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自1985年12月至2000年12月行全胃切除治疗胃癌56例,现报告如下。1材料与方法1.1一般资料男性48例,女性8例;年龄44~74岁(平均年龄62.3岁),65岁以上占67.9%(38/56)。合并心肺疾患占66.1%(37/56)。全组均经上消化道钡餐及胃镜检查,病理证实为胃癌。1.2肿瘤类型病变部位:全胃癌(占3个分区)8例;残胃癌7例;胃上部癌23例,其中贲门癌13例,贲门癌侵犯胃底或胃体(占2个分区)10例;胃体癌11例;胃下部癌7例,其中胃窦癌2例,胃窦癌侵犯胃角或胃体(占2个分…  相似文献   

自1983年10月至今 ,对7例因溃疡病胃大部切除术后残胃发生贲门及食管癌患者进行了手术治疗。其中贲门癌5例 ,腹段食管癌1例 ,胸内上段食管癌1例。平均年龄65.1岁。距胃大部切除时间平均24.7年。首次手术均采用毕2式结肠前顺蠕动胃空肠端侧吻合 ,空肠输入输出段间未行侧侧吻合。手术方法 :经胸部左后外侧切口切开膈肌观察残胃容积平均约500~700ml,游离残胃及食管 ,距肿物上、下缘3~5cm处切断食管及胃体 ,切除肿瘤后残胃体积约250~300ml,吻合完成后约150~200ml。于靠近腹腔动脉起始部切断…  相似文献   

残胃癌43例临床病理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨残胃癌的临床及病理特点,方法:对43例残胃癌临床病理资料进行回顾性分析。结果:43例残胃癌患者临床症状以腹痛,腹胀,黑便,吞咽困难为主要表现;首次手术方式:胃切除比Ⅱ式吻合32例(74.4%),胃切除毕I式吻合11例(25.6%),距首次手术发生残胃癌时间为5-25年,平均12年,发生部;钱胃吻合口25例(58.1%),残胃贲门15例(34.9%,其中3例同时侵犯食管下段),残胃小弯侧癌3例,组织学类型,高分化腺癌6例(13.9%),中分化腺癌6例(13.9%),低分化腺癌21例(48.8%),未分化癌6例(13.9%),黏液腺癌4例(9.3%),25例出现邻近脏器,组织(肝,胰,脾,肠系膜,网膜)转移(58.1%),无转移者18例(41.9%),其中5例癌组织局限在黏膜层及黏膜下层,结论:残胃癌多发生于胃切除毕II式吻合术后,胃大部切除术后定期随访,必要时做胃镜检查及病理活检可早期发现残胃癌,有效的治疗能延长残胃癌患者的生存期。  相似文献   

王红军 《陕西肿瘤医学》2011,(12):2496-2498
目的:总结残胃癌的临床诊断和改进残胃癌的外科治疗效果。方法:回顾性分析我科1995年1月-2005年12月间收治的36例残胃癌的发病情况、临床表现及治疗结果。结果:首次胃切除病因以消化性溃疡为主(35例,占97.2%),首次手术B-Ⅱ式29例,占80.6%。确诊残胃癌距首次胃切除手术时间平均为17.5年。残胃癌发生于胃肠吻合口者占58.0%,发生于残胃小弯者占35.9%,发生于贲门者占6.1%,根治性切除手术占58.3%(21例)。结论:良性胃十二指肠病变行胃切除手术治疗时应以B-Ⅰ式或Roux-en-Y吻合为首选,B-Ⅱ式吻合需加Braun吻合较为合理。对残胃癌高危人群应定期行胃镜检查,早期诊断、早期根治性手术切除是提高残胃癌预后的关键。  相似文献   

残胃癌系指胃及十二指肠良性疾病行胃大部切除后残胃所发生的癌肿。其发病率约占胃大部切除患的0.8~1%。我院统计759例行胃大部切除患,有7例残胃癌约占0.9%。残胃癌发生时.距首次胃大部切除时间,最短9年,最长25年.平均17年,  相似文献   

全胃切除治疗胃癌的临床体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔海宁  梁景星 《癌症》1993,12(5):427-429
作者对54例胃癌行全胃切除作了手术总结分析。男44例,女14例。本组全胃切除占同期胃癌手术的13.8%,5年生存率20.3%。根治切除的5年生存率为34.8%。术后并发症为12.9%,手术死亡率3.7%。着重对胃癌手术中全胃切除的合理应用、手术径路、脾胰体尾的联合切除,消化道重建等方面进行了讨论。全胃切除是胃癌治疗中一个重要的手段。  相似文献   

老年人胃癌穿孔(附39例报告)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告,我院1976~1993年期间收治老年人胃癌急性穿孔39例,大都于发病后24小时内就诊。均为急诊手术,除8例行胃大部切除外,余均行胃癌穿孔修补术或修补加捷径手术,出院后随访25例,行胃切除7例,平均生存39月;示经胃大部切除18例,平均生存12个月。我们认为,胃癌穿孔者,如病情允许下,最好选择胃癌根治性或姑息性切除术,本组一例,切除后存活7年。也可在修补后选择Ⅱ期手术,本组2例,分别于术后一个月、三个月后行Ⅱ期手术,前者行上半胃切除,后者行全胃切除,分别存活3年、2年。  相似文献   

残胃癌的外科治疗(附19例临床分析)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨残胃癌的病因,外科治疗方法及对并发症防治。方法:整理分析本院10年来收治残胃癌19例的临床资料,对比根治性胃全切除及合并邻近脏器联合切除、姑息性切除、非切除各组患者的治疗效果。结果:本组19例中,12全和B-Ⅱ式切除术;残胃部呛切除后1年、2年、5年生存率分别为58.3%、25.0%、16.7%。非切除病例均在5~6月内死亡。结论:行远侧胃切除,应争取作B-Ⅰ式切除术;对残胃癌应强调早期  相似文献   

残胃癌的临床诊断和外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王红军 《现代肿瘤医学》2011,19(12):2496-2498
目的:总结残胃癌的临床诊断和改进残胃癌的外科治疗效果。方法:回顾性分析我科1995年1月-2005年12月间收治的36例残胃癌的发病情况、临床表现及治疗结果。结果:首次胃切除病因以消化性溃疡为主(35例,占97.2%),首次手术B-Ⅱ式29例,占80.6%。确诊残胃癌距首次胃切除手术时间平均为17.5年。残胃癌发生于胃肠吻合口者占58.0%,发生于残胃小弯者占35.9%,发生于贲门者占6.1%,根治性切除手术占58.3%(21例)。结论:良性胃十二指肠病变行胃切除手术治疗时应以B-Ⅰ式或Roux-en-Y吻合为首选,B-Ⅱ式吻合需加Braun吻合较为合理。对残胃癌高危人群应定期行胃镜检查,早期诊断、早期根治性手术切除是提高残胃癌预后的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨残余甲状腺全切除术在甲状腺癌治疗中的作用。方法:分析我院1994年8月~1998年7月对已手术(术后18月内)并经病理主宰为甲癌(乳突状癌11例、滤泡状癌2例、髓样癌3例)的16例患者行残余甲状腺全切除术的临床资料。结果:原来行包块切除及侧叶切除术的残癌率分别为75%(6/8)及60%(3/5)。多灶癌7例(43.8%)。临床治愈率为87.5%(14/16)。结论:残余甲状腺全切除术在甲  相似文献   

AIM: Following distal gastrectomy, carcinogenesis has been suggested to result from gastroduodenal reflux. In this study, surgical cases of gastric cancer arising after distal gastrectomy were analyzed clinico-pathologically and the possible link to reflux examined. PATIENTS: Thirty-two patients (24 males, 8 females; mean age, 68.7 years; age range, 33-84 years) with gastric cancer arising in the remnant stomach after gastrectomy (also known as gastric stump cancer) were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of the initial diagnosis (benign or malignant) prompting surgery, and distal gastrectomy reconstruction method (Billroth I or II). RESULTS: The interval between distal gastrectomy and detection of cancer in the remnant stomach of patients treated initially for a benign gastric condition vs. malignancy was 360+/-33.04 and 63+/-19.16 months (median+/-SE), respectively (p<0.0001). However, the benign and malignant groups did not differ significantly in the clinicopathological analysis of their stump cancers. All 10 patients in whom gastric cancer was diagnosed within five years of initial surgery had initially been surgically treated for malignancy. The interval between surgery and detection of gastric cancer in the Billroth I and Billroth II groups was 84+/-26.67 and 276+/-44.26 months (median+/-SE), respectively (p<0.01). In the remnant stomach, cancer tended to occur near the site of gastrojejunostomy in the Billroth II group (p=0.05). Helicobacter pylori infection was only detected histologically in four patients who had undergone Billroth I reconstructions after distal gastrectomy for malignancy. CONCLUSION: After distal gastrectomy, careful periodic endoscopic examination for microcarcinoma is required in patients, particularly in those who undergo surgery for malignancy, to maximize detection of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Background  We aimed to clarify the frequency and clinicopathological characteristics of gastric stump carcinoma following proximal gastrectomy. Methods  Three-hundred and sixteen patients who had undergone curative proximal gastrectomy over a 21-year period from January 1984 through December 2004 were reviewed. Results  Gastric stump carcinoma was observed in 17 patients (5.4%). The time interval between the initial gastrectomy and the treatment of gastric stump cancer was within 5 years in 3 patients, within 5–10 years in 8, and after 10 years in 6. Treatment included endoscopic resection (n = 4), completion total gastrectomy of the remnant stomach (n = 11), pancreatoduodenectomy (n = 1), and nonsurgical resection (n = 1). Pathologically, 9 carcinomas were differentiated and 8 were undifferentiated. In a review of reconstruction methods associated with disease stage, stage I was found in 6 of the 7 patients with esophagogastrostomy or short-segment jejunal interposition. On the other hand, stage I was found in only 3, but stage II–IV was found in 7 of the 10 patients with reconstruction by double-tract or long-segment jejunal interposition; thus, the tumor was more likely to be detected at an advanced stage after long-segment interposition (P = 0.049). Conclusion  Gastric stump carcinoma following proximal gastrectomy occurred at a high frequency of 5.4% of initial resections. It is necessary to select a reconstruction method that facilitates postoperative endoscopic examination, as well as to follow up the patients after proximal gastrectomy in the long term for the early detection and early treatment of gastric stump carcinoma.  相似文献   

Sixty-one patients with carcinoma of the remnant stomach after distal gastrectomy were admitted by the end of 1982. Twenty-six of them were gastrectomized for benign disease such as peptic ulcer and 35 for malignant disease such as gastric carcinoma. The age of the benign group was 58, and the average interval from the first operation was 19 years. The corresponding figures for the malignant group were 63 and 8 years, respectively. In the malignant group, the methods of anastomosis at the first operation were 18 cases of Billroth-I (B-I) and 17 of B-II. The lesion was located at the surgical stump in 7 patients and distant from the stump in 14 patients in this group. In the benign group, there were 10 cases of B-I and 16 of B-II, and no differences were seen in the location. Early carcinoma was noted in 11 patients, and 34 were advanced. Differentiated adenocarcinoma was observed in 25 cases and undifferentiated in 20 in the resected specimen. Although no metastases were seen in early cases, the rate of lymph node metastasis was 70%, and the five-year survival rate was 21% in advanced cases, and 80% in early cases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The efficacy and limitations of preoperative endoscopic clipping for determining the resection line in patients with early gastric cancer remain unclear. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects comprised 100 patients with early gastric cancer (33 females, 67 males; mean age, 60.5 years; range, 33-84 years) who underwent pre-operative endoscopic clipping for lesions located in the middle or upper corpus of the stomach. The results of endoscopic clipping for a selection of appropriate surgical procedures were investigated. RESULTS: Distal gastrectomy was performed in 94 patients, the mean length between the lesion and proximal surgical margin of the resected stomach being 28.9 +/- 18.0 mm (mean +/- SD). The surgical margin was eventually free of tumor in all patients. In 5 patients, clips were considered to be placed inadequately, and all 5 tumors were macroscopically depressed or flat and > 40 mm in size. CONCLUSION: Pre-operative endoscopic clipping represents a safe and reliable procedure to determine the resection line for tumors located in the middle or upper corpus of the stomach for treatment of early gastric cancer. During surgical resection, frozen section examination of the proximal cut end is recommended for patients with tumors that are macroscopically depressed or flat and > 40 mm in size, or that display a macroscopically unclear proximal margin.  相似文献   

目的 探讨残胃癌的临床病理特征及预后的影响因素.方法 回顾性分析2000年1月至2006年12月期间收治的47例残胃癌的临床资料,分为良性病变组(39例)和恶性病变组(8例)手术后残胃癌进行分析,并对47例残胃癌预后进行生存分析.结果 残胃癌诊断距首次手术的间隔时间平均为24.4年,多发生于毕Ⅱ式胃大部切除术后,男性多于女性,好发于吻合口处,其次是胃体、贲门部,良性病变术后残胃癌比恶性病变术后残胃癌的间隔时间长(P<0.05),病理类型、治疗及预后方面无明显差异(P>0.05),TNM分期和根治手术对残胃癌的生存率有明显影响(P<0.01).结论 现阶段恶性病变术后的残胃癌增多,与良性病变术后残胃癌在临床病理特点上没有明显不同,残胃癌的早期诊断和外科根治手术是预后的关键.  相似文献   

胃癌手术切断端癌残留的临床特点及预防   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  

胃镜诊断残胃癌与复发癌   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文报道我院自1978~1987年,胃镜检查1075人次,发现残胃癌35例.占残胃检查数的3.25%,其中原发性残胃癌15例,复发癌16例,“残留癌”4例。作者强调,为减少残胃癌应严格掌握对年轻人十二指肠溃疡的手术指征和术后残胃定期检查的必要性。  相似文献   

Introduction The present study presents the initial results of the use of video-assisted surgery in the curative intent treatment of gastric cancer in a specialised unit of esophago-gastric pathology. Methods Since December 2002 we have substituted laparotomy for video-assisted surgery for the surgical treatment of gastric cancer. We report our initial experience in 28 patients. In 20 we performed a total gastrectomy with Roux Y esophago-jejunum reconstruction. In another 8 cases we performed subtotal gastrectomy with Roux Y reconstruction. The anastomoses in total gastrectomy were performed with laparoscopy with the EEA head descending via the endo-esophageal route. The resected piece is extracted via minimum laparotomy. The associated complete lympadenectomy D2 was performed in the tumours of the gastric antrum and D1 plus the lymph node groups 7, 8, 9 and proximal 11 at the second level in the gastric body and fundus. Results The mean duration of intervention was 222 minutes and the mean blood loss was 185 ml. Mortality was 3.7% and morbidity was 19%. There was a reduction in post-operative analgesia requirements and the mean hospital stay was 11 days. Conclusions Gastric resection and related lympadenectomy can be performed using video-assisted surgery in a manner that is as safe as conventional surgery and, further, has considerable advantages. The greater complexity requires that the surgical team is better trained in the use of the laparoscopy technique. In the few studies on the theme, there appears to be no oncological inconveniences associated with the technique.  相似文献   

To evaluate the endoscopic criteria for early malignant findingsof gastric carcinoma more precisely, a retrospective examinationof endoscopic pictures of 72 patients with gastric carcinomawas carried out. The patients had received endoscopic examinationsrepeatedly for years and proceeded finally to surgery on thebasis of a diagnosis of carcinoma by gastric biopsy. The macroscopicas well as microscopic findings of the resected specimens werecompared with the previous endoscopic observations. Ulcerative lesions were predominantly found at the initial endoscopyin patients whose final diagnosis was the lie type of earlygastric cancer or IIc-like advanced cancer. These patients usuallyreceived endoscopic examinations repeatedly and their lesionswere diagnosed as malignant by the adopted criteria of earlygastric cancer 2 to 6 yr after the initial examination. In contrast, nonulcerative lesions were observed more frequentlyat the initial examination in patients with the final diagnosisof the IIa+IIc type of early gastric cancer or Borrmann typeof advanced cancer. In most of those patients endoscopic examinationwas not carried out so frequently, and in some of those whohad been closely followed the malignant findings appeared rathersuddenly with tumorous formation as well as deeper invasionduring less than a few years from the previous examination atwhich the tumor had been considered benign. These data indicate that the nonulcerative lesions which wereconsidered benign could be the early expression of gastric carcinoma.It should be stressed that nonulcerative lesions such as "irregularerythematous change, discoloration, flat granular change" and"simple mucosal depression" observed in some parts of the stomachwould be important site for the detection of early gastric carcinoma,and that these lesions need to be biopsied more frequently.  相似文献   

The authors report some peculiar features in the diagnosis and surgical treatment for cancer of the gastric stump and gastroenteroanastomosis in 13 patients, previously subjected to gastric resection and gastroenterostomy for duodenal ulcerous disease (4--34 years ago). The radical operation (subtotal or extensive gastrectomy) was performed in 9 patients, 3 of them died in the immediate postoperative period. Of 6 radically operated patients with a favourable outcome, late results were studied in 3. No tumor recurrence was noted. Histologically, there were adenocarcinoma--in 8, solid cancer--in 1, hemangioma--in 1, benign polyps--in 2 cases.  相似文献   

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