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之所以提出“整合基本卫生保健”,是因为在很多中低收入国家,卫生体系因多个单一的卫生项目而被割裂开来,如妇幼保健项目、结核病项目、艾滋病项目、计划免疫项目等等,各自都有一套体系,从计划、设施设备等硬件资源采购、卫生人力资源配备与培训,直到信息系统报告、项目评估,各自互不相干。典型的情形是,一个基本卫生保健机构往往承担很多项目,因而就出现了一段时间忙于应付某一项目而忽视了其他项目的问题。设备重复采购、人员重复培训、信息系统重复建设的问题十分突出,造成资源的浪费和管理的低效率。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]为鼓励和支持一批具有示范引导作用的继续教育项目,推进上海市科协系统继续教育项目的实施和推广,上海市科学技术协会组织相关专家经过综合评审,公布了2015年度上海市科协继续教育示范项目名单。其中,10个项目为优秀示范项目,23个项目为示范项目。由世界造口治疗师协会授权、上海市护理学会和上海交通大学护理学院联合举办的“国际造口治疗师培训课程项目”荣膺“2015年度上海市科协继续教育优秀示范项目”;由上海市护理学会和上海市社区卫生协会联合主办、上海市卫生和计划生育委员会支持的“社区糖尿病管理护士培训实践项目”获得“2015年度上海市科协继续教育示范项目”。  相似文献   

目的描述和分析卫生服务项目中识别贫困人群的经济能力审查方法,描述作者如何评价经济能力审查办法的效果。方法检索24个循证类、卫生类、经济类、社会类等数据库,7个国际机构网站、灰色文献网站和Google搜索引擎。文献筛选和数据提取分别由两人独立完成,不同意见由第三人裁定或者小组讨论决定。利用主题分析法,对纳入研究以国家、人群、审查法等维度进行系统分析,对经济能力审核方法的效果进行评价。结果最初共检到10 244条记录,通过文题、摘要和全文筛选两个阶段,最终纳入58个研究。其中,13篇文献描述了美国利用经济能力精确调查法(VMT)作为人群甄别方法,16个国家应用经济能力简单审查法(SMT),26篇文献描述了经济能力间接审查法(PMT)在14个国家的应用,14个国家应用了经济能力混合审查法(MA);纳入文献中主要涉及4类卫生项目利用了经济能力审查方法来甄别其目标人群,包括医疗保险、现金转移支付、卫生服务免费提供项目和差别费项目等;大部分目标人群为贫困人口。纳入文献中,分别有3篇和11篇文献分析了卫生项目中实施经济收入能力审查方法的未覆盖率和漏出率,而有关实施经济能力审查的管理成本信息很少。结论经济能力审查法现应用于多种卫生项目,已成为甄别目标人群、实现利益再分配的方法,尤其在发展中国家应用广泛。人群识别方法在发展中国家已成为预算限制条件下有效分配卫生资源的重要方式。当今,全面覆盖策略已成为世界性问题,而如何将现有资源公平、有效地进行分配和使用成为政策实施的重要问题。而经济能力评价审查法作为一种人群识别工具,将有助于政策实施。  相似文献   

罕见病相关问题和需求在我国已经开始显现,并逐渐成为一项新的社会挑战,我国有必要制定专门的国家罕见病政策,为罕见病患者提供全方位和综合性的卫生服务和社会照顾.该文介绍了欧洲罕见病国家计划发展项目(EUROPLAN)的7个优先领域,为我国制定罕见病的相关政策提供决策参考.  相似文献   

杨林娴 《检验医学教育》2005,12(2):20-20,23
笔者在教学过程中,对如何在有限的教学时数下,选择卫生理化检验技术的实验项目,进行了探索,并收到了一定的效果。  相似文献   

为了更好地发挥科技期刊的学术引领作用,及时传播护理学科的前沿、创新成果,推动护理研究更好地为实践服务,《中华护理杂志》根据国家相关卫生政策要求,结合国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金项目以及中华护理学会立项课题的研究方向,拟于2021年进行如下专题报道,欢迎广大护理工作者踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

WHO血液筛查建议书主要内容介绍   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2009年,世界卫生组织(WHO)发布了<血液筛查建议书>(简称<建议书>),对于全球,特别是尚未完全建立血液筛查体系的国家的血液筛查提出了具体建议,支持这些国家加强和改进血液筛查计划.我们现分2期对<建议书>的主要内容进行介绍,希望能对我国血液筛查有所助益.  相似文献   

2013年中华护理学会继续教育中护理专科培训项目包括危重症、肿瘤、血液净化、助产、手术室、急诊、精神卫生。为了能让更多的护理同仁分享和借鉴专科护士培训的成果,  相似文献   

中华医学会《国家级继续医学教育项目教材》系国家卫生和计划生育委员会科教司、全国继续医学教育委员会批准,由全国继续医学教育委员会、中华医学会联合主办,中华医学电子音像出版社编辑出版。《国家级继续医学教育项目教材》编辑部2014年计划出版:  相似文献   

为了更好地发挥科技期刊的学术引领作用,及时传播护理学科的前沿,创新成果,推动护理研究更好地为实践服务,《中华护理杂志》根据国家相关卫生政策要求,结合国家自然科学基金项目,国家社会科学基金项目以及中华护理学会立项课题的研究方向,拟于2021年进行如下专题报道,欢迎广大护理工作者踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

Research and audit projects are a common feature of today’s health care in the quest for evidence based practice. There may be a project you, or your team, want to undertake. You might be undertaking a course, be it first degree or at a higher level in which completion of a project is a requirement. This article outlines some of the considerations necessary to translate your ideas for a project into a written proposal. Written proposals are necessary for a variety of reasons including approval to undertake the project from managers, for access to data, ethics committee approval, or those who might be providing grants towards the cost of the project.  相似文献   

Meticulous preplanning will lead to a beneficial design conference and a concise successful research proposal. Selection of the best experts for the conference, organization, and a flexible conference schedule can create a profusion of ideas, enhance discussion, and allow weak areas in the proposal to be identified and strengthened. A design conference can be a delightfully rewarding strategy for investigators, research teams, or graduate students. A successful conference will be accomplished if you adhere to the following steps: 1. Have at least two design conferences while you are preparing your research proposal--more if you feel that you need them. 2. Identify and invite the best experts possible from inside and outside your institution to discuss your questions. 3. Prepare a draft of your proposal as well as a list of your questions and give these to your experts at least 1 week in advance so they can prepare for the design conference. 4. Tape-record the discussion at the design conference along with taking written notes. 5. After the conference, review the tapes and notes and revise the proposal accordingly.  相似文献   

Good writing will not of itself produce a good research grant proposal. Nevertheless, a well-organized, well-written proposal can help you get funded, so it's worth some effort. This article provides guidelines for writing all the standard parts of a proposal.  相似文献   

Have you ever proposed a new prehospital intervention at your local medical advisory committee only to be stopped dead in your tracks when another participant calmly asserts that your idea is not field appropriate, has too many risks or is simply ineffective, then cites medical literature that says so? If you haven't done your homework, you must fold up your notes and quietly return to your seat. To be sure you're prepared with the best, current research for such a proposal, you need the same research tool your physician colleagues use, and that's the ability to search the MEDLINE database. Read on to learn a free and easy way to access this very powerful research tool via the Internet.  相似文献   

AimA participatory action-research was conducted in an intensive care unit (ICU). A consensus was reached on four proposals for change regarding how to deal with the relatives of the critically ill patients, extending their visiting hours being one of these proposals. This study has aimed to ascertain the contributions of the unit professionals to a new proposal regarding visiting hours.Participants and methodsThe sample included 93 ICU professionals out of 205. A qualitative methodology study that included a two-item open survey was used: 1. Yes, I agree with the proposal (explain how you would improve it); 2. No, I do not agree with the proposal (explain why and how you would improve it). Content analysis and triangulation of researchers and participants were performed. The theoretical saturation point was reached.ResultsFive categories emerged: 1) Modify the initial proposal; 2) Agreement with the proposal; 3) Doubts; 4) Barriers to implementation; 5) Flexibilization.ConclusionsICU professionals are reluctant to open their units, but accept the extension of current visiting hours. The physical structure of the unit is perceived as a major barrier.  相似文献   

《护理学基础》课堂教学的审美化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竺静 《护理学报》2004,11(1):47-49
目的探讨护理审美教育的途径,挖掘教学中的美育因素,促进护生素质全面发展。方法对“铺床法”课堂教学过程进行审美化教学设计,包括确立美育目标、提出审美视点、创设审美化的教学情景、按审美要求设计教学过程等。结果通过对学生调查发现绝大多数学生喜欢这种教学模式,认为对提高她们的审美能力有帮助。课堂达标测试,传统教学法达标率为81.1%,审美化教学达标率为91.3%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论运用审美化教学,对于激发学生的审美情趣,培养护理美感,提高教学效果均有一定的作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to approach care systematization in psychiatric nursing in two psychiatric disorder patients who attended ‘Nossa Casa’, São Lourenço do Sul, RS, Brazil. Nossa Casa services psychiatric patients in the community, focussing on: (i) permanence in their environment, allowing patients to remain close to their families and social spheres; (ii) integral attendance to meet individual needs; (iii) respecting individual differences; (iv) rehabilitation practices; and (v) social reinsertion. Concepts and assumptions of the psychiatric reform and the Irving’s nursing process were used as theoretical–methodological references to elaborate this systematization. A therapeutic project for the psychiatric patient was elaborated, in accordance with the interdisciplinary proposal accepted by Nossa Casa. Interdisciplinary team intervention, guided by a previously discussed common orientation and defined through an individualized therapeutic project, allowed for an effective process of psychosocial rehabilitation. The authors concluded that a therapeutic project based on the mentioned premises leads to consistent, comprehensive, dialectical and ethical assistance in mental health, thereby reinstating the citizenship of psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

Managing the renovation of an operating room is both challenging and rewarding. Good organizational and negotiating skills are needed for dealing with all of the various individuals and groups you will encounter as the project unfolds. Developing an operational plan will assist you to ensure your department continues to function in an organized and efficient manner throughout the project.  相似文献   

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