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目的探讨手术治疗钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴病的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2015年11月-2019年2月于石河子大学医学院第一附属医院行手术治疗(外囊完整剥除术、外囊次全切除术及内囊摘除术)的16例共20个钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿的临床特点及治疗效果。结果 1例患者行外囊完整剥除术,5例患者行内囊摘除术,10例患者行外囊次全切除术。除1例患者因术前囊肿已破入胆道且外囊壁已存在胆瘘而于术后发生胆漏之外,其余患者术后均未发现残腔积液、感染等残腔并发症及胆漏、黄疸。术后均无死亡、复发病例。结论对于非静止期的钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴病必须手术治疗,外囊完整剥除术并不适用,可优先选用外囊次全切除术,尤其是当出现钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿邻近肝门部、邻近肝内外大血管及外膜与外囊之间的潜在性腔隙不明显时。而当出现肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿破裂时,可酌情选择内囊摘除术。  相似文献   

35例肝包虫内囊摘除加外囊次全切除术临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评估肝包虫内囊摘除加外囊次全切除术治疗肝包虫病的临床疗效.方法收集2000~2003年在我院接受肝包内囊摘除加外囊次全切除术治疗的35例病人的单个囊肿手术耗时及出血量、平均住院日、术后残腔情况(积液、感染、胆瘘)、原位复发等指标,与同期接受其他手术方法(内囊摘除术加外囊残腔引流、传统外囊完整摘除术、外膜内外囊摘除术)治疗的87例病人作比较.结果内囊摘除加外囊次全切除术组手术耗时及术中出血量(单个囊肿)虽高于包虫内囊摘除术加外囊残腔引流组(P<0.01),但术后住院日、术后残腔并发症均低于后者(P<0.01);而与传统外囊完整摘除术相比,其手术耗时及出血量明显低于后者(P<0.01),术后住院天数两者差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论对于邻近大血管、重要脏器组织或周围解剖层次不清的肝包虫,此手术法在有效消灭残腔的同时,减少了手术难度及勉强行外囊切除术可能带来的风险.  相似文献   

42例肺细粒棘球蚴病患儿胸腔镜下行内囊摘除术治疗,内囊完整摘除者占66.7%(28/42)、内囊穿刺摘除者占33.3%(14/42),术中操作不慎致囊肿破裂者占2.4%(1/42),平均手术时间为(96.70±10.90)min,术中平均出血量为(8.60±1.31)ml,平均住院时间为(10.20±1.10)d、术后并发症发生率为4.8%(2/42),3年远期随访,无复发。儿童肺细粒棘球蚴病胸腔镜下行内囊摘除术具有创伤小、术中出血少和并发症少,以及3年随访无复发等优点。  相似文献   

目的 分析、探索肝囊型包虫病(cystic echinococcosis,CE)手术治疗的方式、适应证及其疗效。方法 分析我院2009-2013年手术治疗的肝囊型包虫患者216例。结果 内囊摘除术(A组) 术后平均住院d数、带管时间、术后残腔并发症等均显著高于其他3组(P<0.01);手术D组的手术耗时及出血量、住院费用等均显著高于其他3组(P<0.01)。结论 ①肝包虫外囊完整剥除术治疗可根除因内囊摘除术导致包虫复发和胆瘘等并发症;同肝切除相比具有创伤较小、并发症减少的特点,故可为CE手术治疗的首选;②对于邻近大血管、重要脏器组织或周围解剖层次不清的肝包虫,外囊次全切除术可在有效消灭残腔的同时,减少手术难度及外囊剥除术所引发手术风险。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河谷肝棘球蚴病临床资料分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨新疆伊犁河谷肝棘球蚴病流行病学特点及临床诊治方法。 方法 对 1993~ 2003年伊犁河谷多家医院经手术确诊并治疗的肝棘球蚴病病例进行回顾性分析。 结果 共 2049例肝棘球蚴病患者 ,其中细粒棘球蚴病 1965例占 96% ,泡球蚴病 84例占 4%。所有病例经棘球蚴皮内过敏试验、B超、彩超、X线检查、X线断层照相术 (CT)、磁共振成像术 (MRI)、血清学免疫试验均可确诊。确诊病例经手术治疗2 034例占 99.2 %。其中 ,行肝叶切除术、肝棘球蚴外囊膜内完整切除术、肝棘球蚴囊肿外囊外切除术共 3 0 2例占 14.7% ,无术后复发及并发症。术后服药 (吡喹酮、阿苯达唑、阿苯达唑脂质体 ) 754例占 36.7% ,均有一定疗效。肝棘球蚴病流行病学特点是沿伊犁河谷流行、散布。患者均生活在农牧区 ,均有与牛、羊、狗密切接触史 ,当地各民族人群均有发病 ,女性 1 125例占 5 4%。25~49岁发病率较高为 982例占 48%。 1993-2003年发病率呈逐年下降趋势。 结论 肝棘球蚴病是新疆伊犁地区高发病、多发病 ,沿伊犁河谷流行、散布。应进一步加强病畜管理、改良手术治疗方法 ,积累临床经验。  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨囊性肝棘球蚴病合并胆管瘘病的临床分型标准及意义。 方法 回顾性研究2000年1月至2005年3月,收治并行外膜内完整摘除术治疗囊性肝棘球蚴病合并胆管瘘病47例,术中观察胆管瘘不同的解剖特点,术后观察疗效。 结果与结论 47例患者术后恢复顺利,无残腔感染及胆管瘘等并发症。总结胆管瘘不同的解剖特点,初步提出囊性肝棘球蚴病合并胆管瘘病的3个临床分型标准,即:根据囊性肝棘球蚴病发病部位分为中央型及外周型,根据胆管与囊肿解剖关系分为侧瘘型、直入型及贯通型,根据肝棘球蚴囊固态内容物与胆道的关系分为破入胆道型及未破入胆道型。按此标准,可明确地表述囊性肝棘球蚴病合并胆管瘘病的情况,对临床外科具有参考意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染患者诊断及手术治疗,为该类患者临床诊治提供经验。方法回顾性分析2017-2018年青海省人民医院诊断为肝细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染患者的临床资料。结果共确诊3例肝细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染患者。其中1例经术前CT检查确诊为细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染,并在术中得到证实;另2例经术前彩超及影像学检查诊断为细粒棘球蚴病,但根据术中病灶形态和术后病理学确诊为细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染。2例患者行根治性手术治疗,1例探查后仅行肝细粒棘球蚴内囊摘除、外囊次全切除术。结论肝细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染患者术前易漏诊、误诊,影像学检查联合术后组织病理学检查结果才能最终确诊。肝细粒和多房棘球蚴混合感染患者手术相对复杂、困难,针对不同感染类型患者应采取个体化手术治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并囊内胆漏的肝细粒棘球蚴病患者有效的手术治疗方式。方法 回顾性分析新疆维吾尔自治区第三人民医院2015年1月—2021年2月合并囊内胆漏的肝细粒棘球蚴病患者的临床资料,按照手术治疗方式不同分为3组,行肝细粒棘球蚴病内囊摘除残腔引流术为对照组,手术中加行经胆总管T管引流术为T管引流组,手术中行加经内镜胆道内支架引流术(ERBD)为ERBD组;3组患者术中均常规缝合残腔内可见胆漏。采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件对比分析3组间的手术时间、手术出血量、残腔引流管滞留时间、T管/内支架滞留时间、住院时间、总重返住院次数,以及术后短期并发症和并发症导致重返住院的发生率。结果 共收集合并囊内胆漏的肝细粒棘球蚴病患者70例,其中男性44例,女性26例;对照组26例,T管引流组24例,ERBD组20例,3组间一般资料的差异无统计学意义(χ~2性别=0.24、F年龄=1.12、χ~2病灶数量=1.56、χ~2病灶最大直径=0.36、χ~2病灶主要位置=0.45、χ~2病灶类...  相似文献   

目的 本实验通过研究对比不同时间两种肝棘球蚴病灶周围组织纤维化情况,进一步了解肝棘球蚴病的病理生理发展过程,为肝棘球蚴病的诊治提供参考。方法 建立动物模型,使用HE,Masson染色以及COL1,COL3、α-SMA、TGF-β1免疫组化染色对比观察两种肝棘球蚴病在不同时间纤维化情况的不同。结果 随着时间的变化肝细粒棘球蚴病灶周围纤维化由弥漫到聚集,可形成连续致密的纤维外膜;肝多房棘球蚴病灶周围组织纤维化始终为弥漫性,无法形成连续质密的纤维外膜。细粒棘球蚴组病灶周围COL1(r=-0.768,P<0.05)、COL3(r=-0.781,P<0.05)、α-SMA(r=-0.867,P<0.05)、TGF-β1(r=-0.854,P<0.05)的表达强度与时间呈负相关,多房棘球蚴组病灶周围COL1(r=-0.349,P>0.05)、COL3(r=-0.037,P>0.05)、α-SMA(r=-0.107,P>0.05)、TGF-β1(r=-0.148,P>0.05)的表达强度与时间无相关性。 无相关性同时观察到两种包虫周围细胞外基质胶原含量不同,细粒棘球蚴组I、III型胶原比高于多房棘球蚴组(Z=-3.23,P<0.05)。结论 相较于多房棘球蚴,细粒棘球蚴病灶周围可产生连续致密的纤维外囊。细粒棘球蚴在外囊形成后纤维化进程减弱或停止,多房棘球蚴在整个病程中均有活跃的纤维化反应。细粒棘球蚴相较于多房棘球蚴外囊的I/III型胶原比值较高。  相似文献   

目的 初步掌握流行于青海省细粒棘球绦虫幼虫棘球蚴(原头节、囊壁、囊液)和多房棘球绦虫幼虫泡球蚴在中间宿主人体内蛋白质表达情况。方法 利用SDS-PAGE和 Western-blot分析棘球蚴原头节、囊壁、囊液蛋白质和泡球蚴总蛋白表达谱。结果 细粒棘球蚴原头节的蛋白质浓集在分子量72 kDa处,囊壁的蛋白质浓集在72 kDa、26 kDa和17 kDa 处,囊液的蛋白浓集在72 kDa、43~55 kDa、26 kDa和17 kDa;泡球蚴总蛋白质浓集在分子量72 kDa、55~72 kDa和26 kDa处。结论 不同地区细粒棘球蚴在人体内蛋白的表达存在差异;不同亚种泡球蚴原头节蛋白的表达存在差异。  相似文献   

A new surgical approach (subadventitial cystectomy) has been developed for liver hydatid disease. We retrospectively compared clinical outcomes and immune status 24 months after a subadventitial cystectomy with traditional surgical approaches. Patients with liver hydatid cysts were treated with a subadventitial cystectomy (N = 11), pericystectomy (N = 16), partial pericystectomy (N = 18), or hepatic resection (N = 12). By the end of the follow-up period, the subadventitial cystectomy group had the fewest post-operative complications and shortest hospital stays. Two recurrences occurred: one recurrence after partial pericystectomy and one recurrence after pericystectomy. The total immunoglobulin E (IgE) level decreased significantly in the subadventitial cystectomy group. The post-surgery IgG level was lower in the subadventitial cystectomy than the pericystectomy and partial pericystectomy groups. In conclusion, subadventitial cystectomy completely removes the parasite, causing lower complication rates and lower immune reactions.  相似文献   

Biliary fistulas are the most common morbidity (8.2–26%) following hydatid liver surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of subadventitial cystectomy in the treatment of liver hydatid cyst associated with a biliocystic fistula. The medical records of 153 patients who underwent subadventitial cystectomy for a liver hydatid cyst between January 2006 and December 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Cysts were located in the right lobe anterior segment 37 (24.2%) patients, right lobe posterior segment 59 (38.6%) patients, the left lobe in 26 (17.0%) patients, and both lobes in 6 (3.9%) patients. The surgical procedures performed were closed (non-incised) subadventitial total cystectomy in 74 patients (48.4%), open (incised) subadventitial total cystectomy in 30 patients (19.6%), and subadventitial subtotal cystectomy in 49 patients (32.0%). Biliocystic communication was found in 52 patients (34.0%), and 21 patients (13.7%) were treated with T-tube drainage. Two patients had performed biliodigestive anastomosis. Biliary fistula was detected in 9 patients after subtotal subadventitial cystectomy. Biliary fistulas closed spontaneously within 10 days and 61 days respectively and the amount of drainage varying between 50 and 400 ml after the procedure. Postoperative complication and recurrence rates were 19.0% and 0.7%, respectively. The mortality rate was 0%. Subadventitial cystectomy should be the surgical treatment of choice for this disease because of its feasibility and low rates of recurrence, complications of the residual cavity, and incidence of associated biliary fistula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Unroofing, cystopericystectomy, or cystic evaluation and omentoplasty have been used in videolaparoscopic treatment in hepatic hydatidosis since 1992. Currently it is shown that videolaparoscopic treatment has been carried out successfully in selected cases. METHODOLOGY: Fifteen hepatic hydatid cysts in 12 cases were treated by videolaparoscopic methods. Formerly in the 5 cases, the cysts were aspirated with a needle designed for a 5-mm trocar, leaving a cystic cavity that was tension-free, then scolicidal solution was injected and aspirated. In the last 7 patients an aspirator-grinder apparatus was used. Intraoperative ultrasonography was applied in all patients. RESULTS: All the cysts were treated by drainage and omentoplasty. In one case cystic cavity infection was diagnosed in the 2nd postoperative month (morbidity rate 8.33%). Another patient died due to cerebral hydatid cyst and multiple organ failure after the postoperative first month (mortality rate 8.33%). Operative mortality was not seen. CONCLUSIONS: Videolaparoscopic treatments of hepatic hydatid cysts may be carried out successfully in selected cases.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝包虫囊肿破入胆道的诊断及治疗方式。方法回顾分析我院2001年~2011年行手术治疗的25例肝包虫囊肿破入胆道患者的临床表现、实验室检验、影像学检查、手术方式及治疗效果。结果超声、CT、磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)及内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)对于肝包虫囊肿破入胆道均具有良好的诊断价值,其中ERCP诊断价值最高,确诊率可达100%。25例患者中22例手术方式为胆囊切除、胆总管探查、T管引流+肝包虫残腔引流,其余3例行胆囊切除、胆总管探查、T管引流+肝包虫病灶根治性切除。所有患者均痊愈出院。结论超声因普及易行,应作为诊断肝包虫囊肿破入胆道的首选辅助检查,MRCP检查具有诊断准确率高和无创等优点,ERCP则对肝包虫囊肿破入胆道诊断率最高。胆囊切除、胆总管探查、T管引流+肝包虫残腔引流应作为肝包虫囊肿破入胆道首选手术方式,对于部分复杂病例可行胆囊切除、胆总管探查、T管引流+肝包虫病灶根治性切除,效果良好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hydatid cyst remains an important public health problem in endemic areas. METHODS: This study retrospectively reviewed medical records of 63 patients treated for hepatic cyst hydatidosis in Frat University, Medical School, Department of General Surgery between January 1994 and December 2002. RESULTS: There were 96 cysts in total in 63 patients, with 67 (69%) of them located in the right lobe of the liver. Of 96 hepatic cysts, 41 (45%) were treated with partial cystectomy and drainage, 25 (26%) with partial cystectomy and capitonnage and 15 (15%) with partial cystectomy and omentoplasty. Thirty-two patients (51%) received treatment with albendazole while 31 (49%) received no medical therapy. The postoperative complication rate was 19% and there was no significant difference in the early post-operative complications between surgical procedures (p>0.05). Cysts recurred in 6 patients (11%) and no correlation was found between recurrence of cysts and albendazole use, type of surgical procedure, number and size of the cysts, Gharbi classification as determined by ultrasound examination or the relation of the cyst with the biliary tract (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that there was no significant difference in the rates of complications and recurrences among different surgical procedures when performed with basic rules of the surgical principles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis are often difficult to detect and manage. The aim of this study was to present our experience on the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment modalities in cases of biliary complications of hepatic hydatid cysts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Over the past 10 years, 15 patients diagnosed with hepatic hydatidosis and manifesting symptoms and signs indicative of biliary involvement were examined by means of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in our Gastroenterology Endoscopic Unit; 7 patients had already been operated on for hepatic hydatid cysts; one of them had a concomitant hydatid cyst in the lung. Diagnosis of the disease was based on a combination of ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT) and specific immunologic and/or microbiologic studies. RESULTS: Biliary complications of hydatid cysts were detected by ERCP in 9 patients (60%). Eight (88.9%) patients displayed a communication between the hydatid cyst or its residual cavity and the biliary tree; 5 patients had daughter cysts or residual hydatid material within the biliary tree, 1 patient had a biliocutaneous fistula, 1 patient a postoperative biliary leakage and 1 patient had only an opacification of the hydatid cyst during ERCP. In one patient, ERCP showed stenoses of both of the main hepatic ducts due to their compression by the cyst. Jaundice (88.9%), fever (33.3%) and right upper quadrant abdominal pain (88.9%) were the most frequent manifestations. These complications were demonstrated by US and CT imaging in only 25% of the cases. Four patients underwent ERCP before surgery and 5 after surgery. Endoscopic management was successful in all patients, resulting in clearance of the biliary tree, closure of fistulas, stopping of biliary leakage and jaundice remission. No serious endoscopy-related complications were recorded, with the exception of a pulmonary hydatid cyst rupture during ERCP. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that endoscopic treatment modalities are helpful and safe methods in the treatment of biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis before and after definitive surgical management of the hydatid cysts.  相似文献   

Objective. Biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis are often difficult to detect and manage. The aim of this study was to present our experience on the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment modalities in cases of biliary complications of hepatic hydatid cysts. Material and methods. Over the past 10 years, 15 patients diagnosed with hepatic hydatidosis and manifesting symptoms and signs indicative of biliary involvement were examined by means of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in our Gastroenterology Endoscopic Unit; 7 patients had already been operated on for hepatic hydatid cysts; one of them had a concomitant hydatid cyst in the lung. Diagnosis of the disease was based on a combination of ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT) and specific immunologic and/or microbiologic studies. Results. Biliary complications of hydatid cysts were detected by ERCP in 9 patients (60%). Eight (88.9%) patients displayed a communication between the hydatid cyst or its residual cavity and the biliary tree; 5 patients had daughter cysts or residual hydatid material within the biliary tree, 1 patient had a biliocutaneous fistula, 1 patient a postoperative biliary leakage and 1 patient had only an opacification of the hydatid cyst during ERCP. In one patient, ERCP showed stenoses of both of the main hepatic ducts due to their compression by the cyst. Jaundice (88.9%), fever (33.3%) and right upper quadrant abdominal pain (88.9%) were the most frequent manifestations. These complications were demonstrated by US and CT imaging in only 25% of the cases. Four patients underwent ERCP before surgery and 5 after surgery. Endoscopic management was successful in all patients, resulting in clearance of the biliary tree, closure of fistulas, stopping of biliary leakage and jaundice remission. No serious endoscopy-related complications were recorded, with the exception of a pulmonary hydatid cyst rupture during ERCP. Conclusions. This study suggests that endoscopic treatment modalities are helpful and safe methods in the treatment of biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis before and after definitive surgical management of the hydatid cysts.  相似文献   

Primary hydatid cysts very rarely form in intrathoracic yet extrapulmonary sites. Accurate preoperative diagnosis in such cases is difficult, and corrective surgical procedures necessarily differ from those that are used to treat the far more typical pulmonary or hepatic hydatid cysts. We retrospectively evaluated the diagnostic and operative characteristics of intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cysts, and we examined the outcome of aggressive surgical interventions that went beyond conventional parenchymal-sparing procedures.From 2003 through 2007, 14 patients (mean age, 39.14 ± 16.8 yr) underwent surgical treatment in our hospital for primary intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cysts. These cysts were variously in the diaphragm, chest wall, mediastinum, pleura, and pericardial cavity. All patients underwent cystectomy, decortication, resection, and repair of the adjacent structure. No complication, recurrence, or death occurred in the follow-up period of 15 ± 18.1 months (range, 2–52 mo).In order to achieve complete resection and to avoid recurrence of disease from intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cysts, the thoracic surgeon should forgo cystotomy and capitonnage in favor of cystectomy with a wide resection and reconstruction of surrounding tissues. Postoperatively, patients should adhere to a regimen of anthelmintic therapy.Key words: Anthelmintics/therapeutic use, echinococcosis/complications/diagnosis/radiography/surgery, incidence, recurrence, retrospective studies, thoracic diseases/diagnosis/parasitology/surgery, thoracic surgical procedures, operative/methods, treatment outcome, Turkey/epidemiologyHydatid cyst disease, or echinococcosis, is a parasitic disease that has been known since the time of Hippocrates. It remains endemic in Turkey and other countries. Although the liver and the lungs are the usual sites of the disease, cysts can also form elsewhere in the body.1,2 It is not difficult to diagnose typical pulmonary or hepatic hydatid cysts. Conversely, when cysts appear intrathoracically but in extrapulmonary locations, crucial diagnostic difficulties may occur, with atypical clinical and radiologic signs. Cysts in such sites can lead to fatal complications, such as bronchial rupture, fistulas to the pleural and pericardial cavities, and severe bleeding.3,4 Difficulties in diagnosis notwithstanding, corrective surgical treatment differs from that of pulmonary or hepatic hydatid surgery.In this retrospective analysis, we evaluated the characteristics of intrathoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cysts and sought to confirm the most appropriate surgical interventions. This study was approved by our institution''s ethics committee.  相似文献   

From 1974 to May 1991, 417 patients with abdominal hydatid cyst disease were surgically treated. Twenty-eight patients had extrahepatic abdominal cyst disease (6.7%). Six patients had only extrahepatic disease where as 22 had associated hepatic and extrahepatic cysts. Most frequent sites were the peritoneum (52.7%), the spleen (22%) and pelvis (11%). Fourteen out of the 14 CT scans performed, detected the extrahepatic cysts. The preferred surgical technique was total closed cystectomy (in hepatic and extrahepatic cysts). Resection of the organ affected (8 splenectomies, 1 nephrectomy, 1 partial vertebral resection, 1 orchiectomy and 1 salpingo-oophorectomy) was also performed. There was no mortality and morbidity was 32.1%: 3 intraabdominal abscesses, 1 intraabdominal haemorrhage, 4 biliary fistulae and 1 partial necrosis of the large bowel. Only 3 patients (neither were treated with mebendazole) were reoperated on for recurrent peritoneal hydatic cyst.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hydatid cyst is a parasitosis caused by Taenia Echinococcus. In the last 10 years, new methods of treatment of the hydatid cyst have been proposed (percutaneous or laparoscopic). METHOD: This retrospective study includes 24 patients with hepatic hydatid cyst (HHC) who were treated by a minimally invasive approach, 18 women and 6 men (average age 49.3 years), representing 10% of all patients with HHC. RESULTS: The average operative time was shortened to about 70 minutes. The conversion rate was 25%. In all cases managed laparoscopically, the prophylactic flooding of the peritoneal cavity was realized with peroxide solution 10 per thousand or with hypertonic saline 30%. The inactivation of the cyst was performed with hypertonic saline in most of the cases. Most cysts were univesicular (62.5%), but there were also multivesicular cysts (37.5%). In two cases patients presented hepatic and pulmonary hydatid disease which were also approached in a minimally invasive manner. The average postoperative period of the cases treated laparoscopically was 6 days and for the converted cases it was 13.3 days. CONCLUSION: The open surgical approach of HHC is highly expensive due to the postoperative period, therefore a laparoscopic approach may be advocated. The minimally invasive method shortens the postoperative hospitalization period, reduces the number of complications as well as the overall costs and facilitates a rapid social reintegration. All these arguments recommend the laparoscopic approach as a standard procedure for hepatic hydatid disease.  相似文献   

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