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大鼠肝大部切除后再生时贮脂细胞的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王冬梅  李凤林  童蓓燕  顾云娣 《解剖学报》1999,30(3):282-283,I019
目的 研究大鼠肝大部切除后再生时贮脂细胞的动态变化。方法 用结蛋白免疫组织化学法显示肝贮脂细胞并计量,以图像分析仪测灰度值。结果 正常肝小叶内贮脂细胞呈网架状分布,肝大部切除后再生时贮脂细胞数量递减,至第5d时为正常肝的1/3。结论肝大部切除后再生时贮脂细胞动态变化明显不同于肝中毒等损伤后的增殖变化。  相似文献   

应用免疫组化等方法,对慢性迁延性丙型肝炎肝组织中呈结蛋白阳性的贮脂细胞进行了定量的研究结果;结蛋白阳性的细胞数量与同阶段的乙型肝炎相比显著减少;电镜观察可见肝窦中有较多的枯否细胞,肝细胞间隙及窦周胶原纤维的沉积。我们认为,在丙型肝炎早期纤维化中,贮脂细胞可能并非主要导致纤维化的效应细胞,这和乙型肝炎有所不同。  相似文献   

贮脂细胞凋亡与肝纤维化逆转   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贮脂细胞经过激活、刺激性增殖、表型转换后分泌大量的细胞外基质和基质金属硫蛋白酶抑制剂 (TIMPs)而在肝纤维化中发挥了关键作用。但随着贮脂细胞的激活 ,其凋亡敏感性发生改变 ,通过Fas依赖途径发生凋亡 ,其数量明显减少 ,细胞外基质合成和TIMPs的表达快速下降 ,而使肝纤维化发生逆转。这一过程涉及贮脂细胞中凋亡和抑凋亡基因的表达变化。提示通过诱导激活的贮脂细胞凋亡 ,可能为肝纤维化的逆转治疗提供一新的乐观手段。  相似文献   

目前已发现有许多种介质与肝内门脉高压症有关,它们的准确作用点可能位于肝内(包括窦前性、窦性或窦后的)任一水平上。最近的研究认为肝窦血流可能受居于窦周Disse间隙的贮脂细胞[也称星形细胞(stellatecell)、Ito或窦周细胞及间充质细胞]的调节。其中有明显血管调节活性的成分即内皮素(ET)和一氧化氮(NO)。本文简述贮脂细胞、ET和NO各自在肝内血管调节过程中的作用和在门脉高压治疗中的意义。贮脂细胞及其收缩性正常肝脏中贮脂细胞起了极大的脂酯(Retinoidesters)储存库的作用。肝脏损害时,贮脂细胞经过“活化”产生细胞…  相似文献   

库普弗细胞对原代培养贮脂细胞激活的调节作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈爽  贲长恩 《解剖学杂志》1998,21(4):293-299
目的:观察库普弗细胞在贮脂细胞激活中的促进转化、促增殖及促进细胞外基质合成的效应;方法:采用库弗细胞和贮脂细胞分离培养,流式细胞仪测定DNA含量,免疫组化和图像分析对贮脂细胞中Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型胶原和纤维粘连蛋白进行定量分析,液闪法检测贮脂细胞中^3H-脯氨酸参入量;结果:(1)分离培养的贮脂细胞完全符合该细胞的各种特征;(2)贮脂细胞是肝纤维化中细胞外基质过度沉积的重要细胞来源之一;(3)库普弗细胞可  相似文献   

肝贮脂细胞具有合成胶原的能力,受损伤时,贮脂细胞可转化为纤维母细胞。基于这些特点,Popper提出贮脂细胞在肝纤维化过程中起重要作用。以后,McGee和Mak分别从不同的动物实验证实了贮脂细胞在四氧化碳和洒精中毒所引起肝纤维化过程中的作用。本文以慢性病毒性肝炎病例的肝活检组织为对象,研究贮脂细胞的变化,并结合文献探讨其在慢性病毒性肝炎发病过程中的作用。材料和方法肝穿刺活检组织来自北京医科大学第一附属医院传染科、中国人民解放军261和262医院传染科。每例肝穿刺组织分成  相似文献   

通过有关人肝纤维化及培养大鼠和人的贮脂细胞的实验研究,已证实贮脂细胞在肝纤维化形成中起重要作用。在纤维化发生过程中,贮脂细胞由一种静止的含有丰富维生素A的表型转化为肌纤维母细胞样。与静止的贮脂细胞相比,肌纤维母细胞样贮脂细胞(MFIC)具有更高的增殖...  相似文献   

实验用foS蛋白免疫组织化学方法,研究了中枢神经系统兴奋性介质N-氨基-D-门冬氨酸诱导大鼠下丘脑内c-fos的表达.N-氨基-D-门冬氨酸注射大鼠皮下后,观察了fos阳性细胞在下丘脑内开始出现与消失的时程相关以及在下丘脑内的分布.结果表明:给N-氨基-D-门冬氨酸后30分开始出现fos阳性细胞,1~2小时达高峰,4~8小时消失.fos阳性细胞主要分布于视上核、室旁核和弓状核,视上核和室旁核中fos阳性细胞分别占细胞总数的57.8%和63.6%,在弓状核中占细胞总数的60.6%.  相似文献   

自50年代 Ito 发现肝贮脂细胞(Fat-storing cell 简称 FSC)以来,国外许多作者对贮脂细胞进行了广泛研究。国内对贮脂细胞仅在组织学教材和参考书中简单提及;因此本文就所收集到的资料,对贮脂细胞的研究经过、细胞形态结构和机能意义作出综合报道,以供参考。  相似文献   

目的: 观察脂肝宁在预防大鼠脂肪性肝炎过程中热休克蛋白(HSP) 60、70在肝细胞中的表达。方法: 将SD大鼠随机分为脂肝宁大、小剂量组、熊去氧胆酸组、病理模型和正常对照组。除正常对照组外,其余大鼠给予高脂饲料和35%乙醇 10 mL/kg,2次/d灌胃,防治组同时给予药物预防。于第9周末处死大鼠,分别进行 ⑴ 肝组织切片常规HE染色,观察炎症反应;⑵ 免疫组化法观察肝组织热休克蛋白60、70的表达情况;⑶ 透射电镜下观察肝细胞及炎细胞的超微结构。结果: ⑴ 光镜下脂肝宁大剂量组和熊去氧胆酸组的肝组织炎症活动度显著低于病理模型组 (P<0.05)。⑵ 脂肝宁大剂量组和熊去氧胆酸组中肝组织HSP70的阳性细胞数显著多于病理模型组和正常对照组(分别为P<0.05,P<0.01),脂肝宁大剂量组中HSP60的表达显著多于模型组及正常对照组(分别为P<0.05,P<0.01)。⑶ 脂肝宁大剂量组和熊去氧胆酸组肝细胞超微结构较模型组明显改善,内无明显脂滴,线粒体嵴排列较整齐。结论: 脂肝宁、熊去氧胆酸对乙醇加高脂饮食诱发的大鼠脂肪性肝炎有较好的防治作用。提高热休克蛋白60、70的表达可能是其防治机制之一。  相似文献   

Titin is a major constituent protein of sarcomeric muscles and is thought to give rise to an elastic filament component underlying the myofibrillar organization. Monoclonal antibodies to titin have been characterized on normal and pathological human material and on human cell lines in culture. A positive immunocytochemical reaction was restricted to sarcomeric muscles and did not occur on visceral or vascular smooth muscles or on various nonmuscle tissues. When different tumor types were examined titin antibodies reacted solely with rhabdomyosarcomas and did not react with leiomyosarcoma or leiomyoma, or with the nonmuscle tumor types tested. In rhabdomyosarcomas a noticeably smaller population of cells were positive with antibodies to titin than with antibodies to desmin showing that individual cells within a rhabdomyosarcoma achieve different degrees of myogenic differentiation. The results reinforce the use of desmin as a marker for muscle sarcomas and show that a positive identification of rhabdomyosarcoma can be achieved by immunocytochemistry with the parallel use of desmin and titin antibodies.  相似文献   

The majority of cells in a rapidly dividing human medulloblastoma cell line (D283 MED) are shown to express the two high-molecular-weight human neurofilament (NF) subunits, whereas a minority express the low-molecular-weight NF subunit. These three polypeptides are integral subunits of the intermediate filaments (IFs) found in normal neurons. Other cell type-specific IF proteins (keratin, desmin, and glial filament polypeptides) are not present in D283 MED cells. Further, the immunocytochemical, immunochemical and ultrastructural data suggest that the neurofilaments in these cells are abnormal, possibly because of a paucity of the low-molecular-weight NF subunit. This is the first human cell line derived from a central nervous system tumor that is capable of expressing all three NF triplet proteins. It is a unique model system for studies of normal and abnormal human NF metabolism as well as for probing the cell biology of medulloblastomas.  相似文献   

Hepatic sinusoidal endothelium: Ulex lectin binding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sinusoidal endothelial cells of human liver can be identified by light and electron microscopy, but there appear to be no specific immunocytochemical markers of these cells. Among specific markers available for vascular endothelial cells in general, Ulex europaeus I lectin (UEA I) is the most sensitive. In the present study, 37 liver biopsies were examined for UEA I binding and for Factor VIII related antigen (F VIII RAg) to determine if sinusoidal endothelial cells were positive. The material included normal liver, biopsies from patients with cirrhosis and biopsies in a variety of other liver diseases. Three embryonal human livers were also included in the immunocytochemical analysis. Eleven oesophageal rings obtained at mechanical transection for variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients were used as control tissue. Sinusoidal endothelial cells of normal liver did not stain with UEA I, but six of seven with alcoholic cirrhosis and only one of 25 non-cirrhotic liver specimens (a case of acute hepatitis with bridging necrosis) were positive. In two of the six cirrhoses the sinusoidal endothelial cells were stained for F VIII RAg as well. Embryonal sinusoidal endothelial cells were stained with UEA I but were negative for F VIII RAg. The results of the study confirm that sinusoidal endothelial cells of normal adult human liver are phenotypically different from those lining blood vessels in other sites. In cirrhosis, positive staining may be related to the transformation of hepatic sinusoids into true capillaries and thus be a marker of the severity of physiological disturbance in the liver.  相似文献   

以兔抗增强子结合蛋白(CCAAT/EnhancerBindingProtein,C/EBP)多肽抗体,用ABC法对18例人正常肝组织、5例新生儿肝组织及79例肝细胞肝癌(其中40例带有癌旁肝组织)中C/EBP进行免疫组化定位,同时运用C/EBPcDNA探针对3例人正常肝组织、1例新生儿肝组织、10例肝细胞肝癌(其中8例含配对的癌旁肝组织)进行Northern杂交分析。免疫组化结果显示,C/EBP弥漫分布于分化成熟的肝细胞浆及肝细胞核中(胞浆含量更丰富),在肝癌分化差(或分化低)的组织细胞中含量低或检测不到,并和癌的分级存在一定相关性。所有增生的胆管上皮细胞也呈阳性。C/EBPmRNA丰度(表达量)和免疫组化结果基本相符。以上结果进一步证实C/EBP在维持肝细胞分化状态中担负重要作用。  相似文献   

In the current study, we examined the cytoskeletal architecture of cod hepatic stellate cells. We found that the cod hepatic stellate cells contain abundant cytoplasmic filaments. Deep-etch electron microscopy showed that the major component of the cytoplasmic filaments was intermediate filaments, although microtubules and microfilaments were also found in the cytoplasmic filament bundles. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the presence of beta-tubulin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, smooth muscle type myosin, desmin and cytokeratin but not vimentin or glial fibrillar acidic protein. These results demonstrate that the cytoplasmic filaments of cod hepatic stellate cells are composed of desmin and cytokeratin intermediate filaments, acto-myosin complexes and microtubules, suggesting that the cod hepatic stellate cells have both contractile and structural functions. The expression of cytokeratin in cod hepatic stellate cells indicates that they serve for mechanical support in the extremely soft liver tissues of cods with their abundant lipids.  相似文献   

中间丝蛋白作为细胞骨架的主要成份,对于它们与细胞其他结构的相互关系,尤其在细胞发育分化过程中,这些蛋白的表达及其生物学意义,人们的理解远不如微管和微丝.本文用抗中间丝蛋白的单克隆抗体的免疫组化反应,对人胎肺发育分化过程中间丝蛋白的表达进行观察.结果表明,胎肺发育分化阶段中间丝蛋白在一定的时期表现出两种或两种以上种类的共同表达,这与成体细胞中间丝蛋白的高度特异性存在显而易见的差异.本文对于中间丝蛋白在细胞发育分化中的表达特征及其意义进行初步讨论.  相似文献   

为了观察巢蛋白 (nestin)在骨骼肌卫星细胞发育过程中的分布状况以进一步探讨 nestin在肌细胞发育中的作用 ,本实验对新生 Wistar大鼠股部骨骼肌传代培养后 ,在不同发育期进行 nestin单克隆抗体的 ABC免疫组织化学反应 ,并以抗 actin,desmin单克隆抗体作同期对照 ;计算阳性肌卫星细胞数量并进行统计学分析。结果发现 :actin,desmin,nestin三组间在同一培养时间点上的阳性肌卫星细胞数量无差异 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,但在时间点之间的比较上 ,4h组较 2 h组的阳性肌卫星细胞数量有所增加 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,其余各时间组的阳性肌卫星细胞数量则显著高于 2 h组、4h组 (P<0 .0 1)。提示 :nestin在体外培养的骨骼肌卫星细胞发育过程中有表达  相似文献   

人慢性肝炎贮脂细胞超微形态的计量学变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Xu C  Li W 《中华病理学杂志》1998,27(6):416-420
目的探讨人慢性肝炎贮脂细胞(又称肝星状细胞)的转化规律。方法利用肝穿刺活检材料,以半薄切片光镜计数及电镜形态计量学等研究方法,对人慢性迁延性肝炎(5例)、轻度慢性活动性肝炎(5例)、中度慢性活动性肝炎(6例)及重度慢性活动性肝炎(5例)的肝小叶非纤维化区和正常肝组织(8例)的贮脂细胞数量、形态及细胞器含量变化进行观察分析。结果慢性活动性肝炎组肝小叶非纤维化区内贮脂细胞总数(28.80±3.96、27.11±3.96、27.20±8.85)个/200000μm2明显低于正常肝组(44.75±6.87)个/200000μm2及慢性迁延性肝炎组(42.40±10.76)个/200000μm2;过渡细胞的百分率随病变程度加重而趋向升高;部分贮脂细胞转化为成纤维细胞。结论慢性病毒性肝炎致肝纤维化过程中,贮脂细胞不断向成纤维细胞转化,并有向肝小叶纤维间隔迁移的趋势  相似文献   

AIM--To determine which, if any, of five commercially available desmin clones is most reliable at labelling desmin filaments and whether the enhanced polymer one step (EPOS) method of labelling is of any advantage in the routine diagnostic laboratory. METHODS--Thirty four rhabdomyosarcomas from the files at The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, were studied. Four different desmin clones, DE-R-11, D33, DE-U-10, and PDE, were applied to each using the conventional extravidin biotin peroxidase method. The D33 clone was also applied using the EPOS method. RESULTS--The EPOS method incorporating D33 persistently scored more cells as desmin positive and was positive in four cases which were negative on staining with the other clones. CONCLUSIONS--The D33 desmin clone used with the EPOS method is more reliable for identifying desmin filaments in tumours than other desmin antibodies tested. Different desmin clones using a routine technique label different rhabdomyosarcoma cells and therefore it is justifiable to use more than one clone.  相似文献   

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