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We explored the associations between early-life adversity and migration-related stress on the mental health of Central American and Mexican migrating children held in United States immigration detention facilities. Migrating children have high rates of trauma exposure prior to and during migration. Early-life adversity increases risk for developing mental health disorders. Forced separation of migrating children from their parents at the United States–Mexico border potentially exacerbates this risk. We sought to determine whether exposure to trauma prior to immigration and specific features of immigration detention were associated with posttraumatic stress symptomatology. We interviewed parents of 84 migrating children (ages 1–17) after families were released from immigration detention facilities to assess children's migration- and detention-related experiences. A modified version of the University of California Los Angeles Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Reaction Index was administered to assess children's PTSD symptoms and document trauma exposure. A total of 97.4% of children experienced at least one premigration traumatic event. PTSD symptom severity was most strongly predicted by premigration trauma and duration of parent–child separation. This study contributes to a growing empirical literature documenting that early-life adversity increases risk of developing mental health disorders, particularly following additional stress exposure, and that remaining with parents during immigration detention may help mitigate children's stress response.  相似文献   

This study investigated (a) whether teen-age mothers from twowestern nations, England and the United States, differed inthe support they received from professionals during the postnatalperiod; and (b) whether differences in the way the two groupsof mothers cared for their babies were associated with thatprofessional support. Twenty-one English and 21 matched Americanmothers between 17 and 19 at the time of their babies' births,par ticipated, with their babies, in the study. Mothers wereinterviewed when the babies were 2 to 3 months old. Mothersand babies were observed in their homes at 3 to 3 months post-40weeks gestation. Results indicated that English mothers receivedmore professional support and that they engaged in more smilingand eye contact, less frequent routine contact, and respondedmore quickly to their babies' crying than did American mothers.Evidence that professional support predicted maternal behaviorafter several other potential predictors were partialed outsuggested that support had a beneficial effect on the care youngmothers provided their babies. Evidence that partialing outprofessional support eliminated differences in behavior betweenEnglish and American mothers suggested that national differencesin maternal behavior were likely mediated through professionalsupport.  相似文献   

Species identification and global positioning system coordinates of infestations of cattle fever ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (Say) and Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini), were determined for 790 specimens submitted to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory between 1 October 1999 and 30 September 2010. Cattle fever tick specimens obtained by personnel of the United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program from infested cattle and wildlife along the Texas/ Mexico border were submitted for identification, as required by the program. A geographic information system database was developed that incorporates location, collection, and infestation records. Submitted ticks came from 11 Texas counties and were comprised of 19.5% R. (B.) annulatus and 80.5% R. (B.) microplus. Maps produced from this study locate and define the parapatric boundary between R. (B.) annulatus and R. (B.) microplus.  相似文献   


Most research on attachment in childhood is based on observation. In contrast, research on reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is mainly based on caregiver reports. Moreover, little is known about self-concept or internal working models (IWMs) of self and others in children with RAD. The present study examined whether caregiver reports and the frequency of observed signs of RAD reveal differences between children at risk for developing RAD symptoms and healthy controls in middle childhood. In addition, children’s self-concept, observable signs of negative IWMs, and mental health were assessed. Results revealed that the RAD risk group showed increased reported and observed signs of RAD, a more negative self-concept, and more signs of negative IWMs compared to healthy controls. Signs of RAD in middle childhood were expressed trans-relational to both caregivers and strangers. Moreover, RAD symptoms were associated with negative self-concept, observed signs of negative IWMs, and poor mental health.  相似文献   

Background: The number of cancer survivors in the U.S. has increased from 3 million in 1971, when the National Cancer Act was enacted, to over 12 million today. Over 70% of children affected by cancer survive more than 10 years, and most are cured. Most cancer survivors are adults, with two-thirds of them 65 years of age or older and two-thirds alive at five years. The most common cancer diagnoses among survivors include breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. This review was conducted to better appreciate the challenges associated with cancer survivors and the opportunities healthcare providers have in making a difference for these patients.Methods: Comprehensive review of literature based on PubMed searches on topics related to cancer survivorship, and associated physical, cognitive, socio-economic, sexual/behavioral and legal issues.Results: At least 50% of cancer survivors suffer from late treatment-related side effects, often including physical, psychosocial, cognitive and sexual abnormalities, as well as concerns regarding recurrence and/or the development of new malignancies. Many are chronic in nature and some are severe and even life-threatening. Survivors also face issues involving lack of appropriate health maintenance counseling, increased unemployment rate and workplace discrimination.Conclusions: Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer will lead to more survivors and better quality of life. However, tools to recognize potentially serious long-lasting side effects of cancer therapy earlier in order to treat and/or prevent them must be developed. It is incumbent upon our health care delivery systems to make meeting these patients'' needs a priority.  相似文献   



Despite substantial evidence that the public wants access to Internet-based communication with health care providers, online patient-provider communication remains relatively uncommon, and few studies have examined sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with the use of online communication with health care providers at a population level.


The aim of the study was to use nationally representative data to report on the prevalence of and changes in use of online patient-provider communication in 2003 and 2005 and to describe sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with its use.


Data for this study are from two iterations of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS 2003, HINTS 2005). In both years, respondents were asked whether they had ever used email or the Internet to communicate with a doctor or a doctor’s office. Adult Internet users in 2003 (n = 3982) and 2005 (n = 3244) were included in the present study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify predictors for electronic communication with health care providers.


In 2003, 7% of Internet users had communicated online with an health care provider; this prevalence significantly increased to 10% in 2005. In multivariate analyses, Internet users with more years of education, who lived in a metro area, who reported poorer health status or who had a personal history of cancer were more likely to have used online patient-provider communication.


Despite wide diffusion of the Internet, online patient-provider communication remains uncommon but is slowly increasing. Policy-level changes are needed to maximize the availability and effectiveness of online patient-provider communication for health care consumers and health care providers. Internet access remains a significant barrier to online patient-provider communication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine gender differences in adherence and metabolic control and test the mediating role of mental health symptoms in a sample of predominantly African-American, low-income youth with chronically poor metabolic control. METHODS: Baseline questionnaire data from an intervention study were collected from 119 youth and their primary caregiver. RESULTS: Boys had worse adherence than girls, but there were no gender differences in hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). Boys had more externalizing symptoms, whereas girls had more anxiety; there were no gender differences in depression. Externalizing symptoms were associated with poor adherence and metabolic control. Although anxiety was correlated with poor adherence, this relationship was not significant in the invariate analysis. Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) suggested that externalizing symptoms mediated the relationship between gender and adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that gender differences in adherence may be attributed, in part, to gender differences in externalizing symptoms in urban youth with poor metabolic control. Interventions targeting these symptoms may be necessary to improve adherence and HbA1C in both boys and girls.  相似文献   

GM2 gangliosidosis (GM2g) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by deficiency of lysosomal β-hexosaminidase A, resulting in accumulation of GM2 ganglioside, principally in the brain. Substrate reduction therapy is currently under investigation as a treatment. The study investigated the pharmacokinetics and safety of miglustat given as single and multiple doses in infantile and juvenile GM2g patients for 6- and 24-months, respectively. Eleven patients with infantile (n = 6) and juvenile (n = 5) GM2g received oral miglustat at 30–200 mg t.i.d. adjusted to the body surface area. Patients underwent pharmacokinetic assessments on day 1 and at month 3. The pharmacokinetics of miglustat were described by a 2-compartmental model with a lag time, median time to maximum concentration of 2.5 h, and terminal half-life of about 10 h. The pharmacokinetics were time-independent, and did not differ between infantile and juvenile cohorts. The accumulation index was 1.7. Among infantile GM2g patients, the major drug-related adverse events (DRAEs) were abdominal discomfort and flatulence. In the juvenile group, however, the major DRAEs observed were diarrhea and weight loss. One juvenile patient developed peripheral neuropathy, and others showed progression of already established neuropathy, which was judged to be part of the natural progression of the disease. Some mild laboratory abnormalities observed were either transient or attributable to concomitant medications. Miglustat showed similar pharmacokinetic parameters in all patients, with no specific difference between infantile and juvenile forms. Miglustat was shown to be a safe drug, with mild to moderate diarrhea, as an age-dependent DRAE, which was controlled by dietary modification.  相似文献   



Electronic clinical knowledge support systems have decreased barriers to answering clinical questions but there is little evidence as to whether they have an impact on health outcomes.


We compared hospitals with online access to UpToDate® with other acute care hospitals included in the Thomson 100 Top Hospitals® Database (Thomson database). Metrics used in the Thomson database differentiate hospitals on a variety of performance dimensions such as quality and efficiency. Prespecified outcomes were risk-adjusted mortality, complications, the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicators, and hospital length of stay among Medicare beneficiaries. Linear regression models were developed that included adjustment for hospital region, teaching status, and discharge volume.


Hospitals with access to UpToDate® (n = 424) were associated with significantly better performance than other hospitals in the Thomson database (n = 3091) on risk-adjusted measures of patient safety (P = 0.0163) and complications (P = 0.0012) and had significantly shorter length of stay (by on average 0.167 days per discharge, 95% confidence interval 0.081-0.252 days, P < 0.0001). All of these associations correlated significantly with how much UpToDate® was used at each hospital. Mortality was not significantly different between UpToDate® and non-UpToDate® hospitals.


The study was retrospective and observational and could not fully account for additional features at the included hospitals that may also have been associated with better health outcomes.


An electronic clinical knowledge support system (UpToDate®) was associated with improved health outcomes and shorter length of stay among Medicare beneficiaries in acute care hospitals in the United States. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether use of UpToDate® is a marker for the better performance, an independent cause of it, or a synergistic part of other quality improvement characteristics at better-performing hospitals.  相似文献   

Abstract Individuals migrate to improve their wellbeing and quality of life, and often experience adverse situations, both during the process of migration and once within the host country. The purpose of this paper is to unpack the barriers to and facilitators of community participation, among Latinx immigrants with disabilities in the United States and Latinx migrant workers in Canada, following the Social Ecological Model. The authors draw from an appraisal of existing literature and their own participatory research with Latinx immigrants. Based on this integrative literature review, Latinx experience individual issues such as language barriers and lack of knowledge of the services available to them. At the community level they experience discrimination, limited opportunities for community participation, and lack of opportunities for meaningful employment. At the systemic and policy level in the United States, the antimigrant political environment keeps Latinx immigrants with disabilities from participating in their communities due to fear of deportation. In Canada, Latinx workers experience the paradox of migration and discrimination. The discussion of barriers and facilitators is followed by recommendations for community research and action.  相似文献   

Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is a prototypic genetic condition related to imprinting. Causative mechanisms include paternal 15q11‐q13 deletion, maternal chromosome 15 uniparental disomy (UPD15), Prader–Willi Syndrome/Angelman Syndrome (PWS/AS) critical region imprinting defects, and complex chromosomal rearrangements. Maternal UPD15‐related PWS poses risks of concomitant autosomal recessive (AR) disorders when the mother carries a pathogenic variant in one of the genes on chromosome 15 associated with autosomal recessive inherited disease. Co‐occurrence of autosomal recessive conditions in the setting of UPD leads to increased complexity of the clinical phenotype, and may delay the diagnosis of PWS. We report a patient with PWS and associated congenital ichthyosis due to maternal UPD15, and a homozygous novel pathogenic variant in ceramide synthase 3 (CERS3). We also review the literature of associated disorders reported in the setting of maternal UPD15‐related PWS and provide a summary of the previously described CERS3 variants. This represents the second case of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) in the setting of PWS and UPD15. There needs to be a high index of suspicion of this genetic mechanism when there is unexpected phenotype or evolution of the clinical course in a patient with PWS.  相似文献   

B cells activated with anti-γ antibody plus interferon (IFN)-γ exerted strong antigen presentation activity for T cell proliferation. The enhanced antigen presentation function was shown to be due to the increase in B7-2 expression. When B cells were stimulated with anti-μ, expression of MHC major histocompatibility complex class II, heat-stable antigen (HSA), ICAM-1 and B7-2 was increased. The presence of IFN-γ further augmented the expression of B7-2 on anti-μ-stimulated B cells. B7-1 was not expressed on B cells under these conditions. The participation of B7-2 in the elicitation of the proliferative response of T cells was confirmed by the inclusion of anti-B7-2 antibody in cultures. The enhanced expression of either HSA or ICAM-1 was shown not to play a major role in the increased B cell antigen presentation capacity. The major T cell population responding to this activated B cell antigen presentation was shown to be CD44low naive CD4+ T cells, whereas CD45RBlow memory CD4+ T cells responded only weakly. The difference in proliferative responses between naive and memory CD4+ T cells was explained by the different efficiency in IL-2 production of these cell populations in response to antigen presentation by B cells activated by anti-μ plus IFN-γ. These results suggest that IFN-γ plays an important role in recruitment of naive T cells for an immune response.  相似文献   

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