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2021年7月,全国人大常委会副委员长、中国红十字会会长陈竺对以温州医科大学健康与生命伦理研究中心李恩昌教授为主要建议人的《关于推广器官捐献工作“温州首创理念做法”进一步做好全国器官捐献工作的建议》作出批示,指出该建议结合温州市实践,对新时代红会助推我国器官捐献事业高质量发展提出了有价值的意见建议。公民器官器官捐献率低,一直是制约我国器官移植事业发展的主要瓶颈,满足率仅为1/30。据测算,在我国每年去世的900万人中,约有近百万潜在器官捐献者,但却只有几千人捐献成功,捐献成功率极低。针对这一问题,温州医科大学健康与生命伦理研究中心主任李恩昌教授有关器官捐献伦理的团队,开展了多角度多学科的研究,取得了重要成就。  相似文献   

目的通过总结分析医院实施的心脏死亡器官捐献移植工作,探讨其工作开展的顶层设计及实施与器官捐献问题。方法对医院2011—2013年开展的心脏死亡器官捐献移植试点医院工作成效进行回顾性总结。结果在此期间,医院共实施心脏死亡捐献器官移植供体18例,肝移植13例,肾移植23例;分流大器官13个,其中肝脏2个、肾脏11个。达到了卫生部相关要求。结论良好的顶层设计、体系建设及培训宣传有助于医院心脏死亡器官捐献工作的开展。  相似文献   

目的 了解苏州市高校师生对器官捐献的认知、态度及主要的影响因素,为开展人体器官捐献试点工作提供参考.方法 以问卷调查形式,对苏州市部分高校师生进行器官(或遗体)捐献的认知度现状调查.结果 所调查的475名对象中器官捐献愿意率为52.2%,其中汉族高于其他少数民族(P=0.033);大学师生对器官捐献相关知识知晓率较低,其中医学相关专业师生略高于非医学类专业;高校师生获取相关知识主要途径中,广播电视59.4%、网络57.1%、学校教育22.7%、医护人员宣传8.6%;60.4%的调查对象认为捐献器官可以赐予他人生存条件,延续自己生命;传统文化和观念的束缚、不了解捐献程序和法规、担心医学不合理应用等是目前导致师生不愿意捐献的主要原因.结论 苏州市高校师生总体愿意捐献率较高,但相关捐献知识仍有待于进一步提高,今后在高校素质教育中,可以聘请工作在器官捐献一线的医疗护理人员深入校园对师生进行系统全面的知识宣教.  相似文献   

正"当前我国器官捐献与移植需求存在巨大缺口,必须完善体制机制,让器官捐献移植事业从开头一公里到最后一公里都闪烁人道的光辉。"近日在京召开的中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会工作会议上,第十二届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国红十字会会长、中国人体器官捐献与移植委员会荣誉主任委员陈竺呼吁,政府要高度重视器官捐献移植工作中存在的问题,建立风险防控机制,避免"一着不  相似文献   

我国器官捐献协调员的人力资源管理尚处于起步阶段, 存在职业定位不明晰、管理不健全和职业规划不明朗等问题。2010年3月, 某三级甲等公立医院被纳入为全国器官捐献试点省份医疗机构, 开展器官捐献工作。近年来, 医院对协调员人力资源管理进行不断探索, 建立了较为完善的器官捐献协调员人力资源管理模式, 包括设立专职招聘岗位, 构建人力资源管理方案, 细化岗位设置, 建立绩效测评方案, 优化考核激励机制和创新人才培养模式等方面, 取得一定成效, 保障了医院器官捐献业务的可持续发展, 为我国器官捐献与移植事业科学规范发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的了解攀枝花市大学生器官捐献认知情况、意愿及影响因素,为高校和当地红十字会开展器官捐献宣传工作提供参考依据。方法于2018年7月—2019年8月,采用随机抽样法,对攀枝花学院1 202名大学生就器官捐献认知、意愿及影响因素进行问卷调查,并对数据进行分析。结果大学生对于器官捐献认知率达96.92%,但了解不深入,仅27.54%知道器官捐献的部门,8.82%知道器官捐献的程序,其中医学生认知率高于非医学生。捐献意愿率为52.33%。对于器官捐献的影响因素主要集中在传统观念和法律法规不健全。结论在高校引入死亡教育课程,完善法律法规、建立合理的补偿机制对于提高捐献意愿有一定意义。  相似文献   

2015年1月20日,姚贝娜的遗体告别在广东省深圳市举行,在此之前,她捐献的角膜已分别移植给两位眼疾患者。姚贝娜捐献角膜产生的名人效应,带动了更多人关注器官捐献,给社会带来正能量。然而,这一事件所引发的医学伦理讨论、捐献过程隐私保护等问题同样耐人寻味。2015年1月19日晚,深圳市著名角膜移植专家、深圳市红十字会器官捐献办公室执行副主任姚晓明接受了记者专访,回顾了亲手为姚贝娜摘取角膜的过程,讲述了有关器官捐献背后的故事。  相似文献   

人体器官捐献 日前,卫生部和中国红十字会共同召开人体器官捐献工作视频会议。会议提出,人体器官捐献工作将向全国推开,未来中国器官供求比例有望进一步上升,约有1/3需要移植的患者将能够获得所需器官。  相似文献   

5人 甘肃自2月25日正式开展人体器官捐献工作,实施一月有余,仅有5人报名登记成为器官捐献志愿者。  相似文献   

<正>3月12日,"北京清华长庚医院──‘施予受’器官捐献志愿登记平台"对接启动仪式暨清华长庚器官移植专项基金成立仪式在京启动,北京清华长庚医院成为华北地区首家推动器官捐献志愿登记平台对接工作的公立医院。2015年1月1日起,我国器官移植全面停止使用死囚器官,公民逝世后捐献成为器官移植唯一的合法来源。但是,中国目前的器官捐献率仍然较低,  相似文献   

As a result of a shortage of organs that can be used for transplantation in South Africa, as well as a lack of awareness and cultural taboos around organ donation, many individuals do not receive the organs they need and are sent home to die, raising questions about distributive justice and the right to life. The study therefore investigated whether an educational pamphlet might change perceptions of young adults regarding organ donation. A questionnaire comprising a knowledge scale, an attitudinal scale, and open-ended questions was administered to 18 young adults from Johannesburg via individual interviews before and after providing them with an educational brochure on organ donation. Findings suggested that the brochure changed participants' knowledge and attitudes regarding organ donation. The study enhances understanding of factors influencing organ donation and highlights the role of social workers in this regard.  相似文献   

To increase the supply of transplantable organs, some European Union (EU) countries have begun implementing and enforcing presumed consent policies for organ donation. Mossialos and colleagues performed an analysis of samples of citizens in 15 EU countries and found that legislation, enforcement, and awareness of presumed consent policies for organ donation increase people's willingness to donate their own organs and those of a deceased relative. The authors concluded that, in countries with enforced presumed consent, citizens are willing to donate because they accept organ donation as an ideology. This ideology originates in the thinking that organ donation is an implicit communal contract i.e., a mechanism by which individuals pay back society for the inclusion and social support that they have already experienced and hope to experience in the future. Acceptance of this ideology enhances people's willingness to donate organs and the efficiency in pursuing this collective action, thus, paving the way toward increased paternalism in society. We highlight some potential biases that may have been incorporated in the survey design and in Mossialos et al.'s conclusions, including (1) how the survey questions were constructed, (2) whether sufficient information was communicated about organ procurement practices in heart-beating and non-heart-beating donation before participants responded to the survey, and (3) whether respondents' knowledge about donation legislation can be equated with understanding of processes involved in organ donation. We address the consequences of using legislative authority to enforce the ideology of organ donation, thereby superseding the varying moral values, beliefs, and attitudes about human life and culture that are inherent in multicultural societies.  相似文献   

As a result of a shortage of organs that can be used for transplantation in South Africa, as well as a lack of awareness and cultural taboos around organ donation, many individuals do not receive the organs they need and are sent home to die, raising questions about distributive justice and the right to life. The study therefore investigated whether an educational pamphlet might change perceptions of young adults regarding organ donation. A questionnaire comprising a knowledge scale, an attitudinal scale, and open-ended questions was administered to 18 young adults from Johannesburg via individual interviews before and after providing them with an educational brochure on organ donation. Findings suggested that the brochure changed participants' knowledge and attitudes regarding organ donation. The study enhances understanding of factors influencing organ donation and highlights the role of social workers in this regard.  相似文献   

Four-hundred and fifty-five undergraduate students, 26 MBA students, and 465 people from the surrounding community responded to 21 true/false questions regarding factual knowledge about organ donation. The mean number of correct answers was 74.6%. The correct response rate, however, varied widely over questions. Four questions with very large error rates suggest possible 'barriers to donation'. Specifically, these questions concerned religious support for organ donation, the concept of brain death, the normally rigid separation of physician teams who are primarily responsible for the welfare of the donor and donee, and a mistaken belief that to be valid an organ donor card must be filed with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Knowledge of organ donation facts was found to be related to whether subjects carried or requested an organ donor card, their attitude towards organ donation and their willingness to donate their own organs or the organs of a deceased loved one. These findings suggest strategies for raising public support for organ donation.  相似文献   

Shortage of organs for transplantation has been attributed in part to negative attitudes of medical personnel. As the demand for organ donations increases, it is likely that family physicians may encounter with increasing frequency situations in which they are in some way involved with the families of potential donors. This study was designed to assess residents' attitudes toward organ donation Overall attitudes were positive, with a mean attitude score of 1.275 (SD 1.415) where 0 = very favorable and 9 = very unfavorable. At the same time, however, concerns regarding premature declaration of death, feelings of the potential donor's family, and cost or benefit of organ donation were identified as well. Nearly one half the residents thought they had little knowledge about organ donation or transplant. Residents' feelings about donating their own organs were most predictive of their opinion of organ donation in general. Only 25 percent of residents had signed an organ donor card and had it witnessed. How much residents knew about organ donation and how they thought their own families felt were the best predictors of whether they had signed the donor form.  相似文献   

目的 调查粤北地区医学生对器官捐赠的知识、态度和意愿现状,分析影响其意愿的主要因素。方法 采用器官捐赠量表对1 820名在校医学生进行问卷调查。结果 医学生器官捐赠知识、态度及意愿得分分别为7.58±1.18、3.63±0.66、2.16±0.88。多元线性回归分析结果显示,阻碍器官捐赠原因得分和家人是否同意是影响捐赠意愿的两个主要因素,而家人不同意和法律制度不完善是医学生不愿意捐赠器官的两个主要原因。结论 粤北地区医学生器官捐赠意愿较低,学校与全社会应加强器官捐赠宣传教育,提高医学生的捐赠知识、态度和意愿水平。  相似文献   

This content analysis represents news coverage of organ donation from January 1990 to December 2005. Specifically, ABC, CBS, and NBC news broadcasts were examined to gain a greater understanding of organ donation coverage on TV. Overall this investigation revealed that organ donation received modest coverage (N = 1,507). Although the majority of coverage was positive, attention to the need for organs and the process of becoming a potential organ donor received modest exposure. In addition, non–living donor and living-donor donations received approximately equal coverage. Results are discussed with a focus on message design for practitioners and advocates of organ donation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding organ transplantation, and to estimate the impact of the first organ transplantation from a brain-dead donor under the Organ Transplantation Act. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A telephone survey was made using the Random Digit Dialing method in May 1999. People living in the Tokyo Metropolitan area ages 20 years or over were asked about their knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding organ transplantation, and their opinions on the first organ transplantation conduced in February 1999. The results were compared with an opinion poll made 7 months previously to estimate the impact of this first case. RESULTS: The number of respondents was 489 (response rate: 46.0%). 1) Knowledge of organ transplantation: most people knew that organ donation from brain-dead donors was possible under the act, and that written consent on a form and family member's agreement were necessary before donating. More people knew about donor cards. 2) Organ transplantation: more people were willing to donate their organs when they die, and to agree to donation when a family member died who had wanted to donate his/her organs on their death. In the poll 7 months before, fewer people were willing to donate their organs or to agree to donate their family member's organs after brain death compared with after heart arrest. However, no such difference between brain death and heart arrest was found in this later study, suggesting that the distinction between the two was no longer considered to be so important. 3) Respondents themselves having donor cards constituted 15.2%, showing a marked increase from 7 months earlier. Another 39.7% wished to carry a donor card; the most common reason for not carrying one was they did not know how to acquire it. 4) The first transplantation was considered to have contributed to the increase in knowledge, and a favorable change in attitudes and behavior toward organ transplantation. 5) Respondents who agreed to that organ donation from children aged under 15 should be possible constituted 46.4%, of the to be this not being allowed at the present time. 6) The majority of respondents considered that the brain death was diagnosed properly in the first case and that the donation was made voluntarily, concluding that the transplantation was made fairly. 7) Respondents who considered that the privacy of the donor and the recipients was violated were 46.2% and 36.1%, respectively. The attitude of the mass media toward the first transplantation was criticized by 56.9% of the respondents. 8) Respondents who had a favorable impression of the organ transplantation were 61.9%. Such people are likely to donate their organs, to agree to a family member's donation, and to have a donor card than people who had not gained a favorable impression. The two groups exhibited no difference in their knowledge concerning organ transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: An increase in knowledge and a favorable change in attitudes and behavior regarding organ transplantation was confirmed in this survey, as compared with results 7 months earlier, probably because the first transplantation took place. The majority of the respondents considered that the first transplantation was made fairly, although they criticized the attitude of the mass media invading the privacy of the donor and the recipients. Further studies should be made to facilitate effective delivery of donor cards to people who want to carry them, and to change the rules on organ donation from children.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners who have sought to understand public reluctance to donating organs in spite of favorable attitudes toward organ donation have long thought that belief in myths about donation contribute to the problem. How these myths emerged and more important, why they have persisted in spite of national education campaigns is not clear. In the absence of direct personal experience with organ donation or transplantation, we believe that most people receive their information about donation through the media. In this study, we identify all entertainment television shows with organ donation storylines or subplots broadcast on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX from 2004–2005. Frame analysis reveals 2 competing metaframes: the moral corruption of the powerful and organ donors are good people. In addition to the metaframes, 4 secondary frames, and 6 tertiary frames are identified. Organ donation is framed in mostly negative terms, with a few notable exceptions. Recommendations for how to address negative framing of organ donation in the media are offered.  相似文献   

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