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中国成人男子外生殖器正常标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告了1000例常正成年男子睾丸,阴茎的测量结果。选择对象是部队现役军人,全部为汉族,大部分出生和成长于长江以北地区,年令为18岁至30岁。结果表明:睾丸体积(两侧均等)为15~#~25~#,以20~#为多数,纵径×横径=4.3cm×2.6cm~5.1cm×3.1cm。常态下阴茎长度为4.5cm~8.6cm,平均6.55cm。横径为2.06cm~3.08cm,平均2.57cm。周径,茎中部为7.02cm~9.42cm,平均8.22cm,冠部为7.17cm~9.83cm,平均8.5cm。阴茎长度多数在4.5~8.6cm之间,近似常态分布。身高与阴茎长度无相关,其间比例关系不密切。精索静脉曲张发病率为11.5%,包皮过长者为29.7%,包茎为8.5%。  相似文献   

病例1.患者,25岁。因婚后4年未育,门诊诊断为隐睾入院。患者自出生后即发现左侧阴囊空虚,不能触及睾丸,右侧阴囊略大,内可触及睾丸样肿块。后左侧阴囊发育迟缓,则对侧较速。阴茎发育正常,有勃起,无周期性血尿,婚后性生活正常,精液量每次约3~5ml,多次精液检验示精子量少,活动力不良。入院查体:身高173cm,体重65kg,长胡须,喉结突出,嗓音低沉,阴毛呈菱形分布,阴茎发育正常,右侧阴囊较对侧明显增大,内可触及两个肿块。左侧阴囊空虚,未能  相似文献   

汉族男子体格及生殖器发育特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2411例汉族男性大学生体格和生殖器的测量结果如下:阴茎周径8.17±0.64cm,阴茎长度7.43±1.04cm,阴茎牵长13.33±1.19cm,右睾丸容积17.91±4.09ml,左睾丸容积17.83±4.05ml,身高171.07±5.66cm,体重58.43±7.75kg.北方学生体格和生殖器发育均优于南方.城、县、乡学生的生殖器发育无明显差异,但城市学生体格发育优于农村.16岁后阴茎、睾丸大小变化不大,但生殖器的发育可持续到30岁.  相似文献   

老年,男性:1.巨大外生殖器:阴茎长185毫米,周径145毫米,与国人体质调查资料,阴茎长度80.80±0.40毫米相比增长近一倍半,周径81.08±0.38毫米增粗近一倍。睾丸左侧长4.4厘米,宽3厘米,厚2.5厘米,右侧长3.9厘米,宽3厘米,厚2.6厘米,均比常值大。阴囊明显增大。检查均无病理因素。2.高位阑尾(肝下位):阑尾长7厘米,直径0.4厘米,尾部居于肝右叶下方。3.左支气管动脉变异:起源于左锁骨下动脉,紧靠甲状颈干,全长14.2厘米,口径0.4厘米,与左侧迷走神经伴行,在主  相似文献   

<正>患者男性,18岁。主诉"发现左侧睾丸萎缩变小1年余"入院。体格检查:阴茎、阴囊发育可,双侧阴囊不对称,左侧阴囊稍空虚,表面皮肤无明显色泽改变,阴囊内双侧睾丸均可触及,右侧睾丸发育可,左侧睾丸质地软,大小1. 5 cm×1 cm,无明显触痛。彩超提示左侧睾丸萎缩,无血流信号显示,双侧睾丸微石症。病理检查眼观:不整形组织1枚,大小4. 5 cm×2. 5cm。镜检:睾丸生精小管出血、玻璃样变伴钙化,局灶区可见精液肉芽肿反应;附睾管内衬上皮细胞增生形成上皮细胞  相似文献   

苗勒管综合征一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者社会性别男性 ,2 2岁。因左侧阴囊内肿物 5年 ,于1999年 4月 2 2日入院。 10余年前曾行左腹股沟斜疝修补术 ,无隐睾 ,阴茎能勃起。父母非近亲结婚 ,无家族遗传病史。体检 :一般状态好 ,发育正常 ,无尿道下裂 ,右侧腹股沟区及右侧阴囊内未触及睾丸 ,左侧阴囊内可触及两个睾丸 ,在其 2个睾丸上方精索部可触及 6 .0cm× 5 .0cm大小的肿物 ,光滑囊性 ,透光试验阳性 ,B超探及两个睾丸大小分别为4.8cm× 2 .0cm和 4.1cm× 2 .4cm。睾丸上方可探及直径4.5cm无回声暗区。实验室检查 :血染色体核型为 46 ,xy。手术所见 :右侧腹…  相似文献   

患者16岁,因右侧腹股沟可复性包块16年,以“右侧腹股沟斜疝”收住院。查体:右侧腹股沟区可扪及一鸽蛋大小肿块,质中,随腹压上下移动,其下端未达阴囊.右侧阴囊内可扪及3×3×2cm 大小的正常睾丸;左侧阴囊内及左腹股沟管内未扪及睾丸;阴茎发育正常。  相似文献   

徐云  孙煦勇 《解剖学杂志》2021,44(2):187-187
笔者在解剖身高168 cm 的老年男性大体标本时,发现双侧睾丸动脉起源变异1例,报道如下. 双侧睾丸动脉变异,均未从腹主动脉壁前面发出,双侧动脉均起始于同侧肾动脉:右侧睾丸动脉 (直径0.15 cm、长度41.00 cm)在其距肾动脉起始1.52 cm 处以锐角起自于右侧肾动脉 (图1) ;而左侧睾丸动脉 (直径0.14 cm、长度41.80 cm)在其距肾动脉起始1.30 cm 处以锐角起自于同侧肾动脉(图2);双侧睾丸动脉在腰大肌和输尿管前方下行,经同侧腹股沟管分布双侧睾丸.  相似文献   

SRY基因阴性男性性反转综合征一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者 社会性别男,2 0岁,因先天性尿道下裂就诊。15年前因右侧隐睾行右侧睾丸固定术。术中见:膀胱直肠隐窝光滑,未见子宫及卵巢样结构,右侧睾丸位于外环口处,约0 .8cm×0 .6 cm×0 .5 cm大小,于睾丸引带侧见一盲管状结构。常规切除睾丸引带及盲管状结构并行睾丸活检。病理报告:送检组织为发育不良的睾丸和附睾组织。染色体检查报告:4 6 ,XX(女性核型)。查体:身高172 cm ,体重73.2 kg,男性体型。喉结不明显,无胡须,皮肤细腻。双侧乳房发育如同龄女性,无周期性涨痛。阴毛呈女性分布。阴茎发育差,长约4 cm,中度下曲。尿道下裂口位于阴囊中份,…  相似文献   

病例:男,31岁,婚后5年不育就诊。自诉婚后5年性生活正常,未采取避孕措施一直未育,配偶检查正常。查体:身高156cm,体重45kg,男性第二性征尚可,胡须稀疏,有喉结(较小),阴毛男性分布,阴茎大小正常,左侧睾丸体积3ml,右侧睾丸体积6ml,尿道下裂。10年前患甲亢,已愈。  相似文献   

Thirty cases of uncomplicated duodenal ulcer treated by anterior superficial lesser curvature seromyotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy were studied to evaluate the efficacy of this procedure. There was completeness of vagotomy in all the cases as shown by endoscopic Congo Red test. Twenty-seven cases were asymptomatic at 1-48 months (Mean 22.3) follow up, while 3 patients had controllable side effects such as dumping and diarrhoea. There was no mortality. This procedure is safe, effective and is a favourable alternative to highly selective vagotomy.  相似文献   

Thermal clamping of deep-body temperature and 16 fields covering the total truncal skin surface enabled characterization of thermal transmission neurons distributed in a midline medullary location. The total data set comprised 136 neurons from 54 female rats. Relative abundance of neuronal types was 27 to 34 to 75 for cold-responsive, warm-responsive, and thermally unresponsive neurons. Response maxima of thermoresponsive neurons to static thermal stimulation of the total truncal surface were 55 +/- 4 ips (mean +/- SE) at 5 degrees C for cold-responsive neurons and 6.0 +/- 1.6 ips at 35 degrees C for warm-responsive neurons. Dynamic thermal stimulation of the total truncal surface at rates up to +/- 1.6 degrees C/s failed to reveal a clear dynamic thermosensitivity in either cold- or warm-responsive neuronal pools. Instead, the data suggest a preferential passing of the static response relative to the dynamic response. Cutaneous thermal receptive fields were diffuse, occupying most of the truncal surface. Subparts of these fields drove thermoresponsive neurons to variable extents, suggesting convergence from unequally represented multiple cutaneous sources. Noxious stimulation at widely distributed body sites consistently augmented activity in cold-responsive neurons. A thermoregulatory rather than somatesthetic role is proposed for the midline medullary neurons studied here.  相似文献   

Four patients with chronic duodenal ulceration refractory to long term medical treatment were submitted to laparoscopic truncal vagotomy without drainage. No patient developed symptoms of gastric stasis or ulcer recurrence. The technique is described.  相似文献   

The relationship of body fat distribution to serum cholesterol levels was evaluated in a sample of 3,040 Mexican Americans 18–74 years of age from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) conducted from 1982–1984. Fat distribution was determined by the ratio of trunk to extremity skinfold thicknesses, while the sum of skinfold thicknesses was used as an indicator of total body fat. Results of this study indicate that: 1) Mexican Americans are significantly fatter and have a higher trunk/extremity skinfold ratio than U.S. standards; 2) despite their higher level of total body fat and truncal fat, Mexican Americans have lower serum cholesterol levels than U.S. standards; 3) Mexican American males at the same percentile level of fatness or trunk/extremity skinfold ratio have significantly higher serum cholesterols than females, despite the fact that females have higher absolute values of fat and truncal fat than males; 4) among Mexican American males the association between truncal fat distribution and hypercholesteremia increases with level of fatness. In other words, in Mexican American males the association of truncal fat distribution with hypercholesteremia is accentuated by obesity. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two cases of annular pancreas in adults are being reported. In the first case, a middle aged lady presented with duodenal obstruction and gastric ulcer. Anterior H. S. V. with posterior truncal vagotomy and isoperistaltic duodeno-jejunostomy relieved her symptoms. In the second case, a young girl presented with duodenal obstruction, severe wasting and gross dehydration. She had an uneventful recovery following a duodeno-jejunostomy.  相似文献   

Cutaneous T-cell dyscrasia represents a heterogeneous group of persistent clonal and usually epitheliotropic T-cell infiltrates with a seemingly low risk for progression to mycosis fungoides (MF). Mucin-poor folliculotropic T-cell lymphocytosis is the least well characterized with only a few anecdotal case reports. Cases of folliculotropic lymphocytosis were retrieved via a natural language search from 2 dermatopathology databases. Comprehensive light microscopic, phenotypic, and molecular studies were conducted. There were 12 females and 12 males, with mean age of 41 years. There were 2 main clinical presentations: facial erythematous infiltrative papules and/or nodules vs extremity and truncal solitary, large, scaly plaques. The mean duration of the lesions was 3 years. Progression to follicular MF was noted in 1 case. Migration of small lymphocytes into the superficial portions of the hair follicle unaccompanied by other inflammatory cells or mucin was observed; lymphocytes with a cerebriform appearance could be seen. The CD4/CD8 ratio was more than 5:1 with significant reductions in the expression of CD62L and CD7. Of 20 cases tested, 5 showed monoclonality. Folliculotropic T-cell lymphocytosis is a form of pilotropic T-cell dyscrasia distinct from MF and alopecia mucinosa; the course seems indolent in most cases.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to test the hypothesis that an altered fat distribution in elderly healthy subjects and in patients with type-2 diabetes contributes to high circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrotic factor (TNF)-alpha, which secondly is related to lower muscle mass. Twenty young controls, (20-35 yr), 20 healthy elderly subjects (65-80 yr) and 16 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes (65-80 yr) were included in a cross sectional study. Plasma levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 were measured after an overnight fast. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and total body potassium counting measured truncal fat, appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) and body cell mass (BCM), respectively. TNF-alpha, IL-6 and the relative truncal fat mass were higher in elderly compared with young controls. ASM was lower in diabetic men than in young controls and BCM was lower in elderly men compared with young men. TNF-alpha and IL-6 were correlated with the absolute as well as the relative truncal fat mass in univariate regression analyses. Similar results were found in multivariate linear regression analyses after adjusting for the effect of age and gender. TNF-alpha was related to lower ASM and BCM in elderly men both in a univariate regression analysis and a multivariate regression analysis. In conclusion, high plasma levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in elderly healthy people and in patients with type 2 diabetes are associated with increased truncal fat mass, suggesting that cytokines are partly derived from this adipose tissue bed. Furthermore, TNF-alpha was related to lower ASM and BCM, suggesting that TNF-alpha contributes to sarcopenia in ageing.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that in patients with HIV-associated lipodystrophy, adiponectin levels were related to insulin resistance, TNF-alpha and IL-6 and treatment with nucleoside analogues. HIV seropositive men undergoing highly active antiretroviral treatment were enrolled into three predetermined clinical groups: lipodystrophy with central fat accumulation (n = 12); lipodystrophy without central fat accumulation (n = 15); no lipodystrophy (n = 15). HIV-negative healthy men served as controls (n = 12). Both lipodystrophic groups had a low percentage of limb fat compared to the two control groups. Patients with lipodystrophy with fat accumulation had increased truncal fat compared with controls. Levels of adiponectin did not correlate with either TNF-alpha or IL-6. Low levels of adiponectin were found in both lipodystrophic groups and were associated with current or previous treatment with stavudine. Furthermore, the adiponectin level correlated with the percentage of limb fat. Patients with lipodystrophy with fat accumulation were more insulin resistant, measured by HOMA-IR, compared with controls. However, HOMA-IR did no correlate to adiponectin or other cytokines. In conclusion, the finding of no difference between the two lipodystrophic groups with regard to adiponectin, indicates that low levels of adiponectin reflects fat atrophy, whereas the insulin resistance was best explained by increased truncal fat mass.  相似文献   

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