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肝门部胆管癌的手术治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的探讨肝门部胆管癌的手术切除方式及影响手术切除的因素。方法回顾性分析32例肝门胆管癌的生长方式,病理类型,手术方式及影响手术切除的因素。结果32例中大体病理呈乳头状3例,结节型5例,硬化型22例,弥漫性癌2例;侵犯门静脉9例,其中侵犯肝组织2例,肝内转移1例;侵犯肝动脉2例。组织学呈高分化腺癌9例,中分化腺癌16例,低分化腺癌7例。按Bismuth分型:Ⅰ型7例,Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲa型7例、Ⅲb型5例,Ⅳ型4例,切除率分别是85.71%、77.78%、57.14%、100.00%、50.00%。手术切除24例中联合肝叶切除11例,血管切除4例,获根治性切除18例,住院期死亡2例,术后胆漏1例。结论肝门胆管癌以高、中分化腺癌多见,主要沿胆管壁浸润生长,常横向侵犯周围血管及肝组织。影响手术切除的主要因素是肿瘤向近端胆管壁浸润长度、门静脉受累情况及肝功能耐受能力。联合肝段和血管切除可以提高根治性切除率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨扩大肝切除对Bismuth-Corlette Ⅲ、Ⅳ型肝门胆管癌的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析蚌埠医学院第一附属医院2008年1 月至2015年5 月61例Bismuth-Corlette Ⅲ、Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌患者的临床资料。其中扩大肝切除组行半肝及以上肝切除和(或)联合尾状叶切除术22例;局限肝切除组行肝门区不规则肝切除术39例。结果:扩大肝切除组患者相比局限肝切除组手术时间长、术中出血量多。扩大肝切除组患者并发症发生率低于局限肝切除组患者;扩大肝切除组无围手术期死亡患者,局限肝切除组有2 例围手术期死亡患者;扩大肝切除组R 0 切除21例,R 0 切除率为95.5%(21/ 22),局限肝切除组R 0 切除20例,R 0 切除率为51.3%(20/ 39),差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05);扩大肝切除组1、3、5 年生存率分别是77.27% 、36.36% 、13.64% ;局限肝切除组1、3、5 年生存率分别是69.23% 、20.51% 、1.64% ,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论:Bismuth-Corlette Ⅲ、Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌扩大肝切除可以有效提高患者的R 0 切除率和生存率,改善患者的预后。   相似文献   

背景与目的:肝门部胆管癌(hilar cholangiocarcinoma,HC)侵袭途径广泛以及术后缺乏有效辅助治疗,目前患者获得治愈的惟一途径依然是手术根治性切除。术前可切除性评估、术前胆道引流、肝切除的范围及淋巴结清扫范围等问题一直是研究的热点。本文探讨联合肝叶切除治疗HC的临床经验及疗效。方法:回顾性分析昆明医科大学第一附属医院2007年1月—2013年10月行手术治疗的207例HC患者的临床及随访资料。结果:全组207例患者中,125例行根治性切除(R0切除),R0切除率为60.4%。联合肝叶切除156例,肝叶切除组获R0切除率70.5%;51例行单纯性切除,单纯性切除组获R0切除率29.4%,两组比较R0切除率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2例患者死于围手术期,术后主要并发症包括肝肾功能不全和胆漏。获得随访的172例中,102例行R0切除的患者中位生存时间为45个月,术后1、3、5年累积生存率分别为96.1%、59.1%、17.2%,70例行R1-2切除的患者中位生存时间为26个月,术后1、3年累积生存率分别为81.3%、19.2%,无5年存活患者。获得R0切除患者术后生存率优于姑息性切除(R1-2切除)患者,差异有统计学意义(χ2=39.121,P<0.01)。在联合肝叶切除组中获R0切除患者术后1、3、5年生存率为97.8%、63.9%、18.0%,在单纯性切除组中获R0切除患者术后1、3、5年生存率为83.3%、20.8%、8.3%,两组术后生存率差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.988,P=0.014)。结论:根治性切除是提高HC远期疗效的关键,联合肝叶切除及标准化淋巴结清扫可显著提高HC的根治性切除率及远期疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝门外胆管癌近年的诊治及临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析我院2005年6月至2008年6月收治的22例肝门部胆管癌的临床资料,分析其诊治情况及预后.结果 本组22例患者主要症状为进行性黄疸(19/22),术前均行MRCP检查,诊断准确率达100%,术前Bismuth Corlette分型与手术结果比较,分型准确率为86.4%.所有患者均行手术治疗.10例根治性切除,9例姑息性切除,3例胆管引流,手术切除率为86.4%(19/22);根治切除率为45.5%.术后并发症发生率为22.7%,其中腹腔感染3例,胆道感染2例,治疗后痊愈,无围手术期死亡.随访中位时间30个月,根治性切除患者术后1、3、5年生存率分别为71.3%、36.6%、25.4%,姑息切除组患者分别为54.3%、13.3%、O%,根治性切除患者生存率显著高于姑息切除患者.结论 肝门部胆管癌的治疗以手术切除为主,近年来手术技术的进步,手术切除率及根治性切除率不断提高,患者预后改善.  相似文献   

Qin HD  Li CL  Zhang JG 《中华肿瘤杂志》2006,28(4):313-315
目的进一步改进无血切肝技术,提高肝脏巨大肿瘤患者的切除率和手术耐受性。方法回顾分析16例肝脏巨大肿瘤切除术,讨论选择性出入肝血流阻断方式在肝切除中的应用。结果巨大肝脏肿瘤在肝切除手术中,应用选择性出入肝血流阻断术,术中出血少,患者耐受性好,提高了肝脏手术的切除率。结论应用选择性出入肝血流阻断术可以提高肝脏巨大肿瘤的切除率和手术耐受性,为肝脏手术提供了一个合理安全的术式。  相似文献   

肝门胆管癌手术切除26例疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝门胆管癌,70年代以前大多数病例难以切除,视为手术禁区。随着医学科学技术的快速发展,早期病例诊断率明显提高,手术切除率也提高至60%左右。从1988~1996年共施行肝门胆管癌手术切除26例取得较好效果。Ⅰ型(肝总管癌)10例,Ⅱ型(肝管汇合部癌)7例,Ⅲ型(左肝管及肝总管癌)4例,Ⅳ型(右肝管及肝总管癌)3例,Ⅴ型(左、右肝管和肝总管癌)2例。手术方法为单纯肝门胆管癌切除,肝门胆管及半肝切除,肝中央部切除,扩大半肝切除后与空肠行Roux-en-Y吻合术。作者对手术切除方法,禁忌证,治疗效果等进行了详细讨论。所有病例均行胆管或肝断面与空肠吻合术,术后并发症少,再次手术少,疗效满意。  相似文献   

肝外胆管癌的外科治疗与预后关系临床探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对55例肝外胆管癌的治疗方法与预后的关系进行临床探讨。按Longmire分型,上段、中段、下段胆管癌分别占43.6%、21.8%、346%;有42例得到病理诊断。手术切除11例(26.2%),“减黄”手术30例(胆肠内引流14例,外引流16例),单纯剖腹,PTCD、非手术保守治疗分别为1、6、7例。随访1~62个月,随访率87.3%。平均生存时间10.8±9.7个月;手术切除组生存时间最长(21.4±16.7个月,P<0.01),生存率最高(P<005);胆肠内引流组的生存时间(12.2±6.8个月)和生存率亦明显高于其它各组(P<0.05)。因此,对有条件的肝外胆管癌,应争取早期作根治性切除+胆管空肠吻合,并酌情切除受累肝脏;即使无根治条件,亦应尽可能作胆肠内引流。  相似文献   

原发性肝癌以外科为主的综合治疗(附425例报告)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的:探讨肝癌以外科为主的综合治疗。方法:以外科为主综合治疗原发性肝癌患者425例,其中直径≤5cm的小肝癌121例。行不规则性肝叶切除134例,局部切除95例,肝叶或肝段切除123例,半肝或半肝以上切除共56例,联合脏器切除17例;切缘注射无水酒精或用渗入无水酒精的明胶海绵包埋于瘤床共39例。结果:总的手术切除率69.8%,小肝癌手术切除率90.3%;手术死亡率1.2%;术后生存5年以上118例,10年以上24例。全组术后3、5、10年生存率分别为57.2%(203/355)、51.3%(118/230)和35.3%(24/68);其中小肝癌术后3、5、10年生存率分别为74.4%(64/86)、64.6%(42/65)和43.8%(14/32)。结论:以外科为主的综合治疗是目前治疗肝癌最有效的方法。不规则性肝切除、早期发现肝癌、综合治疗大肝癌缩小后二期切除等是提高手术切除率的主要手段;以个体化为原则的术后综合治疗可降低术后复发率,提高肝癌的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝门扣式吻合术在治疗Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌中的临床应用价值.方法 回顾性分析1990年1月至2008年1月间接受手术治疗的89例Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌患者的临床资料.以2000年1月(开始采用肝门扣式吻合术)为界,将患者分为两个治疗阶段,比较两个阶段Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌患者的手术切除率,并分析肝门扣式吻合术的治疗效果和并发症.结果 第一阶段治疗胆管癌患者37例,手术切除4例(10.8%),其中根治性切除1例(2.7%),姑息性切除3例(8.1%).第二阶段治疗胆管癌患者52例,手术切除35例(67.3%),其中根治性切除15例(28.8%),姑息性切除20例(38.5%).第二阶段接受手术切除治疗的35例患者中,有28例(80.0%)采用肝门扣式吻合的手术方式.统计结果 显示,无论是根治性切除还是姑息性切除,第二阶段Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型患者的手术切除率均高于第一阶段患者(均P<0.05).89例患者中,术后并发腹腔积液3例,胆道出血1例,心功能衰竭1例,伤口感染2例.采用肝门扣式吻合术的患者术后均出现不同程度的胆瘘,经引流和对症治疗后痊愈.结论 肝门扣式吻合术可提高Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型肝门部胆管癌的切除率,是一种新的可供选择的治疗方法 ,但其远期治疗效果有待进一步研究和随访.  相似文献   

730例食管癌、贲门癌手术治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨食管癌、贲门癌的临床治疗和预后。方法对1987-2006年间收治的730例食管癌、贲门癌患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果730例均接受手术治疗。25例因广泛转移未能切除,总切除率96.6%(705/730)。730例中,食管癌390例,贲门癌340例。食管癌中颈部吻合90例,弓上吻合120例,弓下吻合175例;贲门癌中食管下端、贲门近端胃大部切除食管-下半胃切除吻合300例,全胃切除20例。结论早期诊断是提高切除率的关键,手术径路应根据临床部位、侵犯范围和全身情况因人而异选用。加强围手术期处理可以明显减少术后并发症,术后综合治疗是提高生存率必不可少的环节。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基质金属蛋白酶MMP-9在胃癌组织中的表达,及其与胃癌临床病理特征的相关性。方法 采用免疫组织化学S-P法检测10例术前胃镜活检胃癌组织标本和40例胃癌手术切除的组织标本中MMP-9的表达情况。结果 40例胃癌组织标本中MMP-9阳性表达29例(72.5%),胃癌组织中MMP-9表达增高与胃癌低分化类型及淋巴结转移相关。10例胃镜活检标本中阳性表达4例(40.0%),相应的手术切除组织标本有7例阳性表达,活检组织阳性表达灵敏度为57.1%。结论 MMP-9高表达提示胃癌的恶性生物学行为,术前胃镜活检组织及胃癌手术切除组织标本MMP-9表达的联合检测,对临床胃癌治疗方案的选择、预后的评估有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism of acquired CDDP resistance in ovarian cancer, we compared the microsatellite instability (MSI) by the amplification of 10 microsatellite loci and immunohistochemical detection of hMSH2 and hMLH1 expression between the primary resected tumours and the secondary resected residual tumours after 5 or 6 courses of CDDP-based chemotherapy in the 24 cases of ovarian cancer. Of the 24 primary resected tumours, 9 (37.5%) showed MSI (7 cases of MSI-L, 2 cases of MSI-H), while 15 (72.5%) were microsatellite stable tumours (MSS). The primary tumours also had MSI in the residual tumours after CDDP-based chemotherapy. However, all of the cases with MSS in the primary resected tumours exhibited MSI (2 cases were MSI-L, and 13 cases were MSI-H) in the residual tumours after CDDP-based chemotherapy (P< 0.001). Furthermore, 11 (73.3%) of these cases which changed from MSS to MSI also had a change in the expression of hMLH1 from positive to undetectable (P< 0.001). Our data suggest that tumour MSI changes during CDDP-based chemotherapy, and that the loss of hMLH1 expression is one of the factors that has the greatest effect on this transformation.  相似文献   

A prospective study was performed analyzing resected extrapulmonary lymph nodes of 544 operated lung carcinoma patients. Volume of lymph nodes was determined by weight. Lymph nodes were cut in serial sections 300 microns thick, and the volume of tumour metastasis in each resected lymph node was computed measuring the tumourous area in the lymph node sections. The following results were obtained: Percentage of resected lymph nodes varied with lymph node site and site of the primary lung cancer. Hilar lymph nodes were resected in 50% of the patients, lymph nodes of the main and stem bronchi in 57% and 63%, respectively. Tumour metastases were found in 10%-15% of the resected lymph nodes. The size of the lymph nodes varied to a large amount and was found to be independent of the lymph node site if no metastases could be detected. Lymph nodes measuring less than 0.1 ccm were tumour infiltrated in 9% (77/706 lymph nodes), large lymph nodes (greater than 10 ccm) in 62% of the cases (20/32). Tumourous involved lymph nodes of the main bronchus were found more frequently in cases of central localized lung cancer compared to carcinoma arising from the peripheral lung, where the opposite was seen in subaortal located lymph nodes. The percentage of lymph node involvement and size of tumour infiltrated lymph nodes was found to be independent of tumour cell type. Size of resected lymph nodes is not a reliable parameter for estimating existence of tumour infiltrations.  相似文献   

An increasing trend in Japan of Müllerian mixed tumor (MMT)of the endometrium has been suspected from both the Annual PathologicalAutopsy Records in Japan (APARJ) and an analysis of surgicalcases from the National Cancer Center Hospital (NCCH). One hundredand four MMT cases were recorded in APARJ during the period,1965–1984, which constituted 1.1% of all malignant uterinetumors. The number of MMT cases in the past 10 years (87 casesduring the period, 1975–1984) increased more than fivefoldover that of the previous 10 years (17 cases during the period,1965–1974). The proportion among malignant uterine tumorsalso increased from 0.5 to 1.5%. Eighteen patients with MMTunderwent surgery in the NCCH during the period, 1963–1986,which accounted for 4.3% of endometrial malignant tumor cases.Of these only one was resected during the 12-year period, 1963–1974,while there were 17 surgically resected cases during the 12years from 1975 to 1986. These represented 0.8 and 5.7%, respectivelyof malignant tumors of the endometrium during the two periods.In five out of 18 cases, MMT occurred as a second primary malignancy,and in all cases the histology was one of mesodermal mixed tumor.It was suggested that its occurrence as a second primary malignancywould be contributing to the recent increase of MMT in Japan.  相似文献   

Preoperative chemotherapy was conducted in seven cases of osteosarcoma by twice administering intraarterial infusions of cisplatin (100 mg/m2/day) and the effects were studied through evaluations of clinical symptoms, plane radiograms, angiographic findings, serum alkaline phosphatase levels determined prior to and after the intraarterial infusion, and the rate of necrosis of tumor cells in the resected material. Results of treatment were as follows: disappearance of pain in two cases; reduction of pain in five cases; reduction in tumor size in three cases; and an increase in tumor size in one case. Radiograms obtained after treatment showed a reduction of tumor shadow at the extraskeletal site in one case; no change in five cases; an increase in one case, a clearly defined lesion border in one case; and no change in six cases. The radiograms showed no significant change in many cases, but this is perhaps because the radiograms were taken only four weeks after the start of treatment. Angiograms obtained after the preoperative chemotherapy revealed the disappearance of neovascularity in neoplasms in three cases, reduction in two cases, and no change in two cases. Reductions in the rates of serum alkaline phosphatase levels were in the range of 8.3 to 93% (average, 47.8%); the rates of necrosis of the tumor cells in the resected materials were ranged from 53 to 95% (average, 82.1%). The present chemotherapy resulted in formation of a fibrous connective tissue in the reactive zone and in increase in thickness of its pseudo-capsule. From this, it may be said that, if a tumor is to be resected in the area a few of more centimeters distant from the newly formed tissue, the surgery can be conducted within a wide curative margin, or a safer surgical margin. Results obtained from an overall evaluation of the effects showed the chemotherapy to be markedly effective in one case, effective in four cases, slightly effective in one case, and to have no effect in one case. For making life prognostic evaluations, more case data and longer-range follow-up observations will be needed.  相似文献   

肺炎性假瘤和癌的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告12例肺炎性假瘤和癌共存于同一瘤块。经详细病理观察认为,3例属碰撞性或癌伴假瘤,9例为假瘤癌变。后者占本单位同期切除肺炎性假瘤的9.8%.切除肺癌的2.7%。建仪诊断肺炎性假瘤癌变的组织学标准为,假瘤和癌共存于一个瘤块内,并见假瘤上皮细胞增生到癌的过渡改变。  相似文献   

The prognostic value of preoperative serum levels of CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 tumor markers was investigated in 153 patients resected for gastric cancer. The positivity rates for CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 were 20.9, 34.6 and 28.1%, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis for positive levels of tumor markers indicates that CEA positivity is significantly related to the depth of invasion (p < 0.005) and the presence of distant metastasis (p < 0. 05), CA 19-9 positivity is related to nodal involvement (p < 0.05) and the depth of invasion (p < 0.05), whereas CA 72-4 positivity is influenced by tumor size (p < 0.005) and noncurative surgery (p < 0. 05). Positive levels of each tumor marker were associated with a worse prognosis if compared with negative cases using univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis of curatively resected cases identified depth in gastric wall (p < 0.0001), nodal status (p < 0. 0005), and tumor location in the upper third (p < 0.05) as significant prognostic variables; CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 serum positivity did not reach statistical significance. However, when the positivity of the three markers was associated, a p value < 0.05 was observed. The analysis of survival curves stratified by tumor stage revealed that marker positivity significantly affects survival in stages I, II and IV (p < 0.05). The combined assay of CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 preoperative serum levels provides additional prognostic information in patients resected for gastric cancer; patients with preoperative positivity for one of these tumor markers should be considered at high risk of recurrence even in early stages of gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

应用电子计算机辅助DNA影像计量分析仪(CM1DNACytometet.HUND,Wetzlar,Germany)测量30例人正常子宫平滑肌、内膜上皮、纤维及淋巴细胞核DNAIOD值,以确定子宫组织特异性正常二倍体参照细胞及其校正因子。测量80例子宫平滑肌瘤细胞核DNA含量,发现各DNA计量结果与正常平滑肌近似,无1例出现干系DNA非整倍体和>9cEE,有4例出现>5cEE。测量32例生长活跃的子宫平滑肌瘤,18例检出干系DNA非整倍体,1例检出>9cEE,11例检出>5cEE,测量27例子宫平滑肌肉瘤,22例出现干系DNA非整倍体,5例出现>9cEE,18例出现>5cEE。本文结果表明,用于系DNA非整倍体和>9cEE作为指标诊断子宫平滑肌瘤的特异性均为100%,诊断子宫平滑肌肉瘤的敏感性分别为81%和19%,对生长活跃的子宫平滑肌瘤恶性性质的预测具有重要意义。>5cEE这一指标阈值不适合用于对子宫平滑肌肿瘤良、恶性质的判断。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to examine the prognostic significance of immunohistochemical (IHC) evidence of lymph node (LN) metastases in histologic node negative gastric cancer patients. METHODS: Retrospective review from 1981 to 1998 revealed 25 patients resected for T1-4N0M0 gastric and gastroesophageal (GE) junction adenocarcinoma. All cases were reviewed and histopathologic parameters were defined for each primary tumor. All LNs underwent IHC analysis with the epithelial marker CAM 5.2. Data are reported as median (range). RESULTS: The median number of LN resected was 7 (range 1-33). The median follow-up time was 25 months (range 4-195) with an overall 5-year survival rate of 55%. For patients with IHC evidence of LN micrometastasis (n = 9), the 5-year survival rate was significantly decreased (35%) compared to a 66% 5-year survival rate for IHC negative patients (n = 16, P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of IHC-detected LN micrometastases correlates with worse prognosis for patients with histologic node negative gastric cancer. IHC may be a useful additional staging modality in this subset of patients.  相似文献   

Bioptates and resected material from patients treated for cancer of the esophagus at the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology in 1980-1989 were analysed. Adenogenic tumors made up 6.0% of the 1671 cases of esophageal cancer studied. A gradual increase in the percentage of adenogenic cancers was established (P < 0.05). A group of 100 cases of adenogenic cancers was examined in detail. Adenocarcinoma made up 5.3%, adenosquamous cancer--0.5 and adenocystic cancer--0.2%. Adenogenic cancers most often occurred in the lower thoracic part of the organ. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma predominated (56.8%), with a tendency to an increase in the tumor occurrence in the upper and mid-thoracic parts. The enhanced morbidity from adenogenic cancers is attributed to a high occurrence of esophagitis in the majority of regions of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

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