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Calcifying tendinitis, acute tendinitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff rupture, subluxation of the gleno-humeral joint and injury of the biceps tendon are commonly classed under the blanket term "peri-arthropathy of the shoulder". It is now possible to make a precise diagnosis of these shoulder disorders by means of a clinical examination supported by X-ray examination, ultrasonography, arthrography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and arthroscopy. Calcifying tendinitis is diagnosed by consideration of the patient's history, followed by clinical examination and X-ray examination. Acute tendinitis is a clinical diagnosis, as is frozen shoulder. Ruptures of the rotator cuff can be detected by ultrasonography, which is a screening method; such ruptures can also be detected by arthrography. The localization and extent of the defect are best estimated by arthroscopy. Shoulder instability is another clinical diagnosis. Bony defects of the humeral head (Hill-Sachs lesion) or the glenoid rim are revealed by computed tomography (CT). CT arthrography reveals the presence of any Broca-Hartman lesion in the anterior inferior part of the anterior capsular mechanism. Rupture, subluxation or luxation of the biceps tendon are diagnosed either by clinical examination or by arthroscopy. Knowledge of the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the diagnostic procedures makes it possible to carry them out in a standardized, logical sequence. Arthroscopy allows a decidedly more accurate diagnosis than any of the other methods, but as it is an invasive procedure it should be kept until last when diagnosis of disorders of the gleno-humeral joint is required.  相似文献   

Calcific tendinitis most commonly affects the rotator cuff and has not been previously reported affecting the biceps-labral complex. We report a case of calcific tendinitis of the biceps-labral complex attachment, a rare cause of acute, severe shoulder pain. Clinically, it can be misdiagnosed as supraspinatus tendinitis or septic arthritis of the shoulder joint. Non-operative treatment failed to resolve the symptoms. Arthroscopic debridement of the calcific deposit resulted in resolution of symptoms. Knowledge of this clinical condition and its imaging features is crucial for a correct diagnosis of this uncommon cause of shoulder pain.  相似文献   

Arthroscopy is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder disorders. It can be performed in the lateral or sitting position (beach chair). Both have advantages and disadvantages. We present a simple, inexpensive, versatile, portable, continuous distraction device for arthroscopic, combined, and open shoulder surgeries in the sitting position that offers the advantages of the 2 classic positions without their disadvantages. The device was used in 101 consecutive procedures: 61 rotator cuff repairs (29 arthroscopic, 18 mini-open, 14 open), 4 two-part humeral fractures, 1 septic arthritis, 3 calcifying tendinitis, 9 capsular releases, 8 Bankart repairs (6 arthroscopic, 2 open), 13 acromioplasty and biceps tenotomy, and 2 superior labrum anteroposterior repairs. Our experience with this device is extremely positive. We have had no complications and have used it for shoulder arthroscopy, open, and combined surgeries. We have also not had difficulty visualizing or approaching the glenohumeral and subacromial spaces in the treatment of shoulder disorders. It is a safe, practical, easy, and fast set up. Its versatility makes it particularly helpful for the less experienced arthroscopic surgeon.  相似文献   

Calcific tendinitis is a painful shoulder disorder characterised by either single or multiple deposits in the rotator cuff tendon. Although the disease subsides spontaneously in most cases, a subpopulation of patients continue to complain of pain and shoulder dysfunction and the deposits do not show any signs of resolution. Although several treatment options have been proposed, clinical results are controversial and often the indication for a given therapy remains a matter of clinician choice. Herein, we report on the current state of the art in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff.  相似文献   

Abstract In an open, uncontrolled trial, the clinical and radiological responses to calcitonin therapy in the treatment of acute calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder were investigated. A total of 35 patients (38 shoulders) were enrolled. Each patient was injected with 10 U synthetic calcitonin intramuscularly twice a week. The mean number of injections was 6.0 (range, 1–16). At the end of the treatment period, 33 shoulders (87%) were pain-free. In 28 shoulders (74%), the localized pain disappeared within 2 weeks of the start of treatment. In 25 shoulders (66%), the clinical results were rated as good, with complete pain relief and sufficient recovery in the activities of daily living (ADL) and active range of shoulder joint motion (ROM). On the contrary, in 4 shoulders (10%) pain persisted, requiring alternative treatment. In 28 shoulders (74%), the pre-existing calcific deposits were remarkably reduced or had disappeared. Radiologically, the shoulders with fluffy-type deposits had greater pain relief and ROM recovery than those with defined-type deposits. However, there was no correlation between the clinical results and localized region or size of deposits. In 19 cases (50%) where the calcified deposits had completely disappeared, the shoulder had become pain-free, and in all of them except two cases there was complete recovery of ROM. No patient developed clinical complications. These results suggest that calcitonin treatment may be useful for calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder, and that this therapy results in both clinical and radiological improvement in this condition.  相似文献   

Acute calcific tendinitis (ACT) is a relatively uncommon disorder of the hand and wrist. ACT is a well-known condition of the shoulder, but it often goes unrecognized when occurring in the hand or wrist. The overall lack of familiarity along with the non-specific symptoms associated with ACT frequently leads to misdiagnosis or delay in diagnosis. We report a case of acute calcific tendinitis occurring in the carpal tunnel which is a rare presentation.  相似文献   

钙化性肌腱炎是一种较常见的自限性疾病,其特征是关节周围软组织中钙盐沉积。钙化性肌腱炎主要见于肩关节,但其他部位也有报道为,如手腕,髋关节,大腿,膝关节,足踝等,以每个部位的剧烈疼痛、肿胀和活动受限为特征。膝关节内侧副韧带钙化性肌腱炎国外曾有相关文献描述,而国内却少见报道。本文特报道本科室收治一例膝关节内侧副韧带钙化性肌腱炎病例。  相似文献   

Painful conditions affecting the shoulder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many painful conditions affect the shoulder. They can be divided into those extrinsic or intrinsic to the shoulder. The extrinsic conditions include disorders of the cervical spine and thoracic outlet, as well as postural conditions. Intrinsic lesions include acute and chronic calcific tendinitis, bicipital tenosynovitis, arthritis, and adhesive capsulitis. Each disorder has a characteristic clinical pathologic set of diagnostic features, arthrographic picture, and treatment requirements.  相似文献   

卢伟  王明智  胡伟坚  郑维蓬  魏合伟 《骨科》2022,13(6):555-558
肩袖钙化性肌腱炎是一种由于钙化性物质沉积在肌腱内引起肩关节疼痛和活动受限的肩关节疾病[1]。相关研究[2-4]表明全世界大约有2.7%-36%的人口患有钙化性肌腱炎,其中30-60岁的女性患者为本病的高发人群。钙化灶损伤的部位最常为冈上肌腱(80%),较少发生在冈下肌腱(15%)和肩胛下肌腱(5%)[5]。本文拟报道1则关节镜下治疗巨大冈下肌钙化性肌腱炎病例(其钙化灶长度达6cm,实属罕见),以期为临床治疗钙化性肌腱炎提供思路,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Over the past few years, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been introduced for the treatment of some orthopedic diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of ESWT on chronic calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder through a prospective study. We studied 30 patients (mean age, 56.6 years) with chronic calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder. The patients were treated for a mean of 6 sessions, with 1400 impulses for each session. We used the new device Electro Medical Systems-Swiss Dolorclast (Electro Medical Systems, Nyon, Switzerland), which emits radial expanded shock waves, pneumatically generated. Patients were evaluated before treatment and after a mean of 10 weeks on a patient-oriented questionnaire (Dawson shoulder questionnaire, validated Italian version) and by radiological and ultrasound examinations. Radiographic disintegration and partial resorption of the calcium deposit were respectively recorded in 50% and 30% of cases, and the ultra-sound image showed modification of echogenicity in all cases. Clinically a good response to pain and to joint movement was recorded; the questionnaire also showed a statistically significant improvement. Shock wave therapy for calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder is effective from the patient's perspective and according to imaging outcomes. It could be considered an effective therapy for chronic calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder. Received: 14 January 2002/Accepted: 15 March 2002  相似文献   

We report a 44-year-old woman with calcific tendinitis of the shoulder treated with platelet-rich plasma injection. Prior to this, she had no improvement of the symptoms after 6 weeks of ultrasound treatment, Codman exercises, and anti-inflammatory treatment. Platelet-rich plasma was injected into the subacromial area 3 times at 2-week intervals. She had progressive improvement of pain after 2 weeks, and was asymptomatic at week 6. The patient then underwent the previous protocol of rehabilitation. At the one-year follow-up, the patient was pain-free and had complete resolution of calcific tendinitis. The patient had regained full range of movement and had resumed all her activities.  相似文献   

Frozen shoulder is a relatively common disorder that leads to severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Although this disorder is self‐limiting in nature, the symptoms often persist for years, resulting in severe disability. Recent studies using human specimens and animal models have shown distinct changes in the gene expression patterns in frozen shoulder tissue, indicating that novel therapeutic intervention could be achieved by controlling the genes that are potentially involved in the development of frozen shoulder. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to develop a reliable animal joint contracture model in which gene expression can be manipulated by gene targeting and transgenic technologies. Here, we describe a novel shoulder contracture mouse model. We found that this model mimics the clinical presentation of human frozen shoulder and recapitulates the changes in the gene expression pattern and the histology of frozen shoulder and joint contracture in humans and other larger animal models. The model is highly reproducible, without any major complications. Therefore, the present model may serve as a useful tool for investigating frozen shoulder etiology and for identifying its potential target genes. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:1732–1738, 2015.  相似文献   

There are no generally accepted concepts for the treatment of traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation. The objective of this study was to ascertain the current treatment for traumatic shoulder dislocations in German hospitals and to compare this with the data reported in the literature. A total of 210 orthopedic surgery departments were asked for their treatment strategy in an anonymous country-wide survey; 103 questionnaires (49%) were returned for evaluation. Additional imaging (ultrasound, CT, MRI) beyond the routine X-rays is performed in 82% of clinics for primary shoulder dislocation (94% in recurrent dislocation). A young, athletic patient (< 30 years old) would be operated on for a primary traumatic shoulder dislocation in 73% of hospitals (98% in recurrent dislocation). In contrast, a patient of the same age, with a moderate level of sporting activity would be treated conservatively in 67% of cases (14% in recurrent dislocation). Similarly, for an active, middle-aged patient with a demanding job, 74% of responses favored conservative treatment after a primary dislocation and 6% after a recurrent dislocation. Older patients (> 65 years old) are usually treated conservatively after a primary or recurrent shoulder dislocation (99%, 69%). For a primary shoulder dislocation the most popular surgical reconstruction is a Bankart repair (75%). For recurrent shoulder dislocation several different operative techniques are seen (Bankart 29%, T-shift 26%, Putti-Platt 8%, Eden-Lange-Hybbinette 22%, Weber osteotomy 13%). Based on our literature review, we found: (1) The clinical examination of both shoulders is important to diagnose hyperlaxity; (2) Routine CT or MRI is not necessary for primary traumatic shoulder dislocations; (3) A young, athletic patient should undergo surgical reconstruction after a primary shoulder dislocation; (4) The operation of choice for primary and recurrent dislocation is the Bankart repair; (5) There is no sufficient evidence that an arthroscopic Bankart repair is as good as an open procedure; (6) There are limited indications for other operative techniques, as they are associated with a higher recurrence and arthrosis rate.  相似文献   

Calcific tendinitis within the rotator cuff tendon is a common shoulder disorder that should be differentiated from dystrophic calcification as the pathogenesis and natural history of both is totally different. Calcific tendinitis usually occurs in the fifth and sixth decades of life among sedentary workers. It is classified into formative and resorptive phases. The chronic formative phase results from transient hypoxia that is commonlyassociated with repeated microtrauma causing calcium deposition into the matrix vesicles within the chondrocytes forming bone foci that later coalesce. This phase may extend from 1 to 6 years, and is usually asymptomatic. The resorptive phase extends from 3 wk up to 6 mo with vascularization at the periphery of the calcium deposits causing macrophage and mononuclear giant cell infiltration, together with fibroblast formation leading to an aggressive inflammatory reaction with inflammatory cell accumulation, excessive edema and rise of the intra-tendineous pressure. This results in a severely painful shoulder. Radiological investigations confirm the diagnosis and suggest the phase of the condition and are used to follow its progression. Although routine conventional X-ray allows detection of the deposits, magnetic resonance imaging studies allow better evaluation of any coexisting pathology. Various methods of treatment have been suggested. The appropriate method should be individualized for each patient. Conservative treatment includes pain killers and physiotherapy, or "minimally invasive" techniques as needling or puncture and aspiration. It is almost always successful since the natural history of the condition ends with resorption of the deposits and complete relief of pain. Due to the intolerable pain of the acute and severely painful resorptive stage, the patient often demands any sort of operative intervention. In such case arthroscopic removal is the best option as complete removal of the deposits is unnecessary.  相似文献   

Primary tendinitis of the long head of the biceps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seventeen patients with chronic painful shoulders who showed evidence of isolated bicipital tendinitis involving only the extracapsular, intertubercular portion of the long head of the biceps were chosen for surgical treatment when conservative treatment failed. The patients were thought to have primary bicipital tendinitis. The latter condition is secondary to other shoulder pathologies. Thirteen patients had tenodeses and four patients had transfer of the long head of the biceps to the origin of the conjoined tendon. Overall, excellent and good results were noted in 94% of both groups of patients when the long head of the biceps was tenodesed or transferred. Whether or not the long head of the biceps is a significant depressor of the humeral head requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction is an innovative technique for the irreparable rotator cuff tears, but spontaneous pneumothorax after surgery is very rare. The present case was a 66-year-old female with irreparable rotator cuff tears of the right shoulder, treated with the arthroscopic shoulder superior capsular reconstruction. The general anesthesia and operation went smoothly, but the patient experienced stuffiness in the chest and shortness of breath after recovery from anesthesia. Thoracic CT scans showed spontaneous pneumothorax in the right side, which was successfully treated by the conservative treatments (oxygen therapy) according to multidisciplinary team. Prompt and accurate early-stage diagnosis is necessary in controlling postoperative complications and standardized treatment is the key to relieve the suffering. Spontaneous pneumothorax after arthroscopic shoulder surgery has been rarely reported in previous literatures.  相似文献   

Tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB) encompasses a range of pathology, including inflammatory tendinitis to degenerative tendinosis that can lead to pain, as well as instability of the LHB and its surrounding stabilizers. Accordingly, tenodesis of the LHB during shoulder surgery has been increasingly cited in the literature as a viable surgical option for the treatment of LHB pathology. While current treatment options include the use of multiple devices for tenodesis of the LHB, there remains a paucity of literature that investigates the biomechanical advantages of all-suture anchor devices compared to interference screws.  相似文献   

Joint surgery in Ehlers-Danlos patients: results of a survey.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare, hereditary, connective-tissue disorder that results in increased laxity and poor soft-tissue healing. Surgical results and complications in these patients are not well documented in the literature. The goal of the present study was to survey patients with EDS who had surgery to the musculoskeletal system and document the results of surgery and complications. Forty-four patients with EDS were surveyed regarding the complications and results of surgical procedures to the shoulder, the elbow, the knee, or the ankle. Surgical procedures were performed for pain, instability, poor range of motion, or a combination of these, totaling 214 procedures. The population surveyed in the present study demonstrates that problems of surgical procedures in EDS may be high relative to other populations without connective-tissue disorders. More study is warranted in this patient population to validate the results in a larger cohort.  相似文献   

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