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目的 利用实验和数值模拟方法对CAD/CAM二硅酸锂单层冠的触压破坏进行分析,研究粘接剂吸水老化对瓷冠承载能力的影响。方法 设计并制作二硅酸锂单层冠切片试件,平均分组保存于空气和水环境中30 d后进行触压实验,对比分析其承载力;通过电子扫描显微镜对切片试件的断裂面和粘接界面进行观察;利用数值模拟方法计算瓷冠的应力分布,分析单层冠承载能力受粘接剂老化的影响。结果 保存于空气中的单层切片全瓷冠承载力为(561.51±65.66) N,粘接剂吸水老化后单层冠承载力为(398.09±90.20) N,有显著性差异;粘接剂老化后粘接强度降低,导致瓷层下表面处拉应力增大,使得单层冠更易产生破坏。结论 粘接剂遇水老化使界面的粘接力下降,改变了单层冠承载时的应力分布,降低了单层冠的承载能力。研究结果为临床中CAD/CAM单层冠修复系统的设计和制备提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的运用三维有限元法分析CAD/CAM全瓷冠受载的应力分布规律,为指导CAD/CAM全瓷冠的临床应用提供理论依据。方法建立下颌第一磨牙MC陶瓷全瓷冠三维有限元模型,全瓷冠设计为单层结构和底层-饰瓷复层结构两种形式,垂直面加载600N,分析不同模型的应力分布。结果全瓷冠在受载时的应力分布形式基本相同,最大应力都在修复体加载点周围,位于面加载点下方,从加载点向周围逐步递减,牙本质内应力较低,分布较均匀,全冠内应力相对较高;两种形式的全瓷冠应力分布无明显差别。结论单层和底层-饰瓷复层两种形式对MC全瓷冠应力分布无明显影响,全瓷冠的面接触点和边缘的强度对其长期应用的完整性影响较大。  相似文献   

为比较不同表面处理剂对树脂-遮色瓷结合强度的影响,制作表面烤制有遮色瓷的金属基底5组,瓷表面酸蚀后,其中4组分别涂布RelyX Ceramic Primer(RCP)、Porcelain Bond Activator(与SE Bond Primer 1∶1混合使用)(PBA)、Shofu Porcelain Primer(SPP)、SE Bond Primer(SEP)四种表面处理剂,剩余一组作为空白对照。将5组试件与树脂粘接后测剪切强度,并分析、观察断裂模式。结果显示,所有实验组粘接强度均高于对照组;PBA组的粘接强度最高[(37.52±2.14)MPa],组内试件多为混合破坏(金瓷断裂和遮色瓷内聚断裂);SPP、RCP组高于SEP组(P0.05),组内试件多为混合破坏(粘接界面断裂和遮色瓷或树脂内聚断裂);SEP组和对照组内试件多为粘接破坏。因此,表面处理剂可提高遮色瓷与牙科复合树脂的粘接强度,二者粘接强度满足临床要求。  相似文献   

背景:已有国内外学者对崩瓷后暴露瓷面的处理与黏结进行了实验研究。然而,临床观察中发现,大部分崩瓷病例均伴有不同程度的金属基底暴露,而且,对于临床广泛应用的非贵金属烤瓷基底——镍铬、钴铬合金,其表面处理与树脂黏结的研究较少。目的:探讨口内喷砂对非贵金属烤瓷基底表面粗糙度与瓷修补树脂黏结强度的影响。方法:将镍铬合金试件与钴铬合金试件随机分为镍铬组、镍铬喷砂组、钴铬组、钴铬喷砂组。口内喷砂后,测定各组试件表面粗糙度。采用Clearfil Repair瓷修补系统进行树脂黏结修复,经37℃恒温水浴24h后,测定各组剪切黏结强度。体视显微镜观察断裂模式,扫描电子显微镜观察断裂试件的表面形貌。结果与结论:镍铬喷砂组、钴铬喷砂组粗糙度值、剪切黏结强度显著高于镍铬组、钴铬组,钴铬喷砂组粗糙度值显著高于镍铬喷砂组(P0.05)。体视显微镜下观察到镍铬组与钴铬组试件全部表现为黏结破坏,而镍铬喷砂组与钴铬喷砂组的小部分试件呈现黏结破坏与树脂内聚破坏共存的混合破坏模式。扫描电镜观察显示,镍铬组与钴铬组试件的树脂-金属断裂面仅有少量树脂残留,而镍铬喷砂组与钴铬喷砂组则观察到较多嵌入的树脂残留。提示口内喷砂能有效增强非贵金属烤瓷基底的表面粗糙度与瓷修补树脂黏结强度。  相似文献   

背景:临界能量释放率是结构在破坏过程中可测得的一个全局断裂力学参数,即使针对同一结构,在不同失效模式下其数值也可能存在差异。目的:提出一种方法预测皮质骨结构在不同失效模式下的临界能量释放率。方法:针对大鼠股骨皮质骨结构进行三点弯曲与轴向压缩实验以及相应断裂仿真。通过对有限元模型赋予不同临界能量释放率进行断裂模拟,并将每次模拟所得载荷-位移曲线与实验数据进行比较,当仿真与实验所得断裂参数差异小于5%时,即代表拟合成功,以此反演预测皮质骨结构在不同失效模式下的临界能量释放率。结果与结论:①结果显示大鼠股骨皮质骨结构在三点弯曲载荷下主要发生拉伸破坏,该失效模式下所预测临界能量释放率为0.16N/mm;②在轴向压缩载荷下主要发生剪切破坏,所预测临界能量释放率为0.12N/mm,这说明同一皮质骨结构在不同失效模式下的临界能量释放率存在差异;③此文通过对结构力学性能与损伤机制进行综合分析,揭示了不同失效模式下皮质骨结构临界能量释放率存在差异的原因,为能量释放率测量以及准确的皮质骨断裂模拟提供理论依据。  相似文献   

背景:有研究人员指出,瓷边缘设计可很好地解决金瓷冠在前牙修复中出现的“龈黑线”问题,但目前的力学研究方法无法模拟金瓷冠在口腔环境中受湿润环境和疲劳影响下的真实强度。目的:通过测试瓷边缘与常规冠边缘设计的钴铬合金金属烤瓷冠在模拟口腔环境下的疲劳寿命与强度,来探讨瓷边缘设计烤瓷冠的临床适用性。方法:制作60个钴铬合金金属烤瓷冠,其中A组(n=20)金属基底冠唇侧边缘止于肩台中部(常规设计),B组(n=20)金属基底冠唇侧边缘止于肩台与轴壁交界处,C组(n=20)金属基底冠唇侧边缘止于肩台与轴壁交界冠方1 mm处。将所有样本浸泡于人工唾液中,置于37℃恒温环境浸泡24 h,随后在电磁疲劳试验机上以50 N的加载力对样本进行疲劳循环,分别在75万次、150万次后取下,观察样本表面情况。将未崩瓷的样本转移到万能材料测试机上静态加载直至崩瓷,记录每个样本崩瓷时刻所承受的载荷力值。结果与结论:①循环75万次及150万次时所有试件均未出现崩瓷现象,所有烤瓷冠表面均未观察到裂纹;②A组试件平均载荷力值最大,约为1785 N;B组试件平均载荷力值次之,约为1426 N;C组试件平均载荷力值最小,约为1134 N;3组试件载荷值比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);③结果提示,3种边缘设计的烤瓷冠疲劳寿命均达到10年以上,其强度也能满足正常咬合需求。  相似文献   

人工心瓣中常用材料主要是包覆在石墨基体上的热解炭。为研究人工心瓣用热解炭材料断裂韧性,采用MTS电动力学测试系统,对石墨、纯热解炭及不同厚度热解炭包覆石墨复合材料4种DC(T)圆盘样品进行紧凑拉伸实验,利用实验所得数据绘制载荷-位移(P-V)曲线,根据ASTM标准E399规定的方法确定临界载荷值以及计算断裂韧性值,并对样品断口形貌进行显微观察。结果表明:两种热解炭包覆石墨复合材料断裂韧性值大于纯热解炭以及石墨的相应值,石墨断裂韧性值大于纯热解炭断裂韧性值;在热解炭包覆石墨复合材料中,涂层与基体厚度比值大的对应断裂韧性值反而小;显微观察热解炭断口较为平整,石墨断口较为粗糙,且热解炭及石墨在裂纹扩展区以及过载断裂区的断口形貌基本上是一致的。  相似文献   

背景:瓷层材料厚度是贴面修复体颜色再现的关键因素。由于瓷贴面瓷层构建空间有限,难以对基牙颜色有明显的遮盖作用,最终修复后的颜色效果是由修复体的颜色和基牙颜色叠加而来的,近年对计算机辅助设计(computer aided design,CAD)制作的贴面材料对颜色的影响研究较少。目的:评价不同瓷贴面修复材料制作的修复体的颜色与比色板色标的颜色匹配性。方法:应用3种瓷贴面材料(维他Mark II,义获嘉E.max CAD LT,义获嘉Empress CAD Multi,均为A2色调)制作瓷贴面修复体共15个。每个贴面厚度为0.6 mm。用自然代型树脂材料制作贴面的基底,将实验试件放在暗盒合中,用奥林巴斯Crystaleye比色仪分别对贴面修复体颜色进行比色。选取修复体颈部、中部和切端与VITA标准比色板A2色标比较颜色的差别,对色差值进行单因素方差分析。结果与结论:E.max CAD LT瓷块在3种瓷块中最接近于标准比色板的颜色。单因素方差分析表明,瓷贴面修复体颈部颜色与色标颜色的差别在不同的修复材料间差异具有显著性意义(P0.05),并且随着切、中、颈部位的不同而改变。在颈部颜色区域中,3组材料与色标的差异有显著性意义(P0.05);3组试件间的中部和切端的L值、切端的a值和颈部的b值均差异有显著性意义(P0.05)。结果证实,不同全瓷材料制作的贴面修复体与比色板色标颜色存在差异,同时不同的CAD瓷块间也存在着颜色的差异。在临床应用中应注意修复体的最终颜色效果,借助表面染色技术和黏接时选择不同颜色的黏接剂进行修整。  相似文献   

目的通过有限元数值计算的方法研究年龄变化对牙本质断裂力学行为的影响。方法根据典型的紧凑拉伸试件形式建立有限元模型,采用内聚力模型分别模拟裂纹在年轻和老龄牙本质中稳态扩展的过程,并进行比较。结果老龄牙本质的扩展断裂韧度和断裂韧度趋于恒定时的值分别为0.51、1.19 MPa.m1/2,显著小于年轻牙本质的相应值(7.48、1.71 MPa.m1/2);然而,这两者之间的初始断裂韧度相差比较微小,年轻和老龄牙本质的初始断裂韧度分别为0.51和0.38 MPa.m1/2。结论随着年龄的增长,牙本质抵抗裂纹扩展的能力发生了明显的减弱。基于内聚力模型的数值方法能够很好地预测牙本质等力学性能与年龄相关的生物硬组织材料的裂纹扩展行为。  相似文献   

文题释义:氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷:是以氧化钇为稳定剂、四方相为主要物相的氧化锆陶瓷,其具有较高的抗弯强度(900-1 200 MPa)和断裂韧性(9-10 MPa·m1/2)。由于这些优异的机械性能,氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷成为口腔冠桥修复中应用最广泛的陶瓷之一。 相变增韧机制:为氧化锆增韧的一种方法。稳定剂使四方相氧化锆在室温下可以处于亚稳态,但是在应力作用下亚稳态的四方相氧化锆易转化为单斜相氧化锆,同时伴有3%-5%的体积膨胀,这个过程能弥合微裂纹且消耗断裂能,提高氧化锆陶瓷的韧性。 背景:任何表面处理都应在不损害原有氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷强度的前提下提高其粘接强度。目前缺乏上釉技术对氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷粘接强度影响的资料,并且其对氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷力学性能的影响尚不明确。 目的:评估上釉技术对氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷力学行为及其与树脂水门汀粘接强度的影响。 方法:制作氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷试件并随机分为4组:A组,表面不做任何处理;B组,110 μm氧化铝颗粒喷砂;C组,上釉+氢氟酸酸蚀;D组,上釉+氢氟酸酸蚀+硅烷化。检测每组试件的表面显微形貌、粗糙度、晶相结构、元素组成、剪切粘接强度和弯曲强度,并观察剪切粘接强度测试后所有断面的断裂模式。 结果与结论:①经表面处理后的试件粗糙度明显增大,降序排列依次为C组(0.62±0.01) μm、D组(0.55±0.02) μm、B组(0.11±0.02) μm、A组(0.05±0.01) μm,5组间粗糙度比较差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);②B组试件表面含有2.2%单斜相氧化锆,而其他组含量均为零;③除锆和氧2种元素外,B组还含有铝元素6.49%,C和D组分别含有硅元素18.67%和25.78%;④A、B、C、D组的剪切粘接强度分别为(3.11±0.40),(4.23±0.45),(6.62±0.60),(10.46±0.83) MPa,组间两两比较差异均有显著性意义(P < 0.05);⑤A、B、C和D组的三点弯曲强度分别为(961.07±75.53),(1 234.73±114.09),(1 024.28±120.51),(1 036.09±80.10) MPa,其中A、C和D组两两比较差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05),B组与A、C、D组比较差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);⑥结果表明,上釉技术未明显提升氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷的弯曲强度,但上釉后经氢氟酸蚀刻并硅烷化处理可显著增强氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷与树脂水门汀之间的粘接强度。 ORCID: 0000-0002-8066-2498(徐小敏) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程  相似文献   

In dentistry, ceramic materials with high fracture resistance are needed for all-ceramic fixed partial dentures (FPDs). The sophisticated processing of advanced ceramics that can be used for such dental restorations demands the application of CAD/CAM technologies. These techniques necessitate digitizing of the prepared teeth or the planned restoration itself and surfacing of the acquired digital data before milling paths can be generated. As precision in fit is crucial for dental restorations, a computer-aided method for the quantitative and qualitative 3D analysis has been developed and applied. Factors influencing the obtainable precision in the application of CAD/CAM techniques were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The lifetime of a ceramic is dependent on the presence of incidental cracks and their gradual propagation under the conditions of the oral cavity. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term strength of glass-infiltrated alumina- and various zirconia ceramics currently used in CAD/CAM systems to manufacture crown and bridge frameworks. Fracture mechanics were applied to determine characteristic strength (sigma(omicron)), Weibull modulus (m), fracture toughness (K(Ic)), and the subcritical crack growth parameters n and B. Based on these parameters, lifetime diagrams were generated which allowed the evaluation of the long-term behavior. The results showed that in a moist environment, the glass-infiltrated alumina- and some zirconia ceramics have a high susceptibility to subcritical crack growth. Zirconia ceramics with an alumina oxide content of 0.25 wt %, however, exhibited the highest initial and most favorable long-term strength, and should therefore be suitable for crown and bridge restorations.  相似文献   

Guazzato M  Proos K  Quach L  Swain MV 《Biomaterials》2004,25(20):5045-5052
The aim of this study was to investigate the biaxial flexural strength, reliability and the mode of fracture of bilayered porcelain/zirconia (Y-TZP) disks. For this purpose, 80 specimens were made from conventional dental porcelain and Y-TZP core ceramic, and equally divided into four groups as follows: monolithic specimens of porcelain; monolithic specimens of core material; bilayered specimens with the porcelain on top (facing the loading piston during testing); bilayered specimens with core material on top. The maximum load at fracture was calculated with a biaxial flexural test and finite element analysis was used to estimate the maximum tensile stress at fracture. Results were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD. The reliability of strength was analyzed with the Weibull distribution. SEM was used to identify the initial crack and characterize the fracture mode. Monolithic core specimens and bilayered sample with the core material on the bottom were statistically significantly stronger than monolithic porcelain disks and bilayered samples with the porcelain on the bottom. The study, which was conducted with sample configurations that reproduce the clinical situation of crowns and fixed partial dentures, indicates that the material which lies on the bottom surface dictates the strength, reliability and fracture mode of the specimens. The contribution of strong and tough core materials to the performance of all-ceramics restorations may be offset by the weaker veneering porcelain if the actual distribution of the tensile stresses within the restoration is not taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Machinability of IPS Empress 2 framework ceramic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using ceramic materials for an automatic production of ceramic dentures by CAD/CAM is a challenge, because many technological, medical, and optical demands must be considered. The IPS Empress 2 framework ceramic meets most of them. This study shows the possibilities for machining this ceramic with economical parameters. The long life-time requirement for ceramic dentures requires a ductile machined surface to avoid the well-known subsurface damages of brittle materials caused by machining. Slow and rapid damage propagation begins at break outs and cracks, and limits life-time significantly. Therefore, ductile machined surfaces are an important demand for machine dental ceramics. The machining tests were performed with various parameters such as tool grain size and feed speed. Denture ceramics were machined by jig grinding on a 5-axis CNC milling machine (Maho HGF 500) with a high-speed spindle up to 120,000 rpm. The results of the wear test indicate low tool wear. With one tool, you can machine eight occlusal surfaces including roughing and finishing. One occlusal surface takes about 60 min machining time. Recommended parameters for roughing are middle diamond grain size (D107), cutting speed v(c) = 4.7 m/s, feed speed v(ft) = 1000 mm/min, depth of cut a(e) = 0.06 mm, width of contact a(p) = 0.8 mm, and for finishing ultra fine diamond grain size (D46), cutting speed v(c) = 4.7 m/s, feed speed v(ft) = 100 mm/min, depth of cut a(e) = 0.02 mm, width of contact a(p) = 0.8 mm. The results of the machining tests give a reference for using IPS Empress(R) 2 framework ceramic in CAD/CAM systems.  相似文献   

Using ceramic materials it is possible to obtain a number of beneficial mechanical properties such as considerable hardness, good chemical resistance, high tensile strength, and a good fracture toughness. The use of ceramic-on-ceramic as bearing surfaces for hip joint prostheses has been reported to produce a lower wear rate than other combinations (i.e. metal-on-polyethylene and ceramic-on-polyethylene) in total hip artroplasty. These advantages may increase the life expectancy of hip implants and improve the life of patients. Two new types of mixed-oxide ceramics (alumina and yttria-stabilised zirconia) femoral heads and acetabular cups containing different ratios of alumina and zirconia were compared with pure commercial alumina in terms of wear behaviour in a hip joint simulator. Hip joint wear simulator studies were carried out with a full-peak load of 2030 N and a frequency of 1 Hz in bovine calf serum. After 10 million cycles the measured weight loss of all specimens was very low. However, the experimental results did not show any significant difference between the new experimental mixed-oxide ceramics prototype and the commercial ceramic material couplings.  相似文献   

生物活性人工骨结合CAD/CAM技术重建颅骨板制作系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 通过CAD/CAM技术和快速成型技术并结合生物活性人工骨材料的应用,建立个性化设计制造具有良好骨融合性的颅骨板制作系统。方法 通过螺旋CT扫描、CAD三维重建成像、快速成型机加工,制成与患者颅骨缺损部位几何形态相同的个性化实体模型,应用石膏翻模工艺和EH复合人工骨材料,制成患者骨修补治疗用颅骨板。结果 CAD/CAM技术重建的人工骨颅骨板几何外形与骨缺损部位非常吻合,与健康侧对称,临床效果非常满意。结论 生物活性人工骨结合CAD/CAM技术重建颅骨板制作系统为治疗颅骨缺损患者提供了一种新手段,可有效提高临床治疗效果和修复美学效果。  相似文献   

Although mixed oxides ceramics have been indicated in the literature as a promising compromise between strength and wear, to the authors' knowledge no reports are available on the influence of the percentage of zirconia in ceramic femoral heads when sliding against polyethylene cups. Two types of mixed oxides ceramic ball heads (alumina plus, respectively, 60 and 80% of zirconia) were compared to pure zirconia and pure alumina heads in terms of wear behaviour against UHMWPE in a hip joint simulator. Polyethylene cups and ceramic femoral heads were fixed on a simulator apparatus with a sinusoidal movement and load in presence of bovine calf serum. The experimental results did not show significant difference between the two experimental ceramic materials or in comparison with pure materials. Considering that all specimens, regardless of the material, had the same level of surface roughness, this roughness factor seems to have a more relevant role than the mix of oxides used to manufacture the ceramic head. Wear tests are conducted on materials used in prosthetic hip implants in order to obtain quality control and to acquire further knowledge of the tribological processes that involve joint prostheses, therefore reducing the risk of implant failure of innovative prostheses.  相似文献   

Latest trends in load-bearing materials for arthroplastic applications involve the development of highly fracture resistant alumina/zirconia composites, as an alternative choice to alumina and zirconia monolithic ceramics. Composite materials are designed from both chemical and microstructural viewpoints in order to prevent environmental degradation and fracture events in vivo, whose shadow yet hampers the full exploitation of ceramic materials in the field of arthroplasty. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the resistance to environmental degradation in an alumina/zirconia composite (Biolox Delta®), which represents a primary candidate for hip and knee joint applications. Our approach consists first in the experimental determination of an activation energy value for environmentally driven tetragonal to monoclinic (t–m, henceforth) polymorphic transformation in the zirconia phase of the material; then, based on such an experimental value, a prediction is given for the long-term in vivo environmental resistance of prostheses made of the composite material. The present evaluation clarifies the in vivo performance of this new composite for orthopedic applications.  相似文献   

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