相似文献   


Molecular analysis of any type can be a labor-intensive, expensive technique. Despite the expense and time, molecular methods are becoming the norm in research and clinical laboratories. While performing these methods, laboratory personnel often seek ways to increase the specificity of the assay and the purity of the sample. Laser microdissection may provide the answer. Laser microdissection is a great tool that improves molecular analysis results. Laser microdissection can eliminate the multiple cell types obtained from homoaenization and extraction methods. It allows the acquisition of specific cell types with minimal or no contamination from adjacent cells, and it eliminates the need for manual microdissection. Today, laser microdissection gives us several method options to capture an individual cell or a group of cells and is much easier than the manual cell dissection methods previously used. (The J Histotechnol 28:235, 2005)

Submitted November 14, 2005; accepted with revisions December 5, 2005  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) plays an essential role in research and clinical diagnostics. The versatility and resolution of FISH depends critically on the probe set used. Here, we describe an improved approach for the generation of specific DNA probes from single copies of chromosomes. Single chromosomes or single chromosomal regions were microdissected by laser pressure catapulting and amplified using linker-adaptor PCR. The probes were labeled and tested in various scenarios including multicolor-FISH experiments employing up to seven different fluorochromes. FISH confirmed the specific and even staining of the respective chromosomal regions. Furthermore, the capability of these probes to detect even small translocations (<3 Mb) suggests that the dissected regions are completely represented in the generated painting probes.  相似文献   

Microdissection in combination with reverse painting fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) is a very effective method to identify breakpoints and rearrangements of derived chromosomes and reveal the chromosomal origin of marker chromosomes. We describe an innovation that allows a convenient, fast and safe isolation of microdissected fragments as currently available protocols. The microdissected chromosomes are harvested in a collection drop located in a movable micropipette adjusted to a second micromanipulator under microscopic observation. We used this technique to analyze several cytogenetic aberrations. In order to evaluate the efficiency of our microdissection procedure, we compared the results obtained with microdissection probes made from only one fragment with those obtained with more than six microdissected fragments. In all cases, the single- fragment microdissections were sufficient to provide probes.  相似文献   

Acquisition of knowledge of the nature and DNA content of B chromosomes has been triggered by a collection of molecular techniques, one of which, microdissection, has provided interesting results in a number of B chromosome systems. Here we provide the first data on the molecular composition of B chromosomes in Locusta migratoria, after microdissection of the B and X chromosomes, DNA amplification by one (B) or two (X) different methods, and chromosome painting. The results showed that B chromosomes share at least two types of repetitive DNA sequences with the A chromosomes, suggesting that Bs in this species most likely arose intraspecifically. One of these repetitive DNAs is located on the heterochromatic distal half of the B chromosome and in the pericentromeric regions of about half of the A chromosomes, including the X. The other type of repetitive DNA is located interspersedly over the non-centromeric euchromatic regions of all A chromosomes and in an interstitial part of the proximal euchromatic half of the B chromosome. Chromosome painting, however, did not provide results sufficiently reliable to determine, in this species, which A chromosome gave rise to the B; this might be done by detailed analysis of the microdissected DNA sequences  相似文献   

Lake trout,Salvelinus namaycush, is one of the few salmonids with morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes. Genetic analysis suggested that the sex-determining region of this species lies on the short arm of the Y chromosome. The differential arm of the Y chromosome was microdissected and the resulting DNA amplified in a sequence-independent manner. Amplified DNA was biotin labeled as a probe for fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH). Strong hybridization signals were seen covering defined regions of both the Y and X chromosomes. Homeologous chromosomes of the ancestrally tetraploid genome were not identified by FISH with the Y probe, indicating diploidization of this region of the genome.  相似文献   

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