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目的探讨清远市无SAILS病例地区人群SAILS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)抗体水平。方法采集本地区各县区不同年龄、不同职业的人群血液,用酶联免疫法检测血清中SARS-CoV抗体IgG。结果共检测血清样本1484份,SAILS—CoV抗体IgG总阳性率为0.61%(9/1484),其中0—6岁和13—18岁年龄组SAILS.CoY抗体IgG均为阴性,7—12岁年龄组的阳性率为1.82%(8/439),19岁以上年龄组的阳性率为0.10%(1/1009)。在9份SAILS—CoV抗体IgG阳性的血清样本中,1份为饮食服务业从业人员,阳性率为0.39%(1/257);其余8份为学生,阳性率为1.70%(8/471)。结论本地区人群SAILS-CoV抗体水平比较低,低龄组0—12岁人群SAILS-CoV抗体IgG阳性率高于高龄组13岁以上组人群的阳性率。提示SAILS-CoV可能存在隐性感染、隐性传播和隐性感染聚集性。  相似文献   

单纯GBV-C/HGV感染人体血清学和病理学追踪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 从临床和病理学方面探讨庚型肝炎病毒(GBV-C/HGV)的致病性。方法 收集24例单纯血清GBV-C/HGV RNA阳性人体的穿刺活检肝组织及血清标本,其中8例作间隔2年以上的二次肝穿,进行血清和肝组织GBV-C/HGV RNA、血清抗E2抗体及ALT水平、肝组织NS3和NS5抗原检测,并作肝组织光、电镜观察。结果 24例血清GBV-C/HGV RNA阳性者首次肝穿前3d内平均ALT水平为60.17IU/ml(42-87IU/ml),抗E2抗体阳性率4.17%,首次肝组织GBV-C/HGV RNA阳性率为75.00%,NS3和(或SN5抗原阳性率为54.17%。GBV-C/HGV RNA及NS3和NS5抗原主要于肝细胞质内检出,阳性细胞呈散在分布,少数浸润的单个核细胞内有病毒RNA检出。肝细胞呈极轻度急、慢性炎症病变者占79.17%。与2年前比较,2年后24例观测对象血清GBV-C/HGV RNA自然转阴率66.67%(P<0.001),血清ALT复常率75.00%(P<0.001),E2抗体阳性率为41.67%(P<0.001),8例二次穿刺肝组织除2例有灶状肝细胞水样变性外,余均复常。结论 庚型肝炎病毒可引起极轻度自限性肝炎,提示其致肝损伤作用微弱且具有自限性;血清E2抗体是GBV-C/HGV感染恢复性标志,是否存在其他恢复性血清标志物尚待研究。  相似文献   

目的 检测正常人和SARS患者血清中3种人冠状病毒(229E、OCA3和SARS-CoV)特异性抗体.分析3种冠状病毒血清学相关性。方法 采用免疫印迹、免疫荧光和ELISA方法检测100例健康献血员、34例SARS患者恢复期以及11例SARS患者双份血清中229E、OCA3和SARS-CoV3种冠状病毒核衣壳(N)蛋白抗体。结果 用免疫荧光方法检测100例健康献血员血清中229E、OCA3和SARS-CoV IgG阳性率分别为98%、100%和1%,34例SARS患者恢复期血清中3种冠状病毒IgG的阳性率均为100%;免疫印迹检测100例健康献血员血清中229E、OCA3和SARS-CoVN蛋白IgG阳性率分别9r7%、99%和2%,34例SARS患者恢复期血清中229E、OCA3和SARS-CoVN蛋白IgG阳性率分别97%、100%和100%;11例SARS患者的急性期和恢复期双份血清中,免疫荧光检测有5例出现229E IgG滴度4倍或以上升高,10例出现OC43 IgG滴度4倍或以上升高,ELISA检测2例出现229EN蛋白IgG滴度4倍以上升高,没有一例出现OCA3N蛋白抗体滴度升高。结论 正常人群中普遍存在229E和OCA3两种人冠状病毒抗体,SARS-CoV感染者存在对人冠状病毒229E和OCA3血清学交叉反应,提示核衣壳蛋白不是引起血清学交叉反应的主要抗原,结果对研究SARS溯源有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的了解我国不同民族的健康人群戊型肝炎病毒感染情况。方法采用ELISA方法检测人群血清中戊型肝炎病毒(戊肝,HEV)IgG抗体。汉族人群血清分别来自于四川、北京、黑龙江和山东,回族和藏族人群血清来自于甘肃、宁夏和青海,总共10448份血清采集于2006—2008年。结果七省市人群HEV抗体总阳性率为17.97%(1878/10448)。汉、回和藏不同民族人群HEV抗体阳性率分别为24.32%(1794/7376)、3.59%(81/2258)和0.37%(3/814)。不同地区人群HEV抗体阳性率分布,四川、北京、黑龙江和山东汉族人群阳性率分别为27.45%、20.30%、22.89%和22.68%,甘肃汉和回族分别为24.63%(184/747)和6.12%(77/1258),宁夏回族和青海藏族分别0.40%和0.37%。汉回藏不同民族各年龄组人群HEV感染分布,汉族各年龄组人群HEV抗体阳性率,在≤10岁年龄组为5.19%,11~20岁组为11.64%,21~30岁组为20.08%,31~40岁组为34.17%,41—50岁为41.75%,51~60岁组为48.58%,≥61岁组为57.43%。回族人群各年龄组人群HEV抗体阳性率依次为3.11%,3.96%,2.11%,3.98%,2.52%,4.57%和6.67%。藏族人群3份阳性者分布在21—30岁组、31—40岁组和51~60岁组各1份,阳性率为0.63%、0.58%和1.01%。结论汉族人群戊肝病毒感染明显高于回族和藏族,感染率随年龄增长而升高。回藏族人群HEV抗体阳性率低下,应加强对HEV感染的监测。  相似文献   

收集广东省各类人群血清标本2224份,用间接免疫荧光法检测人类嗜T细胞病毒Ⅰ型(HTLV-1)抗体,结果:HTLV-1抗体阳性35份,总阳性率为1.57%;其中健康人群血清1810份,抗体阳性23份,阳性率为127%;献血员血清248份,抗体阳性1份,阳性率040%;白血病患者血清109份,阳性8份,阳性率734%,与健康人群比较,有非常显著性差异(P<0005);神经系统疾病患者血清57份,阳性3份,阳性率526%。  相似文献   

目的探讨重组SAG1抗原对弓形虫IgG和IgM抗体的检测效果。方法用rSAG1作抗原建立免疫印迹方法(rSAG1-WB),与玻片虫体过氧化物酶免疫染色试验(TSHE)平行检测不同来源血清。结果15例病原学检查阳性小鼠血清和5例免疫兔血清的IgG抗体均为阳性,30例正常小鼠血清和10例正常兔血清均未出现阳性反应。rSAG1-WB检测可疑弓形虫病患者血清阳性率为60.3%(38/63),献血员血清阳性率为6%(3/50),与TSHE检测结果(65.1%和4%)均无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。1例IgM强阳性血清和13例IgM弱阳性血清在Western—blot检测中分别出现相应的强阳性与弱阳性反应,50例献血员血清均未出现IgM阳性反应,结果与TSHE一致。结论rSAG1-WB检测弓形虫IgG和IgM抗体均具有高度的敏感性和特异性.与TSHE的符合率高。  相似文献   

广东省人群中人嗜T细胞病毒I型感染的血清流行病学…   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
收集广东省各类人群血清标本2224例,用间接免疫荧光法检测人类嗜T细胞病毒I型抗体,结果:HTLV-1抗体阳性35份,总阳性率为1.57%,其中健康人群血清1810份,抗体阳性23份,阳性率为1.27%,献血员血清248份,抗体阳性1份,阳性率0.40%,白血病患者血清109份,阳性8份,阳性率7.34%,与健康人群非常显著性差异(P〈0.05);神经系统疾病患者血清57份,阳性3份,阳性率5.2  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒IgG抗体动态变化的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)冠状病毒抗体IgG的变化规律。方法:采用间接酶联免疫(ELISA)法,对534例发病后1—153天的SARS患者的血清特异性抗体IgG进行检测,并设置对照组进行比较。结果:SARS患者血清IgG抗体阳性率为58.1%,对照组为0.5%,两者具有显著性差异(P=0.000)。SARS患者中,临床症状出现后1—10天、11—30天、31—60天、61—90天、91—120天、≥121天组冠状病毒抗体IgG的阳性率分别为18.8%(3/16例)、63.8%(37/58例)、55.6%(30/54例)、51.4%(71/138例)、62.1%(159/256例)、83.3%(10/12例)。结论:SARS患者发病初期IgG抗体阳性率低,第11天后迅速上升,第4、5个月时持续存在,但持续多长时间尚需进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的:探讨疾病对ABO血型抗原性的影响及其血清学特性分析。方法:应用微柱凝胶法、单克隆抗体血型分型试剂和RBC试剂,对100例患者和30例献血员的RBC(检测抗原)和血清(检测抗体)进行正反定型,测定血型抗原性和抗体效价。对血型抗原性极度减弱导致血型鉴定困难的患者血液,进行吸收放散、血型物质测定、不规则抗体筛选和抗球蛋白试验。结果:100例患者中血型抗原性减弱者占24%,其中自血病患者占40%(12/30),恶性肿瘤患者占36.67%(11/30),其他疾病患者占2.50%(1/40)。抗原性减弱在ABO血型中的分布:A型为40.48(17/42),B型为16.67%(5/30),O型为7.14%(2/28);献血员血型抗原性减弱者为3.33%(1/30)。100例患者中血清血型抗体效价降低者2%,献血员血清血型抗体效价降低者为0%。结论:白血病和恶性肿瘤对血型抗原性的影响较其他疾病大,患者ABO血型抗原性减弱正定型时容易导致血型误判,但其血清中仍存在着规则的抗A或抗B抗体,唾液中含有血型物质,应用微柱凝胶法进行正反定型,同时进行吸收放散试验和血型物质的测定,能提高血型检测的准确性.  相似文献   

检测日本血吸虫感染者血清中特异性IgG4的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评价日本血吸虫感染者血清中特异性IgG4的诊断和疗效价值,本研究以SEA为抗原,胶体金.抗人IgG4单抗结合物为检测标记物,以金标免疫渗滤法(DIGFA)检测急性和慢性血吸虫病患者治疗前后血清中特异性IgG4抗体。结果显示,急性和慢性血吸虫病病人血清中IgG4阳性率分别为90.9%(30/33)和98.0%(98/100);检测非疫区健康者血清及其他寄生虫(包括肺吸虫、华支睾吸虫、囊虫等)感染者血清共235人份,未有阳性出现(特异性为100%);检测急性血吸虫病病人治疗后6个月和12个月血清,IgG4抗体的阴转率分别为52.0%(13/25)和87.5%(21/24),均明显高于IgG阴转率;检测血吸虫病病人治后6个月血清,慢性病人与急性病人IgG4抗体阴转率无差异。结果表明DIGFA法检测病人血清特异性IgG4诊断血吸虫病敏感性高,与IgG相比有更高的特异性,具有一定的疗效考核价值。  相似文献   

To evaluate the prevalence of hepatitis virus markers and human T-cell lymphotropic virus infections among drug abusers in Japan, serum samples were collected from 91 male drug abusers at the Shinshu University Hospital and the rehabilitation facility in Matsumoto and from 519 healthy male blood donors as controls. Sera were tested for antibody to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs), antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc), immunoglobulin M anti-HBc (IgM anti-HBc), antibody to hepatitis D virus (anti-HDV), antibody to HTLV type 1 (anti-HTLV 1), and antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV). The prevalence of anti-HAV was 13.2% in drug abusers and 10.8% in controls (not significant). The prevalences of HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc and exposure rate to hepatitis B virus (HBV) were 4.4%, 24.2%, 31.9%, and 35.2%, respectively, in drug abusers and 0.8%, 6.7%, 9.6%, and 9.6% in controls. The exposure rate to HBV was significantly different (P less than 0.001). IgM anti-HBc and anti-HDV were not detected in any sera. Anti-HTLV I was detected in three drug abusers (3.3%) and in one (0.2%) of the controls (P less than 0.01). All sera were negative for anti-HIV in all subjects. Infection with HBV and HTLV I is more common among drug abusers than in the general population of blood donors in Japan.  相似文献   

In order to assess the current seroepidemiology of hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection in Taiwan where hepatitis B virus (HBV) is hyperendemic, a total of 756 voluntary blood donors, 641 prostitutes, 1,014 patients with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and 628 drug abusers were studied. Radioimmunoassays were used for testing HBV infection markers and antibody against HDV (anti-HDV) among HBsAg carriers. The anti-HDV prevalence among HBsAg carriers was significantly higher in STD patients (9.6%), prostitutes (33.1%), and drug abusers (68.1%) than in blood donors from the general population (2.2%). The prevalence gradually increased with age in blood donors and STD patients, but reached a plateau at a young age in prostitutes and drug abusers. Males had a higher prevalence than females in blood donors (2.7% vs. 0), STD patients (8.2% vs. 7.5%), and drug abusers (69.0% vs. 57.1%), but the difference was not statistically significant. STD patients with syphilis had a higher prevalence (19.5%) than those affected with non-ulcerating STDs (5.3%). While unlicensed prostitutes had a lower prevalence (13.6%) than licensed prostitutes (44.9%), intravenous drug abusers had a higher prevalence (73.1%) than non-intravenous drug abusers (34.6%). There was a twofold increase in anti-HDV prevalence from 1986 to 1989 among prostitutes, but the prevalence remained unchanged in the general population and drug abusers. HDV infection remains limited to the high-risk groups and spread mainly by promiscuity and needle sharing in Taiwan.  相似文献   

庚型肝炎病毒C型(GBV—C)多肽的抗原性研究及应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
应用Goldkey软件分析GBV-C的氨基酸序列,采用标准的Merifield固相法和多中心同步多肽合成技术研究GBV-C多肽抗原,应用抗原反应性好的NS3区P1和P11多肽以及NS5区的P22多肽研制抗GBV-C检测试剂。99例GBV-CRNA阳性血清的抗GBV-C阳性率为81.82%(81/99),1000例单采浆献血员血样的抗GBV-C阳性率为5.10%(51/1000),抗GBV-C阳性血样中的GBV-CRNA阳性率为70.59%(36/51)。结果表明,P1,P11和P22可以用于抗GBV-C检测试剂的开发。应尽快对献血员,尤其是献浆员进行抗GBV-C的筛选。  相似文献   

广西HCV高危人群庚型肝炎病毒的新基因型核苷酸序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨广西HCv高危人群庚型肝炎病毒(HGv)的感染情况及其新基因型的核苷酸序列。方法 静脉药瘾者(IVDAs)85份、肝病患者(PLDs)80份和献血员(BDs)50份血清标本.用PCR法检测庚型肝炎病毒RNA,EIA法检测HBsAg、抗-HCV和抗-HIV;随机选出62份庚型肝炎病毒RNA阳性标本进行核苷酸序列分析,构建种系发生树作基因分型。结果 215份血清中HGv阳性者85份(39.53%),HBsAg、抗-HGV和抗-HIV的阳性率分别为39.07%、42.79%和0;11份HGV RNA的测序结果证实其有3种基因型,其中5株为新基因型(亚洲型),51份补测序,其中GBV—C型占3.23%,HGV型占30.65%,亚洲型占64.51%。结论 HGV的3种基因型中存在不同的基因亚型;广西IVDAs、PLDs和BDs中感染庚型肝炎病毒以亚洲型和HGV型为主。  相似文献   

A total of 145,293 serum samples were collected from volunteer blood donors in 13 provinces of China and tested for anti-HTLV antibody using an ELISA licensed in China. Thirty were positive for anti-HTLV by ELISA and 19 of those 30 samples were confirmed positive using a supplemental immunoblot assay. Anti-HTLV-I was detected only in samples from Fujian province (a Southern province) where the positivity rate was approximately 0.05%. The region encoding gp46 from 5 of the 19 antibody positive samples was amplified and sequenced. Sequence analysis indicated that these isolates belong to HTLV-I genotype A. These data suggest that HTLV-I is not endemic throughout China and the virus may be restricted to a particular region.  相似文献   

A total of 390 parenteral drug abusers (PDAs) at the Kaohsiung Municipal Narcotics Abstention Institute were examined for markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis D virus (HDV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). All sera were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), surface antibody (anti-HBs), and core antibody (anti-HBc) by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and for antibody to HIV (anti-HIV) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and antibody to HDV (anti-HDV) were also tested for HBsAg-positive serum samples. Although the HBsAg-positive rate (22.1%) among PDAs was similar to that of the general population in southern Taiwan, the HBV infection rate (99.2%) and the anti-HDV-positive rate (78.5%) among HBsAg-positive subjects were significantly higher than those of the general population in southern Taiwan (P less than 0.0001). None of the PDAs studied were positive for anti-HIV. The levels of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) among PDAs were significantly higher than those of the general population in southern Taiwan (P less than 0.0001). The more frequent the institutionalisation, the higher the infection rates with HBV and HDV and elevated levels of SGOT and SGPT. Horizontal transmission through parenteral drug abuse may be considered a possible reason for the significantly higher rates of HBV and HDV among parenteral drug abusers.  相似文献   

In order to assess seroprevalence of human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) infection among intravenous drug abusers in Taiwan, serum samples were collected from 858 male study subjects. Antibodies against HTLV-I (anti-HTLV-l) in sera were tested by enzyme-linked immu-nosorbent assay and confirmed by Western blotting. The overall prevalence of anti-HTLV-l (2.3%) in drug abusers was significantly higher than that in the general population in Taiwan with a relative risk of 4.9, but it was only slightly higher than that in prostitutes (1.9%). There was a statistically significant increase in prevalence with age. Drug abusers engaged in prostitution had a significantly higher prevalence (18.2%) than those who were not (2.1%). No significant association with anti-HTLV-l positivity was observed with marital status and educational level. Tattooed abusers had an increased prevalence (2.7%) compared with the untattooed (1.4%). Drug abusers tattooed before 1980 had a significantly higher prevalence (3.5%) than those tattooed after 1980 (0.8%). Anti-HTLV-l prevalence was higher for those who had been blood transfused (4.5%) than untransfused abusers (2.0%). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The serological pattern of anti-HBc antibody positivity without both, HBsAg and anti-HBs antibody positivity may be present in up to 4% of the population of Europe and the United States. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to determine the hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity by detection of serum HBV DNA in patients with anti-HBc antibody positivity only and with confirmed anti-hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) antibody positivity or without anti-HCV antibody positivity. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 141 patients positive for anti-HBc antibodies only, were investigated on serum HBV DNA load. Patients were classified into two groups: patients with confirmed positive anti-HCV antibodies (group 1) and patients without anti-HCV antibodies (group 2). RESULTS: Demographic data of patient groups were similar. In 66 of 70 patients with anti-HBc antibodies and anti-HCV antibodies (group 1), serum HCV RNA was detected; the remaining 4 patients were HCV RNA negative but the presence of anti-HCV antibodies was confirmed by the line probe assay. In none of the patients, with anti-HBc antibodies and without anti-HCV antibodies (group 2), serum HCV RNA was detected. In none of the patients, serum HBV DNA was detected. CONCLUSION: In this study, serum HBV DNA could not be detected in patients with anti-HBc antibodies only. There seems to be no need for determination of serum HBV DNA in patients without clinical evidence of chronic liver disease. Nevertheless, it would be useful to test patients with progressive liver disease and those, which belong to high-risk groups such as hemophiliacs, intravenous drug abusers, patients on hemodialysis, and immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

Background and objectivesSeroprevalence estimation of COVID-19 is quite necessary for controlling the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Seroprevalence rate in recovered COVID-19 patients help us to identify individual with anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and its protective nature. The objective of present study was to evaluate seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among potential convalescent plasma donors and analysis of their deferral reasons.Materials and methodsA total 400 potential convalescent plasma donors were enrolled over five-month period for this prospective study. Inclusion criteria were lab confirmed COVID-19 recovered patients and 14 days of symptoms free period. All prospective plasmapheresis donors were tested for IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibody through chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay, CBC, serum protein, blood grouping along with other required test for normal blood donation as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act. After pre donation testing and medical examination if donor was found to be ineligible for plasmapheresis was deferred. Seroprevalence rate was calculated by positive IgG antibody test results among the potential plasma donors.ResultsSeroprevalence rate was 87% for IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in prospective convalescent plasma donors (recovered COVID-19 patients). There was no significant difference in seroprevalence rate between different sub-groups with respect to gender, age, blood groups, Rh factor, mode of treatment, day of Ab testing and repeat plasma donation. Most common reason for their deferral was absent IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (13%) followed by absenteeism of eligible screen donors (6.7%), low Hb (1.7%) and poor veins for plasmapheresis (1.7%). Till five-month study period none of the plasmapheresis develop symptoms of reinfection with COVID-19.ConclusionIn all, 13% recovered patients did not develop IgG antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection. SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies persist for quite some time and are protective against reinfection. More long-term serology studies are needed to understand better antibody response kinetics and duration of persistence of IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

目的 了解吉林省供血者人类细小病毒感染的流行病学情况,为评估我国B19病毒的感染状况提供基础数据.方法 用间接ELISA方法检测血清中的抗B19 IgG抗体.结果 在184份血清中,抗B19 IgG抗体总检出率为55.43%.女性抗体阳性率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),年龄段在35~45岁之间的献血人员抗体阳性率最高.结论 本研究数据提示吉林省地区献血人员B19病毒感染率较高,有必要进行进一步B19 DNA的调查研究,为输血安全和血液制品安全提供保障.  相似文献   

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