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目的:分析诊断用螺旋CT用于放疗模拟定位时各种因素对放疗精度的影响,探索降低系统误差、提高放疗几何精确度的方法和措施.方法:在放疗模拟定位过程中,使用诊断用螺旋CT对70例肿瘤患者进行扫描,制定三维治疗计划得到患者正、侧位DDR射野方向照片,在X线模拟定位机下进行对比验证.结果:头颈部肿瘤靶中心点偏差小于3mm,胸部肿...  相似文献   

目的 对比研究三维适形放疗(3DCRT)和常规模拟机定位放疗两种不同方法在食管癌放射治疗中的优缺点.方法 20例食管癌患者采用3DCRT方法进行治疗,应用同一治疗计划系统,制定适形放疗和常规模拟机定位放疗方案.结果 与常规模拟定位机定位放疗相比,食管癌照射中3DCRT有最好的剂量分布,既可明显提高靶区的剂量,同时能较好地保护正常组织.结论 食管癌的适形放疗技术能降低正常组织的放射损伤和并发症,提高放疗治疗的适形度,改善靶区的剂量分布.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同CT层厚对射波刀放疗靶区剂量分布的影响。方法:(1)使用胸部仿真模体对不同大小模拟肿瘤TUMOR01~TUMOR05以1.0~5.0 mm CT层厚行常规CT模拟定位和重建;(2)使用各模拟肿瘤不同层厚CT序列以固定Auto-Shells、处方剂量、处方剂量线及限光筒制定射波刀放疗计划,记录放疗靶区计算结果;(3)分别将各模拟肿瘤不同CT层厚放疗计划移植至1.0 mm CT层厚放疗计划,记录放疗计划移植后放疗靶区变化结果;(4)比较各模拟肿瘤不同CT层厚放疗计划移植前后放疗靶区的变化情况。结果:除模拟肿瘤TUMOR01放疗靶区最大剂量(Dmax)与CT层厚表现为弱相关性(|r|=0.20)外,模拟肿瘤TUMOR02~TUMOR05放疗靶区Dmax及各模拟肿瘤放疗靶区最小剂量(Dmin)、适形度指数(CI)、新适形度指数(nCI)、覆盖率Coverage与CT层厚均表现为强相关性(|r|>0.70),各模拟肿瘤放疗靶区Dmin、覆盖率Coverage与CT层厚呈负相关,放疗靶区D<...  相似文献   

目的:探讨重离子治疗深层较大射野肿瘤的分野定位与治疗方法。方法:①肿瘤患者体位设计与固定;②美国派克PQ-6000CT模拟定位机定位扫描及扫描数据传输;⑧利用瓦里安Eclipse放疗计划系统进行肿瘤靶区勾画及射野设计;④瓦里安21EX加速器配属的多叶光栅肿瘤照射靶区适形投射与射野勾画;⑤利用瓦里安21EX加速器和/或者核通Simulix-HQ模拟定位机肿瘤射野分野设计,射野间隔设计为2mm,并获取分野图形;⑥HIRFL重离子加速器治疗终端多叶光栅分野适形;⑦依次选择不同厚度的降能片对肿瘤分野进行分层照射。结果:负压垫、热塑膜或者负压垫+热塑膜固定能够提高肿瘤患者体位重复固定和照射的准确性:CT模拟定位和放疗计划系统靶区勾画与照射野设计,能够保证肿瘤靶区不被遗漏和危及器官有效避让;重离子分野间隔设计为2mm有效避免了分野衔接区域剂量热点和冷点问题。结论:该方法解决了当前重离子加速器小野条件下治疗深部较大肿瘤问题,扩大了重离子肿瘤治疗范围,为今后重离子治疗的顺利开展奠定了一定的理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

目的:设计并实现了一种膝关节置换手术导航系统精度的精确检测方法,可对膝关节置换手术导航系统的参数进行测量与定量分析。方法:检测系统采用激光跟踪仪、定位靶球和骨锯模拟工装采集导航系统的定位平面空间坐标,依据定位靶球的空间位置计算得到导航系统的定位精度,实现了导航系统精度的精确检测。结果:本检测方法在某品牌的膝关节置换手术导航系统上进行了多次实验与分析,计算得到导航系统的定位位置准确度、定位位置重复性、定位姿态准确度、定位姿态重复性等检测数据,并对检测数据进行有效性分析。结论:本检测方法操作简洁,可重复性高,检测数据准确,可有效帮助技术人员完成导航系统的定位精度检测工作。  相似文献   

目的 通过MRI模拟定位技术与CT模拟定位技术在局部晚期鼻咽癌肿瘤靶区和危及器官(OAR)勾画方面的应用对比,探讨两种定位技术在鼻咽癌放射治疗中的剂量学差异。方法 选择蚌埠医学院第一附属医院2022年4月至2023年9月接受鼻咽癌放射治疗的37例患者,其中男性29例,女性8例;年龄29~75岁,平均年龄53.14岁;美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)分期Ⅱ期24例,Ⅲ期13例。患者在相同体位下行CT模拟定位及MRI模拟定位,在CT定位上通过患者现有影像学资料勾画靶区及OAR,并完成三维适形调强治疗计划;然后进行CT模拟定位及MRI模拟定位融合,再进行靶区勾画及OAR勾画;比较两种计划靶区体积、剂量[近似最大剂量(D2%)、近似最小剂量(D98%)、中位剂量(D50%)和OAR接受的最大点剂量(Dmax)]及适形性指数(CI)和均匀性指数(HI)差异。并比较二者OAR的剂量学差异。结果 MRI模拟定位图像上所勾画放疗计划靶区体积小于CT模拟定位(30.54 mm3±18.98 mm<...  相似文献   

许益芬 《医学信息》2018,(13):73-76
目的 比较胸中段食管癌三维适型放疗与调强放疗对靶区和危及器官的剂量学影响,探讨两种放射治疗方法在胸中段食管癌根治性放疗中重要器官受保护的优劣,寻找食管癌放射治疗的理想计划模式。方法 15例经病理证实胸中段食管鳞癌患者,经体位固定、CT模拟定位扫描成像传输到治疗计划系统、勾画肿瘤体积、临床靶区体积和危及器官。15例病例均做三维适型和调强计划,60 Gy/30次,评估/优化后应用剂量体积直方图比较两种计划对靶区及危及器官的剂量学影响。结果 在相同靶区、相同剂量模式下,对胸中段食管癌患者的放射治疗中,调强放疗对靶区剂量的分布及对危及器官的保护均优于三维适形放疗。结论 胸中段食管鳞癌,长度4~18 cm放射治疗,三维适型/调强放疗对危及器官剂量学的影响有明显差异。同部位的肿瘤受到相同剂量照射情况下,调强放疗对危及器官的影响较三维适型放疗小,靶区剂量分布均匀度好。  相似文献   

目的:通过对食管癌实例分析,理清放射治疗的全部过程,重点是利用模拟机模拟病人放疗过程,从中探讨模拟机的模拟过程在三维适形放射治疗中的临床应用价值。方法:以10位4野照射的食管癌病人为例,首先进行常规放疗模拟机的质量保证和质量控制(QA/QC),本文重点介绍等中心精度的检验和光野射野的一致性;然后利用双螺旋CT机、体位固定装置、三维激光定位系统、常规放疗模拟机及挡铅托架对放疗病人进行体模制作、CT定位、制定治疗计划、制作挡铅及进行模拟验证,分别从寻找射野中心、射野验证、计算深度验证、治疗计划各项参数的可行性验证四个方面进行分析。结果:常规放疗模拟机的各项指标达到QA规定的允许限度内。通过治疗计划显示的各种参数(挡块、楔形等)的调整及修饰后,在常规X线模拟机下对照射野位置及计算深度进行验证可发现:全部患者的计算深度符合临床要求;大部分患者的剂量分布符合临床要求,成功率达90%;射野中心偏移误差最大为3.5mm,最小为0.5mm。在整个治疗过程中,两位患者出现了与床相撞的情况。结论:对放疗患者进行放疗前模拟的过程是三维适形放疗的重要环节,用于验证放疗计划的可行性,保证放疗过程安全有效地进行。  相似文献   

目的:利用四维锥形束CT(4DCBCT)扫描获取放疗靶区摆位误差和呼吸运动误差,计算肿瘤立体定向消融放射治疗(SABR)中计划靶区体积(PTV)外放边界大小。方法:回顾性分析19例中下叶肺癌SABR治疗患者,治疗前4DCBCT扫描,共72次扫描图像。根据4DCBCT与定位CT的配准结果,评估放疗靶区分次间摆位和呼吸运动误差,确定PTV外放边界大小。结果:放疗靶区摆位误差在左右、上下、前后3个方向上分别为(0.11±0.29)、(0.02±0.58)、(0.05±0.26) cm,放疗靶区呼吸运动误差在3个方向上分别为(-0.06±0.34)、(0.09±0.68)、(0.06±0.23) cm,利用ICRU83#报告公式计算PTV外放边界,在3个方向上分别为1.13、2.15、0.90 cm。结论:4DCBCT可有效评估放疗靶区摆位和呼吸运动误差,并确定中下叶肺癌SABR治疗中PTV外放边界大小。利用本方法计算的外放边界比原来RTOG提出的外放标准更加精确,可个体化评估放疗靶区外放边界。  相似文献   

目的:研究放射治疗病人的不同呼吸运动状态对CT模拟定位扫描的图像重建精度的影响以及对放射治疗计划设计和评估的影响。方法:使用动态体模模拟放疗患者肺部靶区的呼吸运动,测试和计算不同运动周期和幅度下用于治疗计划设计的CT扫描的图像重建几何体积的变化。体模运动单元包含1cm和2cm的两个统一密度的球体和边长3cm的正方体,分别设定在沿CT定位床轴向以±1cm和±2cm的幅度作运动周期为3s,4s,5s,6s和10s的匀速振动。CT扫描条件为螺距1.5,层厚5mm,扫描速度1Slice/s。在CT模拟定位工作站上对扫描的原始数据进行三维图像重建,以自动阈值勾画方式计算模拟靶区体积大小,并与体模的实际几何体积比较确定误差。结果:(1)在体模运动方向有明显的几何体积误差,且可能形成明显的成像间隙。(2)重建的模拟运动靶区体积变化与其物理体积大小和运动状态相关。在选定的CT扫描参数和靶区体积的运动状态下,CT扫描图像重建的体积误差最大达66.7%,在振幅为2cm时相隔2cm的模体图像甚至可能发生部分重迭。(3)靶区图像的几何中心可能发生偏差,从而造成治疗计划设计的射野中心偏差。结论:在呼吸运动幅度和周期分别大于2cm和4s时有必要对定位患者采取呼吸限制方式进行CT模拟定位扫描或根据实际测量结果评估靶区体积误差可能带来的计划误差。  相似文献   

CT, MRI, PET and SPECT provide complementary information for treatment planning in stereotactic radiotherapy. Stereotactic correlation of these images requires commissioning tests to confirm the localization accuracy of each modality. A phantom was developed to measure the accuracy of stereotactic localization for CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. To this end. the stereotactically measured coordinates of structures within the phantom were compared with their mechanically defined coordinates. For MRI, PET and SPECT, measurements were performed using two different devices. For MRI, T1- and T2-weighted imaging sequences were applied. For each measurement, the mean radial deviation in space between the stereotactically measured and mechanically defined position of target points was determined. For CT, the mean radial deviation was 0.4 +/- 0.2 mm. For MRI, the mean deviations ranged between 0.7 +/- 0.2 mm and 1.4 +/- 0.5 mm, depending on the MRI device and the imaging sequence. For PET, mean deviations of 1.1 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.4 +/- 0.3 mm were obtained. The mean deviations for SPECT were 1.6 +/- 0.5 mm and 2.0 +/- 0.6 mm. The phantom is well suited to determine the accuracy of stereotactic localization with CT, MRI, PET and SPECT in the head and neck region. The obtained accuracy is well below the physical resolution for CT, PET and SPECT, and of comparable magnitude for MRI. Since the localization accuracy may be device dependent, results obtained at one device cannot be generalized to others.  相似文献   

Treatment position setup errors often introduce temporal variations in the position of target relative to the planned external radiation beams. The errors can be introduced by the movement of a target relative to external setup marks or to other relevant landmarks that are used to position a patient for radiotherapy. Those variations can cause dose deviations from the planned doses and result in suboptimal treatments where part of the target is not fully irradiated or a critical structure receives more than desired radiation doses. Clinically available technology for image-guided radiotherapy can detect variations of target position. In this study, a method has been developed to correct for target position variations and restore the original beam geometries relative to the target. The technique involves three matrix transformations: (1) transformation of beams from the machine coordinate system to the patient coordinate system as in the patient geometry in the approved dosimetric plan; (2) transformation of beams from the patient coordinate system in the approved plan to the patient coordinate system that is identified at the time of treatment; (3) transformation of beams from the patient coordinate system at the time of treatment in the treatment patient geometry back to the machine coordinate system. The transformation matrix used for the second transformation is determined through the use of image-guided radiotherapy technology and image registration. By using these matrix transformations, the isocenter shift, the gantry, couch and collimator angles of the beams for the treatment, adjusted for the target shift, can be derived. With the new beam parameters, the beams will possess the same positions and orientations relative to the target as in the plan for a rigid body. This method was applied to a head phantom study, and it was found that the target shift was fully corrected in treatment and excellent agreement was found in target dose coverage between the plan and the treatment.  相似文献   

A new technique for stereotactic radiosurgery by use of a patient rotator is described. Using the rotator with a small collimated beam of 6 MV x-rays, a small well-defined region of the brain can be irradiated to a high dose with rapid fall off of the dose outside the target volume. Since the linear accelerator gantry does not move during therapy the possibility of a collision between the gantry and the patient or stereotactic equipment is eliminated. The system is also independent of the rotational stability of the linear accelerator gantry axis and turntable axis. Dose distributions measured in a Lucite head phantom with film exhibited properties well suited for radiotherapy. Tests carried out to evaluate the ability to irradiate a selected target point within the brain with the rotator system showed a maximum positional error of 1.0 and 2.0 mm for angiography and CT localisation respectively.  相似文献   

任刚  徐寿平  杜镭  马林 《中国医学物理学杂志》2012,29(4):3463-3466,3471
放疗已成为头颈部肿瘤治疗中重要的治疗手段之一。与三维适形放疗相比,调强放疗(Intensity ModulatedRadiation Therapy,IMRT)具有更好的适形性和均匀性,在高剂量照射肿瘤靶区的同时,减少了对周围危及器官不必要的照射。目前,在调强放疗的治疗流程中,逆向计划依据治疗之前的定位CT图像设计完成,没有考虑到患者在整个治疗过程中器官解剖结构的变化、肿瘤体积缩小及身体消瘦引起的实际接受剂量与计划剂量之间的差异。因为在IMRT技术中靶区与周围危及器官间的剂量差异较大,与常规放疗相比,解剖学上的变化对计划的实施影响更大;所以,仅根据治疗前定位CT图像实施计划设计,未充分考虑到疗程中器官解剖学变化,不但可能造成靶区欠量,而且可能造成额外的并发症。为了解决这一难题,自适应放疗(Adaptive Radiation Therapy,ART)技术应运而生,已成为放射肿瘤学界近年来的一大研究热点。所谓ART技术就是根据治疗过程中的反馈信息,分析靶区及危及器官实际解剖形状和剂量与原始治疗计划之间的差异,从而对后续治疗方案及时进行相应调整的一种治疗技术或模式。本文通过回顾国内外相关文献,并结合本单位的经验,对ART技术在头颈部肿瘤中的研究现状进行讨论。  相似文献   

Since 1989 we performed stereotactic radiotherapy treatments of cerebral arterovenous malformations (AVM), estimating three-dimensional (3-D) localization and shape of target volumes by the Leksell stereotactic helmet on two orthogonal radiographic projections. Due to the limitations of this method, we developed a new technique for the localization of the target volume using digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and digital image processing. To achieve this result we first developed a method to correct nonlinear distortion of DSA images using spatial relocation of image pixels based on a calibration grid. We then developed an algorithm for localization of the target volume using two independent DSA projections. Target volume coordinates in the helmet system are calculated using two DSA acquisitions taken with a free angle (approximately 90 degrees), one in the AP and the other in the LL direction. The helmet can be freely positioned between the x-ray source and the image plane. The projections of eight reference points inserted in the helmet at a known location, are used to calculate the transformation matrix between the two coordinate systems. We performed numerical and experimental validation of the system. A hypothetical random error (up to 2 mm) on image coordinates of the reference points allowed to determine that the error in target localization was less than 0.2 mm. Using DSA images of target points with a known location within a phantom, the error between calculated and actual location was, on average, 0.30+/-0.13 mm (mean+/-SD), with a maximum error of 0.49 mm. The results of numerical and experimental validations show that the system we have developed allows fast and accurate localization of the center of the target volume and it is suitable for efficient guiding during stereotactic radiosurgery of AVM.  相似文献   

Li S  Liu D  Yin G  Zhuang P  Geng J 《Medical physics》2006,33(2):492-503
Accurate and precise head refixation in fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy has been achieved through alignment of real-time 3D-surface images with a reference surface image. The reference surface image is either a 3D optical surface image taken at simulation with the desired treatment position, or a CT/MRI-surface rendering in the treatment plan with corrections for patient motion during CT/MRI scans and partial volume effects. The real-time 3D surface images are rapidly captured by using a 3D video camera mounted on the ceiling of the treatment vault. Any facial expression such as mouth opening that affects surface shape and location can be avoided using a new facial monitoring technique. The image artifacts on the real-time surface can generally be removed by setting a threshold of jumps at the neighboring points while preserving detailed features of the surface of interest. Such a real-time surface image, registered in the treatment machine coordinate system, provides a reliable representation of the patient head position during the treatment. A fast automatic alignment between the real-time surface and the reference surface using a modified iterative-closest-point method leads to an efficient and robust surface-guided target refixation. Experimental and clinical results demonstrate the excellent efficacy of <2 min set-up time, the desired accuracy and precision of <1 mm in isocenter shifts, and <1 degree in rotation.  相似文献   

The ability of Leksell GammaPlan to perform stereotactic space localizations with image sets where there is misalignment of the patient's head (stereotactic frame and fiducial apparatus) relative to the computed tomography (CT) scanner coordinate system was studied. Misalignment is sometimes necessary for patient comfort. Results equally apply to magnetic resonance imaging. Seven 0.5 mm diameter CT-visible spheres were rigidly mounted to a string tied tightly at each end to diagonally opposite posts attached to a Leksell stereotactic frame. A standard CT fiducial box was applied to the frame in the usual clinical manner. A baseline CT scan (1 mm slice thickness) was obtained with the fiducial box perfectly aligned with the scanner axis. After localization of the image set, the (x,y,z) coordinate of the center of each sphere was recorded. Repeat CT scans with varying fiducial box misalignments with the imaging axis were subsequently obtained. The mean difference between the base line and the respective coordinates in misaligned geometries was approximately 0.2 mm (sigma=0.2 mm), well within the accuracy of the image sets and the delivery of radiosurgery with the Gamma Knife.  相似文献   

A common unwanted difficulty in treatment planning, especially in non-coplanar radiotherapy set-ups, is the potential collision of the rotating gantry with the couch and/or the patient's body. A technique and computer program that detects these and signals avoidance of such beam directions is presented. The problem was approached using analytical geometry. The separate components within the treatment room have either been measured and modelled for an Elekta linear accelerator, or read out from a Pinnacle3 treatment planning system and are represented as an integer grid of points in three-dimensional (3D) space. The module is attached to the treatment planning system and can provide rejection or acceptance of unwanted beam directions in a plan. In contrast to previous work that has only used patient models, each individual patient's outlines are considered here in their actual treatment position inclusive of any immobilization device. The extremities of the patient superiorly and inferiorly to the scanned region are simulated by an expanded version of the RANDO phantom. In this way, 'potential' collisions can be detected in addition to the certain ones. Patient position is not a limiting factor for the accuracy of the collision detection anymore, as each set-up is always created around the isocentre. Maps of allowed and forbidden zones within the treatment suite have been created by running the code for all possible gantry and couch angles for three commonly arising cases: a head and neck plan utilizing a small stereotactic collimator, a prostate plan with multileaf collimators and an abdominal plan with the lead tray attached. In the last case, the 3D map permitted significantly fewer set-up combinations. Good agreement between prediction and experiment confirmed the capability of the program and introduces a promising add-on for treatment planning.  相似文献   

Hua C  Chang J  Yenice K  Chan M  Amols H 《Medical physics》2004,31(7):2128-2134
Gantry-couch collision is a serious concern for treatment planning of the linear accelerator (linac) based stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). The ability to detect collision at the time of planning eliminates the need for backup plans and preserves the useful beam angles that would be deemed unsafe and discarded otherwise. Most collision-detection schemes embedded in commercial planning software guard only against the most apparent collisions. On the other hand, a fool-proof collision-map or lookup table often requires detailed measurement of machine geometry and complex graphic operations. In this study, we have developed a simple analytical method for collision detection with the use of quick machine-specific measurements. The collision detection is mathematically solved by determining whether two facets in three-dimensional space, representing gantry and couch surfaces, intersect with each other. A computer code was implemented and tested on a Varian Clinac 600C linac equipped with a BrainLab micromultileaf collimator (MLC) device. To measure machine-specific parameters, the lesion isocenter was set to the origin of the stereotactic coordinate system. The reference coordinates of couch bracket corners and micro-MLC to the linac isocenter were measured only once in the treatment room before they were incorporated into the computer program. Couch, gantry, and collimator were subsequently translated and rotated to study the clearance of various beam arrangements and lesion locations. Predicted results were verified at the machine. Our method correctly confirmed clearance for a retrospective study of 54 previously treated SRS plans (76 isocenters). It also accurately predicted the collisions for all ten artificially created cases. In conclusion, we have developed an analytical method for SRS collision detection that is accurate, easy to implement, and computationally inexpensive.  相似文献   

Image fusion, target localization, and setup accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) were investigated in this study. A Rando head phantom rigidly attached to a stereotactic Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW) frame was utilized to study the geometric accuracy of CBCT. Measurements of distances and angular separations between selected pairs of multiple radio-opaque targets embedded in the head phantom from a conventional simulation CT provided comparative data for geometric accuracy analysis. Localization accuracy of the CBCT scan was investigated from an analysis of BRW localization of four cylindrical objects (9 mm in diameter and 25 mm in length) independently computed from CBCT and conventional CT scans. Image fusion accuracy was quantitatively evaluated from BRW localization of multiple simulated targets from the CBCT and conventional CT scan. Finally, a CBCT setup procedure for stereotactic radiosurgery treatments was proposed and its accuracy was assessed using orthogonal target verification imaging. Our study showed that CBCT did not present any significant geometric distortions. Stereotactic coordinates of the four cylindrical objects as determined from the CBCT differed from those determined from the conventional CT on average by 0.30 mm with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.09 mm. The mean image registration accuracy of CBCT with conventional CT was 0.28 mm (SD = 0.10 mm). Setup uncertainty of our proposed CBCT setup procedure was on the same order as the conventional framed-based stereotactic systems reported in the literature (mean = 1.34 mm, SD = 0.33 mm). In conclusion, CBCT can be used to guide SRS treatment setup with accuracy comparable to the currently used frame-based stereotactic radiosurgery systems provided that intra-treatment patient motion is prevented.  相似文献   

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