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代玉文 《中国性科学》2012,21(2):37-38,42
目的:了解现代女大学生性知识来源与需求、性态度、性价值观、性道德意识,以便有针对性地开展好性健康教育,促进女大学生心身健康发展.方法:通过问卷调查,深入了解女大学生性知识来源与需求等状况.结果:女大学生性知识来源主要为杂志、电影电视和课堂教学,来源单一;女学生的性知识需求主要集中在女性怎样保护自己、性与爱等;恋爱学生人数多,主张恋爱的比例较高,普遍需要学习性知识.结论:高等学校应有针对性地对女大学生开展好性健康教育,特别是恋爱观、性态度、性价值观、性道德意识的引导与教育,促进女大学生身心健康发展.  相似文献   

目的:了解医学大学生的性知识、性观念状况,寻求性教育的内容和方式。方法:采用问卷调查的方法,对山东泰山医学院231名大学生进行性知识、性观念及对性教育的需求调查。结果:多数医学大学生(67.3%)没有接受过正规的性教育;绝大多数学生(94.7%)认为性教育应包括"性知识和性病知识"的内容;不同性别的大学生在性教育的内容、途径及性观念等方面存在显著性差异。结论:大学生的性观念正在发生变化,对性教育的需求较高,为保证医学大学生的健康成长,建议应加强大学生的性教育工作。  相似文献   

目的为了规范不同层次学生的性健康教育课程主要内容与教学技能。方法根据教育部、国家卫生健康委及联合国教科文组织等部门对性教育相关规定,结合资料考证、文献整理、交流法、经验总结法分析目前学龄前儿童、中小学学生、大学生的性健康教育需求。结果将性教育课程体系依据不同年龄、不同教育层次学生自拟主要分为:学前性健康教育、学龄期性健康教育、青春期性健康教育、大学生性健康教育共4门课程。结论将性健康教育分为4门课程,有利于针对不同层次学生对性知识的学习需求使用不同课程体系与教学方法,从而提升性教育效果。  相似文献   

目的:了解高职学生获得性知识的途径、性态度、性行为以及当前接受性教育的情况等,从而掌握大学生对性健康教育的需求,为大学生性教育提供理论依据。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对4所不同类型院校的700名高职学生进行问卷调查。结果:高职学生绝大多数没有接受过正规的性教育,对性知识非常渴求,学生了解性知识的主要途径是自学,希望学校成为性教育的主要实施者。结论:大学生对性知识了解较少,学校必须尽快提供全面、科学、系统、安全的性教育,保护学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

目的:了解内江地区高中生性知识现状及其来源,为有针对性地开展青春期性教育提供依据。方法:采用随机整群抽样法,对内江地区1176名学生进行性知识现状及其来源问卷调查。结果:高中生性知识缺乏,多数学生不清楚性器官的名称,17.50%的男生对遗精有困扰,60.69%的女生对月经有困扰;7.89%的男生及20.68%的女生认为性梦"是道德不好的表现"或"让人难堪";11.04%的男生及25.14%的女生认为性幻想"是道德不好的表现"或"让人难堪";40.74%的男生及77.42%的女生不清楚"性自慰是人类的正常性行为之一"。高中生性知识获取途径多样,但质量堪忧,49.06%的高中生性知识的第一位来源是"同学或朋友";35.74%的男生及18.55%的女生浏览过色情读物,40.00%的男生及12.10%的女生观看过黄色视频材料。结论:内江地区高中生性观念较开放,但性知识缺乏;性知识获取途径多样,但质量堪忧;切实加强性教育师资建设,力求性教育教师专业化;充分发挥同伴教育的优势,调动学生自学能力;转变家长观念,发挥家庭性教育的优势。  相似文献   

目的:了解四川省90后大学生性知识、性行为、性教育的现状,为开展大学生性健康教育提供理论依据,探讨符合实际的教育方法和对策。方法:采用自编大学生性健康现状调查问卷,分阶段分层随机抽样抽取样本对四川省600名本科大学生进行问卷调查。结果:性教育的重要性与现状亟待引起特别关注,高校应加强对90后大学生的系统全面的性健康教育。  相似文献   

目的:了解艺术学院大学生性心理健康的现状,为心理健康教育特别是性健康教育的教学实施和改革提供依据。方法:随机抽取481名大学生,用青春期心理健康量表进行测试,SPSS17.0进行数据统计分析。结果:(1)艺术学院大学生和非艺术学院大学生在性观念和性态度上有显著性差异,非艺术类大学生在性价值观的表现上更积极和健康;(2)艺术学院大学生中男生和女生在性态度上有非常明显的差异性,女生比男生在对待性的问题的态度上更加正面和积极。结论:非艺术学院大学生的性心理健康状况优于艺术学院大学生,艺术学院的女生性心理健康状况好于男生。  相似文献   

卢凤 《中国性科学》2016,(2):136-139
目的:了解泰州市专科大学生的性知识、性态度和性行为的现况,为性教育的开展提供方向。方法:采用自编《泰州市高职高专学生性态度调查问卷》对泰州市职业技术学校、江苏畜牧兽医职业技术学院、泰州学院等3所高校504名在校大学生进行性知识、性行为和性态度调查。结果:泰州市专科学生性教育缺乏,性知识掌握程度偏低,性行为发生率中等,性态度较开放。不同性别、年级、专业及生源地大学生在学校性教育态度、性知识掌握、性行为发生率以及性态度各维度上存在一定差异。性知识、性行为及性态度间存在显著相关关系。结论:高校在实施性教育时应考虑学生的性别、年级、专业及生源等有针对性地选择性教育形式和内容。  相似文献   

徐海环  刘淑红  刘露 《中国性科学》2009,18(4):41-42,46
目的:了解军队医学生的性知识掌握情况,为有针对性的实施性教育提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查的方法,对某军队医学院542名大学生进行性知识掌握情况进行调查。结果:不同性别、不同年级医学生的性知识掌握情况存在显著性差异,P〈0.05。36.53%的学生表示没有接受过相关性知识教育;绝大多数学生(68.63%)认为性教育应包括“性知识和性病知识”的内容;结论:军队医学生性知识掌握情况根据性别、年级有别,为保证军队医学生的健康成长,建议应有针对性的加强其性教育工作。  相似文献   

目的本研究旨在对云南省多民族地区中职青少年性知识、性态度及性行为现状进行调查分析,以期为该地区开展青少年性教育提供理论依据。方法采用方便抽样法选取云南省西双版纳傣族自治州6所中职院校的1 179名学生作为研究对象,使用自制的《青少年性健康KAP(知识、态度和行为)问卷》进行调查。结果研究对象中少数民族青少年有973人(84.6%);性知识知晓率最高的是"性传播疾病"1 078人(93.7%),最少的是"受精卵着床的位置"457人(39.7%),且一年级知晓率最低(P0.05);男生性态度较女生开放(P0.05),三年级学生性态度较一、二年级开放(P0.05);29.6%的男生及8.3%的女生发生过性行为,男生显著多于女生(P0.05),一年级整体性行为报告率较低(P0.05)。结论不同性别、年级的中职青少年性知识、性态度及行为不同,学校应有区分地对其进行全面的性教育,以提高其各个维度性知识知晓率,促使其性态度和性观念的转变,使其尽量推迟性行为或减少不安全性行为的发生。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Two new collagen-based lidocaine-containing dermal fillers, ArteSense™/ArteFill™ (Artes Medical, San Diego, CA) and Evolence® (Colbar LifeScience Ltd., Herzliya, Israel), have proved to be of particular interest to men, many of whom seek a long-lasting or permanent correction. ArteFill™ has been available in the United States since 2006, and it is expected that Evolence® will reach the American market in 2008. The properties of the two products will be described, and experience based on the administration of many hundreds of syringes of both products by a Canadian dermatologist will be detailed here, with tips and precautions to optimize patient outcomes.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that ablative laser therapies result in prolonged healing and greater adverse events when compared with nonablative lasers for skin resurfacing. To evaluate the efficacy of ablative laser use for skin resurfacing and adverse events as a consequence of treatment in comparison to other modalities, a PRISMA‐compliant systematic review (Systematic Review Registration Number: 204016) of twelve electronic databases was conducted for the terms “ablative laser” and “skin resurfacing” from March 2002 until July 2020. Studies included meta‐analyses, randomized control trials, cohort studies, and case reports to facilitate evaluation of the data. All articles were evaluated for bias. The search strategy produced 34 studies. Of 1093 patients included in the studies of interest, adverse events were reported in a total of 106 patients (9.7%). Higher rates of adverse events were described in nonablative therapies (12.2% ± 2.19%, 31 events) when compared with ablative therapy (8.28% ± 2.46%, 81 events). 147 patients (13.4%) reported no side effects, 68 (6.22%) reported expected, transient self‐resolving events, and five (0.046%) presented with hypertrophic scarring. Excluding transient events, ablative lasers had fewer complications overall when compared with nonablative lasers (2.56% ± 2.19% vs 7.48% ± 3.29%). This systematic review suggests ablative laser use for skin resurfacing is a safe and effective modality to treat a range of pathologies from photodamage and acne scars to hidradenitis suppurativa and posttraumatic scarring from basal cell carcinoma excision. Further studies are needed, but these results suggest that ablative lasers are a superior, safe, and effective modality to treat damaged skin.  相似文献   

A black woman with the concurrent onset of two subcutaneous nodules located on the digits of her upper extremities is described. Initially, a single systemic disorder was considered; yet, the lesions differed in morphology and consistency. Microscopic examination of the nodules showed a giant cell tumor of tendon sheath and a lipoma. Although Occam's “razor” suggests that multiple lesions in the same person are more likely to represent variable manifestations of a single disorder than several different diseases in that individual, the simultaneously appearing lesions in this patient represented two different conditions.  相似文献   

Background: Pemphigus vulgaris is a potentially life‐threatening autoimmune disorder of the skin and mucous membranes characterized by antibodies against epidermal adhesion molecules. Clinically characteristic are painful chronic blisters or erosions of mucous membranes and skin. There are no published studies on the impact o this disease on quality of life. Patients and methods: This registration was performed within the scope of the German BSD (Bullous Skin Disease) study group, from November 1997 until January 2002. A total of 36 patients with the first diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris were registered at the university hospitals of Dresden, Erlangen, Kiel, Mannheim, München and Würzburg. Thirty of the 36 (83 %) patients participated in the quality of life questionnaire utilizing the German version of ‘Dermatology Life Quality Index’ (DLQI) provided by A. Y. Finlay. The DLQI varies from 0 to 30 with an increased DLQI score indicating a decrease in quality of quality. Results: The overall DLQI total score of 10 ± 6,7 in the investigated pemphigus patients was significantly increased in comparison to other skin diseases. Conclusions: These results suggest that the DLQI can be a very useful additional outcome criteria for clinical studies with pemphigus vulgaris and in the treatment of these patients.  相似文献   

Studies integrating clinicopathological and genetic features have revealed distinct patterns of genomic aberrations in Melanoma. Distributions of BRAF or NRAS mutations and gains of several oncogenes differ among melanoma subgroups, while 9p21 deletions are found in all melanoma subtypes. In the study, status of genes involved in cell cycle progression and apoptosis was evaluated in a panel of 17 frozen primary acral melanomas. NRAS mutations were found in 17% of the tumors. In contrast, BRAF mutations were not found. Gains of AURKA gene (20q13.3) were detected in 37.5% of samples, gains of CCND1 gene (11q13) or TERT gene (5p15.33) in 31.2% and gains of NRAS gene (1p13.2) in 25%. Alterations in 9p21 were identified in 69% of tumors. Gains of 11q13 and 20q13 were mutually exclusive, and 1p13.2 gain was associated with 5p15.33. Our findings showed that alterations in RAS‐related pathways are present in 87.5% of acral lentiginous melanomas.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

The negative impact of psoriasis on patient quality of life can be as important as the physical consequences of the disease. We could assume that clearance of the disease would also lead to an improvement in its psychosocial impact. The present study assesses the psychological state of patients with psoriasis receiving systemic treatment in a psoriasis unit, especially those with mild or no disease involvement.


We performed a cross-sectional, observational, noninterventional epidemiological study of 2 cohorts (cases and controls). The patients self-completed demographic data and 4 questionnaires (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Skindex-29, HADS, and COPE-28 questionnaire) at a single visit.


We recruited 111 patients diagnosed with psoriasis and 109 control patients. In self-esteem, the mean and standard deviation (SD) score was 33.5 (4.8) for the psoriasis group and 33.3 (6.7) for the control group, with no significant differences. In the Skindex-29, the mean score for the psoriasis group was almost 3 times higher than that of the control group (30 vs. 11). Significant differences were found in the HADS scores of both groups (12.7 vs. 9.0, P < .001). The mean HADS-A scores were 8.0 (4.78) for the psoriasis group compared with 5.7 (3.8) for the control group (P < .001). In the case of HADS-D, the scores were 4.7 (3.9) compared with 3.2 (3.1) (P < .004), respectively.


Our findings indicate that it is necessary to assess the psychological state of patients with psoriasis, because psychological effects persist even in cases where the disease is almost totally controlled.  相似文献   

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