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积极心理学是20世纪末在美国兴起的一个心理学思潮,关注人类的幸福、力量与最佳机能,致力于对积极的主观体验、积极的个体特征及促进它们发展的制度体系开展科学研究。积极心理学将有助于拓宽临床心理学的视野,打破仅仅关注于痛苦和如何减轻痛苦的局限。本文概要介绍了积极心理学在幸福的概念构成、测量评估及积极干预方面的主张。  相似文献   

积极心理学介绍   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
积极心理学是当代新兴的心理学思潮。文章对积极心理学的发展、本质、理论研究等方面进行了系统阐述,重点从积极心理学的理念及其与传统主流心理学、人本主义心理学、建构主义心理学的关系等多个侧面对积极心理学进行了论述,并从国际心理学研究的趋势和积极心理学自身的特点两个方面阐述了积极心理学的本土化研究。在此基础上,指出了积极心理学研究领域存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

积极心理学在临床实践中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 旨在对积极心理学在临床实践中的运用进行概要的介绍与评述.方法 通过对积极心理学文献资料的回顾,分析了积极心理学在幸福的概念构成、测量评估及积极干预方面的主张.结果 幸福是积极心理学的研究主题,积极心理学将幸福的概念划分为快乐、投入、意义3个层次,并且分别都已有实用有效的评估工具可以用于临床.越来越多的证据表明了积极干预在建构快乐、投入与意义方面的功效,积极干预将成为预防和治疗心理疾病有效的补充.结论 积极心理学将有助于拓宽临床心理学的视野,打破仅仅关注于痛苦和如何减轻痛苦的局限.  相似文献   

本文从积极心理学角度探讨孤独症给人们带来的积极影响。孤独症在病因学、测量方法、干预等研究中加入了积极的元素。孤独症积极心理学研究的逐步开展,将能促进孤独症、积极心理学乃至心理学本身的进一步发展。  相似文献   

美国积极临床心理学的研究现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 本文旨在对美国积极临床心理学的研究现状进行概要的介绍与评述。方法通过对近几年来美国积极心理学文献资料的回顾,提炼并分析在积极心理学范式下有关临床心理学的新主张。结果 美国积极临床心理学将日益关注以人类力量与美德为取向的病因学及干预体系研究,借鉴DSM建立的力量与美德分类目录以及编制的调查问卷已初具规模,但也面临着一些挑战。结论 构建以力量与美德为核心取向的积极临床心理学模式,将成为传统临床心理学的有益补充。中国传统文化中包含着深划的心性修养理念,在美国开展的积极临床心理学研究,也将为我国的相关研究带来有益的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

探讨积极心理学取向团体辅导对大一新生幸福感的提升效果。采取积极心理学取向的团体辅导对15名大一新生进行干预,另15名大一新生作为对照组不做任何干预。使用大学生主观幸福感问卷对干预前后以及干预3个月后的幸福感进行评估。结果发现:干预初始,干预组的幸福感总分与积极情绪、消极情绪、自我满意及人际关系等维度的得分均显著低于对照组;9周干预后以及随访3个月末,2组在幸福感及各维度上的得分差异均无统计学意义。上述结果表明,积极心理学取向的团体辅导能有效提升大一新生的幸福感水平,尤其是在积极情绪、消极情绪、自我满意及人际关系方面。  相似文献   

积极心理学认为实现倾向是人类发展的最佳动力,积极心理治疗把心理问题看作实现倾向受阻的结果。有机体评价过程(OVP)和实现倾向的概念得到了现在许多研究结果的支持。积极心理学认为来访者而不是治疗师知道什么是最好的,治疗师的任务就是帮助来访者听到他们自己内心的声音。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以积极心理学理论为指导的团体辅导对研究生心理健康水平的影响。方法:以团体辅导的形式对35名研究生进行干预,采用实验组和对照组前后测试加追踪测试的实验设计,以症状自评量表(SCL-90)、中文版知觉压力量表(CPSS)、自我接纳量表(SAQ)为评估工具。结果:团体辅导后,与对照组相比,实验组症状自评量表多个指标(总均分、人际敏感、焦虑、精神病性)以及感知压力水平显著降低,自我接纳水平显著提高,追踪评估结果显示团体辅导结束后4周效果依然存在。结论:基于积极心理学理论的团体辅导能改善研究生心理健康状况,降低其负性症状和知觉压力水平,提高其自我接纳程度。  相似文献   

目的 研究与分析诗的心理治疗作用。方法文献研究,理论分析。结果 诗体现着一种积极的生活态度,不同于神经症症状表现.从弗蔺克尔的意义疗法和荣格的分析心理学理论角度分析,诗具有意义治疗中所强调的创造、体验和态度价值。积极想象是荣格心理学中重要的治疗技术之一,诗中包含着丰富的积极想象的成份。因而具备一种治愈和自性发展的功能.最后阅读与欣赏诗也具有转化与治愈的功效。结论 诗可以成为一个有帮助的心理治疗方法。  相似文献   

本文对儒家经典《大学》中的教育心理学思想与现代积极心理学思想进行了跨文化比较,认为《大学》中提出的教育心理目标,如何培植积极的人格与积极的体验,如何积极关注,以及如何建立有序和谐的家庭系统与积极的社会制度等观点对于建设中国本土化的积极心理学具有重要的启迪。  相似文献   

Positive psychology has led to an increasing emphasis on the promotion of positive functioning in clinical psychology research and practice, raising issues of how to assess the positive in clinical setting. Three key considerations are presented. First, existing clinical measures may already be assessing positive functioning, if positive and negative functioning exist on a single continuum (such as on bipolar dimensions from happiness to depression, and from anxiety to relaxation). Second, specific measures of positive functioning (e.g., eudemonic well-being) could be used in conjunction with existing clinical scales. Third, completely different measures would be needed depending on whether well-being is defined as emotional or medical functioning, or as humanistically orientated growth (e.g., authenticity). It is important that clinical psychologists introduce positive functioning into their research and practice in order to widen their armoury of therapeutic interventions, but in doing so researchers and practitioners need also to be aware that they are shifting the agenda of clinical psychology. As such, progress in clinical psychology moving toward the adoption of positive functioning requires reflection on epistemological foundations.  相似文献   

This review argues for the development of a Positive Clinical Psychology, which has an integrated and equally weighted focus on both positive and negative functioning in all areas of research and practice. Positive characteristics (such as gratitude, flexibility, and positive emotions) can uniquely predict disorder beyond the predictive power of the presence of negative characteristics, and buffer the impact of negative life events, potentially preventing the development of disorder. Increased study of these characteristics can rapidly expand the knowledge base of clinical psychology and utilize the promising new interventions to treat disorder through promoting the positive. Further, positive and negative characteristics cannot logically be studied or changed in isolation as (a) they interact to predict clinical outcomes, (b) characteristics are neither “positive” or “negative”, with outcomes depending on specific situation and concomitant goals and motivations, and (c) positive and negative well-being often exist on the same continuum. Responding to criticisms of the Positive Psychology movement, we do not suggest the study of positive functioning as a separate field of clinical psychology, but rather that clinical psychology itself changes to become a more integrative discipline. An agenda for research and practice is proposed including reconceptualizing well-being, forming stronger collaborations with allied disciplines, rigorously evaluating the new positive interventions, and considering a role for clinical psychologists in promoting well-being as well as treating distress.  相似文献   

质的研究方法在临床心理学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在心理学研究方法中素来都有"质"与"量"的分歧。伴随着对定量的研究方法的反思,近年来,质的研究方法在临床心理学研究中呈上升趋势。本文在论证质的研究方法非常适合于临床心理学研究的同时介绍了四种经常被应用于临床心理学研究的具体方法,并且指出临床心理学工作者在进行质的研究的时候需要更多的反思,下结论的时候也需要更加慎重。  相似文献   

In the face of the rising number of doctoral recipients in professional psychology, many have voiced concerns about the quality of nontraditional training programs. Past research suggests that, on a variety of outcomes, graduates from clinical PhD programs outperform graduates from clinical PsyD and, to a lesser extent, counseling PhD programs. We examine an aggregate archival dataset to determine whether student or university characteristics account for the differences in outcomes among programs. The data show meaningful differences in the outcomes of clinical PhD, PsyD, and counseling PhD programs. Furthermore, graduates from research-intensive universities perform better on the psychology licensure exam and are more likely to become American Board of Professional Psychology diplomates. The available data support the notion that the ability to conduct research is an essential component of graduate education. In this light, PsyD programs represent a unique opportunity to train students in the types of evaluation and outcomes assessments used by practicing psychologists. We discuss implications for graduate-level training in professional psychology.  相似文献   

[Clin Psychol Sci Prac 18: 17–20, 2011] With some exceptions, it is important to accept that there are clear similarities across research‐dedicated programs and those with less research emphasis at comprehensive universities. There was ill‐founded negative publicity about clinical psychology based on Baker, McFall, and Shoham (2009) and the Newsweek rendition thereof, and results regarding research emphases across programs could also be used to fuel debate regarding clinical practice. However, caution is in order because the actual behaviors of psychologists in clinical practice who completed their doctorates in these two types of clinical programs are unknown. The third type of clinical program in institutes has relatively low applicant grades and GREs, high acceptance rates, and no financial support. These are major differences that merit concern by our profession.  相似文献   

二十一世纪临床心理学的臆测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在 194 5年 ,美国出版了《临床心理学杂志》 ,该杂志主编FredereicC .Thorne在其创刊号上发表了“临床心理学 :过去、现在与将来”一文 ,为美国临床心理学后来的发展指明了方向[1] 。如今 ,美梦成真 ,Thorne的大多数预测已成事实[2 ] 。无独有偶 ,在1993年创刊的《中国临床心理学杂志》首期上 ,该杂志主编龚耀先教授在他‘撰写的“临床心理学的过去与现在”一文中 ,对国内外临床心理学发展过程和现状作了精辟的论述 ,并对我国临床心理学的发展作了指导性展望[3] 。八年一瞬间 ,我们已迈入了新世纪。国际上临床心理学…  相似文献   

[Clin Psychol Sci Prac 18: 4–11, 2011] Directors of 161 APA‐accredited Ph.D. programs in clinical psychology (100% response) reported on admission, student, training, and faculty characteristics. Programs were sorted into three groups: the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS), university‐based programs not in APCS, and programs offered by specialized institutions not offering comprehensive education beyond psychology or counseling. APCS programs admitted lower percentages of applicants (with higher Graduate Record Examinations) and were more likely to offer full financial aid than non‐APCS university programs, which in turn admitted lower rates of applicants with higher grade point averages and more aid than specialized programs. Differences also emerged for theoretical orientation, research training emphasis, and internship acceptance rates. Specialized programs differed dramatically from the other programs and admitted vastly higher proportions of applicants. Results reveal robust differences among APA‐accredited clinical Ph.D. programs.  相似文献   

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