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线粒体是一种动态的细胞器,通过响应各种代谢和环境的信号, 分裂和融合改变其形态和结构,从而维持细胞的正常功能。它们短暂而快速的形态变化对于细胞周期、免疫、凋亡和线粒体自噬的质量控制等许多复杂的细胞过程至关重要。线粒体自噬与线粒体质量控制密切相关,通过将受损的功能障碍的线粒体转运到溶酶体进行降解,促进心肌细胞受损线粒体的更新,并有效地抑制功能障碍线粒体的积累。由于心脏作为一个复杂而高耗能的器官,心肌细胞严重地依赖线粒体氧化代谢过程作为其能量和营养供应的来源。许多研究表明,线粒体融合、分裂和线粒体自噬的诸多影响和调控功能的因子都与各种心血管疾病有关,维持线粒体的功能和其完整性对正常心肌细胞的运行是至关重要的。在这篇的综述中,我们将重点概述一下线粒体的融合、分裂和线粒体自噬的诸多调控因子与心血管疾病的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

心肌线粒体是心脏能量代谢的主要部位,其功能障碍可导致多种心血管疾病.线粒体质量控制主要通过调控线粒体的生物发生、融合、分裂和自噬,以保证线粒体形态、数量和质量的相对稳定,以维持其结构和功能的完整性.线粒体的质量控制体系在缺血性心脏病、糖尿病性心肌病、心力衰竭、动脉粥样硬化和高血压中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

线粒体作为细胞能量代谢的核心参与者,参与了胰岛素抵抗和2型糖尿病发生机制。线粒体质量控制系统包括线粒体生物合成、线粒体动力学、线粒体自噬。线粒体质量控制通过不断融合/分裂改变其形状及大小、生物合成新生线粒体补充线粒体池和自噬将包裹受损的线粒体传递至溶酶体进行清除,维持相对稳定的线粒体数量和质量的动态过程,是保证线粒体健康和维持线粒体稳态的重要机制。糖尿病患者在线粒体自噬、动力学和生物合成方面存在缺陷,即线粒体质量控制失调,导致线粒体功能障碍,诱发β细胞功能紊乱甚至死亡。深入了解线粒体质量控制与T2DM的关系,通过调节线粒体生物合成、线粒体融合/分裂和线粒体自噬等相关因子表达,影响线粒体质量控制,从而改善外周组织的胰岛素敏感性、提高葡萄糖刺激胰岛素分泌能力、促进白色脂肪褐变和减少脂肪异位沉积,达到降糖、降脂、治疗T2DM的目的。  相似文献   

线粒体是一个处于不断地融合与分裂过程中的动态细胞器。线粒体融合蛋白2(Mfn2)作为广泛分布于线粒体外膜和线粒体结合内质网膜上具有多重功能的蛋白,参与维持正常细胞功能。除了参与线粒体融合外,Mfn2还能够调节线粒体代谢、促进损伤线粒体的自噬、增强线粒体与内质网交流、维持内质网功能及通过调控线粒体外膜通透性和渗透性钙转运孔道的启闭参与细胞死亡过程等。另外,Mfn2基因还可通过调控Ras-Raf-ERK/MAPK和Ras-PI3K-Akt信号通路分别参与调控血管平滑肌细胞的增殖和凋亡过程。Mfn2的这一系列重要的生物学功能有助于其参与高血压、肺动脉高压、动脉粥样硬化、急性缺血/再灌损伤、扩张性心肌病、心肌肥大、心衰和肥胖糖尿病等多种心血管疾病的发生发展过程。研究Mfn2与心血管疾病的相关性也许能为临床提供一个心血管疾病潜在治疗的靶点。因此,本文将综述Mfn2在心血管疾病相关研究中的现状。  相似文献   

线粒体自噬与心脏能量代谢研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>线粒体是真核细胞能量产生的主要场所,其通过氧化磷酸化的形式为机体提供ATP,维持细胞的基础代谢。外界刺激或病理环境可导致线粒体结构和功能受损,最终导致ATP合成受限。线粒体自噬通过选择性清除该类功能障碍线粒体,保持细胞内线粒体数量的平衡性、结构和功能的完整性,维持细胞内环境稳态,并促进细胞的存活,对保证机体的能量供应至关重要。近年研究表明,线粒体自噬异常会导  相似文献   

心肌缺血再灌注损伤是造成心肌结构损伤、功能障碍的一种病理生理过程,进一步发展会导致级联的多器官功能障碍。线粒体是一种结构功能复杂且对外界环境反应敏感的细胞器,其稳态的维持依赖于正常形态、功能及数量的相对稳定状态。线粒体质量与代谢异常和心血管疾病尤其是心肌缺血再灌注损伤的发生密切相关。微小RNA是近年来研究较多的在缺血再灌注损伤心肌线粒体保护中具有重要作用的调控因子。本文通过微小RNA对心肌缺血再灌注损伤时线粒体形态、功能、线粒体自噬和线粒体DNA几个方面的调控机制与相关前沿进展进行综述,为微小RNA参与缺血再灌注心肌线粒体损伤的后续研究提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

线粒体功能障碍会导致ATP的生成减少,活性氧的产生增加,被认为是血管内皮损伤的触发因素之一。许多因素与线粒体功能障碍有关,如线粒体DNA突变、线粒体融合与分裂失衡、线粒体自噬受损等。本文综述了线粒体的质量控制过程和线粒体功能障碍在血管内皮损伤中的作用机制,以期为动脉粥样硬化的有效防治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

心脏作为哺乳动物能量消耗最高的器官之一,其在围生期发育过程中需要完成从无氧糖酵解到脂肪酸氧化的能量代谢转换,期间心肌细胞线粒体发育迅速,以满足心脏对能量的需要。近年来研究发现线粒体质量控制在围生期心脏发育成熟过程中发挥重要作用。线粒体质量控制包括线粒体生物合成、线粒体融合/分裂以及线粒体自噬等过程,通过维持线粒体结构及功能的完整来保证细胞功能及代谢的正常。本文就哺乳类动物心脏发育过程中线粒体质量控制系统的变化及其在心脏发育中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

自噬对于组成心血管系统的细胞(如心肌细胞、内皮细胞和血管平滑肌细胞等)的细胞内稳态和生理功能的维持具有重要作用。线粒体自噬是以损伤的线粒体作为自噬底物的一种选择性自噬。由于线粒体是生物能量的主要来源且心血管系统对能量要求较高,线粒体自噬在心血管稳态的维持中尤为重要。研究证实线粒体自噬在心肌梗死、心力衰竭和动脉粥样硬化等疾病中扮演重要角色。本文概述了线粒体自噬的主要调控通路,并阐述了线粒体自噬与心血管疾病之间的密切联系。  相似文献   

线粒体是心肌能量代谢的主要场所,其通过分裂和融合的动态平衡维持正常的形态和功能.线粒体分裂和融合的动态转换称为线粒体动力学,受线粒体融合和分裂相关蛋白等多种蛋白调控.线粒体动力失衡可引起心脏结构和功能的紊乱,参与扩张型心肌病、缺血再灌注损伤、脓毒性心肌病、糖尿病心肌病和动脉粥样硬化等心血管疾病的发生和发展.维持线粒体动...  相似文献   

Over the past decade, mitochondria have emerged as critical integrators of energy production, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), multiple cell death, and signaling pathways in the constantly beating heart. Clarification of the molecular mechanisms, underlying mitochondrial ROS generation and ROS-induced cell death pathways, associated with cardiovascular diseases, by itself remains an important aim; more recently, mitochondrial dynamics has emerged as an important active mechanism to maintain normal mitochondria number and morphology, both are necessary to preserve cardiomyocytes integrity. The two opposing processes, division (fission) and fusion, determine the cell type-specific mitochondrial morphology, the intracellular distribution and activity. The tightly controlled balance between fusion and fission is of particular importance in the high energy demanding cells, such as cardiomyocytes, skeletal muscles, and neuronal cells. A shift toward fission will lead to mitochondrial fragmentation, observed in quiescent cells, while a shift toward fusion will result in the formation of large mitochondrial networks, found in metabolically active cardiomyocytes. Defects in mitochondrial dynamics have been associated with various human disorders, including heart failure, ischemia reperfusion injury, diabetes, and aging. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial function in the heart, further focused research is needed to translate this knowledge into the development of new therapies for various ailments.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are essential organelles that produce the cellular energy source, ATP. Dysfunctional mitochondria are involved in the pathophysiology of heart disease, which is associated with reduced levels of ATP and excessive production of reactive oxygen species. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that change their morphology through fission and fusion in order to maintain their function. Fusion connects neighboring depolarized mitochondria and mixes their contents to maintain membrane potential. In contrast, fission segregates damaged mitochondria from intact ones, where the damaged part of mitochondria is subjected to mitophagy whereas the intact part to fusion. It is generally believed that mitochondrial fusion is beneficial for the heart, especially under stress conditions, because it consolidates the mitochondria's ability to supply energy. However, both excessive fusion and insufficient fission disrupt the mitochondrial quality control mechanism and potentiate cell death. In this review, we discuss the role of mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy in the heart and the cardiomyocytes therein, with a focus on their roles in cardiovascular disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Mitochondria: From Basic Mitochondrial Biology to Cardiovascular Disease".  相似文献   

Aging is a degenerative process that unfortunately is an inevitable part of life and risk factor for cardiovascular disease including heart failure. Among the several theories purported to explain the effects of age on cardiac dysfunction, the mitochondrion has emerged a central regulator of this process. Hence, it is not surprising that abnormalities in mitochondrial quality control including biogenesis and turnover have such detrimental effects on cardiac function. In fact mitochondria serve as a conduit for biological signals for apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy respectively. The removal of damaged mitochondria by autophagy/mitophagy is essential for mitochondrial quality control and cardiac homeostasis. Defects in mitochondrial dynamism fission/fusion events have been linked to cardiac senescence and heart failure. In this review we discuss the impact of aging on mitochondrial dynamics and senescence on cardiovascular health. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: CV Aging.  相似文献   

Loss of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin causes early onset Parkinson''s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder of unknown etiology. Parkin has been linked to multiple cellular processes including protein degradation, mitochondrial homeostasis, and autophagy; however, its precise role in pathogenesis is unclear. Recent evidence suggests that Parkin is recruited to damaged mitochondria, possibly affecting mitochondrial fission and/or fusion, to mediate their autophagic turnover. The precise mechanism of recruitment and the ubiquitination target are unclear. Here we show in Drosophila cells that PINK1 is required to recruit Parkin to dysfunctional mitochondria and promote their degradation. Furthermore, PINK1 and Parkin mediate the ubiquitination of the profusion factor Mfn on the outer surface of mitochondria. Loss of Drosophila PINK1 or parkin causes an increase in Mfn abundance in vivo and concomitant elongation of mitochondria. These findings provide a molecular mechanism by which the PINK1/Parkin pathway affects mitochondrial fission/fusion as suggested by previous genetic interaction studies. We hypothesize that Mfn ubiquitination may provide a mechanism by which terminally damaged mitochondria are labeled and sequestered for degradation by autophagy.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that undergo a constant cycle of division and fusion to maintain their function. The process of mitochondrial fusion has the effect of mixing their content, allowing complementation of protein components, mtDNA repair, and distribution of metabolic intermediates. Fission, on the other hand, enables mitochondria to increase in number and capacity, and to segregate mitochondria for autophagy by the lysosome ("mitophagy"). Disruption of these protein quality control mechanisms has recently been identified in multiple cardiac diseases, including cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and ischemic heart disease, and is intimately tied to mitochondrial control of apoptosis. Proteins that regulate mitochondrial fusion and fission have been discovered, including Mfn1, Mfn2, and Opa1 (fusion) and Drp1 and Fis1 (fission). In this review, we discuss how these proteins are regulated by post-translational modification with ubiquitin and SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier). We then present what is known about the ubiquitin and SUMO ligases that regulate these post-translational modifications and regulation of mitochondrial fusion and fission, exploring their potential as therapeutic targets of cardiac disease.  相似文献   

Background Doxorubicin is a widely used drug in all kinds of chemotherapy, but its application is limited by its cardiac toxicity to some extent. Most of scholars have studied doxorubicin induced myocardial injury and cardiomyocytes death, but the specific mechanism remains unclear. Autophagy is a metabolic pathway of degrading longevity protein and organelles by lysosome, especially selective autophagy which called mitochondrial autophagy exists in various cells. The normal range of mitochondrial autophagy helps to maintain the physiological function, otherwise, could lead to the development of disease. Recent studies have suggested that mitochondrial autophagy is involved in the progress of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. This article reviews the role of mitochondrial autophagy in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity, and how mitochondrial autophagy is involved in the occurrence and development of the progress, in order to provide a theoretical basis of prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

The myocardium is mainly composed of long-lived postmitotic cells with, if there is any at all, a very low rate of replacement through the division and differentiation of stem cells. As a consequence, cardiac myocytes gradually undergo pronounced age-related alterations which, furthermore, occur at a rate that inversely correlates with the longevity of species. Basically, these alterations represent the accumulation of structures that have been damaged by oxidation and that are useless and often harmful. These structures (so-called ‘waste’ materials), include defective mitochondria, aberrant cytosolic proteins, often in aggregated form, and lipofuscin, which is an intralysosomal undegradable polymeric substance. The accumulation of ‘waste’ reflects the insufficient capacity for autophagy of the lysosomal compartment, as well as the less than perfect functioning of proteasomes, calpains and other cellular digestive systems. Senescent mitochondria are usually enlarged, show reduced potential over their inner membrane, are deficient in ATP production, and often produce increased amounts of reactive oxygen species. The turnover of damaged cellular structures is hindered by an increased lipofuscin loading of the lysosomal compartment. This particularly restricts the autophagic turnover of enlarged, defective mitochondria, by diverting the flow of lysosomal hydrolases from autophagic vacuoles to lipofuscin-loaded lysosomes where the enzymes are lost, since lipofuscin is not degradable by lysosomal hydrolases. As a consequence, aged lipofuscin-rich cardiac myocytes become overloaded with damaged mitochondria, leading to increased oxidative stress, apoptotic cell death, and the gradual development of heart failure. Defective lysosomal function also underlies myocardial degeneration in various lysosomal storage diseases, while other forms of cardiomyopathies develop due to mitochondrial DNA mutations, resulting in an accumulation of abnormal mitochondria that are not properly eliminated by autophagy. The degradation of iron-saturated ferritin in lysosomes mediates myocardial injury in hemochromatosis, an acquired or hereditary disease associated with iron overload. Lysosomes then become sensitized to oxidative stress by the overload of low mass, redox-active iron that accumulates when iron-saturated ferritin is degraded following autophagy. Lysosomal destabilization is of importance in the induction and/or execution of programmed cell death (either classical apoptotic or autophagic), which is a common manifestation of myocardial aging and a variety of cardiac pathologies.Key Words: Aging, apoptosis, autophagy, cardiac myocytes, mitochondria, oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic process for eliminating macromolecules and damaged organelles by a highly regulated lysosomal pathway. Importantly, autophagy serves as an integral quality control mechanism by recycling cellular constituents for energy consumption and cellular rejuvenation under basal and stress conditions. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that under certain conditions autophagy can switch from an adaptive survival mechanism to maladaptive process that promotes cell death. Furthermore, defects in autophagy have been linked to mitochondria injury and cell death associated with aging. In this review, we describe the role of autophagy as a physiological mechanism for maintaining homeostasis with its specific involvement in mitochondrial quality control and cardiac aging.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial physiology and biogenesis play a crucial role in the initiation and progression of cardiovascular disease following oxidative stress-induced damage such as atherosclerosis (AST). Dysfunctional mitochondria caused by an increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage, and respiratory chain deficiency induces death of endothelial/smooth muscle cells and favors plaque formation/rupture via the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis-related genes such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator (PGC-1), although more detailed mechanisms still need further study. Based on the effect of healthy mitochondria produced by mitochondrial biogenesis on decreasing ROS-mediated cell death and the recent finding that the regulation of PGC-1 involves mitochondrial fusion-related protein (mitofusin), we thus infer the regulatory role of mitochondrial fusion/fission balance in AST pathophysiology. In this review, the first section discusses the possible association between AST-inducing factors and the molecular regulatory mechanisms of mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, and explains the role of mitochondria-dependent regulation in cell apoptosis during AST development. Furthermore, nitric oxide has the Janus-faced effect by protecting vascular damage caused by AST while being a reactive nitrogen species (RNS) which act together with ROS to damage cells. Therefore, in the second section we discuss mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) channels, which regulate mitochondrial ion transport to maintain mitochondrial physiology, involved in the regulation of ROS/RNS production and their influence on AST/cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Through this review, we can further appreciate the multi-regulatory functions of the mitochondria involved in AST development. The understanding of these related mechanisms will benefit drug development in treating AST/CVD through targeted biofunctions of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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