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目的 本文对陕西陇县下城子乡店子村遗址出土的中国战国时代人类的颅骨进行详细的观察,初步认识2000年前人类错(牙合)畸形的发病情况,以便在现有的资料中研究人类进化过程中各个阶段咀嚼器官的演化.方法 用临床常用的检查方法对考古遗址出土的2000年前人类颅骨标本进行观察,共观察标本110个个体,其中颅骨基本完整,上下牙弓基本完整,能观察到(牙合)关系的个体有24个.男性13例,女性11例.观察牙齿排列情况:牙列拥挤、牙间隙及个别牙齿错位;观察牙(牙合)关系及错(牙合)畸形的情况.结果 大多数颅骨标本可观察到少量的牙齿排列不齐牙齿轻度拥挤,只有1例为重度拥挤.颅骨标本中错(牙合)畸形的患病率为25.00%,安氏Ⅰ类2例,占8.33%;安氏Ⅱ类3例,占12.50%;安氏Ⅲ类1例,占4.17%.结论 在数百万年的人类进化历史中,错(牙合)畸形由无到有,由少到多,由轻到重.从新石器时代到殷商时期的几千年间,错(牙合)畸形的患病情况变化不大.随着工业革命的到来,人类食物的更加精细,颌骨咀嚼肌退化速度加快,错(牙合)畸形的发展速度也随之加快.6000年前宝鸡华县新石器时代人骨错(牙合)畸形的患病率为26.30%;4 000年前中国夏代人错(牙合)畸形的患病率27.59%,3 000多年前的安阳殷商头骨,错(牙合)畸形的患病率为28.00%.2 000年前陕西陇县遗址出土的战国时代人类的颅骨错(牙合)畸形的患病率为25.00%;1 500年前辽宁北票喇嘛洞魏晋十六国时期人骨的错(牙合)畸形患病率为42.53%.均比现代人低,说明在人类的演化过程中,咀嚼器官向着退化的方向发展,是随着人类社会文明进步而发展的“文明病”.  相似文献   

上海市浦东新区青少年错牙合畸形调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解上海市浦东新区生长发育期青少年错牙合畸形的患病情况,重点了解牙列拥挤、前牙深覆合覆盖和前牙反牙合的患病率。方法按Angle分类法进行分类,以个别正常牙合和错牙合分类为标准。结果错牙合畸形的患病率替牙期为44.02%,恒牙期为48.78%。牙列拥挤、前牙深覆合覆盖和前牙反牙合的患病率替牙期分别为22.74%、17.18%和4.44%;恒牙期分别为32.36%、11.06%和4.07%。结论上海市浦东新区生长发育期青少年错牙合畸形的患病率替牙期与恒牙期无明显差异。提示前牙深覆合覆盖和前牙反牙合的患者并伴有上下颌骨异常需尽早矫治,以改善牙合颌关系。  相似文献   

目的    调查研究成都地区混合牙列期及恒牙列初期儿童错牙合畸形的患病率,分析影响错牙合畸形发生的相关危险因素。方法    通过问卷调查及临床检查的方法,抽样调查5 ~ 13岁处于混合牙列期及恒牙列初期成都地区2056名儿童的错牙合畸形患病情况,统计错牙合畸形患病率并分析其可能的危险因素。结果    调查儿童患龋率为59.78%,龋均为2.33。混合牙列期儿童错牙合畸形患病率为64.64%,恒牙列初期错牙合畸形患病率为71.01%。错牙合畸形发生的危险因素包括龋病(OR = 3.805,95%CI:3.029 ~ 4.778,P < 0.001)、错牙合畸形遗传史(OR = 2.251,95%CI:1.219 ~ 4.156,P = 0.010)、口腔不良习惯(OR = 18.794,95%CI:9.643 ~ 36.629,P < 0.001)及食物精细(过于精细食物OR = 7.016,95%CI:4.557 ~ 10.802,P < 0.001;一般精细食物OR = 3.714,95%CI:2.587 ~ 5.333,P < 0.001)。结论    成都地区混合牙列期及恒牙列初期儿童患龋率及错牙合畸形患病率均处于较高水平;错牙合畸形发生的危险因素包括龋病、错牙合畸形遗传史、口腔不良习惯及食物过于精细。  相似文献   

目的:了解武汉市斫1:3区高中学生错殆畸形患病情况,为本地防治提供依据。方法:对武汉市研1:3区5000名17~19岁高中毕业生进行黯关系和牙颌畸形调查,按Angle错殆分类法分类。结果:本组学生错黯畸形患病率为29.26%,男生为33.81%,女生为24.91%,两者差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。错殆畸形构成比以AngleI类为最多,常见的牙殆畸形为牙列拥挤、个别牙错位、深覆殆。结论:武汉市研口区高中学生错胎畸形患病率较低,错殆畸形以AngleI类最多。  相似文献   

目的研究煎饼主食地区错[牙合]畸形及内倾性深覆[牙合]的患病率及分布特征。方法选取山东省部分以煎饼为主食地区18~30岁的870名青年人进行错[牙合]畸形调查研究,对安氏分类的错[牙合]构成比和患病率进行统计分析。结果调查对象错[牙合]畸形患病率为64.94%,安氏Ⅰ类错[牙合]构成比最高,为47.08%(266/565)。深覆[牙合]患病率为57.01%(496/870),高于全国其它地区的报告结果。内倾性深覆[牙合]患病率为40.69%(354/870),男女内倾性深覆[牙合]患病率的差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.715,P=0.398)。深覆[牙合]患者中,内倾性深覆[牙合]构成比为71.37%,明显高于其它类型(χ2=181.2,P=0.000)。结论煎饼主食地区错[牙合]畸形患病率较低,而该地区深覆[牙合]及内倾性深覆[牙合]患病率较高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨成人错牙合畸形的分类与牙槽骨垂直吸收间的关系。方法:选择来我院行正畸治疗的18岁以上患者450例,对治疗前的石膏模型及全颌曲面断层片的辅助检查进行统计,按不同错牙合畸形分类标准进行诊断分类,并对牙槽骨垂直吸收进行统计分析。结果:按安氏错牙合畸形和矢状骨面型分类后,牙槽骨垂直吸收的患病率无显著差异(P>0.05);按垂直骨面型(FH-MP平面)分类后,均角、低角和高角的垂直型牙槽骨吸收患病率分别为22.2%、41.2%和32.9%(P<0.05),在两两比较中,低角和高角的垂直型牙槽骨吸收患病率均明显高于均角成年错牙合患者(P<0.05),而低角与高角组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:在成年错牙合患者中,异常的垂直骨面型与牙槽骨的垂直吸收有一定相关性,提示临床治疗中对具有垂直向不调的成年错牙合畸形患者,更应关注其牙周健康及定期进行牙周维护性治疗。  相似文献   

本文调查了南京市聋哑学校334名替牙期、恒牙期聋哑青少年儿童错(牙合)畸形患病情况,患病率91.62%,男女性别间差异无显著性意义,恒牙期患病率91.8%,明显高于替牙期81.74%(p<0.01),并用安氏、毛氏、个别牙错位分类法进行分类。分析了错(牙合)畸形与聋哑症的关系,错(牙合)畸形患病率恒牙期高于替牙期的原因、毛氏Ⅰ~1、Ⅱ~4、Ⅳ~1患病率与年龄的关系及前牙深覆(牙合),深覆盖与后牙(牙合)关系的关系。  相似文献   

冯靳秋  米君国  陈骊 《口腔医学》2015,35(2):141-144
目的了解上海地区儿童乳牙列错牙合畸形流行情况,为儿童口腔卫生保健措施的制定提供理论依据。方法按照分层随机抽样的原则抽取上海市10个区20所幼儿园的2 744名3~6岁乳牙列儿童,对乳牙牙合发育情况进行检查。结果上海地区儿童乳牙牙合错牙合畸形患病率高达69.64%,男女无统计学差异;各类错牙合畸形患病率排序依次为:深覆牙合最高为55.39%,其次是深覆盖24.31%、牙列拥挤21.25%、反牙合12.03%和开牙合7.22%,其中35%的受检者同时患有两种及以上的错牙合畸形。结论上海地区乳牙牙合错牙合畸形无论是患病率还是临床类型排序较以往调查结果都发生了明显变化,需制定相应的预防保健措施,预防其发生、发展,提高儿童口腔健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:通过对错[牙合]畸形患者Bolton指数测量分析,探讨牙冠宽度与安氏各类错[牙合]畸形的关系。方法:错[牙合]畸形患者的初始记存模型382副,按照安氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2、Ⅲ类分组。测量牙冠宽度并计算Bohon指数,测量结果采用Dunean’s检验。结果:382例错[牙合]畸形病例的前牙比、全牙比、后牙比均没有性别间的差异。安氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2类错[牙合]畸形患者前牙比和全牙比与正常[牙合]人群基本一致,而Ⅲ类错[牙合]畸形患者前牙比和全牙比则与正常[牙合]人群间存在差异,安氏Ⅲ类错[牙合]畸形患者的前牙比及全牙比明显高于其他各组,有显著性差异。结论:上下颌间牙量关系不调是安氏Ⅲ类错[牙合]畸形的主要病因之一。  相似文献   

目的:探讨下颌切牙先天缺失错颌畸形拔牙矫治的影响因素.方法:对已完成的23例下颌切牙缺失错牙合畸形病例矫治效果进行回顾性研究.结果:10例矫治后对缺失下切牙修复,11例进行拔牙矫治,2例直接进行矫治.矫治后牙弓后段上下牙列咬合关系良好,前牙覆牙合覆盖基本正常.结论:在下颌切牙先天缺失错牙合畸形矫治中,决定拔牙的重要因素依次为面型,前牙覆牙合覆盖关系,磨牙关系及尖牙关系.此类错牙合病例Bolten指数不调,在拔牙矫治中应将上述前两个因素作为重点考虑.  相似文献   

2000年前出土人颌骨的牙周病研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查距今2000年前人类牙周病状况,探寻人类牙周病的流行规律。方法:观察并统计秦始皇帝陵区山任陶窑遗址出土的104具人骨架全部2452个牙齿的牙周病患病情况。按个体的年龄分组,分别对牙周病患病率、罹患的牙位进行统计分析与比较。结果:该人群牙周病的平均患病率49.04%,其中30岁以上年龄组的牙周病患病率最高(76.19%)。在不同年龄组中,牙周病的患病率和患牙数占观察牙总数的比例随个体年龄的增长而增高。不同牙位牙周病发生率顺序为:M1〉M2〉P2〉P1〉M3〉C=I2〉I1。结论:牙周病在2000年前的人群中已广泛存在,其发病率较现代人高。  相似文献   

Need and demand for orthodontic treatment in an adult Swedish population.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The prevalence of malocclusion, the need for and the demand for orthodontic treatment was studied in a randomly selected adult Swedish population > or = 20 years of age. Nine-hundred-and-twenty subjects were examined of whom 669 had their own teeth in occlusion. From those a group of 157 subjects was selected on the basis of objective need and/or subjective demand for orthodontic treatment. The various regimens of treatment required in this group were investigated. The prevalence of malocclusion ranged from 17 to 53 per cent in the various age groups. The spectrum of malocclusion was similar to that previously reported in Swedish children. The awareness of their malocclusion was higher among younger than older subjects and among those who had severe malocclusion. Objective treatment need, evaluated by two experienced orthodontists, was estimated at 11 per cent of the total population, whilst orthodontic treatment was requested by approximately 5 per cent of the population studied.  相似文献   

P J van Wyk  R J Drummond 《SADJ》2005,60(8):334-6, 338
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment needs in a sample of 12-year-old South African school children using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), and to assess the relationship between malocclusion and certain socio-demographic variables. METHODOLOGY: The sample comprised 6142, 12-year-old children attending school in seven of the nine provinces of South Africa. For each subject the standard demographic information such as gender, population group, location type and employment status of the parents was collected, after which an intra-oral examination for occlusal status using the DAI was performed. Before the survey, the examiners were calibrated and trained and only examiners with an agreement score greater or equal to 80 per cent were included in the final study. RESULTS: The results showed that 47.7 per cent of the children in the sample presented with good occlusion or minor malocclusion, just over 52.3 per cent presented with identifiable malocclusion, a DAI score larger than 26. Of these, 21.2 per cent had definite malocclusion, 14.1 per cent had severe malocclusion and 16.9 per cent had very severe or handicapping malocclusion. Malocclusion as defined in this study was found to be significantly associated with the different population groups in South Africa, with gender and with dentition stage, but not with the location type or the employment status of parents. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show a high prevalence of malocclusion in 12-year-old South African children. The findings provide reliable base-line data regarding the prevalence, distribution and severity of malocclusion as well as useful epidemiological data on the orthodontic treatment needs of 12-year-old children in South Africa.  相似文献   

The aim of this epidemiological study was to assess the prevalence of malocclusion, associated caries experience, and level of oral hygiene in the Hungarian population using the World Health Organisation (WHO) questionnaire designed to assess dentofacial anomalies. A total of 483 adolescents (289 girls, 194 boys), aged 16-18 years, were assessed. Orthodontic anomalies were detected in 70.4 per cent of the sample. Crowding and spacing were observed in 14.3 and 17 per cent, respectively, with the latter being more prevalent in the maxilla than in the mandible (10.4 and 2.9 per cent, respectively). A Class I occlusion was found in 52.8 per cent of the subjects. A half cusp anomaly in the antero-posterior molar relationship was more prevalent than a full cusp anomaly (26.9 and 20.3 per cent, respectively). The decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT), the decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (DMFS), and the visible plaque indices scores (VPI) of the 340 adolescents with malocclusion were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of the adolescents who displayed no anomalies. The prevalence of malocclusion in the Hungarian population seems to be comparable with other European communities.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the quality of a Public Dental Service (PDS) system in Sweden with regard to the orthodontic care and to investigate the selection made for the consultation by the general practitioners (GPs) and by orthodontists of those patients with malocclusion. In the individuals leaving the PDS system, the residual need and demand for treatment due to malocclusions and satisfaction with and opinion of their teeth was assessed in orthodontically treated and untreated 19-year-olds. Altogether 121 19-year-olds were clinically investigated with respect to six defined malocclusion traits and given a questionnaire. The following results were found: Ten per cent of the 19-year-olds that had not had an orthodontic consultation showed a residual treatment need. One third of the individuals judged by the orthodontist not to need treatment and one third that had been treated by the GP showed a marked orthodontic treatment need at the age of 19 years. Twenty-two per cent of all 19-year-olds left the PDS with an orthodontic treatment need. Ninety-four per cent were satisfied with their teeth irrespective of malocclusion or not. Every second individual considered their teeth important for their self-esteem. It was concluded that 19-year-olds in general were satisfied with their dental appearance. Half of the registered residual need and demand for orthodontic treatment was not related to measurable malocclusions.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to measure the distribution, prevalence and the severity of malocclusion and treatment need amongst randomly selected (n = 703) rural and urban Nigerian children aged 12-18 years (mean 14.0 +/- 1.84) using the dental aesthetic index (DAI), and to assess whether malocclusion was affected by age, gender and socio-economic background. Data were collected according to the method recommended by WHO. Most of the children (77.4 per cent) had a dental appearance which required no orthodontic treatment. Over 13 per cent fell into the group where treatment for malocclusion is considered to be 'elective'. However, a substantial proportion (9.2 per cent) of the population had severe to handicapping malocclusion where treatment is 'highly desirable' or 'mandatory'. There were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) in DAI scores between age groups, gender and socio-economic background. This study also found that Nigerian adolescents had better dental appearance and less orthodontic treatment need compared with the Caucasian and Oriental populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to estimate the dental treatment needs and oral health status of a sample of older adults in residential aged care facilities in Perth. METHODS: The 348 participants (> or = 65 years) were interviewed and screened in 25 facilities. The screenings were carried out by one examiner using a mirror and a portable light. RESULTS: Over half (52 per cent) of the participants were edentulous and 45 per cent of those edentulous participants for whom a recording was made (n=174) had oral mucosal conditions. The 164 dentate participants had a mean of 12 disease-free standing teeth, a mean decayed, missing or filled teeth (DMFT) of 24.7 (mean DT 0.8, mean FT 5.3) and half of them required the removal of supragingival calculus. Of those with root caries experience (n=127), a mean of 1.3 untreated decayed roots and a mean of 1.9 roots covered in plaque were recorded. The majority of the participants (83 per cent) were pensioners eligible for government subsidized dental care and 47 per cent were reported by the Directors of Nursing to have dementia. CONCLUSIONS: The data collected here demonstrate poor oral health conditions and a substantial treatment need in a neglected population. More people in nursing homes and hostels are keeping their natural teeth compared with a similar population studied 13 years ago.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the causes and the prevalence of traumatic injuries to the permanent incisors of 12-year-old schoolchildren in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Public and private primary schools. PARTICIPANTS: 476 children of both sexes, selected by multistage sampling technique. METHODS: Clinical examination of upper and lower permanent incisors. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incisal overjet, lip coverage, traumatised anterior teeth, cause of trauma. Parents' levels of education and employment status and family income. RESULTS: Boys experienced double the percentage of injuries compared to girls. Children with incisal overjet greater than 5 mm (P = 0.077) and inadequate lip coverage (P = 0.667) were not more likely to have experienced dental injuries. The main causes of injuries to the permanent incisors were falls (26 per cent), traffic accidents (20.5 per cent), sports (19.2 per cent), violence (16.4 per cent) and collisions with people or inanimate objects (6.8 per cent). Socio-economic measures had no significant effect on prevalence of trauma. CONCLUSIONS: Policy makers must take the causes of trauma into account when developing a strategy for the prevention of dental injuries. The role of violence in causing traumatic dental injuries has been underestimated.  相似文献   

A bstract — Dental practitioners examined, in the home, after a previous interview by dental students, 1,354 subjocts randomly selected from the Sydney Metropolitan Area. The greatest increase in carious teeth was found from 15 at 20 years to 20 at 40 years of ago, about two teeth per person required fillings and the number of teeth missing increased more as a result of caries than periodontal disease in the older people. Fifteen per cent of subjects wore edentulous and only 15 per cent visited their dentist in the previous year on an average of 2.5 times.  相似文献   

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