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目的 探讨重症急性呼吸综合征(SARS)病毒对心脏的影响。方法 观察SARS病人(66例)与普通病毒病人(70例)心率、心肌酶、心电图、心脏B超和预后情况并作比较;同时观察SARS重症病人(30例)与轻中度SARS病人(36例)心脏损害的程度。结果 SARS病人较普通病毒病人较易出现心脏损害,但预后比较差异无显著性;而重症SARS病人较轻中度SARS病人易出现心律失常,但心肌酶及ST-T异常与预后比较差异无显著性。结论 SARS病毒较普通病毒易导致心肌损害,重症SARS病人心律失常较轻症者严重;早期、适当加强心肌营养治疗对治疗SARS并发心脏损害有积极的临床意义。  相似文献   

肺心病与心律失常郝美娟陈岂页(南京市胸科医院心功能室南京210024)关键词肺心病;心律失常;心电描记术,便携式肺源性心脏病(肺心病)患者因急性或慢性呼吸衰竭而造成严重心力衰竭、长期缺氧、心肌灶性坏死、传导系统发生病变、心肌应激性不一致,可导致心律失...  相似文献   

SARS的影像学诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨严重的急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的影像学特征。方法 回顾临床诊断的50例SARS的影像学检查方法与诊断价值。结果 50例均行胸片(后前位和右侧位或左侧位)检查,其中12例患多次摄床边胸片,11例患行HRCT检查,未行MRI检查。50例胸片均发现阴影,双侧肺内片状密度增高影27例(54%)和/或磨玻璃样影22例(44%),一侧肺内片状密度增高影19例(38%),双侧肺内间质改变呈网状阴影4例f病变短期内呈游走性和进展。吸收慢并且恢复后部分病例肺内纤维化;1例经胸部透视对肺内和胸膜病变进行了鉴别;11例经HRCT检查进一步了解肺内和纵隔病变。结论 凡临床诊断或疑似SARS病例短期内应进行影像学检查,并进行短期拍胸片动态观察。  相似文献   

目的:了解心脏骤停患者的冠状动脉造影特点和临床表现情况,并探讨它们之间的关系.方法:收集历年来因心脏骤停到我院抢救并行冠状动脉造影的病例28例.分析其冠状动脉造影特点、临床表现以及它们之间的关系.结果:心脏骤停患者右冠状动脉近段、右冠状动脉近段合并左回旋支以及3支血管严重病变多见.心律失常为突发心室颤动、室性心动过速,以及在窦性心动过缓、房室传导阻滞、窦性停搏基础上,出现心室逸搏、心室停顿.结论:心脏传导系统上游组织急性缺血损伤可能是导致致命性心律失常进而心脏骤停的原因.  相似文献   

SARS相关冠状病毒引起严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)。该病毒在患痰液中含量最高,在咽喉部和血浆中分布较少,在患粪便中可长时间存活。微尘和飞沫是主要传播途径。合并多种基础疾病的老年SARS患易于发生老年多器官功能衰竭(MDFE)可能是其高病死率的主要原因。老年SARS患启动MOFE的主要机制可能为组织细胞缺氧、血液中内毒素水平升高和全身炎症反应水平、老年人器官储备功能降低。  相似文献   

在2003年春季严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)流行高峰期,我院收治4例SARS患,均有明确的感染SARS的流行病学史;临床表现为发热、头痛、干咳无痰;实验室检查显示白细胞减少;肺部渗出呈进行性改变;4例患均较年轻,无其它合并疾病。经早期采用包括心理治疗在内的综合治疗而恢复。  相似文献   

目的了解严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者多脏器损伤表现及处理原则。方法对429例SARS患者中有多脏器损伤的182例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果95.6%(174/182)患者有SARS的接触史,潜伏期2~19d。临床表现:发热99.5%(181/182),咳嗽64.3%(117/182),全身酸痛41.8%(76/182),呼吸困难和腹泻各26.9%(49/182),头痛占19.8%(36/182)。182例患者均有不同程度的肺部损伤,一侧肺部病变67例(67/182、36.8%),双侧115例(115/182、63.2%)。152例(1.52/182、83.5%)患者有不同程度的肝脏损伤。52例(52/182、28.6%)心脏损伤。心脏和肝脏同时受损的有20例(20/182,11%)。1例(1/182、0.6%)肝脏中度损害的患者有一过性的肾功能尿素氮轻度增高。结论SARS对不同的脏器损伤发生率因脏器不同而有差异。肺脏损伤的发生率最高并且不同时期有不同表现;肝脏损伤以转氨酸中度增高为主,部分可能与药物有关;心脏的损伤早期为病毒的直接侵蚀,后期与病毒感染引起的继发免疫反应有关;对肾脏的影响发生率最低且程度轻,愈后良好。  相似文献   

目的:了解无创性心电学组合检查技术对心肌梗死患的预告价值,方法:对179例急性心肌梗死(AMI)患进行了心室晚电位(VLP)、Q-T散离散度(QTd)和心率变异性(HRV)等无创性心电检查,将平均21个月的随访结果与心电检查组合进行对照组。结果:在随访期中有18例患发生心律失常事件(10%),心电学检查组合分析的敏感性,特异性,阳必正确率和阴性正确率都非常高。结论:无创性心电组合检查对心肌梗死患具有较有的预告价值,并可作为心肌梗死患是不趴有高危 性的判断指标。  相似文献   

危及生命的心律失常的常见病因是缺血性心脏病(即冠心病)、各种心肌疾病、电解质紊乱和洋地黄制剂或抗心律失常药物中毒等。危及生命的心律失常常可导致心性猝死,心电图表现为致死性心律失常。换言之,凡属于极易导致心性猝死即心脏骤停的心律失常都可称之为危及生命的心律失常。致死性心律失常包括:心室颤动、心室扑动、心室停搏和心电-机械分离等一系列心电图和血流动力  相似文献   

广东省佛山市严重急性呼吸综合征首例报告   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的流行病学特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法 分析广东省佛山市首例SARS的流行病学特点、诊断和治疗过程,以及使用SARS患康复期血清SARS抗体检查确定回顾性诊断。结果 该病例具有以下特征:(1)有接触和食用野生动物史;(2)有持续高热、咳嗽、痰少和呼吸困难等症状;(3)白细胞(WBC)不高;(4)双肺弥漫性浸润;(5)病情迅速发展至急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS);(6)传染至与其密切接触的4名亲属;(7)患康复期血清抗冠状病毒抗体(IgG)阳性,经过抗病毒、抗生素、糖皮质激素、有创机械通气和分子吸附再循环系统(MARS)治疗,44天后治愈出院。结论 佛山市首例完全具备SARS诊断标准的主要特点,有很强的传染性,经过机械通气和多脏器支持等治疗,愈后良好。  相似文献   

目的探讨恶性快速性室性心律失常致心脏骤停的原因与高危心电表现。方法分析45例在入院时或入院后至少发生1次心脏骤停患者的原因及其发作时与发作前后的常规12导联心电图或持续心电监视心电图形。结果45例恶性快速性心律失常致心脏骤停最常见的基本原因为冠心病急性或陈旧性心肌梗死,次为特发性及继发性巨大异常J波、扩张型心肌病;低钾血症是最常见的诱因;最常见的恶性快速性室性心律失常类型是心室颤动。其高危心电图表现:①复杂性室性早搏;②异常J波;③继发性长Q-T间期综合征;④Brugada综合征;⑤广泛前壁心肌梗死伴墓碑样ST段抬高。上述各种原因心脏骤停者有各自不同的临床及心电学特征。结论恶性快速性室性心律失常所致心脏骤停存在多种原因及高危心电图表现。  相似文献   

Clinical, angiographic, echocardiographic and electrophysiologic data were examined in 101 patients with a history of sustained ventricular arrhythmia not associated with acute myocardial infarction. These patients included 66 survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest and 35 patients presenting with hemodynamically well tolerated sustained ventricular tachycardia. On univariate analysis, patients in the cardiac arrest group had a lower incidence of previous myocardial infarction and left ventricular aneurysm and a higher ejection fraction compared with the ventricular tachycardia group. During electrophysiologic testing, the arrhythmia induced in the patients in the cardiac arrest group was fast and polymorphic and frequently degenerated into ventricular fibrillation. In contrast, in the ventricular tachycardia group, a slower, monomorphic and hemodynamically well tolerated ventricular tachycardia was commonly induced. On multivariate analysis, a polymorphic pattern of the induced ventricular arrhythmia was the only independent variable that distinguished the survivors of cardiac arrest from those presenting with sustained ventricular tachycardia. These results suggest that 1) the survivors of cardiac arrest and patients presenting with sustained well tolerated ventricular tachycardia are clinically distinct groups; and 2) the polymorphic tachycardia induced during programmed electrical stimulation in the survivors of cardiac arrest may indicate an unstable tachycardia mechanism. This may explain why these patients present with ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest, whereas others present with hemodynamically stable ventricular tachycardia.  相似文献   

Of 383 patients with vasospastic angina who were followed for a period of 3.2 +/- 0.1 years, 9 (2%) died suddenly from cardiac causes. Calcium antagonists had been given to 98% of our patients. Only one patient who died suddenly had a fixed coronary stenosis of 75% or greater. Eight of the 9 patients showed ST segment elevation during anginal attack at rest, and 3 patients showed ST segment elevation at both anterior and inferior leads. Sudden death occurred in 6 of 41 patients (12.5%) who were documented to have multivessel coronary spasm, but in only 3 of 342 patients (1%) who had single vessel spasm (p less than 0.01). Serious arrhythmia occurred during anginal episode in 3 of 9 patients who died suddenly (53%) and in 52 of 374 who did not (14%). These results suggest that the frequency of sudden cardiac death was rather low in Japanese patients with vasospastic angina. The risk of sudden death was increased in patients with multivessel spasm and serious arrhythmia during anginal attacks but not these with fixed coronary stenosis.  相似文献   

Fifty nine survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest unassociated with an acute myocardial infarction were referred for intracardiac electrophysiological study. Thirty patients who had no clinically significant coronary artery disease (group 1) were compared with 29 who did (group 2). Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation was induced in significantly more patients in group 2 than in group 1 (69% vs 40%). Median duration of follow up, which was achieved in all patients, was 31 months in group 1 and 14 months in group 2. In group 1, an effective treatment was identified electrophysiologically in seven patients, and none died; an arrhythmia was induced, but no effective treatment was identified in five patients, and one patient died subsequently; an arrhythmia was not induced in 18 patients, 15 of whom were treated empirically with anti-arrhythmic drugs, and one died. In group 2, effective treatment was identified electrophysiologically in seven patients and three died (two of pump failure) during follow up. In 13 an arrhythmia was induced but no effective drug was identified, and six died or had a recurrence; in another nine patients without inducible arrhythmias, six subsequently died or had a recurrence. A Cox proportional hazards analysis identified previous myocardial infarction as the only predictor of recurrence. Patients without coronary artery disease who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest have a low inducibility rate at electrophysiological study and an excellent prognosis compared with patients who have coronary artery disease. Electrophysiological testing seemed to be of value in predicting the response to antiarrhythmic drugs, but non-inducibility of arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease was of no predictive value.  相似文献   

Fifty nine survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest unassociated with an acute myocardial infarction were referred for intracardiac electrophysiological study. Thirty patients who had no clinically significant coronary artery disease (group 1) were compared with 29 who did (group 2). Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation was induced in significantly more patients in group 2 than in group 1 (69% vs 40%). Median duration of follow up, which was achieved in all patients, was 31 months in group 1 and 14 months in group 2. In group 1, an effective treatment was identified electrophysiologically in seven patients, and none died; an arrhythmia was induced, but no effective treatment was identified in five patients, and one patient died subsequently; an arrhythmia was not induced in 18 patients, 15 of whom were treated empirically with anti-arrhythmic drugs, and one died. In group 2, effective treatment was identified electrophysiologically in seven patients and three died (two of pump failure) during follow up. In 13 an arrhythmia was induced but no effective drug was identified, and six died or had a recurrence; in another nine patients without inducible arrhythmias, six subsequently died or had a recurrence. A Cox proportional hazards analysis identified previous myocardial infarction as the only predictor of recurrence. Patients without coronary artery disease who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest have a low inducibility rate at electrophysiological study and an excellent prognosis compared with patients who have coronary artery disease. Electrophysiological testing seemed to be of value in predicting the response to antiarrhythmic drugs, but non-inducibility of arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease was of no predictive value.  相似文献   

The response to programmed electrical stimulation and the clinical outcome was determined in 47 patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DC). Thirteen patients (group 1) presented with sustained uniform ventricular tachycardia (VT), 14 (group 2) presented with cardiac arrest and 20 (group 3) presented with nonsustained VT. The mean ejection fraction of the study population was 28 +/- 9%. The response to programmed stimulation was related to arrhythmia presentation. In all patients in group 1 sustained, uniform VT was induced, compared with 1 patient in group 2 and 2 patients in group 3 (p less than 0.001). There were 14 sudden cardiac deaths and 1 cardiac arrest during a mean follow-up of 18 +/- 14 months. The only 4 patients who presented with sustained VT or a cardiac arrest in whom sustained arrhythmia induction was suppressed with antiarrhythmic therapy remain alive. Nine of the 23 patients (4 in group 2 and 5 in group 3) in whom no sustained ventricular arrhythmia was induced died suddenly, with 5 of the 9 receiving empiric antiarrhythmic therapy. Three other patients, who had a slower and hemodynamically tolerated VT at the time of arrhythmia induction, died suddenly. Thus, in patients with nonischemic DC, uniform, sustained VT is always and almost solely initiated in patients who present with this arrhythmia; although few patients presenting with sustained VT or cardiac arrest have inducibility of the arrhythmias suppressed with therapy, if it is suppressed the patient appears to have a good prognosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with pulmonary vascular disease, either primary pulmonary hypertension or the result of cardiac defects, underwent balloon atrial septostomy (BAS) over the period of July 1981 to June 1988 because of symptoms of syncope, fatigue, right heart failure, and cardiac arrest. Ages ranged from 4 mo to 50 yr. Two moribund patients died within 24 h of the septostomy due to severe hypoxemia and unrelieved low cardiac output; three others died 2 wk to 35 mo later; the remaining 9 patients have improved symptomatically and are alive 11 to 96 mo after septostomy. One received a heart and lung transplant 19 mo later. We conclude that, in patients with symptomatic cor pulmonale secondary to pulmonary vascular disease, atrial septostomy can improve symptoms and may serve as a palliative bridge to heart and/or lung transplantation.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with pulmonary vascular disease, either primary pulmonary hypertension or the result of cardiac defects, underwent balloon atrial septostomy (BAS) over the period of July 1981 to June 1988 because of symptoms of syncope, fatigue, right heart failure, and cardiac arrest. Ages ranged from 4 mo to 50 yr. Two moribund patients died within 24 h of the septostomy due to severe hypoxemia and unrelieved low cardiac output; three others died 2 wk to 35 mo later; the remaining 9 patients have improved symptomatically and are alive 11 to 96 mo after septostomy. One received a heart and lung transplant 19 mo later. We conclude that, in patients with symptomatic cor pulmonale secondary to pulmonary vascular disease, atrial septostomy can improve symptoms and may serve as a palliative bridge to heart and/or lung transplantation.  相似文献   

Between 1979 and 1989 17 patients aged two months to 12 years with acute myocardial infarction of any cause (other than after cardiac surgery) were seen at a children's hospital. Eight died from three days to three years after diagnosis (overall mortality 47%). The nine survivors, now aged 2-17 years, have been followed for one to 10 years (mean follow up five years) after infarction. The commonest causes of myocardial infarction in this series were anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (six patients (35%] and Kawasaki disease (five patients (27%]. The main symptoms of acute myocardial infarction were dyspnoea, vomiting, and difficulty feeding. Diagnosis was made in all patients by electrocardiography and confirmed by echocardiography, cardiac catheterisation, or at operation. All survivors were symptom free with excellent exercise capacity. The left ventricular ejection fraction in survivors ranged from 21% to 66%, and only one child was on regular cardiac medications. There were no cases of late sudden death. Twenty four hour Holter monitoring performed on survivors was normal (seven) or showed minor abnormalities only (one), suggesting that serious arrhythmia is rare after paediatric myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction in children had a high early mortality; however, the incidence of serious arrhythmia was low in the survivors, who had a good exercise tolerance even when the left ventricular ejection fraction was low.  相似文献   

Between 1979 and 1989 17 patients aged two months to 12 years with acute myocardial infarction of any cause (other than after cardiac surgery) were seen at a children's hospital. Eight died from three days to three years after diagnosis (overall mortality 47%). The nine survivors, now aged 2-17 years, have been followed for one to 10 years (mean follow up five years) after infarction. The commonest causes of myocardial infarction in this series were anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (six patients (35%] and Kawasaki disease (five patients (27%]. The main symptoms of acute myocardial infarction were dyspnoea, vomiting, and difficulty feeding. Diagnosis was made in all patients by electrocardiography and confirmed by echocardiography, cardiac catheterisation, or at operation. All survivors were symptom free with excellent exercise capacity. The left ventricular ejection fraction in survivors ranged from 21% to 66%, and only one child was on regular cardiac medications. There were no cases of late sudden death. Twenty four hour Holter monitoring performed on survivors was normal (seven) or showed minor abnormalities only (one), suggesting that serious arrhythmia is rare after paediatric myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction in children had a high early mortality; however, the incidence of serious arrhythmia was low in the survivors, who had a good exercise tolerance even when the left ventricular ejection fraction was low.  相似文献   

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