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131I及132I对大鼠甲状腺致肿瘤效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
233只成年及断乳的纯种Wistar大鼠,一次腹腔注射不同剂量131I或132I,对照大鼠同对注射灭菌生理盐水。实验结果表明,132I致甲状隙肿瘤效应约为131I的6倍。如甲状腺肿癌发生率为50%,60%及70%时,131I中毒鼠所需的甲状腺吸收剂量(29、34及44Gy)约为132I中毒鼠剂量(4.5,6及8Gy)的6倍。同一核素对断乳鼠的致肿瘤效应为成年鼠的1.1倍。如甲状腺吸收剂量相同(13Gy及60Gy)时,断乳鼠肿瘤发生率各为94%等及76%成年鼠为88%及72%两种碘核素致大鼠甲状腺肿痛效应的最适照射剂量;131I为59Gy、132I为13Gy.  相似文献   

我们对服用131I(Nal131I)人员进行了15天24小时尿碘分析以及外部放射性计数测量,推算出几种甲状腺功能状态下131I在人体的分布、滞留和内辐射剂量。结果表明;摄入131I后甲状腺受到的内辐射剂量与甲状腺摄碘率间呈一元线性函数关系。在此基础上进一步推算了苏州市及其近郊因进 行甲状腺摄碘检查所致的年集体有效剂量当量等指标。  相似文献   

目的 评估分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)患者131I治疗后体内残留放射性活度.方法 本次前瞻性研究包括49例DTC患者,分为“清甲”(131I摧毁术后残留的甲状腺组织)与“清灶”(131I治疗甲状腺床残留甲状腺癌、甲状腺床复发灶和转移灶)组,于服131I后收集患者每次排泄尿液,测定患者每天每次通过尿液排泄的放射性活度及排泄的总放射性活度,进而估算患者体内残留的放射性活度.分别于服131I后2、6、24、48、72 h进行1 m处剂量当量率的测定,估算患者体内残留放射性活度达到400 MBq时1 m处剂量当量率.结果131I后2、6、24、48、72 h体内残留131I活度占服131I初始活度的百分比,“清甲”组分别为99%、72%、25%、15%、7%,1 m处剂量当量率分别为157、120、35、11、9 μSv/h;"清灶"组对应百分比分别为99%、71%、18%、7%、3%,1 m处剂量当量率分别为232、182、48、11、2 μSv/h.体内残留的放射性活度与1 m处剂量当量率呈正相关(r=0.94,P<0.001).“清甲”与“清灶”组服131I后48~72 h体内残留放射性活度分别为548~259及451~248 MBq,对应的1 m处剂量当量率为8~10 μSv/h.结论 DTC患者于服131I后48~72 h体内残留放射性活度达到国家标准规定的400 MBq,即DTC患者1 m处剂量当量率达到8~10 μSv/h方可出院.  相似文献   

为了解切尔诺贝利核电站事故对我省环境污染的情况,我院于5月2日8时开始对武汉地区环境放射性进行监测。着重监测沉降灰、雨水、气溶胶、东湖水、牛奶、蔬菜等样品的总口和131I放射性活度,同时进行了羊甲状腺中131I和沉降灰中131I、89Sr、90Sr、137Cs等核素的分析。  相似文献   

本文报道125I、131I、132I在大鼠甲状腺内的代谢参数并计算了甲状腺对上述3种同性豢的最大吸收率,有效半减期和累积吸收剂量及其它有关的参数。在大鼠腹腔内分别注入125I(NaI)溶液8.08μCi,131I溶液0.99μCi,132I溶液12.2μCi,然后测得甲状腺的吸碘率分别为33%,17%和12%,最后计算得出犬鼠甲状腺的累积吸收剂量分别为7.94,3.09和2.58Gy,每注入1μCi的放射性碘同位索,大鼠甲状腺的平均吸收剂量分别为0.98、3.12和0.2lGy.  相似文献   

本文介绍了苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故后长春地区地面水、蔬菜中的总β放射性和牛奶、蔬菜中131I放射性污染水平,污染特点及污染类型,并介绍了在这次核电站事故中蔬菜对131I的吸附吸收规律,地区人群所受照射剂131I所致人群的剂量方法。  相似文献   

131I大鼠甲状腺致癌作用的病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道用雄性Wistar大鼠409只,腹腔分别注射131I 52.4、40.0、26.2; 12.5和2.5μCI/只,两年的观察结果。五个剂量组甲状腺吸收剂量分别为164、125、82、39和7.8Gy.12个月发生甲状腺良性瘤,观察到24个月时,39Gy以上各剂量组主要表现为耳状腺退行性变和良性癌生成;而7.8Gy剂量组甲状腺恶性瘤发生率达45.8%。131I诱发大鼠甲状腺良性肿瘤以滤泡性腺癌为主,其次是乳头状腺癌,恶性瘤以乳头状腺癌和混合癌为主,甲状腺肿瘤的发生与131I对甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞损伤、修复;在甲状腺轴内分泌紊乱(T4降低、TSH升高)情况下,TSH反复刺激损伤的甲状腺上皮细胞有关。  相似文献   

本文采用前瞻性填表登记法于1984年9月1日至1985年8月31对全疆76个医院放射科X线诊断检查频数进行了调查。通过门诊收费或放射门诊量登记进行复核,填表率为90%,漏登率平均为15%。调查结果:新疆总检查颇数为199万人次,年频度为每千人口150人次,其中胸部透视为主要检查类型,占总频数的58%,其次是各类拍片.此项调查为我国医疗照射剂呈估算及制定受检者防护标准提供了新疆的医疗频度资料。木文报道了苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故后在我国(除了台湾省外)全国范围内的环境放射性监测的结果。从5月1日以后,我国天部分地区都可测出环境中放射性水平有波动性升高。在大气沉降物、露天水源水、生长中的叶类蔬菜、牛奶等环境介质中有放射性碘存在,羊甲状腺中可测出明显量的131I,而且持续到6月中旬仍可测出。有的监测站用γ潜仪在飞机表而和地面环境样品中都测出人工放射性核素的存在,主要有131I、132Te、132I、140Ba、140La、103RU、134Cs、137Cs等,表明这次苏联事放释放出的放射性物质已波及到我国,对我国环境造成一定的污染。根据一些食品(蔬菜和牛奶)中131I含量的监测数据,对我国居民甲状腺剂量做了估算,成人甲状腺有效剂最当量小于2μSv,婴儿小于30μSv,低国家放射卫生防护标准的剂最限值,不必采取防护措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解核医学科碘治疗工作人员甲状腺内131I的活度,并估算年待积有效剂量,分析碘治疗人员的内照射现状。方法 选择甲状腺内照射碘测量仪,对山东省6家医院进行调查并进行甲状腺131I活度测量,得出6家医院核医学科碘治疗工作人员甲状腺131I的检出率和活度值,进而计算摄入量和年待积有效剂量。结果 6家医院共有63名碘治疗工作人员接受测量,其中有52人甲状腺内检测到131I,检出率83%,测得131I活度大多低于200 Bq。估算的年待积有效剂量范围为0.23~7.78 mSv,其中有84.6%的人年待积有效剂量<2 mSv。结论 核医学科碘治疗工作人员应进行常规内照射个人监测,各医院在辐射防护制度方面需进一步完善。  相似文献   

目的 探索接触131I放射性核素放射工作人员内照射剂量估算方法。方法 选择某131I放射性药物生产企业和某开展131I甲亢和甲状腺癌治疗的医院核医学科放射工作人员,使用便携式高纯锗(HPGe)γ谱仪,以7 d为周期,连续4次测量甲状腺部位131I活度,结合人员接触131I的轮岗方式,估算内照射剂量。结果 以监测月份为典型月份估算人员内照射剂量时,调查企业从事131I放射性药物分装的生产人员年待积有效剂量为0.09~1.93 mSv,调查医院核医学科工作人员内照射年待积有效剂量为0.06~0.58 mSv。对监测结果进行校正和结合轮岗方式后估算的工作人员内照射年待积有效剂量,放射性药物生产工作人员和核医学科工作人员分别为0.06~1.22 mSv和0.03~0.16 mSv。结论 在进行接触131I放射性核素工作人员内照射剂量估算时,仅以单次测量的结果估算全年受照剂量会带来较大的误差。在连续监测时,应根据前续监测周期的结果对后续监测周期结果进行校正。为准确估算人员内照射剂量,应充分考虑工作人员接触131I的方式、接触的时间、接触的频率、内污染的途径等因素。对于接触131I内照射剂量可能>1 mSv/年的工作人员,以14 d作为常规监测周期较为适宜。  相似文献   

本文应用RIA(放射免疫分析)研究了1.5月龄的雄性Wistar大鼠腹腔注射无载体医用Na131I溶液后甲状腺功能的改变.结果表明,甲状腺吸收剂量较低的7.8Gy和39.0Gy组,血清T,和T4水平略高于对照组,剂量较高的82.0Gy和164.0Gy组,血清T3,和T4.水平明显低于对照值.血清r-TSH水平随甲状隙吸收剂量的增加明显升高,表明大鼠发生了原发性甲状腺功能低卞.根据镜下观察的组织学类型,T3、T4和r-TSH水平的统计分析表明,血清T3,无明显变化,T3水平的降低和r-TSH水平的升高似与甲状腺组织学改变有-定关系.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Using a novel (129)Xe polarizer with high throughput (1-2 L/hour) and high polarization (approximately 55%), our objective was to demonstrate and characterize human pulmonary applications at 0.2T. Specifically, we investigated the ability of (129)Xe to measure the alveolar surface area per unit volume of gas, S(A)/V(gas). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Variable spin echo time (TE) gradient and radiofrequency (RF) echoes were used to obtain estimates of the lung's contribution to both T(2)* and T(2). Standard multislice ventilation images were obtained and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) determined. Whole-lung, time-dependent measurements of (129)Xe diffusion from gas to septal tissue were obtained with a chemical shift saturation recovery (CSSR) method. Four healthy subjects were studied, and the Butler et al CSSR formalism (J Phys Condensed Matter 2002; 14:L297-L304) was used to calculate S(A)/V(gas). A single-breath version of the xenon transfer contrast (SB-XTC) method was implemented and used to image (129)Xe diffusion between alveolar gas and septal tissue. A direct comparison of CSSR and SB-XTC was performed. RESULTS: T(2)*=135+/-29 ms amd T(2)=326.2+/-9.5 ms. Maximum SNR=36 for ventilation images from inhalation of 1L 86% (129)Xe and voxel volume =0.225 mL. CSSR analysis showed S(A)/V(gas) decreased with increasing lung volume in a manner very similar to that observed from histology measurements; however, the absolute value of S(A)/V(gas) was approximately 40% smaller than histology values. SB-XTC images in different postures demonstrate gravitationally dependent values. Initial comparison of CSSR with XTC showed fairly good agreement with expected ratios. CONCLUSIONS: Hyperpolarized (129)Xe human imaging and spectroscopy are very promising methods to provide functional information about the lung.  相似文献   

306只吸入230PuO2气溶畦大鼠中,肺癌发生宰(Y,%)与肺累积平均吸收剂量(D,Gy)关系,符合于拟台方程Y=105exp[-3.57/(D+1.25)],由此方程推算出大鼠吸入。抽230PuO2后肺癌终生危险度为2162/106。吸入230PuO2后死亡鼠肺癌累积发生率(F,%)与动物活存时问(T,天)及吸收剂量(D,Gy)三者的关系,可拟合为下列函数式:F=-1.35-0.069-1.58×10-2D+(0.0236+2.18-102D+1.68×10-6D2)lnT 钚诱发肺癌的最短潜伏期为94天,11.3~17.6Gy可能是晟适致癌剂量。1只230PuO2后37天死亡鼠,TLN发生原发性血管肉癌.  相似文献   



The main objective of this study was to make a comparison between the relaxation rates in jaw cysts and abscesses. Such a comparison should provide quantitative information for MR image analysis.


A phantom containing 20 odontogenic jaw cysts and 11 jaw abscesses was imaged with 1.5 T MR. T1 measurements were performed by using a mixed sequence of inversion recovery and spin echo, while T2 measurements were carried out by the Carr–Purcell Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) sequence. Cystic fluids and abscesses were compared statistically.


In cysts and abscesses, respectively, the mean 1/T1 was 0.9355 s−1 and 0.8245 s−1 and the mean 1/T2 was 2.4575 s−1 and 4.7073 s−1. The 1/T2 in cysts was very highly significantly different from that in abscesses (p = 0.0001). Both T1 and T2 were linearly proportional to material contents. T2 relaxivities [26.458 ml (g s)−1 for abscesses and 21.455 ml (g s)−1 for cysts] were higher than T1 relaxivities [5.4766 ml (g s)−1 for abscesses and 10.075 ml (g s)−1 for cysts].


Present T2 measurements differentiate cysts from abscesses with a confidence interval of 95%. Because in vivo and in vitro image contrasts are changed by the same parameters, the T2 findings should present valuable information for in vivo MRI. Hence the significant difference and the relaxivities may provide quantitative information for clinicians and researchers making image analyses.


T2 may differentiate cysts from abscesses. The difference in T2 is related to the material content of samples.  相似文献   

Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is valuable for diagnosis and assessment of the severity of various myocardial diseases owing to its potential to visualize myocardial scars. T1 mapping is complementary to LGE because it can quantify the degree of myocardial fibrosis or edema. As such, T1-weighted imaging techniques, including LGE using an inversion recovery sequence, contribute to cardiac MRI. T2-weighted imaging is widely used to characterize the tissue of many organs. T2-weighted imaging is used in cardiac MRI to identify myocardial edema related to chest pain, acute myocardial diseases, or severe myocardial injuries. However, it is difficult to determine the presence and extent of myocardial edema because of the low contrast between normal and diseased myocardium and image artifacts of T2-weighted images and the lack of an established method to quantify the images. T2 mapping quantifies myocardial T2 values and help identify myocardial edema. The T2 values are significantly related to the clinical symptoms or severity of nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Texture analysis is a postprocessing method to quantify tissue alterations that are reflected in the T2-weighted images. Texture analysis provides a variety of parameters, such as skewness, entropy, and grey-scale non-uniformity, without the need for additional sequences. The abnormal signal intensity on T2-weighted images or T2 values may correspond to not only myocardial edema but also other tissue alterations. In this review, the techniques of cardiac T2 mapping and texture analysis and their clinical relevance are described.  相似文献   

Chlorambucil belongs to a group of nitrogen mustards which are used for the treatment of variety of cancers. Hence, a chlorambucil derivative has been radiolabeled with [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ core and its efficacy as a tumor targeting agent has been evaluated. Radiochemical yield of the complex was >98% as observed by HPLC. The in vitro studies in MCF-7 breast cancer cells showed about 30% inhibition of the radiolabeled complex in presence of the cold chlorambucil derivative. Biodistribution studies in Swiss mice bearing fibrosarcoma tumor showed an uptake of 3.2±0.3% ID/g at 3 h.p.i.  相似文献   

IntroductionProgesterone receptors (PRs) overexpressed in breast cancers serve as potential targets for developing radiotracers for use in nuclear medicine. Hence, suitably derivatized progesterone can be envisaged as a potential vector for targeting overexpression of receptors in breast cancer. In the present article, we report the preparation of a 99mTc(CO)3-progesterone triazole using the Cu(I)-catalyzed novel click chemistry route. Preliminary evaluation of the radiolabeled derivative has been carried out in binding studies with MCF 7 cell lines.Methods11-Hydroxyprogesterone has been synthetically derivatized to 11-azidoprogesterone. Subsequently, the cycloaddition reaction between progesterone azide and propargyl glycine was carried out to prepare 1,4-bifunctionalized progesterone triazole analogue. The clicked progesterone triazole derivative was radiolabeled with 99mTc and characterized by HPLC. The chemical characterization of 99mTc(CO)3-progesterone triazole has been carried out by preparing its corresponding rhenium complex using the [NEt4]2[Re(CO)3Br3] precursor. While in vitro studies were carried out in MCF7 cell lines, in vivo distribution studies were performed in female Swiss mice.ResultsThe radiolabeled complex could be prepared in >95% radiochemical yield as determined by HPLC. In vitro studies of 99mTc(CO)3-progesterone complex in MCF7 cell lines overexpressing receptors for breast cancer showed binding up to 30%. In vivo distribution studies in female Swiss mice have shown uterine uptake of 0.41 (0.06) % ID/g at 3 h postinjection (pi) and retention therein till 24 h pi.ConclusionThe present study demonstrates a novel and facile route for preparation of 99mTc-labeled progesterone complex using click chemistry. This strategy can be further extended towards preparation of radiolabeled complexes of other steroidal derivatives.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old man with unstable angina underwent an emergency coronary angiography, and percutaneous balloon angioplasty was performed for LCX. Left ventriculography showed hypokinesis in the posterior wall, inferior and apical wall immediately after the PCI therapy. The defects on 123I-BMIPP SPECT seen in the inferior, posterior and lateral wall were more extensive than those observed on 99mTc-MIBI SPECT, and a flow-fatty acid metabolism mismatch pattern was observed. The 18F-FDG PET showed reduced uptake in the lateral segment, although 13N-NH3 PET showed normal perfusion, and a reverse flow-glucose metabolism mismatch pattern was observed. Left ventriculography showed significant improve to normal contraction on the 3-month follow up, and there was not significantly reduced uptake in 99mTc-MIBI SPECT, 123I-BMIPP SPECT, 13N-NH3 PET or 18F-FDG PET.  相似文献   

In the synthesis of 18F-FDG by the nucleophilic substitution method, 18O-H2O is usually used as target water. The target water should be recovered after synthesis and reused, because it is expensive, but recovered water contains impurities such as organic substances, and it must be purified before reuse. For this reason Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. developed an O-18 water purifier for elimination of organic substances in recovered water. This instrument consists of a UV irradiation unit and low-temperature distillation unit. Our institution had an opportunity to test use this instrument and evaluated its performance. The concentrations of organic substances after UV irradiation was greatly reduced, and recovery efficiency after distillation by the low-temperature distillation unit was very satisfactory at 99.3 +/- 0.5%. Furthermore, the yield of 18F-FDG from 18O-H20 purified with this instrument was sufficient for the clinical use.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Wallerian degeneration (WD), the secondary degeneration of axons from cortical and subcortical injuries, is associated with poor neurological outcome. There is some quantitative MR imaging techniques used to estimate the biologic changes secondary to delayed neuronal and axonal losses. Our purpose is to assess the sensitivity of ADC value and T2 relaxation time for early detection of WD.


Ten male Sprague-Dawley rats were used to establish in vivo Wallerian degeneration model of CNS by ipsilateral motor-sensory cortex ablation. 5 days after cortex ablation, multiecho-T2 relaxometry and multi-b value DWI were acquired by using a 7 T MR imaging scanner. ADC-map and T2-map were reconstructed by post-processing. ROIs are selected according to pathway of corticospinal tract from cortex, internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, pons, medulla oblongata to upper cervical spinal cord to measure ADC value and T2 relaxation time of healthy side and affected side. The results were compared between the side with cortical ablation and the side without ablation.


Excluding ablated cortex, ADC values of the corticospinal tract were significantly increased (P < 0.05) in affected side compared to the unaffected, healthy side; no difference in T2 relaxation time was observed between the affected and healthy sides. Imaging findings were correlated with histological examinations.


As shown in this animal experiment, ADC values could non-invasively demonstrate the secondary degeneration involving descending white matter tracts. ADC values are more sensitive indicators for detection of early WD than T2 relaxation time.  相似文献   

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