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背景:骨盆后部结构中,骶髂后韧带复合体、骶结节韧带和骶棘韧带的完整,对骨盆稳定性有重要作用。目的:观察骶髂关节周围韧带解剖结构,了解各韧带对关节稳定性的作用。方法:对20具防腐成年尸体骨盆标本,共40侧依次采用前后方入路,对骶棘韧带,骶结节韧带,耻骨联合及骶髂关节诸韧带结构进行解剖学观察。结果与结论:骶髂关节周围韧带可分为3组:骶髂前韧带、骶髂骨间韧带和骶髂后韧带。耻骨上下韧带及耻骨前后韧带。骶棘韧带和骶结节韧带。此3组韧带主要有两个功能:连接脊柱和骨盆环;维持骨盆环的稳定。  相似文献   

骶髂关节是由骶骨及两侧髂骨借骶髂关节面和主要的骶髂前韧带、骶髂后韧带、骶髂骨间韧带、骶结节和骶棘韧带、骨盆底的肌肉和筋膜连接而成。骶髂关节是躯干与下肢负荷传递的枢纽,占整个骨盆功能的60%。高能损伤的骶髂关节骨折脱位多伴有骨盆其他部位骨折和髋臼骨折,如复位固定不佳,会出现疼痛、畸形和功能障碍等后遗症。  相似文献   

背景:有限元法能对复杂的结构、形态、载荷和材料力学性能进行应力分析比较,模拟的条件更接近正常,结果更加可信,已经是骨科生物力学研究中的重要手段.目的:以有限元分析方法建立骨盆骶髂关节(单侧)脱位模型,比较前路钉板内固定及骶髂关节拉力内固定治疗后的生物力学稳定性.方法:在正常骨盆三维有限元模型的基础上,截断骶髂关节问的骶髂前后韧带(包含骶髂骨间韧带)以及骶结节韧带和骶棘韧带等盆底韧带,造成骶髂关节脱位.分别在前路钉板内固定系统(共2块重建钢板6枚螺钉)及骶髂关节拉力螺钉内固定(2枚拉力螺钉)两种固定方法的模型上,加载后进行非线性有限元分析.计算该加载方式下的骨盆应力、应变及位移的分布情况.结果与结论:建立了高精度骨盆骶髂关节脱位两种内固定的三维有限元模型.通过应力应变云图分析与比较后发现,采用骶髂关节拉力螺钉内固定相对于前路钢板内固定移位的总位移小,应力分布均匀,无明显高度集中现象,固定强度更大,固定后的骨盆更稳定.利用有限元方法分析骨盆骶髂关节脱位两种内固定生物力学稳定性,具有较高真实性、精确度和可重复性,结果与其他生物力学实验结果相一致,能满足临床骨盆损伤研究的需要.  相似文献   

目的探讨垂直不稳定骨盆骨折在不同移位下行后环骶髂关节螺钉和前环钢板螺钉固定的稳定性差异。方法将12具尸体骨盆随机取3具做压力测试为正常组,然后制成垂直不稳定骨盆骨折模型,骶髂关节和耻骨联合在移位0mm、4mm(低度移位组)、8mm、12mm(高度移位组)行后环骶髂关节螺钉和前环钢板螺钉固定,压力下测量骶髂关节和耻骨联合的垂直和水平移位。结果在不同移位下的垂直不稳定骨盆骨折行前后环内固定,低度移位组骶髂关节垂直稳定性显著高于高度移位组。结论垂直不稳定骨盆骨折尽量取得解剖复位固定,确保骶髂关节移位〈4mm,以提高骨盆环内固定的生物力学稳定性,有利于功能康复。  相似文献   

重建钢板结合骶髂关节螺钉治疗复杂骶髂关节骨折脱位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价重建钢板结合骶髂关节螺钉技术治疗复杂骶髂关节骨折脱位的临床疗效。方法:对11例髂骨翼骨折合并骶髂关节脱位的Tile C型骨盆骨折病例,采用后路重建钢板结合骶髂关节螺钉技术固定骨盆后环,8例同时固定骨盆前环,采用Matta 评分标准和Majeed 功能评分进行疗效评定。结果:8例前后环同时固定者,术后2周骨盆疼痛消失;3例未行前环固定者,骨盆疼痛消失时间需6周以上,1例骶髂螺钉发生松动。根据Matta评分标准评定,优9例,良2例。根据Majeed功能评分评定,优7例,良4例。结论:对于骶髂关节骨折脱位的Tile C型骨盆骨折,联合重建钢板和骶髂关节螺钉可重建骨盆后环的稳定性,同时固定前环可更快恢复。  相似文献   

骨盆骨折多因巨大暴力直接作用,挤压或撞击骨盆所致,由于伤情多数严重,常合并大量出血,休克发生率很高,又常常合并腹腔、盆腔脏器,泌尿生殖道损伤骨盆骨折是比较复杂的损伤,手术治疗也十分复杂,骨盆两侧由髂骨、坐骨、耻骨及后方的骶骨组成,髂骨与骶骨组成骶髂关节,前方两耻骨形成耻骨联合.作用于半侧骨盆的主要暴力是外旋、内旋和垂直剪力.外旋暴力作用于半侧骨盆可使耻骨联合断裂,骶棘韧带、前侧骶髂韧带破裂,产生开卷样的损伤,导致旋转性不稳定,可以一侧或两侧同时发生.内旋暴力(侧方压迫型)系因外力直接撞击髂骨嵴的侧方,或间接作用于股骨头,产生后侧骶髂关节复合结构的压缩骨折和前方耻骨支骨折.其前后损伤可在同一侧(同侧型)或在对侧(即所谓桶柄型).后者有显著的旋转畸形可致畸形愈合.垂直剪力,外力与骨盆的骨小梁交叉,产生明显移位及软组织损伤,导致外伤性半侧骨盆向颅侧方向移位.由于其制伤机制有一定的特殊性 , 骨盆骨折的治疗首先应处理其并发症,如骨盆骨折合并大出血、尿道损伤、膀胱损伤、直肠损伤及并存的其他损伤,这些并发症常致患者死亡或发生严重后果.即使在良好条件下,有时也难做到早期活动.估计待对骨盆的生物力学有更多了解,固定方法得到进一步改进后,可以缩短卧床时间,提早功能锻炼,应该成为今后骨盆骨折的研究方向.  相似文献   

不稳定型骨盆骨折18例诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不稳定型骨盆骨折的临床特点及其急诊处理、诊断和治疗方法.方法: 回顾性分析18例不稳定型骨盆骨折患者,10例保守治疗,8例手术治疗.骨盆前环骨折内固定方法为耻骨上支骨折采用重建钢板固定或拉力螺钉固定,耻骨联合分离患者采用双钢板固定;骨盆后环骨折固定方法为前路切开复位双钢板固定或CT引导闭合置入骶髂关节螺钉.结果: 18例患者全部恢复行走功能,所有保守治疗患者骨盆骨折均畸形愈合,但有6例并发骶髂关节部位酸痛,3例有双下肢麻木,2例跛行;8例手术治疗患者骨盆外形均恢复良好,仅1例患者诉沿髂嵴切口有不适,2例CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节螺钉患者骨盆外形接近完全恢复,功能恢复快而满意.结论: 不稳定骨盆骨折患者宜首选内固定手术治疗,手术方法一般宜将骨盆前、后环均做复位固定;在骨盆后环固定方面CT引导经皮骶髂关节螺钉置入,其操作简单、时间短、出血少、损伤少、固定牢靠,是固定骨盆后环的首选方法.  相似文献   

背景:已有文献报道骶髂关节损伤及固定的生物力学研究,但多是在尸体标本或人工骨模型上模拟骶髂关节损伤。目的:利用三维有限元方法对骶髂关节脱位前路钢板内固定的垂直稳定性进行分析。方法:在完整骨盆三维有限元模型的基础上,建立一侧骶髂关节脱位后前路钢板内固定模型。对模型施加500N轴向载荷,经计算得到应力、应变及位移云图,并与完整骨盆的同一工况进行比较分析。结果与结论:在内固定系统处出现了应力集中现象,尤其以靠近骶髂关节的螺钉周围应力最大,远远大于完整骨盆同一工况下的最大应力。应变以健侧骶髂关节最大,内固定侧骶髂关节无应变。位移以损伤侧骶髂关节处最大,约为完整骨盆的2倍。提示前路钢板内固定治疗骶髂关节脱位,骨盆在垂直方向上稳定性较差,且钢板螺钉处出现了应力集中现象。  相似文献   

静载荷作用下骨盆三维有限元分析及其生物力学意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨骨盆受到静力载荷作用后的力学行为特征,为临床分析及判断骨盆力学分布、静载荷影响提供力学基础。方法:实验于2002—01/2004—04在第二军医大学长海医院骨科实验室和同济大学牛命科学与技术学院生物力学实验室完成采用计算机仿真模拟方法,将所构建骨盆三维实体模犁导入三维有限元分析软件ANSYS7.0,分别计算单侧髂前上棘和单侧髂骨正后方静载荷作用下骨盆的力学行为表现,静载荷为8000N,分析主直力值,应力分布情况以及主应力方向上骨盆单元的位移。结果:单侧髂前上棘侧方加载下,应力沿着受力点与骶髂关节连线方向传导,没有应力沿着髋臼或者耻骨、坐骨传导;单侧髂骨后方静载荷加载时.应力沿着髂骨纵行方向、髂骨与骶髂关节部位连线方向、同侧耻骨上支传导。结论:分析静载荷作用下骨盆各部位应力分布以及骨盆各个单元在应力作用下的位移变化.有助于临床上进行骨盆损伤内固定力点的选择。  相似文献   

骨盆骨折及其康复的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
骨盆骨折多因巨大暴力直接作用,挤压或撞击骨盆所致,由于伤情多数严重,常合并大量出血,休克发生率很高,又常常合并腹腔、盆腔脏器,泌尿生殖道损伤骨盆骨折是比较复杂的损伤,手术治疗也十分复杂,骨盆两侧由髂骨、坐骨、耻骨及后方的骶骨组成,髂骨与骶骨组成骶髂关节,前方两耻骨形成耻骨联合。作用于半侧骨盆的主要暴力是外旋、内旋和垂直剪力。外旋暴力作用于半侧骨盆可使耻骨联合断裂,骶棘韧带、前侧骶髂韧带破裂,产生开卷样的损伤,导致旋转性不稳定,可以一侧或两侧同时发生。内旋暴力(侧方压迫型)系因外力直接撞击髂骨嵴的侧方,或间接作用于股骨头,产生后侧骶髂关节复合结构的压缩骨折和前方耻骨支骨折。其前后损伤可在同一侧(同侧型)或在对侧(即所谓桶柄型)。后者有显著的旋转畸形可致畸形愈合。垂直剪力,外力与骨盆的骨小梁交叉,产生明显移位及软组织损伤,导致外伤性半侧骨盆向颅侧方向移位。由于其制伤机制有一定的特殊性,骨盆骨折的治疗首先应处理其并发症,如骨盆骨折合并大出血、尿道损伤、膀胱损伤、直肠损伤及并存的其他损伤,这些并发症常致患者死亡或发生严重后果。即使在良好条件下,有时也难做到早期活动。估计待对骨盆的生物力学有更多了解,固定方法得到进一步改进后,可以缩短卧床时间,提早功能锻炼,应该成为今后骨盆骨折的研究方向。  相似文献   

In the embalmed human pelvis, the connections between sacrum and fifth lumbar vertebra were spared together with most of the ligaments. The effect of load application to the sacrotuberous ligament was studied on rotation in the sacroiliac joint. It was shown that load application along the direction of hamstring and gluteus maximus muscles significantly diminished ventral rotation of the sacrum. The results imply that loading the sacrotuberous ligament restricts nutation of the sacrum. Consequently, muscles which attach to the sacrotuberous ligaments, such as the gluteus maximus, and in certain individuals the long head of the biceps, can dynamically influence movement and stability of the sacroiliac joints. The importance of sacrotuberous ligaments and sacroiliac joints as parts of the kinematic chain is emphasized.  相似文献   

[Purpose] To evaluate the incidence of pain originating from the sacrotuberous ligament after sacroiliac joint treatment, and to determine effective physical therapeutic options for sacrotuberous ligament pain. [Participants and Methods] Among 303 patients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction, 57 patients (20 males, 37 females) with persistent lower-buttock pain after sacroiliac joint injections were included in the study. The incidence of sacrotuberous ligament pain and the physical findings from the first evaluation were investigated by physical therapists. [Results] Diagnostic sacrotuberous ligament injections identified lower-buttock pain originating from the sacrotuberous ligament in 57.9% of the patients (33 out of 57 patients) after treatment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Of these, 11 patients experienced relief after sacrotuberous ligament injection alone; the others required physical therapy. Sacrotuberous ligament relaxation alone was effective in eight patients; biceps femoris relaxation was required in eight patients; and gluteus maximus contraction exercise was required in six patients. [Conclusion] After sacroiliac joint treatment, the incidence of residual sacrotuberous ligament pain in the persisting lower-buttock pain was 57.9%. In addition to sacrotuberous ligament relaxation, biceps femoris relaxation was effective in patients who showed both higher differences in the straight leg raising test and biceps femoris tenderness, while gluteus maximus contraction exercises were effective in patients with gluteus maximus weakness.  相似文献   

This study deals primarily with the stability of the base of the spine. The sacroiliac joints are vulnerable to shear loading on account of their predominantly flat surfaces. This raises the question of what mechanisms are brought into action to prevent dislocation of the sacroiliac joints when they are loaded by the weight of the upper part of the body and by trunk muscle forces. First a model is introduced to compare load transfer in joints with spherical and with flat joint surfaces. Next we consider a biomechanical model for the equilibrium of the sacrum under load, describing a self-bracing effect that protects the sacroiliac joints against shear according to ‘the sacroiliac joint compression theory’, which has been demonstrated in vitro. The model shows joint stability by the application of bending moments and the configuration of the pelvic arch. The model includes a large number of muscles (e.g. the gluteus maximus and piriformis muscles), ligaments (e.g. the sacrotuberous, sacrospinal, and dorsal and interosseous sacroiliac ligaments) as well as the coarse texture and the ridges and grooves of the joint surfaces.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transversely oriented pelvic muscles such as the internal abdominal oblique, transversus abdominis, piriformis and pelvic floor muscles may contribute to sacroiliac joint stability by pressing the sacrum between the hipbones. Surface electromyographic measurements showed that leg crossing lowers the activity of the internal oblique abdominal muscle significantly. This suggests that leg crossing is a substitute for abdominal muscle activity. No previous studies addressed piriformis muscle and related pelvic structures in cross-legged sitting. METHODS: Angles of pelvis and femur were measured in healthy subjects in standing, normal sitting and cross-legged sitting, and were used to simulate these postures on embalmed pelvises and measure piriformis muscle elongation. Deformations of pelvic ring and iliolumbar ligament caused by piriformis muscle force were measured on embalmed pelvises. FINDINGS: Cross-legged sitting resulted in a relative elongation of the piriformis muscle of 11.7% compared to normal sitting and even 21.4% compared to standing. Application of piriformis muscle force resulted in inward deformation of the pelvic ring and compression of the sacroiliac joints and the dorsal side of the pubic symphysis. INTERPRETATION: Cross-legged sitting is common. We believe that it contributes to sacroiliac joint stability. This study demonstrates the influence of the piriformis muscle on sacroiliac joint compression. The elongation of the piriformis muscle bilaterally by crossing the legs may be functional in the build-up of active or passive tension between sacrum and femur.  相似文献   

背景:目前骶髂螺钉广泛应用于治疗骶髂关节脱位,但是生物力学性能较差,不能达到坚强内固定。目的:探讨应用单钉棒治疗骶髂关节脱位的力学强度及临床疗效。方法:①取成年防腐标本12具,男女各半,分别切断骶髂关节韧带及耻骨联合结构,制作骶髂关节脱位、耻骨联合分离模型,将标本随机等分为骶髂螺钉固定组和骨盆后路单钉棒固定组,分别采用骶髂螺钉固定和骨盆后路单钉棒固定方法固定。②设定单钉棒系统临床适应证,收集16例骶髂关节脱位患者的临床资料,采用Mears的影像评定标准和骨盆骨折Majeed疗效评分评定固定效果。结果与结论:在相同载荷下,骶髂关节标本后路单钉棒固定组的位移、轴向刚度、极限载荷和屈服载荷均大于骶髂螺钉组(P<0.05)。16例患者随访时间平均为23.2个月(3~45个月)。根据Mears的影像评定标准,固定后解剖复位13例,满意3例。骨盆骨折Majeed疗效评分为60~100分,平均82分;其中C1型骨折的疗效优良率为82%,C2型为80%。提示与骶髂螺钉比较,应用后路单钉棒治疗骶髂关节脱位,其内固定强度更为可靠,临床疗效也更满意。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A clinical, anatomical and biomechanical model is introduced based on the concept that under postural load specific ligament and muscle forces are necessary to intrinsically stabilize the pelvis. Since load transfer from spine to pelvis passes through the sacroiliac (SI) joints, effective stabilization of these joints is essential. The stabilization of the SI joint can be increased in two ways. Firstly, by interlocking of the ridges and grooves on the joint surfaces (form closure); secondly, by compressive forces of structures like muscles, ligaments and fascia (force closure). Muscle weakness and insufficient tension of ligaments can lead to diminished compression, influencing load transfer negatively. Continuous strain of pelvic ligaments can be a consequence leading to pain. For treatment purposes stabilization techniques followed by specific muscle strengthening procedures are indicated. When there is a loss of force closure, for instance in peripartum pelvic instability, application of a pelvic belt can be advised. Copyright 1998 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

The iliolumbar ligament: its influence on stability of the sacroiliac joint   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
STUDY DESIGN: In human specimens the influence of the iliolumbar ligament on sacroiliac joint stability was tested during incremental moments applied to the sacroiliac joints. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the iliolumbar ligament is able to restrict sacroiliac joint mobility in embalmed cadavers. BACKGROUND: Firstly, the sacroiliac joint can play an important role in non-specific low back pain; hence, its mobility and stability are of special interest. Secondly, the iliolumbar ligament is considered to be an important source of chronic low back pain. Data on a functional relation between the iliolumbar ligament and sacroiliac joint mobility are lacking. METHODS: In 12 human specimens an incremental moment was applied to the sacroiliac joint to induce rotation in the sagittal plane. After the assessment of the relationship between rotation angle and moment in the intact situation, specific parts of the iliolumbar ligaments were transected. After each partial transection the measurements were repeated. RESULTS: Sacroiliac joint mobility in the sagittal plane was significantly increased after a total cut of both iliolumbar ligaments. This increase was in particular due to the transection of a specific part of the iliolumbar ligament, the ventral band. CONCLUSIONS: The main conclusions are: (a) the iliolumbar ligaments restrict sacroiliac joint sagittal mobility; (b) the ventral band of the iliolumbar ligament contributes most to this restriction. RELEVANCE: In embalmed human cadavers, the mobility of the sacroiliac joint increases after sequential cutting of specific parts of the iliolumbar ligaments. It can be expected that severance of this ligament during surgery will lead to increase of mobility and hence loss of stability of the sacroiliac joint. As a consequence adjacent structures will be affected. This may well be a cause of pain in patients with failed back surgery.  相似文献   

目的 观察在骨盆环整体理论指导下,产后耻骨联合分离患者进行悬吊下骨盆三维调整后骨盆带固定的治疗效果。方法 2018年2月至2020年2月,本院产科分娩后耻骨联合分离的产妇30例,行骨盆环评估,根据评估结果,悬吊后三维调整骶髂关节和耻骨联合解剖复位,骨盆带固定6~8周。彩超监测复位后耻骨联合愈合,摘除骨盆带2周后复查骨盆X线;治疗前、摘除骨盆带时、摘除骨盆带2周后,采用疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)、改良Barthel指数(MBI)进行评定。结果 摘除骨盆带2周后,患者VAS和MBI评分,以及耻骨联合分离距离、耻骨联合上缘差、髂骨翼宽度差、闭孔横径差及纵径差均较治疗前改善(t > 2.509, P < 0.05);其中VAS评分和MBI评分还较摘除骨盆带时改善(|t| > 2.854, P < 0.05),耻骨联合分离距离较摘除骨盆带时稍有增宽(t = 2.319, P < 0.05),但仍在正常值范围内。结论 在骨盆环整体理论指导下治疗产后耻骨联合分离,能基本恢复骨盆解剖结构,避免出现代偿运动模式,提高后期生活质量。  相似文献   

Based on studies of embalmed specimens, the sacrotuberous ligaments are considered to be important structures in the kinematic chain between the pelvis and vertebral column. Muscles attached to these ligaments, such as the gluteus maximus, and in some individuals the piriformis and long head of the biceps femoris, may influence movement in the sacroiliac joints.  相似文献   

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