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基于互信息的人脑图像配准研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
近来利用互信息进行多模医学图像配准已成为医学图像处理领域的热点,人脑多模医学图像配准对研究神经组织的结构功能关系和引导神经外科手术有着重要的指导意义,本文描述了一种基于互信息的人脑图像配准方法,我们将这种方法应用于图像的几何对准并给出了初步的评估结果,同时,我们还就归一化互信息、多分辨率策略,多种插值和优化算法对配准速度和精度的影响作了讨论,由于不需要对不同成像模式下的图像灰度间的关系作任何假设,互信息法是一种稳健性强、可广泛应用于基于体素的多模医学图像的配准方法。  相似文献   

在3D多模医学图像的配准方法中,最大互信息法精度高,鲁棒性强,使用范围广,本文将归一化互信息作为相似性测度,采用不同的采样范围和采样子集,使用Powell多参数优化法和Brent一维搜索算法对3DCT,MR和PET脑图像进行了刚体配准,为了加快配准速度,使用了多分辨的金字塔方法,对PET图像采用基于坐标的阈值选取方法对图像进行分割预算法,消除了大部分放射状背景伪影,美国万德贝尔大学对结果进行的评估证明配准精度可达亚体元级。  相似文献   

利用数学形态学工具配准人脑MR-PET图像   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数学形态学是以形态为基础对图像进行分析的数学工具。我们利用简单的形态学操作从PET和MR图像中提取对应的解剖结构--皮质层,以归一化互信息为相似性测度,进行医学PET/MR图像的几何对准。评估结果证明,该方法的配准精度达到亚像素精度,并能极大地节省运行时间,是一种稳健性强、精度高、全自动的多模医学图像配准新方法。  相似文献   

本文中我们使用基于CT、MR和PET图像等值特征表面的配准算法对多模医学图像进行了配准研究,在CT、MR和PET的原始图像中提取等值特征表面,进行图像的几何对准,并对结果进行初步评估,同时对该算法的稳健性,搜索最近点策略和采样策略进行了研究,结果表明;这种方法能够达到亚像素级的配准精度,是一种稳健、高精度、全自动的配准方法。  相似文献   

灰度级别对基于互信息医学图像配准方法的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
医学图像配准在医学图像处理领域中已经被广泛使用。基于互信息配准的方法具有自动化程度高、配准精度高等优点。基于互信息的配准方法实质上是一种进行灰度统计和计算的方法 ,因此同一图像采用不同的灰度表示必然会影响配准结果。在分析灰度级别的压缩对于图像质量的影响和基于互信息配准方法的影响的基础上 ,进行了一系列的多模态医学图像配准试验 ,从配准精度和计算时间两个方面比较了不同的灰度级别对图像配准的影响。在详细分析和比较不同级别图像配准结果的基础上 ,给出了基于互信息配准时所采用的合理灰度级别的建议。  相似文献   

我们从PET-CT多模态图像序列的特点出发,提出了一种全新的图像配准及融合方法,它采用三次样条插值法对PET-CT图像进行层间插值,然后再利用最大互信息法进行配准,最后应用改进的主成分分析(PCA)法融合PET-CT图像用以增强PET显像效果,从而得到满意的配准以及融合结果。用三次样条插值法进行层间插值并恢复层间缺失图像的信息,弥补了现有配准方法的不足,提高了配准精度,使融合后的图像更加接近实际的物理断层。该方法已经成功应用于三维适形放疗(3D-CRT)系统的开发中。  相似文献   

基于互信息的医学图像配准技术研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
基于互信息的图像配准方法具有自动化程度高、配准精度高等优点,已被广泛应用于医学图像的配准。详细地介绍了互信息的基本概念、归一化互信息、互信息计算中常用的变换模型、插值方法、优化算法及提高配准速度策略等。同时对互信息在配准技术中存在的问题及解决方法进行了系统地介绍,最后对今后互信息的研究工作作了展望。  相似文献   

基于互信息的医学图像配准中互信息的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于互信息的配准方法是医学图像配准领域的重要方法.互信息是图像配准中常用的相似性度量,具有鲁棒、精度高等优点,但基于互信息的配准计算量大,制约了它的实际应用.我们采用基于多分辨率和混合优化策略的配准方法,在图像的不同灰度等级数下进行配准,分析了互信息的计算量与灰度等级数的关系,并用人头部的MRI图像和CT图像做了二维的单模模拟实验和多模实际配准实验,结果显示在灰度等级数为32和64时,与灰度等级数为256时相比,配准精度没有明显改变,而计算量下降显著.  相似文献   

针对互信息只考虑图像像素的灰度信息和图像存在形变不均匀的情况下,本文提出局部互信息和部分多层次B样条结合的方法。第一步采用主轴质心法对多模医学图像进行粗配准,从而快速实现两幅图像的粗配准。第二步采用部分多层次B样条法针对解决局部形变不均匀的配准对象,首先是粗网格进行全局粗配准,然后只是对部分区域实现细化网格处理,加快配准速度。文中对网格进行自动更新,将采用以局部互信息为相似度检测,结合这3种方法,从而实现多模医学图像的精确和快速配准。  相似文献   

基于最大互信息的人脑多模图像快速配准算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对脑图谱开发过程中来源于不同成像设备的多模图像进行配准。对预处理后的数码图像和MRI图像,首先提取图像的轮廓,采用基于轮廓的力矩主轴法计算初始平移量和旋转量,然后设定初始缩放系数,将此初始配准参数作为改进单纯形法的初始参数,以互信息作为相似性测度迭代搜索,使互信息最大,从而实现最佳配准。结果表明本算法不需要人为预调整待配准图像的分辨率,自动化程度高,配准速度快,精度较高,能够满足脑图谱开发过程中的多模图像配准要求。  相似文献   

Image registrations that are based on similarity measures simply adjust the parameters of an appropriate spatial transformation model until the similarity measure reaches an optimum. The numerous similarity measures that have been proposed in the past are differently sensitive to imaging modality, image content and differences in the image content, selection of the floating and target image, partial image overlap, etc. In this paper, we evaluate and compare 12 similarity measures for the rigid registration. To study the impact of different imaging modalities on the behavior of similarity measures, we have used 16 CT/MR and 6 PET/MR image pairs with known 'gold standard' registrations. The results for the PET/MR registration and for the registration of CT to both rectified and unrectified MR images indicate that mutual information, normalized mutual information and the entropy correlation coefficient are the most accurate similarity measures and have the smallest risk of being trapped in a local optimum. The results of an experiment on the impact of exchanging the floating and target image indicate that, especially in MR/PET registrations, the behavior of some similarity measures, such as mutual information, significantly depends on which image is the floating and which is the target.  相似文献   

A robust and fast hybrid method using a shell volume that consists of high contrast voxels with their neighbors is proposed for registering PET and MR/CT brain images. Whereas conventional hybrid methods find the best matched pairs from several manually selected or automatically extracted local regions, our method automatically selects a shell volume in the PET image, and finds the best matched corresponding volume using normalized mutual information (NMI) in overlapping volumes while transforming the shell volume into an MR or CT image. A shell volume not only can reduce irrelevant corresponding voxels between two images during optimization of transformation parameters, but also brings a more robust registration with less computational cost. Experimental results on clinical data sets showed that our method successfully aligned all PET and MR/CT image pairs without losing any diagnostic information, while the conventional registration methods failed in some cases.  相似文献   

采用了全新的相关比相似性测度作为配准的测度准则,提出了有效的磁共振(MR)和正电子发射端层扫描(PET)临床医学图像配准方法。具体设计时,采用了加速的多分辨率的配准方案,对方案中涉及的几何变换选取、重采样、多分辨率体数据表达及最优化方法进行了详细的设计分析。最后,利用多分辨率配准方法,对MR和PET临床医学图像进行配准,给出了令人满意的效果,同时和基于体素灰度的直接配准法相比,配准速度也有了很大提高。  相似文献   

Registration of different imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), positron (PET) and single photon (SPECT) emission tomography is used in many clinical applications. Determining the quality of any automatic registration procedure has been a challenging part because no gold standard is available to evaluate the registration. In this note we present a method, called the 'multiple sub-volume registration' (MSR) method, for assessing the consistency of a rigid registration. This is done by registering sub-images of one data set on the other data set, performing a crude non-rigid registration. By analysing the deviations (local deformations) of the sub-volume registrations from the full registration we get a measure of the consistency of the rigid registration. Registration of 15 data sets which include CT, MR and PET images for brain, head and neck, cervix, prostate and lung was performed utilizing a rigid body registration with normalized mutual information as the similarity measure. The resulting registrations were classified as good or bad by visual inspection. The resulting registrations were also classified using our MSR method. The results of our MSR method agree with the classification obtained from visual inspection for all cases (p < 0.02 based on ANOVA of the good and bad groups). The proposed method is independent of the registration algorithm and similarity measure. It can be used for multi-modality image data sets and different anatomic sites of the patient.  相似文献   

基于自由变形法的多模态医学图像的配准与融合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究提出了一种自动识别颈部PET-CT图像特征点的算法,它应用自由变形(FFD)方法以CT图像的特征点为参考使PET图像产生变形,再结合最大互信息法对颈部PET与CT图像进行非刚体配准,最后用改进的小波图像融合法把两者进行融合得出视觉效果比较理想的融合图像。经实际计算得出的变形PET图像与对应CT图像的互信息量大于原始PET图像,并且最后用改进的小波图像融合法得出的融合图像的信息量比一般小波融合大,由此证明本研究所用方法是有效的。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a method to non-rigidly co-register a 2D slice sequence from real-time 3D echocardiography with a 2D cardiovascular MR image sequence. This is challenging because the imaging modalities have different spatial and temporal resolution. Non-rigid registration is required for accurate alignment due to imprecision of cardiac gating and natural motion variations between cardiac cycles. In our approach the deformation field between the imaging modalities is decoupled into temporal and spatial components. First, temporal alignment is performed to establish temporal correspondence between a real-time 3D echocardiography frame and a cardiovascular MR frame. Spatial alignment is then performed using an adaptive non-rigid registration algorithm based on local phase mutual information on each temporally aligned image pair. Experiments on seven volunteer datasets are reported. Evaluation of registration errors based on expert-identified landmarks shows that the spatio-temporal registration algorithm gives a mean registration error of 3.56 ± 0.49 and 3.54 ± 0.27 mm for the short and long axis sequences, respectively.  相似文献   

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