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福建省近年首次检出沙门氏菌血清型(变种)型别分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道福建省近年来首次出国内和省内尚未报道的31个血清型(变种)沙门氏菌型别分布。31个血清型(变种)沙门氏菌分属于3个DNA同源群。14个抗原群(亚群),其中DNA同源群123个型,Ⅲa1个型,Ⅲb7个型,A-F群18个型,非A-F13个型。有6个型(变种)为国内首次检出,并发现一株带有不耐热表面K抗原的沙门氏菌Ⅲb(48:a:Z55)。本文结果表明:重视DNA同源群I以外及非A-F群沙门氏菌  相似文献   

从蛇体内分离72株沙门氏菌的菌型鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从南昌市农贸市场采集的金环蛇、银环蛇、眼镜蛇和大王蛇的肠内容物标本124份,分离到沙门氏菌72株,分属于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲb和Ⅳ四个亚种,16个O群的27个血清型。即亚种Ⅰ7个血清型;亚种Ⅱ3个血清型;亚种Ⅲb15个血清型;亚种Ⅳ2个血清型。有4个血清型为1983年沙门氏菌抗原表和1984、1985和1986年增补表中所未列的,为新型,有8个血清型是国内首次报告。有5个生化变体是过去未报告过的。本文的结果表明,在蛇体内不仅存在许多罕见的沙门氏菌血清型,而且还存在许多亚属Ⅰ的常见血清型,它是人类沙门氏菌感染的一个不可忽视的传染源。  相似文献   

国内首次发现带有表面K抗原的沙门氏菌Ⅲb(48:a:Z55)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道从蛇体内检出一株沙门氏菌,该菌经系统的培养性状,生化学反应及血清学试验,证实是一株带有表面K抗原的新血清型的沙门氏菌Ⅲb(48:a:Z_55)。本菌为国内首次检出。带有K抗原的沙门氏菌Ⅲb的发现与检出,对提高沙门氏菌检验技术具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

山东省动物源沙门氏菌MLST和血清分型与分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较动物源沙门氏菌多位点序列分型(MLST)与血清分型的差别,获得动物源沙门氏菌在山东省的分布规律。方法从山东部分地区分离78株鸡源沙门氏菌、56株鸭源沙门氏菌和20株猪源的沙门氏菌,PCR扩增七段沙门氏菌内部保守的片段序列进行多位点序列分型,同时用玻片凝集法分析其血清型。结果血清分析结果表明,鸡源沙门氏菌检出6种血清型,其中肠炎沙门氏菌占88.5%、印第安纳沙门氏菌占5.1%、汤卜逊沙门氏菌占2.6%、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌占1.3%、山夫登堡沙门氏菌占1.3%、阿格玛沙门氏菌占1.3%;鸭源沙门氏菌检出2种血清型,其中肠炎沙门氏菌占67.9%、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌占32.1%;猪源沙门氏菌检出3种血清型,其中鼠伤寒沙门氏菌占65%、德贝儿沙门氏菌占20%、肠炎沙门氏菌占15%。通过MLST分型,鸡源检出7种ST型:ST11、ST19、ST26、ST128、ST14、ST17和New1;鸭源检出3种ST型:ST11、ST19和New2;猪源检出3种:ST34、ST40和ST3007。结论整体来看,分离菌的血清型和ST型数量比较接近,二者分型能力相近。  相似文献   

上海口岸饮食和公共场所从业人员肠道沙门氏菌调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对上海口岸饮食和公共场所从业人群检测沙门氏菌4856人次,鉴定出沙门氏菌29株,阳性检出率为0.597%,其中以8月份最高,为1.339%。检出的沙门氏菌6个菌群和10个血清型,菌群检出以B群为主(占44.8%),菌型以鼠伤寒(24.1%)、山夫登堡(20.7%)、阿贡纳(17.2%)为多。[编者按]  相似文献   

自1885年Sal mon等分离得到猪霍乱沙门氏菌以来,目前已检出沙门氏菌血清型2500余种,我国已有292个血清型报道[1]。沙门氏菌是重要的人兽共患病病原菌之一,本文就沙门氏菌基因组学、鞭毛蛋白、外膜蛋白以及毒力岛等方面研究进展进行  相似文献   

从蛇体肠内容物中分离出一株沙门氏菌,菌株号为S9363,符合沙门氏菌属的生化特性。该菌株能利用丙二酸钠,不发酵卫矛醇、乳糖,ONPG为阳性,具有双相H抗原,应归属于沙门氏菌Ⅲb。经抗原分析,该菌株的抗原式确定为48:(Z55):(Z35)…,是新的沙门氏菌血清型。  相似文献   

562株沙门氏菌的噬菌体分型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了采用何晓青等研制的12株沙门氏菌噬菌体配套对16个O群44个血清型的562株沙门氏菌的噬菌体分型结果。562株菌可分为47个不同的噬菌体型。44个血清型累计分型数为99个血清──噬菌体型,其中纽波特沙门氏菌分为14个血清──噬菌体型;德尔卑沙门氏菌分为6个血清──噬菌体型;鸭沙门氏菌分为5个血清──噬菌体型;圣保罗、伤寒和肠炎沙门氏菌均分为4个血清──噬菌体型;乙型副伤寒、科特布斯、火鸡和伦敦沙门氏菌各分为3个血清──噬菌体型;其他大多数沙门氏菌血清型分为1~2个血清──噬菌体型。  相似文献   

从蛇体肠内容物中分离出一株沙门氏菌,菌株号为S9363,符合沙门氏菌属的生化特性,该菌株能利用丙二酸钠,不发酵卫矛醇、乳糖。ONPG为阳性,具有双相H抗原,应归属于沙门氏菌Ⅲb,经抗原分析,该菌株的抗原式确定为48:(Z55):(Z35)...,是新的沙门氏菌血清型。  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市屠宰生猪沙门氏菌分离株的血清型分布和药物感受性。方法应用GB/T4789.4-2003对来自五个定点屠宰场生猪胴体体表和肉样的沙门氏菌分离株进行血清型鉴定,并采用标准K-B纸片法对分离菌株进行22种抗生素敏感试验。结果胴体体表沙门氏菌以B群为优势菌群,优势血清型包括里定沙门氏菌和山夫登堡沙门氏菌;胴体肉样沙门氏菌以E1群为优势菌群,明斯特沙门氏菌为优势血清型;沙门氏菌分离株对头孢曲松钠和丁胺卡那感受性最大,对强力霉素和四环素高度耐受;51株耐药菌株中有33株(64.71%)为多重耐药,最常见的多重耐药谱是强力霉素-四环素-卡那霉素-氯霉素。结论实施宰前检验和管理是控制沙门氏菌病,保证病健隔离分宰,减轻对加工环境和产品污染的重要措施;沙门氏菌优势血清型的分布具有一定的区域性;应加强畜牧养殖业中抗生素的合理使用,以减少细菌耐药性的产生。  相似文献   

Reptiles account for ~10% of live animal shipments imported to the United States (U.S.), the majority of which are sold in the pet trade. Characterizing Salmonella shedding by imported reptiles is of value to public health, the pet industry, and veterinary medicine. Here we report results of a pilot survey of Salmonella serotypes isolated from wild-caught Indonesian Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) imported to the U.S. Upon arrival, the geckos were individually housed until a fecal sample was acquired for Salmonella culture. The geckos were divided into three groups with variable numbers to investigate density effects. A second group was imported after 3 months and combined with the previous groups. A total of 88 Salmonella isolates were obtained from 110 geckos surveyed, representing 14 serogroups and 17 unique serotypes. Group prevalence ranged from 31-73%. A significant increase in prevalence and a change in serotype richness were detected between the time of import and 6 months later at necropsy. Six isolates (6.8%) expressed resistance to more than one antibiotic. All S. enterica subsp. enterica Adelaide isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid and sulfisoxazole, one S. enterica subsp. arizonae 61:k:z35 isolate was resistant to ampicillin and sulfisoxazole, and another 61:k:z35 isolate was resistant to streptomycin and sulfisoxazole. Forty-three additional isolates expressed resistance only to sulfisoxazole. The mechanisms for increased prevalence and apparent change in serotype richness are unknown, but could be due to stress associated with trade, transport, and captivity, increased transmission from unnaturally high densities, or contact with other species shedding Salmonella along the trade route. Future studies to differentiate the physical, social, and physiological effects of trade-related conditions on Salmonella shedding and transmission among reptiles will benefit the industry by identifying ways to reduce mortality, and safeguard the individuals handling animals along the transport chain and other species encountered en route.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drug resistance in Salmonella enterica   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review addresses the changing patterns of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella. RECENT FINDINGS: Resistance to chloramphenicol, amicillin and cotrimoxazole is common in Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi A in Asia and a few countries of Africa. In some countries, the isolation of multidrug resistant strains appears to be declining. R-type ACSSuT Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 is common in animal and human infections in many industrialized countries. Strains with additional trimethoprim and low-level ciprofloxacin resistance are increasingly seen. Resistance is appearing in new Typhimurium phage types, such as DT204b, and is common in serotypes Hadar and Virchow but not Enteritidis. A variety of Ambler class A and class C beta-lactamase enzymes have now been described causing extended spectrum cephalosporin resistance in different Salmonella serotypes. The overall level of extended spectrum cephalosporin resistance currently appears low. Low-level ciprofloxacin resistance, associated with point mutations in the gyrA gene, is inceasingly common in typhoidal and non-typhoidal serotypes isolated from humans and animals and has been associated with treatment failures. Sporadic reports describe human infections with non-Typhi Salmonella that are fully fluoroquinolone resistant. There is increasing support for the call to revise the fluoroquinolone breakpoints for Salmonella. A study from Denmark suggested that infections with drug resistant Salmonellae are associated with a poorer outcome than drug susceptible infections. SUMMARY: Resistance is increasing to several critical antimicrobials used to treat invasive salmonellosis including extended spectrum cephalosporins and quinolones. In resource poor countries, such drug resistant Salmonella infections may become effectively untreatable.  相似文献   

上海市沙门菌血清型流行特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的建立本市沙门菌数据库,初步了解本地区部分沙门菌血清型的流行特征。方法以1999-2007年于从业人员体检、食品、腹泻病人质控(QC)和沙门菌监测对象分离的1078株沙门菌的血清型进行回顾性分析;其中2006年和2007年按照全球沙门菌监测(GSS)方案进行连续性腹泻病例监测。结果血清型谱显示本市不同来源的沙门菌型在分布上存在优势交叉,GSS分离菌株中有7个型为国内首次报告;通过分子分型证明本市2006年的山夫登堡和2007年的汤卜逊病例分别属于2个和1个克隆型。结论肠炎、鼠伤寒仍是本市优势致泻性血清型,山夫登堡和汤卜逊病例符合沙门菌性相对散发和集中暴发的分子流行特征。加强对沙门菌综合监测和准确及时的血清、分子分型能力有助于检索和追溯流行菌型。  相似文献   

Recombinational basis of serovar diversity in Salmonella enterica.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The fliC gene, which encodes phase 1 flagellin, was sequenced in strains of 15 Salmonella enterica serovars expressing flagellar antigenic factors of the g series. The occurrence of each of the flagellin serotypes g,m, m,t, and g,z51 in distantly related strains is the result of horizontal exchange of DNA, as indicated by identity or close similarity in nucleotide sequence of all or parts of the antigenic factor-determining central region of fliC. The flagellin genes of some serovars are complex mosaic structures composed of diverse segments derived through multiple recombination events. Thus, recombination of horizontally transferred segments (intragenic) or entire genes (assortative) within and among subspecies is identified as a major evolutionary mechanism generating both allelic variation at the fliC locus and serovar diversity in natural populations. Evidence that flagellar serological diversity is promoted by diversifying selection in adaptation to host immune defense system or flagellotropic phage is discussed.  相似文献   

Salmonellosis outcomes differ substantially by serotype   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Most human infections are caused by closely related serotypes within 1 species of Salmonella. Few data are available on differences in severity of disease among common serotypes. METHODS: We examined data from all cases of Salmonella infection in FoodNet states during 1996-2006. Data included serotype, specimen source, hospitalization, and outcome. RESULTS: Among 46,639 cases, 687 serotypes were identified. Overall, 41,624 isolates (89%) were from stool specimens, 2524 (5%) were from blood, and 1669 (4%) were from urine; 10,393 (22%) cases required hospitalization, and death occurred in 219 (0.5%). The case fatality rate for S. Newport (0.3%) was significantly lower than for Typhimurium (0.6%); Dublin (3.0%) was higher. With respect to invasive disease, 13 serotypes had a significantly higher proportion than Typhimurium (6%), including Enteritidis (7%), Heidelberg (13%), Choleraesuis (57%), and Dublin (64%); 13 serotypes were significantly less likely to be invasive. Twelve serotypes, including Enteritidis (21%) and Javiana (21%), were less likely to cause hospitalization than Typhimurium (24%); Choleraesuis (60%) was significantly more so. CONCLUSIONS: Salmonella serotypes are closely related genetically yet differ significantly in their pathogenic potentials. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for this may be key to a more general understanding of the invasiveness of intestinal bacterial infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A survey of Salmonella contamination of poultry droppings used as manure, retail fresh beef, fresh beef retailers' aprons and fresh beef retail tables, was carried out. DESIGN: A total of 120 samples of poultry droppings collected from five poultry farms, 96 fresh beef samples, 96 beef retailers' aprons and 96 fresh beef retail tables were examined for the presence of Salmonella species. RESULTS: Different Salmonella serotypes were isolated from all the sources. Salmonella paratypi A had an isolation rate of 12.5% from poultry droppings, 4.2% from fresh beef, and 2.1% and 4.2% from meat retailers' aprons and tables respectively. Other serotypes isolated from the sources included S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. gallinarum, S. pullorum, S. typhi and S. agama. Salmonella typhi was not isolated from poultry droppings throughout the survey. CONCLUSION: There is a need to create more environmental and personal hygiene awareness among the Nigerian populace, especially among food vendors.  相似文献   

北京地区1994-2005年腹泻病原菌的分布及其耐药趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qu F  Mao YL  Cui EB  Guo TS  Bao CM  Liu LM  Li XH  Li B 《中华内科杂志》2008,47(4):304-307
目的 监测我院1994-2005年与腹泻有关的肠道致病菌的分布及耐药趋势,为本地区流行病学研究、疫苗制备及临床合理用药提供依据.方法 通过常规大便培养,筛出致病菌后经生化及血清学进一步鉴定到种、群或血清型,并以纸片扩散法测定抗菌药物的敏感性.结果 12年分离到肠道病原菌8426株,患者以男性为主,儿童和青年发病为多,每年7~9月为腹泻发病高峰.病原以志贺菌属居首位(占75.11%),其次是弧菌(占12.70%),再依次为沙门菌属、气单胞菌、致病及侵袭大肠埃希菌分别占6.28%、4.43%及1.25%.6329株志贺菌中,福氏志贺菌占75.62%,其次是宋内菌群(23.98%),痢疾志贺菌及鲍氏志贺菌分别占0.22%及0.01%.12年的变化趋势是,每年肠道病原菌总数在逐渐减少,特别是志贺菌、沙门菌减少明显,而弧菌及气单胞菌相对逐渐增多.各菌属及不同的血清型对抗菌药物的敏感率有差异,福氏志贺菌和气单胞菌属多重耐药较多,而宋内志贺菌和弧菌属对多数抗菌药物敏感.结论 北京地区感染性腹泻的病原种类多,随时间的变迁病原变化明显,耐药性不同,应重视监测.  相似文献   

从猪便分离的两株小肠结肠炎耶氏菌噬菌体,在临用时混合为J+H噬菌体,能裂解小肠结肠炎耶氏菌48个血清型标准株中的42个型;裂解498个地方株中的97%;裂解志贺氏菌属的0.5%,艾希氏菌属的2.2%,但不能裂解沙门氏菌属和枸橼酸杆菌属;裂解26株假结核耶氏菌中的1株。J+H混合噬菌体具有高度敏感性和特异性,是一种很理想的诊断噬菌体,很适用于菌株的初步鉴定。  相似文献   

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