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第三类病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1精神障碍的类型 基于迄今为止所积累的临床知识,精神障碍大致可以分为三类。  相似文献   

<正>根据民政部对于社团管理的有关规定以及中国医药生物技术协会章程,经理事长办公会讨论决定,第四届理事会第七次常务理事会议采用通讯形式召开。会议通知共发出82份,其中以邮件形式发出67份,以传真形式发出15份。要求各位常务理事于2012年1月15日前将意见和建议反馈到协会会员部,如逾期未回视为无意见。  相似文献   

正按照协会章程和民政部的有关规定,为了总结协会2016年工作,做好2017年的工作安排,协会第五届第三次理事会于2016年12月24日在杭州召开,会议由李少丽副理事长主持。会议审议通过了协会2016年工作报告和财务报告、中国医药生物技术协会3D打印技术分会设立申请、协会行业信用评价工作方案、协会团体标准管理办法(试行)和标准工作专家委员会管理办法(试行);审定通过了新申请入会44家单位名单,同意增补贵州百灵企业集团制药股份有限公司为  相似文献   

7月3日下午,中国医药生物技术协会第四届第六次常务理事会在北京飞天大厦召开。本次会议应到常务理事80位,实到55位。会议由协会顾问组组长刘海林主持。  相似文献   

文勇 《中国医药生物技术》2011,(6):471+409-471,409
2011年11月7日下午,中国医药生物技术协会第四届第四次全体理事会在北京国际会议中心召开。本次会议应到理事308位,实到理事和理事代表210位。本次会议主要听取并审议了协会2011年工作报告,增补了副理事单位和常务理事单位,修订了《中国医药生物技术协会专业委员会/分会管理办法》、《中国医药生物技术协会财务管理办法》和《中国医药生物技术协会分支机构财务管理办法》。现纪要如下:  相似文献   

中国人民解放军第五三三医院中国人民解放军第五三三医院是一所集军事医学、临床医学、教学、科研、预防保健为一体的综合性医院,技术力量雄厚当地有较高知名度。医院占地50余亩,展开普通床位300张,干部病床20多张,现有中、高级专业技术人员近百名;有近20个...  相似文献   

每个生命都有其独特的视角,每个心灵都有其特殊的追求与渴望。  相似文献   

母亲去世后,在父亲执意要求下,我有了一位继母。对于继母进入我的家庭,我的态度是比较中立的。几年以后,父亲去世,老家就剩下继母一个人,我对她的态度就更加模棱两可。继母有个儿子,很不争气,至今还在监狱里,这使继母老来无靠。我们兄弟都在外地活得有头有脸,继母便把晚年的幸福寄托在我们身上。  相似文献   

Non-neoplastic mammary gland, 20 benign tumors and 206 carcinomas of the breast were immunohistochemically examined for expression of HLA-A, -B, -C, HLA-DR, -DP, and -DQ molecules and the HLA-D associated invariant chain (Ii). In contrast to cells from benign lesions, tumor cells of 51.2% of carcinomas had an abnormally low content of HLA-A, -B, and -C determinants ranging from reduction of antigenic density per cell (28.8%) over an incomplete (15.6%) to complete loss of antigens (6.8%). Associated with lymphohistiocytic stromal infiltrates, HLA-D/Ii determinants were found to be induced in benign duct and acinar epithelium after the order Ii greater than or equal to HLA-DR greater than or equal to HLA-DP greater than or equal to HLA-DQ. These antigens were also expressed, mostly noncoordinately, in 55.5% of carcinomas, and in 98 cases according to the above order. In 28.6%, Ii expression clearly exceeded HLA-D antigen expression; conversely, 6.2% contained HLA-DR+/Ii- tumor cell subsets. In breast carcinoma, the association of reduced HLA-A, -B, and -C expression and a noninduction of HLA-DR was highly significant (P less than 0.0009), suggesting an abnormal signal acting down-regulating on the expression of both classes of antigens. Because the modality of HLA-A, -B, and -C and HLA-D/Ii expression correlated with neither tumor type nor grade, it might be an independent parameter.  相似文献   

We describe three unrelated cases of Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome (WBS). Two of them were diagnosed postnatally while the third was detected during pregnancy that resulted in elective termination. Amniotic karyotypes were normal in all. PCR amplification of polymorphic loci mapping to 11p15.5 region documented partial trisomy of 11p15.5 due to paternal translocation in one, and segmental and mosaic segmental unipaternal disomy (UPD) in the second and third cases, respectively. Based on findings documented in these cases and the literature, we tabulated the anomalies that might be detected prenatally by ultrasound and that may suggest the syndrome. Constant findings included fetal overgrowth, polyhydramios, enlarged placenta, and specifically a distended abdomen. As most described signs developed after 22 weeks of gestation, a careful follow-up should be carried on until late stages of pregnancy. An amniotic karyotype might not detect subtle chromosomal rearrangements. We therefore recommend utilizing PCR of polymorphic loci on 11p15.5, in addition to conventional cytogenetic analysis of the fetus and both parents to detect possible maternal deletions or inversions, paternal duplications, and UPD that may account for the largest subset of sporadic WBS reaching 25% of cases. An early diagnosis of WBS is important for counseling the parents concerning potential risk for developing embryonic tumors, selection of the mode of delivery due to potential adrenal cysts that might bleed during labor, and prevention of neonatal hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Mesotheliomas are uncommon neoplasms that arise from the cells forming the serosal membranes of the body cavities. Approximately 90-95% of mesotheliomas arise in the pleural cavity and 5-10% in the peritoneal cavity. Rare mesotheliomas arise in the pericardium and in the tunica vaginalis. Unlike many neoplasms, mesotheliomas grow in a diffuse distribution and tend to encase the organs in the various body cavities. A combination of histochemical, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features are often necessary to accurately diagnose mesotheliomas. These techniques are highlighted in this review article on mesothelioma.  相似文献   

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