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目的:探讨甲卡西酮成瘾者和冰毒成瘾者的决策特点。方法:从某强制隔离戒毒所筛选出甲卡西酮成瘾者45人,冰毒成瘾者41人,从某大学后勤工作人员中招募对照组被试33人,分别使用冲动性量表(BIS-11)、杯子任务研究被试的冲动性水平和决策特点。结果:冰毒成瘾组的冲动性显著高于对照组和甲卡西酮成瘾组;在收益情境下,甲卡西酮成瘾组和冰毒成瘾组选择风险选项的比例显著高于对照组,甲卡西酮成瘾组和对照组比冰毒成瘾组选择更多的适应性选项;在损失情境下,三组被试选择风险选项和适应性选项的比例不存在显著差异。结论:在收益情境下,成瘾组比对照表现出更明显的风险决策偏好,只有冰毒成瘾组表现出非适应性决策。  相似文献   

目的:爱荷华赌博任务作为研究决策的经典任务之一,能有效的从个体决策特征角度分析影响驾驶决策的因素。方法:在借鉴以往研究成果与方法的基础上,采用多因素分析的方法对80名驾驶员进行研究。结果:1女性驾驶员驾龄在15年以上时,选择不同纸牌类型差异显著(F=2.79,P0.05),选择有利纸牌的数量多于选择不利纸牌的数量(Z53.33Z46.67);2驾龄在5年以下时,男性的不同区组得分差异极其显著(F=12.49,P0.001),区组2得分区组1得分区组3得分区组4得分区组5的得分(Z-4.2Z-2.8Z3.2Z3.5Z8.2)。结论:不同性别与驾龄驾驶员的驾驶决策在IGT中表现出不同的特征:1随着驾龄的增长,女性驾驶员的行为更趋向于保守,更容易做出规避风险决策;2新手男性驾驶员在行车过程中做出的决策更加稳定,风险意识较强;而新手女性驾驶员则更多的受到情绪的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨学龄期儿童的利他惩罚行为表现特征。方法:在广州市某小学招募正常儿童80人(男35例,女45例,年龄6~11岁)。采用最后通牒游戏(UG)范式评估儿童的利他惩罚行为,并分析年龄、性别、行为成本对儿童利他惩罚决策的影响。分别使用广义线性混合效应模型和线性混合效应模型对儿童的行为反应(接受/拒绝)和反应时间进行分析。结果:63例(77.8%)儿童进行了利他性惩罚。对行为反应的分析显示,年龄(P0.05)、性别(P0.05)的主效应均无统计学意义,而分享值的主效应有统计学意义(P0.001),即仅分享值大小影响儿童在UG中的行为决策。对反应时的分析显示,年龄,性别和行为反应的主效应无统计学意义(均P0.05),分享值(P0.05)的主效应有统计学意义,即分享值大小对儿童的反应时有影响。结论:学龄期儿童已表现出利他惩罚行为倾向,并且其行为表现和反应速度均与分享值即行为成本密切相关。  相似文献   

肖杰屏  王文甫  邬志美  杨梅 《医学信息》2009,22(6):1052-1053
目的 了解新型毒品滥用者的人格特征.方法 对30例摇头丸、冰毒、K粉等新型毒品滥用者进行艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)调查,并与中国常模进行对照比较.结果 新型毒品滥用组E分、N分显著高于常模.结论 新型毒品滥用者的人格特征表现为稳定性差,易焦虑、抑郁.  相似文献   

目的:通过调查分析强制隔离戒毒人员中甲卡西酮成瘾者的心理特点,为开展有针对性的分类矫治提供理论依据。方法:通过问卷收集甲卡西酮组(177人)、冰毒组(153人)和海洛因组(64人)的人口学信息、毒品滥用史和人格特点,比较不同组心理特点的异同。结果:3组成瘾者在年龄、受教育程度、首次吸毒年龄、强戒次数和吸毒使用时间上均存在显著差异(F=14.24,5.34,20.93,119.74,189.85;P0.01)。甲卡西酮组的冲动性和感觉寻求显著低于冰毒组和海洛因组(F=4.53,13.13;P0.01),自我控制显著高于冰毒组和海洛因组(F=9.99,P0.01),只有冰毒组的身体攻击得分显著高于甲卡西酮组(F=5.03,P0.01)。成瘾者的首次吸毒年龄与冲动性、感觉寻求呈显著负相关,与自我控制呈显著正相关(r=-0.227,-0.312,0.217;P0.001)。结论:不同毒品成瘾者具有不同的人格特点,应根据成瘾者的心理和行为特点进行有针对性的矫治。  相似文献   

目的:海洛因滥用导致海洛因依赖者认知控制功能损伤,本研究通过使用ERP技术来探究这种损伤在长期物质戒断后的恢复水平。方法:本研究对比参与字母Flanker任务的长期海洛因戒断组和正常组冲突适应能力的时程动态过程。结果:(1)两组被试在冲突试次上的反应时(RT_(I))均显著长于一致试次(RT_(C)),Flanker冲突效应(RT_(I-C))没有组间差异;进一步检验发现,两组被试的试次间调节的反应时之差(RT_(cI-iI))差异不显著。(2)对照组在一致-冲突试次(cI)条件下引发的N2平均振幅显著大于冲突-冲突试次条件(iI),而长期海洛因戒断组N2效应消失。(3)长期海洛因戒断组在冲动性量表上的得分显著高于对照组。结论:行为和电生理指标出现分离性的结果,即长期海洛因戒断组在反应时上能够较好的解决冲突,但是长期吸食海洛因导致其认知控制功能损伤。  相似文献   

目的:本研究采用奖赏动机和决策的行为范式,旨在探索人格障碍患者的非适应性行为和社会功能损害的潜在机制。方法:通过人格诊断问卷(Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4,PDQ+4)筛查和SCID—II人格障碍定式访谈,在两所高校一年级大学生中纳入170名人格障碍被试和112名正常被试,并要求其完成贝克抑郁量表和焦虑自评量表,以及计算机版的"付出努力的奖赏任务"(the Effort Expenditure for Rewards Task,EEf RT)。结果:人格障碍组在高概率水平及中等概率水平下对困难任务的选择率均显著低于正常组(P0.01),人格障碍各亚型在高概率水平下对困难任务的选择率也均显著低于正常组(P0.05)。广义估计方程结果表明组别、奖赏概率、奖赏幅度、期望值的主效应均显著(P0.01),组别和奖赏概率、组别和期望值的交互作用均显著(P0.01),但组别和奖赏幅度的交互作用不显著。结论:人格障碍者倾向于采用较少努力获得较小回报的奖赏相关决策,表现出明显的奖赏动机缺乏和对奖赏的钝化。人格障碍者在整合概率、期望值信息的奖赏敏感性方面与正常被试存在显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:评估超重或肥胖青少年(n=51,男30人,女21人)与正常体重青少年(n=52,男31人,女21人)是否存在冲动性差异。方法:采用自我报告和行为测量相结合的方法来评估被试的冲动性。其中,开门任务(DOT)和延迟贴现任务(DDT)用于行为冲动性测量,Barratt冲动量表用于被试的冲动性特质测量。结果:在两个行为测量任务中,超重和肥胖者较正常体重者表现出更高奖赏敏感性(即,更可能选择少而能立即获得的奖励),但这个效应仅在女生中存在。然而,女生的BMI能够预测他们在食物和金钱贴现任务中的表现,但不能预测其在开门任务中的表现。超重/肥胖组与正常体重组的冲动性差异仅存在于行为测量任务中,在冲动性的自我报告得分上无差异。此外,三种冲动性测量任务之间无显著相关。结论:与正常体重女生相比,超重/肥胖女生表现出决策缺陷。目前,两组之间决策能力差异的原因尚不清楚,今后研究需要在此方面做出进一步努力。  相似文献   

目的:考察就业焦虑、决策角色对创业决策的影响。方法:以378名大四学生为被试,采用2(就业焦虑:高,低)×2(决策角色:自我、他人)的被试间设计,进行实验研究,对数据进行方差分析。结果:就业焦虑主效应显著(F=99.892,P0.01),相比高就业焦虑被试,低就业焦虑被试更倾向于冒险,即选择创业;决策角色主效应不显著(F=0.384,P=0.536);就业焦虑、决策角色存在交互作用(F=104.643,P0.01):(1)自我决策时,低就业焦虑者比高就业焦虑更倾向冒险创业(t=-14.851,P0.01);(2)他人决策时,高、低就业焦虑者倾向冒险创业。结论:就业焦虑对创业决策的影响受到自我决策、他人决策的影响。  相似文献   

目的测定30名海洛因成瘾者胃电图参数,了解有无胃电节律异常,探索其与消化性溃疡及Hp感染之间有无关系.方法 30名海洛因吸食者男性18例,女性12例,平均年龄28.3岁,均有一年以上吸毒史,健康组男性20例,女性10例,平均年龄32.5岁,无消化道疾病、结缔组织病、糖尿病,无腹部手术史.采用Synectics公司Digitrapper双电极EGG记录仪,记录时间为餐前0.5h、餐后1h,试餐460kcal.一周后行胃镜检查并取胃窦粘膜标本进行Giemsa检查判定Hp感染状况.分析以下参数胃动过缓(B)、胃动过速(T)、胃电正常节律百分比(N) 、餐后餐前功率比(PR).胃电主功率不稳定系数差别很大,本组病例未选入作为评判指标. 结果海洛因吸食者胃电参数见下表.结论研究表明吸毒人员存在胃电节律异常,本研究还发现海洛因吸食者消化性溃疡发生率较高,这可能与海洛因可直接损害环行肌,发生异位起搏,导致胃收缩活动减少或减弱、胃窦十二指肠正常时空关系改变,引起胃窦动力低下、运动不协调有关.而幽门螺杆菌感染达70%,是否因海洛因损伤胃粘膜所致.表海洛因吸食者胃电参数  相似文献   

This study assessed decision‐making and its associations with executive functions and sleep‐related factors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Thirty patients with untreated obstructive sleep apnea and 20 healthy age‐ and education‐matched controls performed the Iowa Gambling Task, a decision‐making task under initial ambiguity, as well as an extensive neuropsychological test battery. Patients, but not controls, also underwent a detailed polysomnographic assessment. Results of group analyses showed that patients performed at the same level of controls on the Iowa Gambling Task. However, the proportion of risky performers was significantly higher in the patient group than in the control group. Decision‐making did not correlate with executive functions and subjective ratings of sleepiness, whereas there was a significant positive correlation between advantageous performance on the Iowa Gambling Task and percentage of N2 sleep, minimal oxygen saturation, average oxygen saturation and time spent below 90% oxygen saturation level. Also, the minimal oxygen saturation accounted for 27% of variance in decision‐making. In conclusion, this study shows that a subgroup of patients with obstructive sleep apnea may be at risk of disadvantageous decision‐making under ambiguity. Among the sleep‐related factors, oxygen saturation is a significant predictor of advantageous decision‐making.  相似文献   

目的:探讨强迫症(OCD)患者在风险明确及不明确情境下的决策功能。方法:对45例符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-IV)OCD诊断标准的患者和48名性别构成、年龄、受教育年限相匹配的对照组被试进行爱荷华博弈任务(IGT)、色子任务(GDT)、连线任务(TMT)、Stroop色词任务(SCWT)和威斯康星卡片分类任务(WCST)测试,同时对OCD患者进行Yale-Brown强迫症状量表(Y-BOCS)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)和贝克抑郁量表(BDI)评定。结果:OCD组IGT净得分低于对照组(P0.05),而两组GDT净得分差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。两组TMT、SCWT和WCST得分差异无统计学意义(均P0.05)。OCD组在IGT及GDT上的净得分与发病年龄、病程、Y-BOCS、HAM A、BDI得分不相关,OCD组中接受药物治疗与没有接受药物治疗的病人的IGT和GDT净得分差异无统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论:OCD患者在风险不明确情境下决策受损,而在风险明确情境下决策未受损,即OCD患者在风险明确及不明确情境下决策出现明显的分离。  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is clinically heterogeneous. The authors examined how specific OCD symptom dimensions were related to neuropsychological functions using multiple regression analyses. A total of 39 OCD patients and 40 controls completed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT; A. Bechara, A. R. Damasio, H. Damasio, & S. W. Anderson, 1994), which is a test of decision making, and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (R. K. Heaton, 1981), which is a test of set shifting. OCD patients and controls showed comparable decision making. However, patients with prominent hoarding symptoms showed impaired decision making on the IGT as well as reduced skin conductance responses. OCD patients had poorer set shifting abilities than controls, and symmetry/ordering symptoms were negatively associated with set shifting. These results help explain previous inconsistent findings in neuropsychological research in OCD and support recent neuroimaging data showing dissociable neural mechanisms involved in mediating the different OCD symptom dimensions.  相似文献   

Abnormal decision-making (DM) performance has been reported in several neurobehavioral disorders such as schizophrenia, addiction, and obsessive compulsive disorders. The exploration of DM correlates in terms of symptom formation may add more knowledge about the meanings of DM performance in schizophrenia. We examined the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and its relationship with clinical symptoms, evaluated by Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), in 40 schizophrenic patients and 20 controls. Schizophrenic patients did worse on IGT performance with a significant difference between the two groups in Net Score. PANSS positive symptoms were negatively correlated with Net Score and advantageous choices and directly with disadvantageous choices. Results suggest that persons with schizophrenia display a pattern of compromised DM related to positive symptoms.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between impulsivity and decision-making as assessed by the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). A total of 73 nonclinical adolescents were administered self-report measures for trait impulsivity and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) to assess cognitive impulsivity. We found significant correlations between trait impulsivity and WCST performance among adolescents exhibiting poor performance on the IGT, and no such correlations for those adolescents performing well on the IGT. We recommend that researchers should assess performance on the IGT at the individual level in terms of learning.  相似文献   

Old adults have to face many situations that require important decisions. In the present investigation, the authors examined the effects of aging on both decisions under ambiguity and decisions under risk. To this purpose, healthy young and old adults completed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and the Probability-Associated Gambling task (PAG task). Old adults performed the PAG task as well as young adults, demonstrating ability to make decisions when full information about the problem situation, the options' probabilities and the associated gains and losses was given. Differently, old adults showed poor performance on the IGT relative to young adults, indicating difficulty in making advantageous decisions under ambiguous conditions. Indeed, in the IGT, participants are not aware of the rules for gains and losses and have to learn about the utility of their selections through experience. Results of our analyses point to the contribution of executive functions to all types of decisions. Our findings have also practical implications, suggesting that old people can make advantageous decisions when complete information about the decision situation is available.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation is associated with performance decrements on some measures of executive functioning. For instance, sleep deprivation results in altered decision making on the Iowa Gambling Task. However, it is unclear which component processes of the task may be driving the effect. In this study, Iowa Gambling task performance was decomposed using the Expectancy-Valence model. Recent sleep debt and greater daytime sleepiness were associated with higher scores on the updating parameter, which reflects the extent to which recent experiences are emphasized over remote ones. Findings suggest that the effects of insufficient sleep on IGT performance are due to shortening of the time horizon over which decisions are integrated. These findings may have clinical implications in that individuals with sleep problems may not integrate more temporally distant information when making decisions.  相似文献   

Impaired decision making following 49 h of sleep deprivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sleep deprivation reduces regional cerebral metabolism within the prefrontal cortex, the brain region most responsible for higher-order cognitive processes, including judgment and decision making. Accordingly, we hypothesized that two nights of sleep loss would impair decision making quality and lead to increased risk-taking behavior on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), which mimics real-world decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Thirty-four healthy participants completed the IGT at rested baseline and again following 49.5 h of sleep deprivation. At baseline, volunteers performed in a manner similar to that seen in most samples of healthy normal individuals, rapidly learning to avoid high-risk decks and selecting more frequently from advantageous low-risk decks as the game progressed. After sleep loss, however, volunteers showed a strikingly different pattern of performance. Relative to rested baseline, sleep-deprived individuals tended to choose more frequently from risky decks as the game progressed, a pattern similar to, though less severe than, previously published reports of patients with lesions to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Although risky decision making was not related to participant age when tested at rested baseline, age was negatively correlated with advantageous decision making on the IGT, when tested following sleep deprivation (i.e. older subjects made more risky choices). These findings suggest that cognitive functions known to be mediated by the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, including decision making under conditions of uncertainty, may be particularly vulnerable to sleep loss and that this vulnerability may become more pronounced with increased age.  相似文献   

Individuals with alcoholism exhibit poor decision making as reflected by their continued alcohol use despite encountering problems and by low performance in laboratory tasks of decision making. Here, the authors investigated the relative contribution of several distinct processes of executive functions in performance on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT; A. Bechara, A. R. Damasio, H. Damasio, & S. W. Anderson, 1994) in recently detoxified individuals with alcoholism. Compared to matched healthy participants, individuals with alcoholism showed below-normal scores in the last 20 trials of the IGT as well as on other tasks of executive functions, specifically those assessing the capacity to manipulate information stored in working memory, detect abstract rules, or inhibit prepotent responses. Prepotent response inhibition best predicted performance in the late trials of the IGT, that is, when participants have likely acquired knowledge about the reward/punishment contingencies of the task. These results underline the important role that response inhibition plays in decision making, especially in risky situations, when knowledge of the probability of a given outcome becomes available (i.e. decisions under risk).  相似文献   

The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) has been used to study decision-making differences in many different clinical and developmental samples. It has been suggested that IGT performance captures abilities that are separable from cognitive abilities, including executive functions and intelligence. The purpose of the current review was to examine studies that have explicitly examined the relationship between IGT performance and these cognitive abilities. We included 43 studies that reported correlational analyses with IGT performance, including measures of inhibition, working memory, and set-shifting as indices of executive functions, as well as measures of verbal, nonverbal, and full-scale IQ as indices of intelligence. Overall, only a small proportion of the studies reported a statistically significant relationship between IGT performance and these cognitive abilities. The majority of studies reported a non-significant relationship. Of the minority of studies that reported statistically significant effects, effect sizes were, at best, small to modest, and confidence intervals were large, indicating that considerable variability in performance on the IGT is not captured by current measures of executive function and intelligence. These findings highlight the separability between decision-making on the IGT and cognitive abilities, which is consistent with recent conceptualizations that differentiate rationality from intelligence.  相似文献   

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